Episode 10: Emerald Power

(A/N: Well, this is the moment for those who had been reading this story far. I'm just gonna shut up 🀐 , and let you read it. Do please give me a comment, not bragging or anything)


After envisioning his father coming across a statue and with the Rangers at a test, LJ goes on a solo mission to stop him from recovering the Emerald Spinjitzu Watch.


In the kitchen at the monastery, Jay, Zane, Cole, LJ and Wu were eating some eggs and bacon for breakfast, expect for Zane who just has some scrambled eggs and parsley, before he turned to the monitor to see there was no disturbances. "Hopefully there are no disturbances today." He said.

"Why?" LJ asked before having a bite of scrambled eggs.

"We've got a really big test, and we're gonna leave our Spinjitzu Watches in our lockers so we could be quiet." Jay replied before he eats a piece of bacon.

"I almost wish I was still in school. A regular one this time."

"Don't worry, Junior, I'd be happy to tutor you." Wu said.


Cole soon looked at his Spinjitzu Watch to check the time. "Well, we'd better get going." He said as they got up and walked out.

"Hey, don't just leave the dishes on the table!"

"Clean them up yourself." Cole said it from out in the hallway before LJ sighed.

"Don't worry, Junior, they still need to get use to you living here." Wu said.

"That's what you've been saying to me for the past few weeks, uncle." LJ replied.


At Darkley's, a Skulkin, wearing gypsy robes, had her fingers together as she faced Lloyd while Samukai was beside them. "How can you be sure that Futurn can find my Spinjitzu Watch?" Lloyd asked.

"You said you were Wu's twin brother." Samukai replied. "So, you sort of share the same mind."


"I must be deaf to voices while I concentrate." Futurn said.

"Just get on with it, you mentalist."

"Close your eyes, my lord."

"Fine." Lloyd soon sat down in a meditative state and closed his eyes.

"Now, think through your brother's thoughts of the day after you were banished."


7 Years Earlier

Lloyd opens his eyes to see himself in the forest. He then notices Wu as he walked along the forest, holding a small black box and the Gold Spinjitzu Rifle. "Brother." He comes up to Wu, who immediately passed through him, due to being a vision.

Wu then stopped and looked at the box. "I hope you protect Lloyd Jr. better than his father when the time is right." He said before he knelt down to place the box down on a tree stump, backs away a few steps before raising the Gold Spinjitzu Rifle and fired it. Energy started forming around the tree stump before moving up and completely turned the stump and the energy surroundings into a gold dragon statue.



Lloyd opened his eyes, in amazement. "The Statue of Occultatum. Of course, hidden right in plain sight." He soon stood up. "Get a platoon of Skulkin together."

"Yes, my lord." Samukai said.


At Ninjago Academy, Kai and Nya, who were having coffees, turned to see Jay, Zane and Cole coming up to them. "Oh, hey." Kai said as they head inside.

"Are you guys sure you've studied?" Nya asked as she and Kai toss their empty cups into a recycling bin.

"I have." Cole replied as they head up to one classroom while Nya went to another one.


In the kitchen, LJ had just finished washing the breakfast dishes and placed the last bowl on the rack before taking the apron off and puts it on the coat hanger as Wu was opening the fridge and looked inside. "Junior, we're out of milk." He said, closing the fridge. "I'm going into the city to get some more. Don't leave the monastery grounds."

"Yes, uncle." LJ replied as Wu walked out before he smiled and left the kitchen.


In the classroom at the academy which Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole entered, they and the other students inside wait before Mr. Davidson comes in. "Okay, now you have 2 hours to complete the test." He said. "You may begin..." He looks at the clock hitting 8:30. "...now." The students immediately turn their papers around and start writing down their answers on their test sheets.


In Cole's bedroom at the monastery, LJ pulls back the bed covers and dumps some dirt inside it while chuckling. "A sprinkle of itching powder ought to make us even for making me clean up the dishes." He said before he rearranged the covers back to their original position and leaves the room.


As he walked along the hallway, LJ comes across Wu's bedroom and enters it.


Inside, he comes across the Spirit Smoke jar. "Hmm, maybe I should envision something myself." He soon went over to the box of matches, gets one out and struck the jar with it, lighting the match. He then lit all the incenses before extinguishing the match, sat down and closed his eyes to meditate.


Almost 2 hours later, at Ninjago Academy, in the boys' classroom, Skylor had already finished her test at the same time that another student has before he gets up and hands Mr. Davidson his test sheet before he nods at him and the student leaves. She then turned to Kai, who was struggling a bit. "Maybe I should wait until he is finished." She thoughted before turning the test sheet around and starts to sketch Kai.


In Wu's bedroom at the monastery, LJ was still meditating before he soon envisioned Lloyd coming across the statue in the forest before the incenses completely extinguish and the smoke faded away. "The Forest of Tranquility?" He asked himself before he got up. "I gotta tell the Rangers." He immediately ran out of the room.


LJ soon came up to the monitor in the kitchen, puts on the headset and pressed a button. "Rangers. Rangers, come in! My father's gonna go to the Forest of Tranquility. Rangers, come in!" He soon backed away and sighed. "Guess I'll have to check it out myself." He comes up to a piece of paper and writes on it before taking off.


Outside, LJ comes across the Rangers' Spinjitzu Bikes before getting on Cole's, puts some stilts on to reach the pedals, starts it and takes off on it. "Just what are you up to, dad?"


At Ninjago Academy in the boys' classroom, Kai sighed as he had just finished before he got up and handed in his test sheet and walked out, followed by Zane before Skylor did so as well and Seliel followed suit. "Do you wonder why we always need to follow them?" She asked quietly so that she wouldn't disturb the class.

"I still find it strange that Kai suddenly got three new friends suspiciously." Skylor replied, whispering. "And you seem to have a crush on that Brookstone kid."

"I guess so."


In the kitchen at the monastery, Wu opens the door, carrying two grocery bags. "Junior?" He asked as he came in. "Junior? Lloyd? LJ?" He puts the bags down and sees the note.

"'Disturbance in the Forest of Tranquility." LJ's voice was heard as Wu read the note. "My father is gonna come across some dragon statue. If I'm not back by the time you are, send the Rangers.'"

"The Forest of Tranquility?" He immediately gasped. "No. That must mean, Lloyd's found it." He then heads over to the monitor.


In the Forest of Tranquility, Lloyd, Samukai and Futurn come up to the statue. "Yes." Lloyd said. "This is the statue from my vision." He then held a hand up, conjuring dark energy from it before holding it out to the statue, firing the conjured energy at it, causing it to explode.

He immediately smiled as LJ arrived and stopped behind some bushes to see Lloyd coming up to a black box in the wreckage. "That's gotta be what he was looking for." LJ said to himself.

He then felt something on his shoulder, causing him to turn and see it was a Skulkin, causing him to kick it before another one kicks him back, sending him over the bushes, and Lloyd turned to see him land nearby. "Junior!" He said as LJ got up.


In the hallway at Ninjago Academy, the school bell had rung as Jay, Cole and Nya exit the classrooms among others as they came up to Kai and Zane. "Who knew that test was so hard?" Kai asked.

"I don't think I'll be getting a high score." Cole replied as they came up to their lockers and opened them as the sound of their Spinjitzu Watches were heard.

They immediately grab them as Jay activated his. "Rangers, I need you back at the monastery, immediately." Wu said through the Spinjitzu Watch.

"We're on our way." Jay replied as they immediately take off.

Skylor and Seliel were about to follow until the door opened again. "Skylor, come in here, please." Mr. Davidson said.

"Something wrong, Mr. Davidson?" Skylor asked.

"It's about what you did on the back of your test sheet." Skylor soon sighed as she soon went into the classroom and Seliel shook her head.


In the Forest of Tranquility, LJ is held by Samukai as Lloyd looked at his son. "Hello." LJ just said, not happy about the predicament.

"Son." Lloyd replied. "You look different. And you're wearing my old clothes."

"I'm amazed at how they fit me too, and I've been meaning to drop by." LJ said it with sarcasm.

"Well, I'm very disappointed in you. You chose to join that fool Wu instead of coming back to me."

"You turned me into a dragon!"

"I know, and I regretted that decision, just as you should be, coming here without the Rangers." He then came up to the box. "Finally, after 7 years, it is back in my hands."


At the monastery, Wu sees the Rangers arrive and they turn to the Spinjitzu Bikes before Cole soon noticed that his was gone. "Hey, where's my bike?" He asked as he turned to Wu.

"LJ took it to check on a disturbance in the Forest of Tranquility." He replied as he came up to them. "You must head there, immediately."

"What sort of disturbance?" Nya asked.

"No time, just get there."

"But, which part of the forest?"

"There is a dragon statue. You can't miss it."

Squawking was soon heard as they look up to see a familiar falcon coming down to them. "That's the falcon I was talking about." Zane said. "Maybe he can guide us."

"But how am I gonna get there?" Cole asked. "Little brat took my bike."

"Ride with me." Jay replied as they get on their bikes and Cole got on Jay's before they take off and the falcon flies off.


In the Forest of Tranquility, Lloyd holds the box before turning to Samukai. "What should we do with this brat?" He asked.

"Let's see how my son likes being trapped in the Underworld." Lloyd replied.

"What?" LJ asked. "You would do that to your own son?"

"I have no son." Lloyd turned to the destroyed statue and raised his Mega Weapon. "I wish to-" There is soon an explosion in front of them, knocking them all down and sending the box into the bushes while Lloyd gets up. "Argh! Who dares?!"

"We do." Jay's voice was heard as the Rangers, all morphed, showed up and hold their weapons out while Nya came up to LJ, who immediately got away from Samukai after the explosion.

"You okay?" She asked, helping him up.

"Yeah." LJ replied. "How did you find me?" Nya points upward for LJ to see the falcon as it circled around. "A falcon?"

"The same falcon that guided Zane to your treehouse."

"Which they had to destroy."

"I know. Now, get behind the bushes."

"Right." LJ takes off, into the bushes where the box landed in.

"Alright, Garmadon, what were you after?" Cole asked.

"That is none of your business." Lloyd replied.

"We're making it our business!" Kai said before charging at him.

Lloyd immediately held the Mega Weapon up to block Kai's swords as Zane charges at Samuki, Nya runs at Futurn and Cole and Jay charge at the Skulkins. Jay twirled to avoid a Skulkin's sword strike before grabbing hold of it and kicked it down while swinging his flail around another Skulkin's legs before pulling it back, making it fall down while Cole uses his hammer as a stand as he lifted his legs in the air and kicked a Skulkin, causing it to jump back and hit two more, knocking them down before dropping down and struck another row, making them fall apart. "Strike!" He yelled.

Zane backflipped, avoiding every strike from Samukai before kicking him, knocking him back and crouched down to aim his bow and fired four arrows at the same time. Samukai swung his swords to deflect each arrow while moving forward to Zane and kicked him. By the bushes, LJ watched as Zane landed before looking down to see the box in the bushes, grabbed it, then a rock and struck the lock with it, immediately becoming shocked at what was inside it. "It can't be." He said to himself.

By the statue, Kai swings one sword at Lloyd, who quickly blocked it with the Mega Weapon, before moving to the side to try and kick him, but he uses his lower left arm to grab his leg and uses his upper left arm to grab his arm before moving the Mega Weapon behind his back and struck him, knocking him down. "Never underestimate a man with four arms." Lloyd said as he turned to face Kai, who quickly rolled back to get back onto his feet and used both of his right sword to block the Mega Weapon before trying to strike Lloyd underneath him, but he used both his lower hands to grab it.

Nya swings her spear at Futurn, who moved her head to the side before she grabbed hold of her, making Nya spin to the left, but managed to use hi right foot to kick her, making her let go of her. As she flipped to the side, Nya moves her spear out to Futurn, but she grabbed hold of it, making Nya straighten herself and try to punch, which was immediately blocked. Another punch was deflected and finally, Futurn kicks her in the chest, knocking her down. "I can see your future, Maroon Ranger." She said. "And I can see- Oh, this is a bit awkward."

A yell was soon heard as LJ suddenly showed up, in the air and used his left leg to kick Futurn back, allowing Nya to back away as well. As Futurn straightened herself, LJ placed his feet on the ground before standing up and then turned to Lloyd, who knocks Kai back. "Hey!" He yelled, making Lloyd face his son. "Take a look at something that rightfully belongs to me now." He then held up his left arm, showing the Emerald Spinjitzu Watch.

"The Emerald Spinjitzu Watch." Zane said.

"LJ, don't use it!" Jay said. "You're too young."

"It could destroy you." Kai said.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." LJ replied before facing Lloyd.

"Give it back!" Lloyd yelled, holding out his arm. "It doesn't belong to you."

"No, Garmadon, as your son, it belongs to me now. Spinjitzu!" He kneels down as he moved his left arm close to his right shoulder as his right hand touched the Emerald Spinjitzu Watch. "Emerald Power!"


LJ jumps in the air as he held his arms out. "Ninjago!" He starts spinning around as a green tornado soon appeared and engulfed him. It soon dispersed, revealing LJ, in his father's Ranger suit, as he lands, left leg out while the right knee was bent, left arm spread out to the side and right arm in front of him. Green wind soon engulfed his head, turning into the green helmet as his height extends.


LJ soon got up and poised as Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole and Nya look at him, in amazement. "Like my growth spurt?"

"Whoa." Jay said. "How did Lloyd get so big?"

"It must be because of the Spinjitzu Watch." Zane replied.

Lloyd soon held his hand behind his back and something glowed behind him before he moves his arm out, revealing a dao and swung it. "Energy Sword!" He yelled before charging at Samukai while Futurn charged at Nya as Zane got up and fired some arrows at her, allowing Nya to get up.

"Growing quick won't help you out!" Samukai yelled as he prepared to strike LJ, who quickly blocked his upper swords before planning to strike him with his lower swords, but LJ managed to swing his sword downward as Kai then showed up to quickly block the upper swords.

"He may be small, but he's perfectly skilled." He replied before forcing them up while LJ quickly struck Samukai's lower right arm, severing it.

"Ahh!" Samukai looked at his severed lower arm and growled before swing his upper right arm at LJ, who quickly blocked it.

Close by, Jay swung his flail at Futurn, who moved to the side, as Zane swung his bow at her, but missed, and Nya attempted to thrust her spear into her chest, but she forces Jay to come in front of her and the spear strikes him, knocking him down. "Sorry, Jay!" She yelled before she is kicked back and Cole grabbed her before she could land back.

"Terra Mallet!" He yelled, swinging his hammer and struck Futurn back.

Close by, Samukai tries to strike Kai using his upper arms, but he managed to block them while preparing to stab him with his only lower arm left, but LJ swings his sword up, severing before kicking him back. "Want to combine powers?" Kai asked.

"Gladly." LJ replied. Kai held out his swords and moved them forward, firing a flow of fire before LJ swung his sword, allowing the blade to emit energy before he held it out, causing the fire to turn green. The green flame soon struck Samukai, knocking him back and into Lloyd.

"Get off me!" He yelled, forcing him off before they got up and look at them. "Let Futurn deal with them. Let's get going." Lloyd and Samukai immediately take off as Futurn knocked Cole and Zane back and looked at LJ and Kai.

"Leave this to me." LJ said as Kai soon moved aside and he stabbed his sword into the ground before looking at his yoyo. "Hope there is a hidden power within me." He then gripped his yoyo tight which soon glowed and dispersed as he ungripped it. The yoyo had now turned into a razor chain whip before he moved it down to grip the handle, allowing the chain to dangle before he moved his arm up to swing it around "Energy Whip, final strike!" He swings the whip from upper right to downward left, leaving an energy slash, then to upper left to downward right, leaving another, making it an X, before spinning around and struck the energy wave, moving it to Futurn, who is struck by it and screamed before she exploded. LJ then swung his whip a bit before grabbing the end before it turned back into the yoyo and his sword disappeared. "A spinning victory." He then noticed the others looking at him before turning around to them. "What?"

By some bushes, Lloyd and Samukai see the Rangers leave before Lloyd turned to Samukai. "Now we have to deal with 6 Rangers." He said. "And you're starting to feel useless."

"Me?" Samukai asked. "I lost two arms because of your son. I will have my revenge!"


At the monastery, the Spinjitzu Bikes arrive and the Rangers get off with LJ on the back of Zane's. "LJ, what were you thinking, going for the Emerald Spinjitzu Watch by yourself?" Kai asked as he demorphed. "You could've been hurt."

"Hey, I tried to contact you." LJ replied, demorphing and back to his original size.

"You knew we had a test to do." Jay said, also demorphing.

"Besides, we can't just walk out in the middle of it without the risk of getting detention." Zane said as he, Cole and Nya demorph.

Wu soon came up to them. "We will talk about this tonight." He said. "First things first, LJ has some explaining to do."

"He is so gonna get grounded." Cole muttered before Wu glared at him, causing them to look away, casually whistling, until Wu went inside and the falcon flew down to them as Zane held his arm out for it to land on.

"What should we name our new friend?" He asked.

"I'd say 'Weirdo.'" Jay replied.

"You're the weirdo."

"Whoa, Zane, was that back talk?" Kai asked.

"Never mind that. How about Soar?"

"'Saw'?" Cole asked.

"No, 'Soar.' S-O-A-R."

"Okay then."


Later that night, LJ and Wu walk along the hallway while LJ looked at the Emerald Spinjitzu Watch on his left wrist. "After you left, I thought I might try out the Spirit Smoke for myself." LJ said. "That was when it showed me the vision."

"Why didn't you inform the Rangers?" Wu asked.

"I tried, but I couldn't reach them. No matter if they had an important test."

"Well then, their ignorance was your reward."

"What do you mean?"

"You went off to the Forest of Tranquility by yourself, recovered the Emerald Spinjitzu Watch, and succeeded your father as the Emerald Ranger. Now, try to get some sleep, Junior, we got some training to do in the morning."

"Good night, uncle." LJ heads into his room as Wu sees him go inside.

Wu soon went up to the other Rangers and sighed. "Well?" Kai asked.

"He is the one who succeeded." He replied. "You lot didn't."

"What?" They all asked.

"But, Master, he took my bike and went rogue going after his father." Cole said.

"And we had an important test." Zane said.

"Still, the test is not an excuse." Wu replied. "You will go on a 20 mile run, or until dawn as your punishment."

"What?" They all asked.

"Don't complain. Start moving." He soon clapped his hands. "Chop, chop!" They immediately take off and he chuckles as LJ peeked out from outside his bedroom door to chuckle a bit.
