Episode 8: Hypadio

(A/N: I thought might show you I'm also a bit of a songwriter. Sometimes it takes minutes, days, weeks, or even MONTHS to come up with lyrics, but it is all worth it in the end)


Everyone in Ninjago City becomes hypnotized, except for Cole, who must reluctantly rely on a hidden talent he wanted to forget, to defeat the monster responsible for it.


At Darkley's, there was loud music being heard somewhere as Lloyd, who was in his office, was trying his best to ignore it, but immediately became angered by it before heading out. "Where is that awfully loud music coming from?" He asked as he left.


In the hallway, Lloyd walked along as he was hearing the music coming from a nearby room and opened it.

He looked in to see, Kruncha, Nuckal and some Skulkin dancing to music as Nuckal was singing. "🎶You want me to do this, I never want to, But I know never to disrespect my fans, And inspire them to try it out themselves.🎶" Nuckal sang.

Lloyd soon came up to the stereo and slammed the Mega Weapon into it, destroying it and causes the music to stop, causing them all to complain. "Why would the music stop?" A Skulkin asked. "Why?" They looked to see Lloyd. "Ahh, Lord Garmadon!"

They stood up and saluted before Lloyd came up to them. "This is no time for fooling around." He said before looking at Nuckal. "Especially since he can't get the lyrics right." (A/N: The altered lyrics were done deliberately. For the real version, it's called Know You Had a Go, and it can be viewed on my deviantART page)

"Sorry, my lord." Nuckal replied. "But we liked that song, almost like we were hypnotised to hear it."


"Yeah, what he said." Kruncha said.

"Nuckal, you gave me an idea to control everyone in Ninjago City. That way while everyone is hypnotised, we can get my son back here." He then turned to the broken stereo and placed the Mega Weapon over it. "I wish to create a monster that can hypnotise people with radio waves!" The Mega Weapon emits energy and the stereo rises before moving about and formed into what looked like a skeleton with a stereo on top and a skeleton's lower body. "Hypadio will control everyone, even the Rangers." He soon laughed evilly.


In a classroom at Ninjago Academy, a man with shaggy brown hair and a brown eyepatch over his right eye, wearing a green shirt, black chinos and brown boots, was writing down some words down as Cole moved his head to Kai. "So, how did Mr. Davidson lose his eye again?" He asked.

"During the Serpentine War." Kai replied.

"Alright, class, no more talking behind my back, and listen to the story about how Ninjago City was created." Someone's phone soon rang, causing him to turn and see it was Cole's as he quickly turned it off. "Now, it was said that-" Cole's phone rang again, but he turns it off again, angering Mr. Davidson. "-in the ancient times when Ninjago was-" Cole's phone soon rang again, angering Mr. Davidson. "Cole Brookstone, hand me that phone, right now!"

Cole groaned as he got up, turned his phone off and handed it to him. "Sorry, same caller's been bugging me all morning." He replied before sitting down, not noticing Skylor and Seliel snickering while Seliel had her phone out.

"I'll give it back to you at the end of the lesson." He cleared his throat before turning back to the board. "Back to the beginning: It was said that in the ancient times when Ninjago was mostly made of water that during an earthquake, it caused most of the ocean to go down some cracks in the land."


Several minutes later, Hypadio comes up to a satellite and laughed as it opened the panel. "Let the city hear the tune." It said as it soon started sending hypnotic waves into it. "The tune of Lord Garmadon's takeover, the end of the Power Rangers and the extraction of Garmadon Jr."


In Mr. Davidson's classroom at the academy, the students had just finished and start walking out as Cole came up to the desk while getting out some headphones. "Just make sure to put the phone on silent the next time that person calls." He said.

"Of course, Mr. Davidson." Cole replied as he took his phone, puts his headphones on and connected the phone to it before starting to listen to music.

"Oh, Cole, by the way-" He turned to see Cole had already left. "Oh, why waste my breath?"


In the hallway, Cole heads over to his locker and was about to open it as hypnotic waves come out of the PA system. Every student soon stopped, some dropping their stuff, and shook around a bit as Cole looked to see everyone tranced. "Guys?" He turned to see Kai and Nya, also hypnotised as their eyes turn red, along with the others. "Kai? Nya?" He then turned to see Jay and Zane, also hypnotised. "Jay, Zane? What is going on?" He removes one headphone and groaned before quickly putting it back in. "What is that awful sound?"

"Surround the Power Ranger." Hypadio called out through the PA system.

All students start heading over to Cole, who backed away. "Stop! You're scaring me!" Kai then grabbed hold of the cord before pulling it, removing it from the phone.


As he kept backing away, Cole was surprised that he isn't hypnotised before he plugged the headphones into his Spinjitzu Watch. "Master? LJ? We got a situation at the school."

"It's happening across the city." LJ replied through the Spinjitzu Watch. "It's very lucky that Uncle Wu and I are in the mountains."

Cole started to move away as the students start chasing after him. "The Spirit Smoke has just shown a skeleton with a stereo, it is on the rooftop of Ninjago Radio Station." Wu said through the Spinjitzu Watch.

"I'm on it." Cole replied. "Inform the other Rangers once I scrambled the signal." Cole unplugged the headphones before taking off.


Outside, Cole sees some students and adults coming over to him before he turned left and flipped over the railing, into a rose garden before taking off.


On the rooftop of Ninjago Radio Station, Hypadio was still using its power into the antenna's control before Cole shows up. "Hey!" It doesn't even notice him. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" He immediately raised his left arm. "Spinjitzu!" He moves his right thumb to his Spinjitzu Watch.


Cole moves his left hand by his right shoulder as he moved his right elbow back. "Ninjago!" He starts spinning as a black tornado soon appeared and engulfed him. It soon dispersed revealing Jay, in his Ranger suit. He was on his right knee with his right arm spread out and his left arm in front of his right knee before he looks up as black wind soon engulfed his head, turning into his black helmet.


Cole immediately got out his mallet. "Terra Mallet! Hammer time!" He swings his hammer and strikes Hypadio. It then moved back, causing it to stop its attack.


In the hallway at the academy, Kai, Jay, Zane, Nya and all the students and teachers suddenly look around, in confusion. "What was going on?" Kai asked.

"It felt like we were hypnotised." Zane replied. Nya's Spinjitzu Watch soon beeped before they head into a nearby classroom.


On the rooftop, Cole swings his hammer at Hypadio as it backed away before preparing to strike it, but it grabs hold of the hammer, kicks Cole back to make him let go and throws it aside. "Face it, you're all alone, my hypnosis has-"

"I don't think so!" Kai was heard as Hypadio turned to see him, Jay, Zane and Nya, all morphed and holding out their weapons. "Ignition Swords!" Kai swings his swords the moment they go alight and strikes Hypadio.

"Thunder Flail!" Jay yelled, swinging his flail around as it starts emitting electricity before he strikes Hypadio.

"Frozen Arrows!" Zane yelled, using his bow to fire two arrows at its speaker boxes, resulting in them jamming the speaker boxes and freeze up.

"No, my speakers!" Hypadio yelled.

"Aqua Spear!" Nya yelled as her spear started to flow blue energy before thrusting it into Hypadio, causing electricity to spark out as Kai kicks Cole's hammer back to him.

"Spinjitzu Blaster!" He yelled.


Jay held the flail out while Zane places his bow on top of the flail, Cole places his hammer on top, Nya places her spear underneath the bow and Kai places his swords one each end of the bow, creating a different type of blaster. Jay and Zane held the sides while Cole and Nya were knelt down, using their respective shoulders while holding onto the sword handles and Kai held the flail handle. "Fire Power!" Kai places his hand on top of the blaster. The end of the blaster soon starts emitting energy and expands. "Ready? Fire!"


The Spinjitzu Blaster fires the shot, hitting Hypadio and sending it flying while the Rangers disassemble the blaster, back to their original weapons. "Well, that was easy." Cole said.


Several hours later, at Darkley's, Kruncha and Nuckal bring in Hypadio before dropping it on the floor. "You owe us a new stereo." Nuckal said to Lloyd, who had his feet on the desk before he immediately slammed them onto the floor, in anger.

"You dare anger me?!" Lloyd asked, standing up and holding out the Mega Weapon at him, causing him to cower and shriek.

"No, sir, Nuckal is still upset and Hypadio was defeated by the Black Ranger." Kruncha replied.

"Well then, let's see if it can try a better signal to hypnotise the whole of Ninjago." Lloyd heads over to the body and held his Mega Weapon out to him.


At Mistaké's Tea Shop in the mall, the Rangers were all sitting at a table. "It was strange." Cole said. "For some reason, I wasn't hypnotised because I had my headphones in."

"Maybe because they can block the sound out." Zane replied.

"If that's the case, maybe we should all buy one." Jay said, leading to everyone being confused. "What? What if that thing attacks Ninjago City to try and hypnotise us again?"

"We don't even have the money." Nya replied.

Kai then sighed before turning to Mistaké. "Excuse me, Mistaké, you hiring?" He asked.

"Hiring?" She asked. "Never heard of it! Try Nova Sed-Cheap." She points to a clothing store opposite her shop.

"Uh, thanks." He then turned back to them. "There's goes Plan A."

"Well, I can't rely on my parents anymore." Jay said. "They need the money themselves."

"I'm sure we'll think of something."

"How about working at my father's noodle restaurant?" Skylor asked as she and Seliel come up to them.

"If I want to work there, it wouldn't be with you, Skylor."

"Oh, Kai."

"How about Cole?" Seliel asked, rubbing his hair.

"Get off!" He yelled, moving her back. "I'm not going to spend nights, cleaning dishes."

"It'll be more than that." Skylor replied.

"Nice try, Skylor, but we're fine either way." Nya said as they get up and walk away. "And you're paying the bill."

"What?" Skylor and Seliel asked.


In what appeared to be a radio station, radio workers were working with their usual adjustments before Skulkins show up, causing everyone to get up and scream before taking off and they start taking their places as Hypadio, with new speaker boxes and plugs on the sides, came over to the main switches. "I'm inside the station now, Lord Garmadon." It said as it turned away from them.

"Good." Lloyd replied through the speaker boxes. "Now, proceed with your attack. I want everyone hypnotised."

"Yes, my lord." It then looked back at the main switches. "Time for a channel change." Hypadio inserts the plugs into the main switches and presses some buttons.


At the monastery, the Rangers had just came in to see LJ playing with his yoyo by the stairs. "Hey, guys." He said as he did a small trick. "Let me guess, an easy monster?"

"Oh yeah, it was totally easy." Kai replied.


Outside the station, Hypadio's signal soon sent giant shockwaves.


At the monastery, the Rangers were about to head inside. "You know, maybe we could-" The shockwaves soon start surrounding the sky, including above the clouds as the Rangers start going in a trance.

"Gotta... get... my...ears... covered!" Cole struggled as he get his headphones and puts them in his ears. He then turned around to see the other Rangers and LJ, all hypnotised and red eyed, slowly coming up to him. "Not again!" He quickly heads inside and closes the door.


Inside, Cole breathes heavily before seeing Wu come up to him. "Master Wu!"

"Time to grab the Ranger." Wu said as he started coming up to him, also hypnotised.

"Oh no." He immediately runs into the kitchen before heading over to the door leading to the hallway.

"Black Ranger!" Wu starts heading after him.


In the hallway, Cole runs along it before skidding to a halt, heads to a nearby door and opened it as he turned to see Kai, Jay and LJ heading over to him before quickly heading in and closed the door as they came up to it and banged on it.


Inside, it was shown to be Cole's room, based on the black bedding and black accessories. Only thing that wasn't black were the curtains at the window, the furniture and the cover on a nearby gaming console, which were orange. He then came up to the wardrobe and opened it, revealing black, white, grey and orange clothing before finding an orange box and opened it, revealing some personal items. "I guess I have no choice, but to try and use this." He rummages through the box before coming across a CD in a case. "I knew this was come back and haunt me." The door soon broke open as Kai, Jay and LJ came in. "Sorry to do this, guys. But-" He gets up, grabs a hold of Kai and pushes him into the others. "Now, to find that stereo head."


Cole heads into the kitchen and looks on the monitor to see a beacon in the middle of the city. "Ninjago Rocks? Great. Oh, well, no choice." He soon took off before exiting the room. "Spinjitzu! Ninjago!"


At the Ninjago Rocks station, Hypadio laughed as it was still transmitting its hypnotic waves and the Skulkins were at their positions. "Soon, all of Ninjago including the Power Rangers will serve Lord Garmadon, including his defected son."

"Maybe." Cole's voice was heard.

"Huh?" Hypadio turned to see him by the emergency exit.

"Or how about I call off your one hit wonder and replace it with something else?" He holds up the CD before putting it away.

"Skulkins, attack!"

The Skulkins quickly get up and ran at Cole as he poised. He immediately ran at them as one grabs a chair and pushed it, hoping to make him trip, but Cole jumped and kicked it while swinging back as the chair hits the Skulkin, causing it to come apart before Cole wrapped his legs around another one's ribcage, moved his legs up and slammed it into another one, breaking them apart before he gets on his knees and stood up before looking at Hypadio. "Let's see how you like this kind of music!"


Cole gets the CD out of its case, puts it in the main player and turns it on at full volume as loud music soon played. "🎶I'm no slave to you, Don't think you can control me, Because I'm like a free bird, A free bird🎶" The CD was of Cole, singing.

"What? Is that you?"

Cole then grabbed a nearby Skulkin's sword lying nearby. "🎶Try to hypnotise me, But you have no control over me, I'm taking you down🎶" He then threw it at one of the plugs, severing it and knocking Hypadio down as the song continued. "🎶Oh, how I feel the freedom in my bones, It's like the world wants to see me free, And to feel like me, To tell them about my abuse from you🎶"


In Ninjago City, the hypnotised civilians soon felt normal as they soon hear the music. "What is that song?" Someone asked.

"Sounds cool." Another person replied.


At the monastery, Kai, Jay, Zane, Nya, LJ and Wu also snap out of their hypnotised trance. "🎶You have no control over me, I am no slave, For you there's nothing, Don't think you can try, Don't think you can try to do it again🎶" Cole's singing was heard.

"Hey, is that Cole's voice?" Jay asked.

"Really cool song." LJ replied.

"Rangers, no time to rest, go help him." Wu said.

"Right." Kai, Jay, Zane and Nya replied before they take off as LJ moved his head up and down to the sound of Cole's song.

"🎶Can't you see me now?, I'm no slave to you, Not anymore, And I never will, Nor was I ever was🎶" Cole's singing was heard as LJ moved to it a bit. "🎶Find someone weaker than me, But they'll be strong too, Because you're nothing🎶" He then turned to see Wu glaring at him, causing him to stop.


Outside Darkley's, Lloyd, Samukai, Kruncha, Nuckal and some Skulkins hear the song. Nuckal and the others were the only one moving to it. "🎶Oh, how I feel the freedom in my bones, It's like the world wants to see me free, And to feel like me, To tell them about my abuse from you🎶"

"Why did Hypadio stop?" Lloyd asked.


At a restaurant, Skylor, Seliel, the employees and patrons were listening to the song. "🎶You have no control over me, I am no slave, For you there's nothing, Don't think you can try, Don't think you can try to do it again🎶"

"Daughter, I want you to find and hire that guy." A man with red hair, moustache, goatee and sideburns said.

"Of course, dad." Skylor replied, obviously knowing who the singer is.

"🎶I'm gonna ignore your demands, Have new ones planted in me, Instead of your brutal fighting, The fighting you said I was weak from🎶" Cole's singing was heard.


At Ninjago Rocks station, Cole gets out his hammer and strikes Hypadio, knocking it into a wall, causing it to break as it goes through it.


On the streets of Ninjago City, Hypadio lands on the road as civilians start running and Cole's song was still playing. "No more hypnotising." Hypadio said. "Let's do this."

"🎶I can tell you're lying, I'm not a slave to you, So, you can go away.🎶" Cole charges at Hypadio and raised his hammer before lowering it, striking it before moving to the side as it tried to strike him. "🎶Oh, how I feel the freedom in my bones, It's like the world wants to see me free, And to feel like me, To tell them about my abuse from you🎶"

"Cole!" Zane was heard as Cole turned to see the other Rangers, morphed, showing up on their Spinjitzu Bikes, with Nya on Cole's.

"Hey, guys." Cole said as he turned back to Hypadio and the others stop next to him and get off.

"🎶You have no control over me, I am no slave, For you there's nothing, Don't think you can try, Don't think you can try to do it again🎶" Cole's singing was heard. The other Rangers soon got out their weapons and they charge at Hypadio. "🎶I'm no slave to you, Don't think you can control me, Because I'm like a free bird🎶" Kai swings his swords as he charged at Hypadio as it tries to strike his legs, but he somersaults over it and struck its back. Jay swung his flail about before wrapping it around Hypadio's left leg and jumped back, pulling on the chain and making it trip onto the ground. "🎶Try to hypnotise me, But you have no control over me, I'm taking you down. Find someone weaker than me, But they'll be strong too, Because you're nothing🎶"

"Our turn!" Zane said as he aimed his bow and arrow at Hypadio while Nya held her spear out.

"Right." Nya replied.

"🎶Oh, how I feel the freedom in my bones, It's like the world wants to see me free, And to feel like me, To tell them about my abuse from you🎶" Cole's singing was heard. Zane fires the arrow at Hypadio as it was getting up, hitting its right knee before Nya thrusted her spear into it and it slides back.

"Spinjitzu Blaster!" Cole yelled.


Jay held the flail out while Zane places his bow on top of the flail, Cole places his hammer on top, Nya places her spear underneath the bow and Kai places his swords one each end of the bow, creating the Spinjitzu Blaster. Nya and Jay held the sides while Zane and Kai were knelt down, using their respective shoulders while holding onto the sword handles and Cole held the flail handle. "Earth Power!" Cole places his hand on top of the blaster. The end of the blaster soon starts emitting energy and expands. "Ready? Fire!"


The Spinjitzu Blaster fires the shot, hitting Hypadio. "🎶You have no control over me, I am no slave, For you there's nothing, Don't think you can try, Don't think you can try to do it again🎶" Cole's song was now finished as Hypadio soon groaned before exploding.

The Ranger disassemble the Spinjitzu Blaster back into their original weapons as Cole looked at the wreckage. "A spinning victory."


In his office at Darkley's, Lloyd growled in anger as Samukai, Kruncha and Nuckal look on. "Aren't you going to use your Mega Weapon to make him grow?" Nuckal asked.

"No." Lloyd replied, turning to him. "I used it twice and I'm too tired. Your idea to hypnotise the Rangers didn't work and we got to hear the Black Ranger's annoying singing voice."

"I kinda liked it." Kruncha said.

"A week in the dungeon for you two!" He kicks the plant, opening the trapdoor and they both go through before the door closed. "One of these days, Rangers. One of these days."


The following morning, at the restaurant, Kai, wearing a white t-shirt with words on it saying, 'Master Chen's Noodle House', as well as a name tag with his name on it, hands two plates with food to two patrons at a table. "Here you go." He said.

"Thanks." They replied before he walked over to Jay, Zane, Nya, Wu and LJ. Jay, Zane and Nya were also wearing Master Chen's Noodle House shirt and name tags.

"I just can't believe Skylor still wanted us."

"Well, Master Chen is an old friend of mine." Wu said. "Besides, you should always help friends out in your time of need."

"Even if they're someone you don't like much." LJ said before moving to Wu and whispered something in his ear, causing him to become surprised and giggled.

"What?" Kai asked.

"I was also wondering alongside Junior, do you actually have a crush on Skylor?" Wu asked.

"What?" He turned to Skylor, who hands a patron his bill before she notices him and smiled, causing him to quickly look away and blush.

"You so do." LJ said.

"No, I don't."

"Come on. Seliel has dibs on Cole, so you obviously have dibs on her."

"Will you grow up already, LJ?"

The music that was playing in the restaurant soon stopped as everyone turned to a nearby karaoke stand. "Uh, good evening, patrons and regulars, I hope you're all having a great night." Chen said. "Now, you all heard that most awesome song on the radio just the other day. Well, I chose to hire the singer to regularly sing for us. It is Cole Brookstone." Kai, Jay, Zane, Nya, LJ, Wu, Skylor, Seliel, the patrons and employees applaud as Chen gets off the stage for them to see Cole, also wearing a Master Chen's Noodle House t-shirt with his name tag, preparing to sing as the music starts.

"🎶Let me tell you what I think about fear🎶" Cole starts singing. "🎶No fear, no fear, Never fear, never fear. You just wanted to hide your talent, And, you never want to hear it again, You just wish you never had it at all, And become a regular guy with a boring life🎶"

LJ then turned to Wu. "Is there a chance that I could become a Power Ranger?" He asked, whispering to him. "After all, dad was."

Wu soon thinks. "We shall see." He replied as they resume listening to Cole's singing.

"🎶Never have fear, No fear at all, Fear is a word that I don't believe, Fear isn't a word where I come from, Not even hidden fear🎶" Cole sang as some patrons start to dance to it, including Jay and Nya, surprising Kai.

(A/N: The songs on this chapter are called Know You Had a Go, No Slave and No Fear, all original songs written by me that you can look at on my deviantART account: TEK1996)
