
Okay, so ngl I forgot I even had this story up. This chapter was already saved in my drafts, it was probably supposed to be longer but as of rn I don't even remember the plot so here's what I had previously written. Would u guys want me to continue with the book?

Eddie's POV

One thing I had noticed about Richie is he lies to me. A lot.

Now I understand why he lied about a lot of the things he did but what annoys me more is that I know now about his situation yet he still lies. Like how he said we left early for school yet when I get there he's nowhere to be seen, then when he does show up he's high. Nobody else seemed to notice which completely and utterly confuses me, how can they not see the red rims or glossiness of his eyes? Are they just not looking? Even if they aren't can they not see how he's way more chatty than usually? No just me? Fine be like that.


I decided to sit away from everyone at lunch, I couldn't be assed with them acting like everything is fine. They all do it, Beverly pretends she's over her dad abusing her before he got arrested, bill and Stan act like they aren't completely depressed when they decide to break up yet again, Ben pretends he's fine with hearing about Beverly's love life even if they both have huge crushes on each other, Mike pretends he's okay with killing the animals on his grandads farm even though he's the biggest animal lover ever, and Richie.... he pretends he's okay even though almost everything in his life is fucked up, his parents, his mind, even his house wasn't a home.

I wanted to be alone so I could think in what the fuck to do. I wanted to talk to Richie about everything he told me, I wanted to help him but I couldn't if he wouldn't let me. So I came up with a plan, I'm going to set him up. I'll invite him to some party or something but when we get there it will just be us and I'll lock him in the room, not letting him go until he explains how he really feels and why he keeps lying to me. It's the only way.
