Episode 11: Unappreciated

After calling LJ useless, resulting in him going for a walk, Cole inadvertently gets him and a new friend he meets in the park in trouble with one of Samukai's monsters.


Outside the monastery, Kai, Jay, Zane, Nya and Wu watch LJ, in a training gi with a green belt, swings a kendo stick at Cole, who is also in his gi, as he held his wooden hammer before blocking LJ's strike, then turned his hammer downward to block another strike and then raised it to the right to block another one before preparing to strike him from the right. LJ quickly blocked it as Cole raised it high and tried to strike, but LJ quickly blocked it. "Come on, Cole." He said, swinging his kendo stick to try and strike Cole, but he blocks it before moving it back. "Show this new Ranger a move or two." Cole swings his hammer to hit LJ from behind, but he moves his arms over his head for the kendo stick to block the hammer and raises it up to force the hammer back.

Cole then moved the hammer downward from the left before LJ blocked it as well and he moved his hammer forward, behind LJ's right leg and pulled it, knocking him onto the ground and land on his back. "LJ!" Kai, Jay, Zane and Nya yelled.

LJ breathed heavily as he soon felt some sweat dripping from his forehead. "Get up." Cole said. "I said, get up!"

"Cole, training is over for the day." Wu said as he came up to LJ.

"You said half an hour, this was only 20."

"That's enough!" Wu immediately helped LJ up. "You okay, Junior?"

"Yeah." LJ said before walking away to head inside as Cole glared at him.


Several minutes later, the Rangers were having lunch in the kitchen while waiting for LJ. "Don't you think you were a little hard on LJ, Cole?" Nya asked.

"So what if I was?" Cole asked. "He needed to learn a hard lesson in being a Ranger."


In the hallway, LJ was putting his jacket on as he walked over to the kitchen. "He's only just been a Ranger for a few days, he was like me when I started out." Kai said.

"But, how did he even get to the same size as me when he morphed?"

"We don't really know." Zane said. "It must be something in the morphing progress."


In the kitchen, LJ was still listening as he starting to feel offended by Cole's comments. "And about this morning, how he didn't even manage to avoid my mallet counter."

"He's still in training." Kai said. "He hasn't been fighting much since Darkley's."

"A lot can happen past that time, I mean, is that little runt even strong enough to be a Power Ranger, when he can't even stay on his own two feet in training?"

"Cole, shush!" Nya whispered, noticing LJ was near the door.

"We should've sent him to jail in the first place when we first took him after we defeated him."

"Cole, stop." Zane said as he and Jay notice LJ at the door.

"Or better yet, he shouldn't have set his father free in the first place!"

"COLE!" They all yelled.

"He's standing right behind me, isn't he?" He turned around, only to see that LJ had just taken off.

"You idiot." Jay said.


At the monastery steps, LJ runs down the steps as he sheds a tear. "Useless, am I?" He asked. "I'll show him."


At Darkley's, Samukai had just removed the rest of his severed limbs and groaned before throwing them aside. "That little runt has humiliated me." He said. "I ought to tear his off."

"Samukai." Lloyd was heard as he turned to him. He was wearing his fez hat and bathrobe. "We may now have 6 Rangers to deal with, but that doesn't mean you harm him worser than the others."

"Of course, my lord."

"Now, I'm going to take a nap, so I need you to keep the others to remain silent."

"Yes, my lord." Lloyd soon walked away as Samukai went to the telescope to look through the monastery and sees LJ leaving, hands in his pockets, in anger. "Ah, the little runt has just left the monastery." He then placed a hand on his chin. "Hmm. If I have him brought back here, his father can take his Spinjitzu Watch back, and I can get my revenge on him at the same time." He then heads over to a nearby intercom. "Oh, Laserton. I have a little job for you."

"What type of job?" Someone asked through the intercom.


In Ninjago City, LJ walks along the park as he was still angry at what Cole said, kicking a soda can along before sitting down at a bench and sighed. "Maybe he's right." He said. "Maybe I'm not strong enough."

"Get away from me!" Someone yelled as LJ looked to see a teenaged girl on the ground as two teenaged boys laugh, one holding a kite. "Give me my kite back!" LJ soon got up and went to them.

"Try us." One of the boys replied before a hand grabbed hold of his wrist as he turned to see it was LJ.

"I think you should stop it right now, you big bully." He said.

"Oh, look at that, little Garmadon Jr. to the rescue." The other boy said, teasing him.

"I suggest you leave immediately."

"Just you try and make us, you little runt." The boy soon charged at LJ, causing him to let go of the other boy, spin to the side and kick him in the back, knocking him down before grabbed the other boy's wrist again and turned it behind his back.

"Put the kite down." The boy drops the kite. "Now get outta here!"

LJ lets go of him and the other boy gets up. "You're gonna regret that, little Garmadon." The boy said before they take off.

LJ picks up the kite and turns to the girl. "You okay?"

"Uh, yes." The girl said as she got up and looked down to him as he handed the kite back to her. "So, you're Garmadon's son?"

"My friends call me LJ."

"Nice nickname. I'm Ashley, by the way. My friends call me Aseey."

"Well, I'll see you around, Aseey." LJ starts to walk away.

"Wait." He stops and turns back to her. "Have you ever flew a kite?"

"Not really."

"Let me show you."


In the kitchen at the monastery, Cole was now hardly eating his lunch as the others see him. "Cole, are you alright?" Kai asked.

"I never should've said it." Cole replied. "I can't believe I hurt that kid's feelings."

"Well, you can never unsay it." Zane said.

Wu soon came in. "Hope you're enjoying lunch." He said before looking around. "Uh, where's Junior?"

"Uh, I think he went to take a walk. Cole replied.

"What did you say to him?"

"How do you know it was me?"

"Whenever you complain about someone, they leave the monastery and don't come back until dusk."

"I wondered if he was ever strong enough."

"He said it aloud." Nya said.

"Want us to go get him?" Kai asked.

"No, leave him be." Wu replied. "He'll come back when he's ready. In the mean time, Cole, you're cleaning tonight's dishes."


At the park in Ninjago City, Aseey's kite was in the air, flowing with the wind, as LJ moves the string around a little while Aseey watches him. "You're a pro." She said.

"Thanks." LJ replied. "Not bad for a beginner?"

"Yeah, not bad at all."

The kite is suddenly hit by a laser shot, setting it on fire, and come down onto the grass. Nearby civilians see something before screaming and run away. LJ and Aseey turn to see it was a skeleton with laser arms.


At the monastery, smoke shows up, envisioning the skeleton moving to LJ and Aseey. "Skulkin at the park!" Zane said.

"LJ's there as well!" Cole said.

"Rangers, you know what to do." Wu said as they all soon get up and head for the door.


At the park, the skeleton soon fired some laser shots again, causing LJ to grab Aseey and they hit the grass as the laser shots cause an explosion near their spot as some debris land on top of them before they get up to look at each other. "Aseey, hide! I'll keep it busy."


"Just do it!" Aseey runs over to a nearby tree as LJ turned to the skeleton. "I suppose my father sent you to do his dirty work."

"No, you have Samukai to thank for that." The skeleton said. "Who is still unhappy that you took both his lower arms." LJ soon charged at it, raising a leg at it, but it blocks it before preparing to punch him. LJ quickly turns around and punches it in the back before the skeleton strikes him, making him move back. He then tried to swing an arm, but it grabs hold of it before he tries to kick it, but the skeleton immediately grabbed his leg, raises him high and throws him in the air, making him land near a small hill, causing him to roll down a little. "Face it, you're weak, Junior." LJ turned onto his side as the Skulkin talked. "I, Laserton, will be bringing you back to your father."

LJ gets up and sighed as he looked at Aseey, who was still hiding behind the tree before looking at his Spinjitzu Watch. "Sorry, uncle." He then turned to face Laserton. "Spinjitzu!" He kneels down as he moved his left arm close to his right shoulder as his right hand touched the Emerald Spinjitzu Watch. "Emerald Power!"


LJ jumps in the air as he held his arms out. "Ninjago!" He starts spinning around as a green tornado soon appeared and engulfed him. It soon dispersed revealing LJ, in his Ranger suit, as he lands, left leg out while the right knee was bent, left arm spread out to the side and right arm in front of him. Green wind soon engulfed his head, turning into the green helmet as his height extends.


Aseey was immediately surprised as LJ charged at Laserton again. "Go, LJ!" She said.

LJ jumped as he raised his right leg to try and strike Laserton fazing it a bit before placing his feet on the ground as it strikes him, making him flip back, but he places his hands on the ground to straighten himself as he got back up and looked at it. "Come on, Emerald Ranger!" Laserton yelled before charging at LJ, making him flip to the side before firing its lasers, causing him to backflip as the spot it hits exploded. He soon jumped in the air to somersault over it.

"Energy Sword!" He yelled, getting out his sword and swung it to strike its back, landing on the ground before turning to strike it again, knocking it down forward. LJ soon got up as Laserton turned to face him. "Give a message to my father: I am a Power Ranger, and I am not his son, I am his enemy."

"I'll be sure to give him the message, when you give it to him yourself!" Laserton soon fired its lasers at LJ, causing an explosion that sends him in the air. He rolled in the air before landing on his back as Laserton placed its foot on him and Aseey looked on, in shock. "Now, I want you to throw the weapon away and take off your Spinjitzu Watch."

"Never." Aseey immediately looked around before seeing a nearby rock and kneels down to pick it up. "No matter what you do, the Rangers will stop you."

Laserton was about to raise an arm to knock him out, a rock was thrown at it, hitting it in the head, causing it to look up and see Aseey, who holds another rock. "Leave my friend alone!" She yelled.

"Oh, he needs a bodyguard now?" Laserton asked.

LJ immediately raised his sword and swung it at Laserton, slashing it and making it get off of him as it fell back. He quickly got up and came to Aseey. "Thanks, Aseey." He said.

"Go get him, Emerald Ranger." She replied before taking off to go back behind the tree.

LJ immediately charged at Laserton and raised his sword out to it. It tries to strike the sword, but LJ soon got out his yoyo. "Energy Whip!" The yoyo turns into the Energy Whip and he swings it, striking Laserton's ribcage and knocking it back.

"It's not over!" Laserton yelled, getting up and raised its right arm which ignited and went to strike LJ, but he quickly held out his whip in both hands while also having his sword in the same hands block the arm and they clash. "I'm taking you back to your father and Samukai, alive or not!"

"Then, you should've taken a look your surroundings!"


"Earth Power!" Cole's voice was heard as LJ ducked down for Laserton to see the Rangers holding the Spinjitzu Blaster. Nya and Jay held the sides while Zane and Kai were knelt down, using their respective shoulders while holding onto the sword handles and Cole held the flail handle and had his hand on top of it. The end of the blaster soon starts emitting energy and expands. "Fire!"

The Spinjitzu Blaster fires its shot and it goes to Laserton, hitting it and knocking it into a pole before it explodes. LJ stood up and made his whip turn back into the yoyo. "About time too." He said.

"LJ, I'm sorry about what I said."

"No harm done, Cole."

"How did you know we were coming up behind you?" Zane asked.

"My blade's reflection saw the sun shining your visors. I may have a lot to learn, but you all still do."

"I guess so." Kai said as Jay chuckled.

"But, we got a bit of a problem."

"What problem?" Nya asked before LJ points to Aseey and they look at her before she nervously waved at them.

"We have to bring her with us to the monastery."


In the lab room at Darkley's, Samukai looks through some beakers and vials as he tries to find LJ's enlargement mix before Lloyd, out of his hat and bathrobe, came over to him. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I sent Laserton to grab your son and he failed." Samukai replied. "I need to find your son's concoction to make him grow."

"No need. I'll deal with you later." He walks out of the lab.


In his office, Lloyd came up to the window and raised his Mega Weapon. "Laserton, I wish for you to grow!" The Mega Weapon emits energy before a spark of energy comes out of it.


At the park, the Rangers prepare to head over to Aseey before the Mega Weapon's energy hits Laserton, causing it to get up and grow as they turn to see it was now big. "Bigger and badder lasers!" It yelled, holding out an arm and fired a laser shot near the tree where Aseey was, creating an explosion, knocking them all down.

"I'll take Aseey somewhere safe." LJ said as he heads over to her and they both take off.

The Rangers soon press their Spinjitzu Watches. "Flame Megazord!" Kai and Nya said. "L.I.E. Megazord!" Jay, Zane and Cole said.


The Blue Octopus Zord moves its tentacles downward as four of them combine into a leg while the other four did the same with the body and head moving down. The Black Bear Zord comes on top of the Blue Octopus Zord as its legs retract into the body and stands upright. The White Tiger Zord comes up behind the Black Bear Zord as its bottom legs combine with the top legs and connects with the back of the Black Bear Zord before the head covers Black Bear Zord's and opens up, revealing its face before poising.


The Red Lion Zord rises up and the front paws retract, revealing hands, while the Maroon Phoenix Zord lands on the back, moved its wings down and raised up as the Lion Zord's head moved down and the Phoenix Zord's took over before tilting back, revealing its face before poising.

Laserton charges at the Flame Megazord while raising its left arm to ignite it as the L.I.E. Megazord tried to charge at Laserton, but it turned to it and swung its arm, striking the front of the L.I.E. Megazord, knocking it back.


In the cockpit, Cole, Jay and Zane shook from the attack. "We gotta get back up!" Cole yelled.


Outside, the L.I.E. Megazord slowly gets up while the Flame Megazord got out one of the Flame Swords from behind to try and strike Laserton, but it moved to the side and fired a laser shot, hitting the side of it.


In the cockpit, Kai and Nya shook from the attack.


Outside, the L.I.E. Megazord quickly gets up and raises its left leg to kick Laserton, knocking it down onto its chest.


By where LJ and Aseey were by a barbecue area, they quickly move aside as Laserton landed on top of it. "Guys, watch out!" He yelled before a beep was heard on his Spinjitzu Watch.

The Flame Megazord gets out the other Flame Sword while the L.I.E. Megazord got out its Rock Mallet. "Let's take it before it gets back up." Kai said from inside the Flame Megazord.

"Rock Mallet, final strike!" Cole, Jay and Zane said from inside the L.I.E. Megazord, raising the Rock Mallet.

"Flame Swords, final strike!" Kai and Nya said, moving their arms down.

As the attacks were about to make their mark, Laserton quickly spun around, stood up a bit and fired a few laser shots, hitting the Megazords. The Megazords sizzle and come apart as they fell while it got up. "A spinning lo-" Laserton was cut off by some laser shots that hit its arms, breaking its laser points off. "Hey! Who did that?!" Laserton looked up to see a giant mech in the shape of a dragon.

"I did." LJ's voice was heard.


By the disassembled Zords, the Rangers look up to see the new Zord. "A new Zord?" Kai asked.

"One specifically done for the Emerald Ranger." Jay replied.

"Give it all you got, LJ." Cole said.


In the new Zord's cockpit, the seating around the console was like a motorbike with him sitting in it like he was on a motorbike, LJ presses a few buttons. "Have some ramming!" He yelled.


Outside, the Zord flew down to Laserton and struck it, knocking it back before turning around. "Come down here and fight like a man!" It yelled.


In the cockpit, LJ chuckled. "I'm not a man, but I'll fight like one." He presses a few buttons. "Emerald Dragon Zord, Mega Mode!"


Outside, the Emerald Dragon Zord moved upward before stopping for the arms and legs to straighten up. The tail moves up to the back as the wings did the same until they came at the tail and detach to allow the tail and wings to stay on the back, the arms move back a bit and the wrists open up to have the paws turn around into the wrists, replacing them with regular hands before the wrists return to normal, the ankles open up to have the paws turn around into the ankles, replacing them with normal feet before the ankles closed up and the dragon face tilted upward as the lower jaw slides down into the body, revealing a face before it poised.

The Emerald Dragon Megazord charges at Laserton and kicked it before moving to punch it, knocking it back before it ignites its arms to try and strike it, but the Megazord jumped back to avoid it. "Stand still!"


In the cockpit, the seating was now like the other Megazords, LJ soon folded his arms. "Gladly."


Outside, the Emerald Dragon Megazord soon stopped moving and remained stationary as Laserton charged at it.


Down by the downed Zords, Aseey joined up with the other Rangers as they see Laserton charging at the stationary Megazord. "LJ! What are you doing?" Kai asked into his Spinjitzu Watch.

"Wait for it." Jay said as he was near Nya.

"LJ, start moving again!" Zane yelled.

"Wait for it."


In the cockpit, LJ still has his arms folded as he saw Laserton charging at his Megazord.


"LJ!" Cole yelled. "Move!"


"And..." In the cockpit, LJ immediately waved his hand over a nearby button.


Outside, Laserton immediately prepared to strike the Emerald Dragon Megazord, but the Megazord soon tilted backwards by the knees, causing Laserton's strike to miss.

While preparing to get back up, the Emerald Dragon Megazord moved its right arm up to the end of the detached tail on its back before pulling it out, dragging the wings along with it, and got up to strike Laserton from right to left, making it move back. "Ha! Nailed it!" Jay and Nya soon did a high-five as the Megazord straightened itself, showing the tail and wings are now combined to look like an axe.


In the cockpit, LJ presses a few buttons. "Dragon Axe, miss and swing!" He yelled.

Outside, Laserton charges at the Emerald Dragon Megazord, who turned to the side, allowing it to miss it before swinging the Dragon Axe at its back, forcing it forward.


In the cockpit, LJ presses another button, opening a panel, revealing a handle-like button which he grabs. "Dragon Axe, final strike!"


Outside, the Emerald Dragon Megazord raises the Dragon Axe high before moving it down to strike Laserton. The strike hits Laserton, causing it to scream before falling forward and exploded.


In the cockpit, LJ lets go of the handle and looked on. "A spinning victory." He then looked down to Aseey and the other Rangers. "And now about that exposure."


In his office at Darkley's, Lloyd growled as he stomped on a bunch of papers and turned to Samukai, who had his arms behind his back and head held down. "I try to take a nap for just one day, and you come up with a stupid plan to try and grab my son and destroy the Power Rangers!" He yelled. "What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"Well, Lord Garmadon, I-" Samukai was soon cut off.

"I don't want to hear about it!" He soon went to a nearby plant. "Two weeks in the dungeon." He turned the plant, opening the trapdoor and Samukai falls down into the dungeon, screaming as he did so. "One of these days, Rangers, one of these days."


At the monastery, Aseey was amazed at the sight as Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, Nya and LJ, all still in their Ranger suits but with their helmets off and LJ back to his normal size, were beside her and Wu came up to her. "So, this is the girl who inadvertently found out about you." He said.

"Yes, Master." LJ replied.

"Now, Aseey, I did a little background check on you, and you seem to be a well enough honest citizen to keep a secret. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"I appreciate your answer. You're also free to come here as you please."

"Thank you."


Several minutes later, in Ninjago City, LJ and Aseey walk along a street. "I hope I didn't waste the day." LJ said.

"No, I'm glad to have met someone who is very friendly, even if he's a Power Ranger. And don't worry, it'll be our secret."

"Thank you." They silently smile before Aseey takes off and the other Rangers came up behind him.

"You got feelings for her, don't you?" Jay asked.

"What? No, I don't. Besides, she's older than me."

"Oh, my mother was older than my dad." Cole said.

"That's not the point!"

"You little softie." Cole grabs him to give him a noogie, but LJ moved his foot around his leg and moved it forward, making Cole fall down on the ground.

"Now, who's the softie now?" They all soon laugh as Cole got up and shrugged.
