184: The Day Has an Uneasy Alliance

a/n: oh my lord, last chapter got so many comments and votes - I love you guys so much xxxx Bea

MJ had had an interesting few days following her ascension into witch society. Her residency in The Mikaelson Compound was accepted by most, even if Freya seemed to be avoiding her.

Freya wasn't the only one 'avoiding' her.

MJ had woken up in Klaus's bed feeling incredibly weird, somewhat deciding never again, and going to find Kol to explain herself. Except, he hadn't been in The Compound.

Instantly, the anxiety kicked in. But, he responded to her text quickly, explaining that he was at The Cemetery with Davina.

He was safe.

She could breathe out.

They ran into each other, but, Kol was giving her space. It hurt, but, it was what MJ had asked him to do.

And, after the ceremony, she couldn't really blame him for dodging her. MJ had been so explicitly flirty almost instantly after establishing that she didn't want to start their relationship again. It was a shitty move and she knew it.

MJ wanted to apologise, but he was keeping himself out of The Compound, so she could either do it by text, which felt like a cop-out, or keep putting it off.

Since then, Klaus had continued to come into her room each night, set her off, then leave her to sleep alone. Which, actually did make her feel a little better. MJ could take the moment to relax and embrace sleep again, no one in danger. No one else in bed with her either. Being alone in a bed for the first time in what felt like a long time.

The funniest 'why haven't I seen Kol today' was when MJ had been getting breakfast, and he'd been leaving to meet up with Sam of all people.

A quick text to the hybrid in question then revealed that Kol had gotten his number off Davina and asked for a tour of the modern music scene. Sam and MJ had planned to go to a bunch of things together the previous year, she'd just ended up going with Diego instead.

Sam was a music guy, Kol was a music guy...

It shouldn't have been that surprising that they'd found common ground, MJ was just a little too used to having to force bonding between people who weren't naturally inclined to be nice to each other.

She was also used to Kol being snarky with everyone who didn't have an immediate purpose.

And there was the distaste Sam held towards The Mikaelson's that made the idea a little surprising.

Then again, Kol had technically been the one to force feed him the antidote to save him from Eva's attack. Sam probably thought he owed him one. And he had told MJ he'd be welcoming to Kol to make her life easier pre-wedding.

Kol was socialising...

MJ smiled every time she thought about it.

Then she'd experienced her first *jazz hands* elder meeting

Which was a whole thing on its own.

It was held at Jo's house, it had all the official elders from the eight other covens, and MJ tried not to let herself panic too much. She put on a the mask of the person she'd been a year prior, and let it carry her. If she did that enough times, hopefully the mask would just become her face.

"Today's meeting is to discuss the future of the city," Jo sat in her throne chair, everyone else littered about the room, most sitting too.

MJ had arrived early, and Jo had demanded she sat on her left side.

"I am aware that many of you do not approve of the allegiance I've made with the vampires."

"With the Mikaelson's," Someone corrected.

Jo didn't even bat-an-eye, "Elijah Mikaelson, acting as a spokesperson for the vampires."

"The vampires who killed us off?"

"Those vampires are basically all dead," MJ muttered.


"What was that?" A Tremé guy prompted.

"I..." She looked at Jo and forced her voice to go up, "I said, those vampires are basically all dead."

She need to stick to her beliefs, otherwise, no one else would have a reason to have faith in them either.

"Mikael, the vampire hunter, killed the vampires who terrorised the witches pre and post-Harvest."

"Marcel is still alive," A woman crossed her arms.

"Marcel was keeping a teenager safe."

A phrase that allowed her to keep her voice level.

"A witch you all left to die."

Said as a fact, not an accusation.

"He's also responsible for all but one of the Harvest Girl's waking up. So The French Quarter actually kind of owe him a few."

Jo smiled a little, continuing the discussion by outlining the new treaty.

It was pretty similar to the situation pre-her own mother's death. Witches and vampires would co-exist, people didn't start fights, and if they did, well...then what happened to them was their own fault.

MJ could feel how unhappy everyone was with the situation, and, she couldn't really blame them. The witches wanted to feel strong, and it was more an alliance that meant the witches would help when the vampires need them too. No obvious benefits.

As it came to an end, someone cleared there throat, "And her?"

They were pointing at MJ.

"Is she here to keep us in line, as their spokesperson, or is she here as a witch?"

Jo looked to her.

"Witch," MJ answered.

"And why should I believe that?"

"Because I've only ever been in The Quarter as a witch," She stood up from her seat, "I want peace. I want witches to stop dying."

"You live in a vampire house."

"An Original Vampire House."

The fact a group of people clearly weren't happy with her being in the room didn't surprise MJ either. She knew it was going to take time and effort, and she was going to put the time and effort in.

Not for those witches.

She shouldn't have to work for basic human respect.

MJ was doing it so she could teach the young witches. To help those willing to listen.

"Because they are a part of the city," MJ reminded the room, "War means death, you want death? Fine, fight the Mikaelson's. You want your kids to make it to adulthood, realise I'm the way forward."

"Didn't you kill Agnes?"

MJ hadn't realised any of them would've known about that.

"Elijah did the deed, though I did most of the work," She bobbed her head, "She was an extremist targeting teenagers and babies."

No point lying.

"I protect the people who can't protect themselves, and if people take it too far, I stop them."

"And what happens when the Mikaelson's take it too far?"

MJ inhaled, "I don't know."

Not the right answer.

"All I do know is that killing one of them kills hundreds and thousands of other innocent vampires."

Not that most witches would care about that.

But some would.

Some would feel as uncomfortable about that as she was.

Someone else out there had to have a problem with it.

"So, I'd rather work them than start unnecessary targeted fires. And," MJ stressed, "I know I'll protect the innocent witches from them."

"Can you?"

"See," She smiled a little, "That's why you guys should've come out of hiding last year."

"Miss Ruiz here stabbed Elijah Mikaelson through the neck before force freezing him in place," Jo declared, "She is quite talented."

MJ spun to stare at the woman, talking slowly, "I will keep witches safe."

With that, the half interrogation was over, and the elders returned out into the sun of the city, leaving MJ with Jo.

"Um," MJ waited five seconds after the room had emptied, "How did you know about that?"

"I kept a watchful eye on you last year," Jo said, as if there was nothing creepy about the reveal, "I needed to make sure you were safe."

She blinked, then nodded, "And I was."

"And you are," Jo agreed, "You'll have an easier time than you probably expect."

The conversation had been calmer than MJ had anticipated, similar to how easy her original transition to elder had been. The covens were desperate, and she was powerful.

...Hopefully that didn't bite them in the ass.

"Whatever ill-will people hold towards siphoners, and your mother - and the Mikaelsons."

MJ really was just the best combination of people to hate.

"No one can deny that you did the witches a massive favour last year."

"...I did?"

"You did," She patted for MJ to sit back down, "You reminded wolves and vampires what it was like to have a witch ally. The power. The conviction in our beliefs."

MJ sighed, "Our beliefs? Pretty sure the ancestors think I'm the devil for wanting to preserve the future, not the past."

"The most hateful voices are always the loudest, but that doesn't mean they represent the many."

MJ stilled.

"You'll win them over with time."

"Why do you have so much faith in me? You don't really know me."

"I see fire," Jo spoke like a prophet, lifting a hand to gently touch MJ's chin, "But not the kind that burns."

Yet that was all she seemed to do.

"The kind that sits at the heart of home, Hestia on Olympus, bringing people together."

The silence in the air didn't make her breath hitch - it made her think of her home.

"Your mother was volatile and self-centred – in the best way possible," Jo quickly added, "She was self-focused for you and your brother."

Quite a decent summarisation of Ana Ruiz.

"And I enjoyed her quite a lot."

MJ had too. As ridiculously complicated and mistaken as her mum has been, MJ couldn't help but adore her.

"But you are volatile and self-sacrificing. I just wish to make sure you aren't punished for it."

Quite the task to set herself.

"To do that, you will need to play by rules you don't like."

MJ felt the lecture incoming.

"We can only argue hate for so long," Jo's blue eyes were a little too all-knowing, "If you wish to truly be an elder - one who doesn't have to justify every choice she makes, you need to move away from The Mikaelson's."

MJ went to respond, but stopped herself.

"You need to channel the ancestors, especially since you can't be channelled by living witches," Jo stressed, "And they won't let you do it in that house."

"What about..." MJ needed a middle ground, "For Hope. Hope Mikaelson is a Quarter Witch and she lives in that house – surely, if I was protecting her, they would need to get on board."

Jo considered it, "Maybe the child will be your new loophole."

"I'll," She wanted to make her life easier without 'using' Hope, "I have an apartment, I just don't really live there."

MJ had been planning to stay at The Compound until her sleep patterns eased out, but, she'd figure it out.

That was only a part-time solution though.

She was in love with a Mikaelson, she was going to be tied to the family as long as Kol would have her. And, ignoring that, she was Klaus's closest, possibly only, real friend. He needed her too.

"Child," Jo stroked her cheek before pulling the hand back, "You can make whatever choices you want to make, as long as you understand that actions have consequences."

MJ nodded.

"I pulled away from The Harvest. I protected the many," Her head shook slowly "Two of those four girls are now dead, all the elders are, and a number of other Quarter witches passed with them."

Suddenly, MJ felt bad about adding on to that guilt the previous days.

"That is something I will always live with, but I can live with it."

Instantly, Jo's stern expression came back.

"Magic changes as time moves forward, you are right, but the ancestors will fight you. Are you willing to put up with that fight as long as you have to?"

"As in, they'll make it harder for me to communicate and channel them?"

Oddly enough, Jo shook her head, "They want you to learn. To be an elder."

"They've hated me my entire life."

"And now, they want you to be their weapon."

MJ really didn't like that.

"I listen to their whispers, and that much is clear."

Noise she'd been fighting her whole life.

"If you do not wish to be a weapon, are you willing to fight for what you will represent with everything you have?"

MJ shifted, sitting up straighter, "Are you telling me to be the symbol for non-ancestral magic?"

"I'm telling you to push for the future you want, Mira," Jo relaxed into her throne chair, "I'm telling you to fight for you. Not for vampires, or dead witches."

"Fighting for me, is fighting for everyone. Vampire and witches alike."

"Then so be it," Jo snapped her fingers, a server coming towards them holding a silver tray and some papers, "Be young, and be better, but never lose sight of the warm hearth inside of you, even when it hurts."

She didn't know what that meant.

"Even when 'friends' push you to your limit, remember the words you spoke to those witches today about how great the consequences one stake can cause."

Jo picked up the first sheet while the pieces fell into place in MJ's head.

"You want me to protect Klaus?"

"I'm telling you to protect the innocent."

She handed the paper to MJ.

"A collection of channelling spells."

MJ's eyes lit up at the sight of them.

"Proper, ancestral-elder channelling spells. To sort out whatever-on-earth is going on with your magic."

MJ wanted to laugh, "The only way I'm getting my magic sorted is if I go on a Spirit Quest around the world."

Or if the Spirit Walkers came and found her to fix the stone themselves.

That was an option according to one of her mother's Prison World journals.

"Then, hopefully this will work as a middle ground until then," Jo smiled to herself, "And on the back is a talk through of how to tune their whispers out."

She was turning the page over faster than the speed of light.

"They are awfully annoying sometimes."

MJ couldn't help but grin at the woman.

"I assume you'll know the basics," Jo acknowledged, "After living with their voices until now. But, those spells should be long lasting, and they should tune out the white noise while leaving the emotional tether between you and the afterlife, giving you more power."

MJ nodded in thanks.

As she was leaving, she received a phone call from Klaus.


"Have you heard of 'Kenning'?"

"When witches use a spell to enter people's minds, see what they see, able to talk and control them like puppets," She listed, heading from the house path and onto a main street, "And sometimes see thoughts too?"

"Ha!" Freya gloated in the back.

"Wonderful," Klaus grumbled, "Dahlia just performed such magic on Jackson."

"Is he okay?"

"I'm good," His friendly voice always MJ feel a little bit better, "Nice to have you back in town."

"Happy to be here."

"As much as this reunion is lovely and time-wastey," Klaus stopped them, "Freya is expecting me to drink a concoction she made to protect us from Dahlia – I refuse to."

"Until you approve it," Elijah clarified, "That is."

"Oh," MJ thought about that, "Well, the tonic should include sage, mint leaves, a drop of blood from the casting witch – bonus points if that witch is related to the one your defending against, and then a spell I can text over?"

"Which is what I told him," Kol's voice appeared, "And exactly what she used."

"Sage and mint," Rebekah counted across the table, "And her blood. And she is related to Dahlia."

"Fine," Klaus huffed, "I still don't believe my mind needs it."

"Then don't," Freya snapped, "Be defenceless - be the possessed figure that hands your daughter to Dahlia."

"I won't be defenceless," He spoke gleefully, "I'll be with Mira."

Guess he had plans for her day.

"Someone with vast amounts of knowledge on possession, and who I know can subdue me if worst comes to worst."

"Very true," MJ mused, "I'm heading to The Cemetery to meet Davina though."

She had her own plans.

"So maybe not the best time for a hybrid stalker."

"Funnily enough, I wanted to see Davina too."

MJ didn't trust that.

"Wait," Rebekah perked up, "What are you two meeting about?"

"Nothing in particular."

"MJ – "

"We're just looking at some spells."

"I'm supposed to be included in the witchy-gatherings now!"

"So's Kol, do you see him complaining?"

"He's spent the past four days with Davina, he's probably taught her everything she wants to talk to you about."

"I am quite the talent," Kol sighed in content, "And Davina doesn't want to see you, Klaus."

"I don't really care about what she wants."

"I'm coming then," Kol decided

"You can stay here and work those 'talented' skills on our sister," Klaus said rather pointedly, "You keep starting things Kol, yet you have a clear inability to ever finish them – or make them last."

MJ couldn't see the glare off happening, though she knew Klaus well enough to know he was making a jab about her.

"And leave you alone with my friend, and my – "

A pause.

"And MJ. No chance."

"Then I'll come too," Rebekah added, "I'm sure I can pick up a few things from whatever Davina's doing."

MJ wasn't sure about that, "Bex, you don't really know basic magic yet."

They didn't have much time to teach her. 

"It's not smart to just chuck you into the deep-end."

She'd end up hurt.

"You should be using this time to concentrate on one thing at a time – I can try some stuff with you tonight."

"I can teach her the basics," Freya suggested, voice friendlier than it had been since the witch-meeting incident, "If that would help."

"It would," MJ tried not to feel suspicious about it, "Mental protection and exploration? It's relatively basic and will help with the current situation."

"Does doing so grant me access to your supply room?"

MJ bit her lip, "No witch other than myself can get in – don't take it personally."

"Kol can."

"That's different," He defended, "It's my room."

When MJ snuggled into the covers, she could still smell his body wash...or maybe she was just a little bit trashy and emotional, and used to associating sleeping well with sleeping with some beacon of him.

She still technically had his daylight ring on her neck.

"Hayley can grab whatever you need."

"I'll be at The Cemetery shortly."

"We'll be at the Cemetery shortly," Kol corrected.

"You will give me time to warn her."

Klaus had hung up before she even got to the end of the sentence.

Instantly, MJ's phone was ringing, this time, Elijah.

"Daily reminder that you suck, Niklaus," She called, knowing he'd still be there.

"Ha, ha."

"Were you just with Ms LaRue?" Elijah checked, his reason for still wanting her on the phone.

"I was."

"Is she still meeting with witches?"

"I was the last elder to leave, if you need me to ask her something, I'm close enough to double back?"

"No, no," Elijah clicked his cheek, "I'll handle it. We're going to create a magic free zone in the city."

"The spells for that are in the second shelf of my room at The Compound, and the..."

She paused.

"And?" He prompted.

"My apartment," MJ sighed, "I resigned my lease to get my invitation status back after dying. It wiped everything clean so you guys won't be able to get in..."

"I can," Rebekah beamed, "Perks of human status."

"The light blue paper has the anti-magic spell," MJ admitted, "It's stuffed in the bookshelf, organised by rainbow so you just need to find the section and grab the sheets."

"Rainbow?" Klaus pulled a face.

"Bring it up with your brother," MJ smiled to herself, "His choice."

"Disgusting way to organise something."

"It looks incredibly satisfying, actually," Kol crossed his arms, "And it's more fun."

And made it harder for any witch thieves to find what they might've been looking for.

"Back to the matter," She spoke before Klaus could say anything else, "Blue sheets, Rebekah. And do not let Josephine just use it. Combine it with anything she already has."

"Anti-magic spell?" Freya's interest was piqued.

"Enough to literally destroy magic," MJ rubbed her hair while walking, "Again, do not just use it, let her make a toned down version without the dark magic, or the Traveller magic."

"Understood," Elijah nodded.

"If you need anything - "

"I'll call."


She hung up that time.

MJ closed her eyes, snapped her fingers, teleporting in an effort to get their first, walking quickly to the Claire Tomb, i.e. Kol's playhouse.

She couldn't help but smile as she walked inside, Sam lying on the sofa, playing with Davina's ponytail. She was sat on the floor, leaning back, reading a book pulled in close to her chest, arms pressed around the covers.

Davina was wrapped up in a light brown leather jacket, a blue hoodie on underneath, dainty features as pretty as usual, and he was in an old sweatshirt and slightly baggy jeans, shoes off since his feet were up.

It was an oddly soft sight to see.

Far more human than any of them had felt in months.

She raised an eyebrow while knocking, "Hey, warning, Klaus wants to see you."

The mood was instantly killed as Davina shot to her feet.

"D – "

She was tidying the place up in a stressed flurry.

MJ clapped her hands and everything was packed away, "If the dagger was out in plain sight, girl, I'm teaching you how to make pocket dimensions to hide stuff."

Davina managed a smile, "Hi."


She opened up her arms and Davina awkwardly shuffled into them, "You're officially a coven elder now."

"I always was," MJ ruffled her hair, "Now it's just, like, super public knowledge, and super-super official."

Davina's eyes were big and cute.

"You know you're still my priority," MJ assured her.

"It's not about being your priority, M, it's just about being on the list."

"And you are. You know I'm your biggest supporter."

"Eh," Sam put a hand out, "I'll fight you for that title."

Davina smiled at him.

"Though, I will fight with you on some other things," He sat up, "Can you please talk her out of the weird stuff she's looking at."

MJ raised an eyebrow, "Weird?"

Davina had sent a very vague text when asking for her to look at something that morning.

"You said linking spells and dark magic, which made me think you were back on the 'breaking the sire-line' quest."

"Oh, this isn't that," He gestured to the table, "This is...a whole new level of something."

"It's not that bad!" Davina justified.

MJ read over the first page, "Damn."

She picked it up to properly flick through a book Davina had clearly ordered in while she'd been away.

"Where the hell did you get this?"

She looked down awkwardly, "Just...online."


"Okay, fine," She cracked, "You ever look at that creepy witchdoctor website?"

MJ closed her eyes, exhaling.


"Yeah, that's my brother's."

Sam laughed, shooting a hand over his mouth to try and stop it, "Please say sike?"

"Sadly not sike," MJ closed the book, "I'm MiMi Pasare, my brother is The Witch Doctor."

"The Witch Doctor is the magical dark web...MiMi Pasare is basically the magical internet..." Davina was shaking her head, "The chances of that happening – "

"We are two sides to the same coin," MJ summed up, "He implied he had people working for him, the same way I do with my stuff."

Whit, Beni and Jeremy.

"Which explains how you're still able to buy."

Davina really stared at the book.

"Out of respect for me," MJ tried, "Can you please not?"

She half-nodded.

"This stuff is screwed up magic. Either you'll get infected with something by using it, or...whoever you use to test the de-linking spell on will."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah," MJ was, "Don't go to books like this, D, just come to me. You know I'll help."

Davina's guard dropped a little.

"Small question though," She had to ask, "Did Kol recommend this?"


"Is that a lie?"

"No," Davina shook her head, "Kol doesn't know I'm looking at this stuff."

Which made sense.

If Davina was back and trying to break the sire-line, she wouldn't know where Kol stood in relation to that goal. He had been trying to stop her from doing it before because of Esther.

Then again, surely Davina would have those same doubts about MJ.

"This is a new thing I only started trying out last night."

Davina moved along the table, causing MJ to notice the empty flower pot in the centre.

She tapped it a few times and concentrated, watching how the water cleaned itself, and the flowers bloomed out from the surface of it, "Are you trying to break the sire-line?"


"Then what is all this?"

Davina frowned, like she might hit something, except, before she could, there was a knock on the side of the playhouse door, Klaus outside it, Kol pushing through.

"Sorry," He smiled at Davina and Sam, "Elijah said I needed to let Klaus tag along since he doesn't have any friend of his own."

MJ curled her lips in.

"And it's a little sad watching him sit in his room all day. You know," A dismissive hand wave, "'Sibling things.'"

Sam snorted at Klaus irritated expression.

"Actually," He was stuck outside the tomb door, unable to get in thanks to the protection spell, "Mira's my friend. I'm here for her, and, Davina."

"What do you want, Klaus?" She spoke quietly, Sam standing up to creep closer to the door.

"Always on the offence," He tapped the stone frame, "Perhaps I'm merely concerned about you?"

He looked about.

"You do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in graveyards for a teenager. It's a rather morbid habit."

"Well, I am touched by your concern," Davina responded sarcastically, "Anything else?"

"Now that you mention it, there is one matter with which I can use your help!"

MJ raised an eyebrow.


Oh right, that problem.

Davina shifted, Sam taking another step in between them.

"Stand down, Samu."

MJ noted that it was the first time a Mikaelson had used his real name.

"It appears that my sister, Freya, has dispatched him to gather some items I require."

The fact Freya had worked with Finn and Mikael didn't do anything to help MJ's internal struggle to try and like her.

"And seeing as how you brought him back from the dead, I'm guessing you have the means to find him."

Davina looked bored by the conversation, "I'd love to help, but I have a date with Tim! Oh wait, no I don't - you killed him."

She lifted a hand to shut the tomb door, when MJ mimicked the movement, keeping it open.

"I know he's a dick," She stood like a statue, voice flat, "Who thinks he's funny."

"I am funny."

"But, regardless of the fact that he isn't."

"You wound me."

"It would be incredibly nice of you to find the psychopath Mikael for us."

Davina was glowering.

"Not for him," MJ was doing it to give Klaus some peace mind, but also because, "I don't know if Mikael realises I'm responsible for his first death yet, and I don't want him loose and undiscovered when he finds out."

Davina's expression faltered.

"Davi," Sam had her back, "It wouldn't hurt to find him - he probably wants to kill you too."

She sighed.

"And me," Kol added, "And all of the vampires sired to Klaus like Marcel and Josh."

"Okay," Davina nodded, making a choice, "I'll find Mikael."

"Can we turn this into a deal?" Kol put his hand up, "Sorry to hijack a situation where you could probably get something off of him, D."

MJ paused.

"But – he's hidden my ashes somewhere and I'd quite like them back if we're having to deal with Mikael again."

MJ pursed her lips, "They're in your coffin in the basement."

"They're not."

"I hid them," Klaus admitted gleefully, "Don't want Kol jumping back only to make a choice he hasn't thought through properly."

MJ looked at the amount of tension in Kol's body, then to the mental conversation Sam and Davina were having.

"Surprised you haven't found them yet since you've both now been in the location in which they were left."

He was addressing Kol and MJ, mainly her, waiting for it to click.

"Um," Davina spoke up, "I actually have a slightly different request."

She'd turned from Sam, who was biting his cheek and looking slightly pissed off.

"I want Esther's siring spell."

Everyone froze.

Klaus looked nervously at MJ as he answered, "And why would I give that to you when I know you want to break my sire-line?"

"If this was about the sire-line, I could just use the draft page I referenced all summer," Davina held her head high, "MJ's notes only have a siring spell already combined with a de-linking spell. I want the siring one only."

Since it was practically impossible to de-code how MJ had merged the two together.


"None of your business."

Klaus didn't seem to like the direction the conversation had taken, "It's not like you're strong enough to break the sire-line on your own."

"I'm one of the strongest witches in the city. I have the power."


They all knew that was a lie.

Davina wasn't in a coven, and she was no Bonnie Bennett begging her entire ancestral line for the power to resurrect Jeremy. She was strong, yes, but there was a difference between being strong, and being able to bend nature.

"You said it wasn't about the sire-line," MJ pointed out to put some noise into the air, "I'll give it to you."

"Mira – "

"It's Mikael, Klaus."

Techncially, she could probably track him herself, but, for all she knew, Davina had used magic to cloak him too. It was a whole lot of effort to get through when they could just try and have a peaceful exchange.

"Fine. She can have the spell."

"And I'll find you Mikael," Davina smiled to herself.

"Thank you," Klaus huffed, "You get on that, I need to make a quick call."

MJ looked at Kol with a raised eyebrow, but he just shrugged, looking over what else Davina had on the table while she moved to stand in the doorway, so she could keep an eye on Klaus as he dialled. Klaus always put his calls on speaker when she was around, meaning he was either trying to hide something from Davina/Kol, or something from her, especially since Sam could clearly hear the call.

MJ mouthed, asking the non-original hybrid who it was, and though his mouth opened, no words came out.

Instead, he groaned and flopped back onto the sofa.

"Davina," MJ spoke softly, "Thank you."

"I hate him," She repeated easily, "He's a dick."

She wasn't wrong.

"But if it helps you, whatever."

"Thank you," MJ restated, "You know, with that whole power thing..."

She wanted to be careful.

"If I'm in charge, you could re-join the coven."

Davina was staring at a map she'd pulled out.

"Be around witches again."

"I don't want to just 'be around' witches again."

"You sure?" MJ noticed Sam lightly shaking his head at her, "You and Abi seemed good?"

"We're fine," Davina pouted, "It doesn't matter."

"You gonna talk to me or what?"

She shoved her hands on the table, "I don't need a coven. I just miss..."

They all looked at her weirdly.

"She doesn't need a coven," Kol tried to lighten the mood, "She has me."

Davina managed a smile, "Exactly."


"Except, if you're looking for your ashes, Kol."

It meant he was going to jump back.

"Vampirism aside," He shrugged off, "I can still teach you the tricks of the trade."

MJ tried to look encouraging.

"As wonderful as I know my company is," He teased, "You'll never need to miss me since I'm not going anywhere."

Davina moved to sit on a stool by the table, "I was going to say Monique."

MJ felt her heart break a little.

"I was going to say a lot of things...that's why I cut myself off," She sighed, "I miss turning sixteen, and having a best friend."

One who didn't come with complicated feelings.

"Who I could enjoy magic with, and talk about stupid things, and just – you know – "

"Be normal," MJ finished the sentence.

Even if Monique hadn't been a great friend, she'd still been a massive part of Davina's life for sixteen years. Both the mortal and the magical side of it.


"I wanted to be normal for a really long time," She lulled, "Now I just want..."


MJ looked at Sam, but he just shrugged.

"If you ask me," Kol sat on the table, "Normal is overrated."

"And that's always been his attitude," MJ smiled fondly at the time he'd told her the same sentiment, "And normal is relative."

"Kol," Her voice was quiet, "Are you really gonna go back to being a vampire?"

"I can't stay in this body forever," He rubbed his knuckles on the wood, "As much as I enjoy having the magic, this isn't me."

"Why not?" She asked carefully, "You're clearly better off as a witch."

MJ narrowed her eyes, shifting carefully.

"You literally called vampirism a dark period."

"One that lasted a thousand years, allowed death to mean nothing to me, and one I enjoyed."

"Youthful misadventures," MJ smiled slightly, "Blood tours through Europe."

"Don't you want him to be human with you?" Davina looked to her, "If he's a vampire, he'll watch you grow old and die."

"Implying I wouldn't turn."

Davina looked shocked at the prospect, "You would?"

"One day," She nodded, "When I'm ready for it, Kol will turn me."

He didn't say anything.

"And, I've already accepted that Klaus isn't about to let me age past twenty-five."

"It's not his choice to make," Davina argued.

"Agreed," She assured her, "But it's Klaus. He'll do what he wants to keep me around."

"A century back I would've done the same," Kol murmured 

When they'd first met he'd considered it.

"Turned her without her consent?"

"Most people I turned didn't ask."

"And you want to be that person," Davina was shaking her head, "How could you do that to someone?"

"I never wanted to be mortal," Kol reminded her, "It's different now, but back then, if I wanted something to happen, I would've made it so. I would've turned her already."

MJ grinned, "You do realise how ridiculous it was to ask me to turn two months into our relationship, right?"

"You were the one willing to say yes."

For a moment, they were just smiling at each other, a familiar warmth back in MJ's chest at the light hearted jabs she'd been missing from her life. Gone, partly because they'd both had a busy four days, and partly because Kol had been trying too hard to be perfect and normal for the benefit of her mental health.

"And, I think my reasonings were spectacular."

"They certainly had me swooning."

"But it can't be the same conversation now," Davina was clearly panicking, "Both of you like being witches."

"True," MJ nodded, "But I came to peace with this choice two years ago."

"And who says jumping back to my original body means I can't be a witch," Kol watched MJ's features carefully, "She has a Grimoire with the recipe for the cure somewhere inside it."

Sam and Davina froze.

"Kol," MJ spoke carefully, "We've talked about this."

"And I just want you to remember that it's an option," Kol said innocently, "I have no want to touch death ever again, but if you do not wish to prolong your existence – "

"I'd rather live on in your memory than take you down with me."

His expression faltered, really looking at her, unsure what to say in response. Something inside of MJ just didn't buy that he'd want to be human, no way of escaping since the cure counter-acted vampire blood.

She'd hate to think he'd end up resenting her for it, especially since MJ really didn't mind letting him turn her.

"You can't," Davina's voice caught, "Kol, if you're a vampire, I'm alone..."

"Offence to all your friends," Kol commented.


MJ shifted.

Davina's head suddenly shot back up, eyes on her, "Sorry, I – I get that's probably really mean of me to say since you can't even do the whole channelling other people thing – "

"Davina," MJ came closer to put a hand on her shoulder, "Re-join the coven."

It was simple.

"I promise you, I will never let what happened last year, happen to anyone, ever again."

"You can't control the future MJ," She rested into MJ's arm.

"She can try," Sam joked, "And if she turns, she'll be around to enforce it for the rest of time."

"That's true," MJ liked the optimism.

"How could you want to turn?" Davina just shook her head, "You've already died properly - to turn you'd have to let someone kill you again and that just seems like a really bad idea."

"Except, I want to be alive now," MJ felt a flood of confidence saying the sentence, "It's not going to trigger any urges in me."

Kol took a great deal of notice to the phrase.

"And, I have to hope that whether Klaus jumps me – "

"I wouldn't let him."

"Or Kol's doing it."

"It will be me."

"He'll do it nicely."

"Either so quick that you don't feel a thing," He finally sounded relaxed, "Or nice and peaceful, in your sleep."

"If I say 'nice', don't be concerned," MJ felt the need to clarify, "Not thinking about offing myself in any other ways, just thinking that both of those sound like an incredibly nice change from all my other close run-ins with the grim reaper."

"Now joking about the fact you're on suicide watch, are we?" Sam noted.

She pointed, "I can joke. If the rest of the do it, I will slap you for being insensitive."

Then she focused on Kol.

"Your old sire-line's gone which means I'd technically be the first," She knew her smile was giddy, "A thousand years and I finally get to be the first of something for you."

His lips had curled in a little to hide his smile, "You're the first for more things than you realise, darling."

And it was back to feeling like they were the only two in the room. For once, something in their life would be pleasant, well-planned, and simple, despite the death part of it. Then they'd have eternity, tied together, in the best way possible.

Not the 'MJ hiding from reality and her problems in him' way, but in the, 'forever to explore the universe together' way.

Davina hid her face in MJ's arm a little more, "I never could."

There was an odd tension in the air.

"I don't want to live forever."

Sam looked down, "There's something nice about it."

MJ's eyes jumped to him.

"Knowing you have all of time," He was looking at his hands, body relaxed, "No matter what goes wrong, you have all of time to make up for it. To try everything you've ever wanted too."

"I always found it freeing," Kol half-admitted.

"Freeing from morals," MJ said pointedly.

"That may be true," His eyes hadn't moved from her face, "My life certainly felt less complicated before."

"Pesky humanity."


"Complicated can be good," Davina tried, "Knowing you don't have forever makes do good, which is good."

"It's somewhat exhausting," Kol admitted, "And none of it's instinctual."

"You're not a bad person, Kol."

Kol and MJ shared a look.

"He's a work in progress," MJ said carefully, hyper-aware she'd used the same words with Kai, "We all are...and...in this life..."

The supernatural one.

"Focusing on trying to be perfect has driven me over the edge a few too many times. From now on, I'm focused on being happy."

"You say after putting yourself on a pedestal to stop child sacrifice."

"Because killing children shouldn't cause happiness."

"There's something fundamentally wrong with that," Kol said smugly, still just beaming at her across the table, "Or so I've been told."

Davina raised an eyebrow, "So you've been told?"

"Discussion for another day."

That was the moment MJ realised Davina didn't know the details of Marcel's history with Kol.


Not her problem to address.

"Fighting for my beliefs will make me happy," MJ put it simply, "Doesn't mean I need to be morally perfect or overly focused on never letting loose sometimes."

"Which is my specialty," Kol added.

"Putting it lightly," MJ then focused on Sam, "While we're on the topic of turning; I don't think I ever apologised."

"Not your fault."

"Eh," She scrunched her nose, "You wouldn't have gotten caught up in Tyler's mess if I hadn't had you snooping around for Hayley."

"It's all good," He shrugged, "It's a lot, but in the long term, I'm oddly better off."

Caroline too.

"Minus being sire bonded to a baby, but, whatever"

MJ's eyes went wide, "You're not?"


"Why you can't tell me Klaus's call?"

"Pretty much," He sighed, "My brain thinks snitching will put her in danger."

"But Klaus will tell me," MJ reminded him.

"But he won't tell me," Davina explained, "So if I'm in the room, his mouth stops working."

"Oh my god!"

"I know," He shook his head, "I need to hit one hundred turns, but I do not have the self-hate or the time too."

She wanted to laugh.

"Plus, doing it could sign my death sentence. Knowing I'm loyal to her gives me security with him."

"I guess that's true."

"You are aware that Hope is going to turn five and ask you to do ridiculous things," Kol didn't look jealous, "Like dress up in tiny outfits and boss you about like a toy."

"I am aware," Sam returned to flopping back on the sofa, "Nothing my actual siblings haven't gotten me to do before."

MJ snickered, "We'll get you to one hundred before you're forced to wear a tiara and a tutu,"

She would try to pretend she wasn't jealous.

"Actually," Davina's mood was slightly lighter, "That's why I'm asking for the siring spell."

MJ felt like an idiot, "To see if there's a way to break it."

She nodded proudly.

"We can definitely help with that," Kol pointed out.

"You guys don't have to," Sam put a hand out, "Reminder, doing it will piss Klaus off."

"Pissing my brother off is a favourite past-time."

They all had to give him that.

"If you like kids, how are you okay with being a vampire?" Davina asked Sam, "Don't you wanna have them?"

"I don't know," He pulled a face, "I'm what, turning twenty in two months? Biologically still eighteen?"

They were youngest in the group.

"Having kids isn't something I think about."

"Thank you!" MJ pointed at him, "Also, adoption is a thing."

"And, I have younger siblings," Sam nodded, "I baby sit for almost all my neighbours. I've got the kids-kick on speed dial if I need it."

One of those kids being her half-sister...

Her father's wife had been pregnant the previous year, meaning she had another half-sibling out there.

They all noticed her shift.

"His name's Justin."

As usual, Sam could read her a little too well.

"Who?" Kol was slightly out of the loop.

MJ cleared her throat, "We never did go into much detail about the fact my dad was alive beyond me telling you Marcel compelled him."


"He's married. Two kids."

"They live across the road from me," Sam filled in a few more of the blanks, "When I used to actually work, I had three jobs, one of them was at the flower shop he owns."

"He babysits for them too."


MJ hadn't given Kol any run-down on how Sam and she had met or became friends. It just hadn't come up. Partly because he'd never asked, and partly because MJ hadn't wanted to give Kol any information that would feed into some type of jealousy about the pairs relationship while he'd been dead.

Davina was glancing between them too, an edge in her eyes, having not known the information either.

"Mira," Klaus called, done with his call.

Davina handed MJ the map she'd enchanted, "I can't deal with him for a day – "

"I'll get you the spell," She promised her, "Now tell me you'll consider re-joining."

"I'll consider it."

"Thank you."

MJ and Kol headed out to face Klaus.

"Not staying with the momentary attachments you've dubbed 'friends' Kol?"

"And give you a day alone together?" He glared, "Not a chance."

"You've left Mira alone with me the past few days."

"She's been busy with the witches and she wanted space."

"And she still does," Klaus started to walk towards the exit, "This plan doesn't concern you."

"It concerns Mikael, and he's actually my father."

Klaus stilled, fists clenched in front of them.

"That gives me more of a right to see him than you."

"And you want to see him while you're in a body so easily destroyed?"

"I'd like nothing more than to never see him again, but you're putting MJ in his line of fire, so I'm coming."

"Okay," MJ was already done with them, "Why do I feel like every day you two go through the exact same cycle?"

She walked forward to push past them both and lead the way.

"You wake up, you argue about something - usually to do with me, then, you realise you actually agree on most things."

Compared to Klaus and his other siblings anyway.

"Then you both use the fact you agree, to disagree more."

Neither responded.

"We have an Original Vampire Hunter to find, can we please focus on that?"

MJ had the map which meant she got to lead them to a different section of the city. After a few streets of tense and awkward silence, she started to deliberately talk. Initially, it was nothing related to the pair of them, just anything she wanted to go on about.

Music was everywhere as the trio entered the Art's district.

A few people were painting on the street, art for tourist, art for websites and galleries. A large canvas completely covered with yellow in the corner of her eye, next to a trumpet player.

MJ was happy to have a moment to appreciate it.

Her eyes passed over her apartment window, since she did live in the area, instead choosing to focus on the gallery across the road.

Klaus noticed her staring, "Are you going to return to your attempts to live a mortal and supernatural life once this is dealt with?"

She nodded.

"You'll have to get you'll old job back then," He was teasing her and she knew it, "I can compel it if you want."

She actually considered it.

"Why have you fallen mute, Mira?"

"I..." She turned from the gallery to keep walking, "I don't know."

He was studying her face.

"I miss doing the press photography stuff," She hadn't thought about it in a while, but it was true, "I just..."


"I want to get back to it, but I also wanna do more," She'd always been a multitasker, "It would be fun to own one of those galleries."

Klaus smiled, "Dictate what others get to present as art."

"I would never let anything of yours on the wall," She elbowed him in the side, "Maybe I'd turn it into an artist café, a bigger apartment on top of it."

Maybe getting a new apartment was the way forward now she was in a better place. Like, a mini reset button to give her something non-life-threatening to do.

"Pay people to manage it while I go out and do my photography stuff," Her mind wandered from their task, "But still running it and having the final say. Seeing what people are able to create."

Though she was focused on taking in the street, MJ was aware of the silent argument going on behind her, Klaus and Kol locked in a staring match she didn't like.

"Then, once I had money coming in and out again, I could stop using the rich people bank accounts I keep getting access to for myself and give it to people who actually need it..."

It was a nice dream.

Maybe talking about turning as her definite future had set her off on a human trail a little, but there was nothing to stop her from having both the art dream, and the vampire reality.

Was she ready to be a vampire?

To lose magic?

"Such dreams, expressing your kind heart," Klaus spoke too pointedly, "What would you do with humanity Kol?"


"Dreams? Life goals – since life would be limited and need such things."

"He'd be my arm candy," MJ turned to face them, smiling teasingly, "If he wants."

Kol laughed, "Perfect."

"Is that really all you see him as?"

Suddenly, what had been a fun look between the pair meant MJ could see the hurt flash through Kol's eyes.

"He knows exactly what the rest of us think thanks to the Chambre De Chasse," Klaus tried to set another fire, "But I thought you must've had faith in him to be more than something you just live with."

MJ gave Klaus a 'what the hell' look, "It was a joke."

"So your genuine answer?"

"Kol can be whatever the hell he wants to be."

"Don't you understand, Mira? He doesn't want to be anything."

"Dude – "

"He exists in a state of chaos and destruction, yet he seems to think he should take the cure – like it would be anything other than a disaster."

"No need to cause a scene, Nik," Kol started walking again, brushing past his brother, "I've been dismayed from that cause enough already."

"Pause," MJ grabbed Kol's wrist to force him to stop, still looking at Klaus, "Fun fact, most people don't have a clue about what they want to do with their lives."

There was a reason University existed.

"And you're the reason Kol doesn't, so you don't get to judge him."

"I'm the reason?" Klaus scoffed, "It's not my fault he's - "

"How on earth is he supposed to know what he might like to spend his time doing? He's barely scratched the surface of everything to love about the era he's now in!"

Kol had been around for about a year total, and, he hadn't done much acclimatising beyond her recommendations.

"You stole a century of his life."

At the minimum.

"And he's used to you doing it, so why bother really seeing what's around him when at any second you could take it away?"

No response.

"He doesn't know a thing about modern science - though he'd probably be good at it if he had the time to catch-up."

That was clear by how quick he took to new styles of magic.

"He's smart enough to follow any course he wants, creative as hell - not at drawing, maybe, but at visualising concepts and communicating information?"

Klaus didn't know how to respond to the instant defence MJ was making.

"It's so cool when I flip to the back of the stuff he reads and get to see just a glimpse of how amazing his mind is - and even if he doesn't want to study anything modern, he doesn't have to."

Kol was staring at her face.

"He already knows almost everything about magic, and he's good at it, so there's nothing to stop him from just doing that for the rest of his life."

The magical dark web had an opening post-Ryos.

"You have the family money for that type of lifestyle, and witches make money off magic in New Orleans."

It was a business.

"And it's 2013, who cares if I'm the one with a 'normal' job in the relationship? It doesn't mean anything."

She slowly let go of Kol's wrist.

"If Kol wants to do nothing more that sit and be pretty, and read every book he's missed the past eighty-six-years, he can. Because it's his life. Back-off."

Then MJ turned to Kol's adoring eyes.

"I didn't realise you were that serious about it."

His head tilted down, towards her, blinking slowly.

"To me, you were only suggesting the cure because you thought I couldn't handle it."

"I think you can handle anything, MJ," His words were quiet, "I have more faith in you than I have in anything else."

Her lips parted.

"But, as you said, it doesn't matter what I think, or do, or say. You're magnificent brain is your worst enemy."

There was a thin line between love and hate with her head.

"If knowing your life will one-day end will give it some peace, I'm going to keep reminding you that I would take the cure for you."

"You shouldn't have to."

"It's the same as asking you to turn for me."

She hadn't actually thought about it like that before.

"Not really," MJ reasoned, "Turning is starting a new life, ending one I've had for twenty years."

Only twenty years old.

"Asking you to take the cure is asking you to give up an identity you've had for ten centuries, for a new life you'd only then have for eighty years. And one you might not even like."

"Well," Kol stepped back slightly, removing their proximity, eyes jumping to Klaus, "I - "

"Go on," Klaus put his hands out, "You know I don't think you could handle it. If you have something to say that might make me think you will?"

A taunting shrug.

"I'm all ears."

"It's not your choice Klaus," MJ turned on him, seeing how upset Kol was starting to look, "If Rebekah takes it one day, if any of you do – it's not your choice, it's theirs."

"I'm allowed to voice my opinion."

"You voiced it plenty when the family debated it in Mystic Falls," She snapped, "And you told Rebekah you'd erase her memories of you if she took it – which is over-dramatic and hurtful."

"And I'd do the same to him."

"Then do it," Kol broke out of whatever mental loop he'd been in, "Titbit for you both; when I died the first time, you were the only two people who mourned me."

They both stilled, really staring at him.

"Neither of you have the faintest clue what it's like to be stuck, unable to talk or touch anyone, trapped in a town that celebrates your death, knowing that only two people in all of time care that you're dead."

It was more than two, but Kol hadn't been able to see the few others.

"That two of your own siblings are acting like nothing's wrong."

"They did care," MJ whispered.

"You keep telling me that, Mira, but Elijah still treats me like an imposition, and you were the one who called Rebekah out for her friendship with my killer."

She had.

"Maybe my sudden interest in mortality doesn't even come from a want to make you happy MJ, maybe it comes from the fact that I would be forced to act kinder."

MJ felt her throat turning dry.

"I'd have to adapt to human laws and lifestyle, and put up with people," He sounded tired, "And, yes, Klaus, you're right, I would hate it."

Kol knew he loved the power aspect of vampirism.

"But, by dealing with it, I would die knowing that maybe, this time, people would actually miss me."

MJ wanted to hug and kiss all of his hurt away.

"In an ideal world, I never want to die ever again," He stressed, "Once was enough, and that hex somehow hurt more."

Since it had hurt everyone around him too.

"I would happily be an Original Vampire, safe and practically indestructible – but wearing this face means people actually give me a chance."

Cami had defended him.

Marcel had stood down slightly.

Sam was warming up to him.

Elijah clearly thought he was better off in someone else's body.

Davina had somewhat made her stance clear when it came to his identity.

"You can list all the ways in which I would fail as a human Klaus, do it as many times as you bloody want, that doesn't change the fact everyone else thinks I'm better off like this."

"Kol," MJ crept closer, "You're pulling a Rebekah."

His expression was sour, "Assuming the grass will be greener?"

"Confusing humanity with something else."

He faltered.

"For her, she gets being good and being human mixed up," MJ was fighting the urge to take his hand, "You're getting being happy-slash- accepted and being human all confused."

He blinked.

"When I asked if you were happier, you said yes, but you also said you wanted to go back to your body."

"...I did."

"What's changed?" She let her finger grace over his, "If it's just a hyper-awareness that people are more tolerant of you..."

"They are."

"That's not because you're human, it's because they're finally taking the time to get to know you," MJ's specialisation, "And you know you're a catch."

"Welcome to 2013, that phrase had been dead for a couple decades now."

She snorted as he quoted her in response to her quoting him.

"They're willing to get to know me, because I'm human. No longer a constant threat. And I've always enjoyed the company of others outside of my family. Being alone for a year, these past few months? I've missed it."

"You're still a constant threat Kol," Klaus's expression was dark, "You're just hiding from yourself."

He stormed past them both, snatching the map from MJ and continuing on their path.

"What's Davina hiding from me then?"

The swift change in topics didn't sit right with MJ.

"Klaus – "

"Leave it, Mira," Kol started to walk too, "It's not worth discussing any further."

"It's your feelings. It's always worth discussing."

He gave her a half-smile, but walked after Klaus.
