Disclaimer + Cast

Stranger Things is owned by The Duffer Brothers / Netflix. Scarlet Witch is owned by Marvels. This fanfiction is based on the author's imagination only. This book will follow the plot with my own twist on how I want the changes to happen. I only own my own character (OC).


Please do not steal my plot, PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME.


Naomi Roselle Scott

"This will be your only warning. Stay out of my home."

"I am not what you think I am."

"No more tortures."

"Every night, the same dream. Every morning, the same... nightmare."

"People like you break the rules, they become the hero. I do it, I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair."

"I am not trying to break the multiverse, Dr. Owens."


Naveen Alexander Scott

"Please stop..."

"You can do it. I know you can, sister."


Dr. Samuel Owens
The Uncle Doctor

"So tell me about these visions you're having."

"That's breaking the rules, Naomi!"


Dr. Martin Brenner
The Papa

"You have to do this or I will."

"I don't think you understand. The greatest threat to our universe... is you."


Jim Hopper
The Chief

"What is this? Where have you been?"

"You have to tell me who you are."


Joyce Byers
The Mother

"Will? Will! It's me."

"You're not from here are you?"



"You lie!"

"You are like papa!"



Steve Harrington
The Babysitter

"The key with girls is just acting like you don't care."

"You're the new resident. Scott is it?"


Mike Wheeler
The Paladin

"Party members only!"

"That's so cool."


Will Byers
The Cleric

"I feel frozen."

"Thank you, Naomi."


Dustin Henderson
The Bard

"We have a bond!"

"Don't kill him!"

"You are like the sister I always wanted, Naomi."


Lucas Sinclair
The Ranger

"I'm sorry, Max."

"You saved us. Thank you."


Maxine Mayfield
The Zoomer

"Shut up! I'm trying to focus!"

"You're pretty cool."


Billy Hargrove
The King of Hawkins

"That's how you do it Hawkins!"

"A king with his queen. Perfect."


Nancy Wheeler
The Fighter

"It's bullshit!"

"I just want to say that, thank you."


Jonathan Byers
The Lovable Brother

"Come and get sheet-faced?"

" Adorable."


Robin Buckley
The Bestfriend

"I'm Robin Buckley. I am in a band, I'm asking if you want to join the school's band. It's okay if you don't want to, I'm not forcing you or anything. I just -- I'm rambling, am I?"

"You're my friend."


Author's Note,


For the plot's sake, I am not using Elizabeth Olsen for the face claim of Naomi (still love her though). It's because I want my OC to have black hair and electric blue eyes. There are some Wanda scenes, line or references that I may put in the future. So I'm gonna say in advance that I don't own those lines. (References in MOM, WandaVision and more)

Also, as much as I love Nancy, her and Naomi will not be friends. Maybe acquaintances. It's not because I don't like her. (It's the opposite actually. I mean have you seen Natalia? [copying joseph's voice])

It's because these book is Various x OC and one of the love interest is Steve which is Nancy's ex. I am not comfortable to write it if they are friends. That's like breaking girl code.

Also, there might be misspelled words, grammatical errors, technical issues or unedited chapters because I am writing in my phone. Please be patient with me.

I don't own the pictures!
