Chapter 12

"'Cause I'm in a field
Of dandelions
Wishing on everyone
That you'll be mine."

- Dandelions, Ruth B


FEELING some stares at her, she quickened her pace towards the empty table in the corner. Her first day was fine, to say the least. Everyone smiled at her but no one really initiated a conversation to get to know her which saddened her greatly.

She was eating her lunch when a tray of food was placed and someone sat in front of her. Billy plopped in front of her with a grunt before he found some position to be comfortable in.

"So, how's your first day?" He asked her. Naomi sighed and continued playing with her food.

"It was nice, I didn't really made any friends like I hope I would." She looked up at him, seeing him staring at her with his palm as a support. She slapped her hands on the table making a loud noise and causing him to wake up from his daze.

"No one wants to talk to me!" She whispered- yell. Billy sighed at her and sat straight.

"Look, maybe their just...shy---"

"Shy? Why would they be shy? I'm the new student here." Naomi cut him off, complaining to him.

"Look, I made friends already." He said before looked behind him. Billy shuddered at the word that he used. He wouldn't really call them his friends. More like allies. Especially, with the way they looked at Naomi, he was already thinking some punishment or a way to beat the hell out of them.

Naomi also looked behind him, only to see a group of boys watching them in a distance, "because I talked to them." He reasoned. More like showing them authority, but who's asking?

"So I to them first?" She asked, looking at him in desperation which Billy answered with a nod. He stood up from his position and handed her an orange flyer.

"Here. Come to this, you'll make friends here." Naomi took it and read.

"'Come and get sheet-faced?'" She read.

"Yeah." Billy leaned in to whisper to her, "I'll be with you every step of the way." He moved just an inch to look at her closely, Naomi looked at him, innocently. He gave her a smirk and walked away.

She looked down, reading the flyer and looking at it, contemplating if she'll really go.

She shooked her head, she doesn't have time to party. She still need to catch up the lessons since she pretty much enrolled in the middle of semester, not because she didn't know how to party, she does. She does!

Naomi finished her food, put her tray away and proceeded to go to her locker. She opened it and placed her things that she thought useless for the rest of the day like hairbrush, notebooks for morning class and others that made her bag so heavy.

Deciding to find her next classroom, she closed the door but was faced by a face behind it. She jumped in shock and made an inaudible gasp, her hands covering her mouth.

"Hi..." the girl with a short, messy hair waved awkwardly. Naomi smiled at her, "Hi!" She waved back gleefully.

"I'm Robin Buckley. I am in a band, I'm asking if you want to join the school's band. It's okay if you don't want to, I'm not forcing you or anything. I just -- I'm rambling, am I?" Robin Buckley rambled, she gulped and stared at her for a while.

"I'm just gonna go." She said, scrambling away from Naomi, mumbling 'stupid' repeatedly. Naomi watched her slap her head before shaking her head and calling her.

"Hey!" She shouted, Robin stopped and looked at her. Naomi ran in her direction and stood in front of her.

"I'm Naomi, Naomi Roselle Scott." She introduced, her hand reaching out for a shake which Robin accepted and shook.

"About the band, I don't really know how to play any instruments. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Oh, it's okay. It's just...words travel quickly and a lot of people want you in their clubs and extracurricular activities. So I did it out of impulse. Also because, I lost the rock, paper, scissors that's why I became the representative." She explained. Naomi laughed at her.

"Really? What did they say about me?" She asked, leaning in to whisper, "No one really talks to me. I'm starting to think they don't like me." She admitted.

"Are you kidding me? They like you." Robin said.

"Really? 'Cause you're the first one who talked to me aside from my other friend." She said. Robin and Naomi started walking while still talking.

"Other friend?" She asked, curious.

"Yeah, Billy." She smiled.

"Billy Hargrove? The other new student?" She asked, wanting Naomi to clarify it.

"Yeah. He's pretty nice."

"Nice? I'm starting to think he's a jerk."

"Don't say that. That's mean."

"I'm sorry."


Jim Hopper watched Joyce and Will Byers drove away from the lab. He took out a cigarette and light it, using his palm to not let the wind blow the light away.

Once it caught fire, smoke went out of his nose as he watched Dr. Owens from afar who waved at him before entering the building.

He watched him enter the building before he entered his police car himself.


"Bye!" Naomi waved at her new friend, Robin, once they parted ways.

She started walking to the direction of her car. Once she was there, she saw a blue camaro parked next to it. Billy leaning to his car, smirking at her once he saw her.

Naomi smiled at him and walked in his direction.

"I see you got youself a friend." He started, Naomi giggled and started jumping happily towards him, stopped with a last jump when she was in front of him. Billy watching her fondly.

"This day is all I ever wanted. It's like living a dream." She sighed dreamily and leaned beside him, "Are you waiting for someone?" She asked, noticed that he looked annoyed.

"My step-sister." He admitted. Naomi gasped in shock.

"You have a sister? ---"


"I always wanted to know someone's sister. It's always been a brother for me. My honorary sibling is also a boy. By the way, how's your first day? My first day is nice. Everybody is nice to me and they always smile in my direction, I don't really know if I'm the one they're smiling at but nevermind. My friend that you saw just now? That's my best friend. Her name's Robin, she's in a band ---" Naomi rambled at him, Billy watched her, amused. He watched her ramble about her day, about her first day of school. His eyes watched her rosy lips spouting 10 words per second. A satisfied smile forming in his face.

Maxine Mayfield stopped her skateboard after seeing her step-brother having a company, a girl nonetheless, not that her step-brother lacks a girl's company. In fact, he ALWAYS have a girl's company. It's just her first time seeing a girl talking to her brother and her brother listening intently. It's always the other way around, him talking and the girl listening, or they fool around and he dump her.

But what shocked her the most is him smiling at her, fondly. She stood frozen, watching them. She couldn't lie, the girl was beautiful. Ethereal even. She couldn't blame her brother if he's attracted to her. And upon seeing her attitude from afar, she looks fun to be with and nice. Something her brother lacks. Maybe she'll help him with the nice department.

She walked towards them and cleared her throat. The girl stopped talking and looked at her. She beamed at her and waved. Max stood closely and waved back at her.

"Hi! You must be Billy's sister." She said. Maxine looked at her step-brother, shocked when he didn't corrected her. Instead, he looked at Max and widened his eyes, mouthing to say 'yes'.

"Yeah, my name's Maxine Mayfield but you can call Max. No one calls me Maxine." She introduced.

"My name's Naomi. Naomi Roselle Scott. It was nice meeting you." She introduced, her hand reaching out for a shake which she accepted.

"Well, I better get going. Bye both of you! Stay safe driving." She said before walking away and opening the black car parked next to Billy's blue camaro.

She waved before entering, both waved back. Once she's gone, Billy stood straight and walked to the door of the car. He stopped and looked at Max.

"What are you waiting for? Get in!" He commanded. Maxine scrambled, took her skateboard by hand and entered the car.

Safe to say, other than that, Billy is in a good mood.


Naomi parked outside of her house, smiling happily. She opened the door of her car and went out. She was locking her doors when a voice caught her attention.


She turned around to see Claudia Henderson. Naomi stood frozen. It has been four days since the incident and it seems the doctor already checked her out of the hospital days ago.

"Mrs. Henderson." Naomi breathed out.

"Honey, where have you been?" She asked and went in for a hug. Naomi couldn't help but to hug back.

"I was here. I just left for a day to fetch..." she paused looking at the woman who's waiting for her answer, "my brother." She answered honestly.

She doesn't like to lie to the woman anymore. She caused a lot of damage to the woman's life already.

"You have a brother, sweetheart? That's great. I want to meet your brother. How about another dinner? It seems so long since the last one." She said. Naomi looked at the woman.

"Sure." It's the only thing she can do to pay her back.


Jim Hopper knocked rhythmically in the door. A sound of undoing the lock was heard as the door opened itself. He entered and went straight in the kitchen to grab a drink. He drank it and stood in front of the table, pausing after seeing a half- eaten eggo waffles.

"Hey! What did we talk about?" He shouted in the quiet small house.

"No signal." A female kid's voice answered.

"What?" He questioned and sat in the chair in front of the small table.

"No signal. Eight- One - Five." She answered again and sat in front of the chief. Eleven looked at him strictly, her hair grown.

"I know, I'm sorry. I forgot. I'll signal next time." He answered, defeated.

"We talked about this, food first before dessert and it's eight- fifteen." He guided.

"Eight- fifteen." Eleven copied. Hopper smiled and ruffled her already messy mane. They opened the pre-heated food and started eating.

