Richie could feel the wind blowing against his face as he walked towards Eddies street, his nose red from the cold. He pulled his headphones off as he approached the door, before he could even knock Eddie was rushing out the door.

"You're 5 minutes late asshole!" Eddie pointed out as he shoved Richie playfully.

"Sorry Ed's, had to clean up the mess your mum left me with last night of you know what I mean" Richie said with a wink as Eddie cringed at the thought.

The pair slowly began walking to the clubhouse where they had agreed to meet the rest of the losers.

"So u told me you wanted to talk about something?" Eddie questioned while burying his hands in his pockets to get the numb feeling to hopefully stop.

"Right..." Richie paused, why was this so hard to ask? It was a simple question, he just knew that the answer couldn't be good. "Why were you at my house yesterday?..."
"....and what did you say to my dad?.."

Eddie seemed to freeze at the question, like he had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. This just worried Richie more.  "You...you saw me?" He questioned and in return got a nod.


"I was just seeing if you were home." Eddie lied.

"No, you knew I was with the losers because we asked you to come and you said you were busy." Richie stated.

"Okay.. fine I'll tell you. Just promise you won't get mad!" Eddie pleaded

"I can't promise that Eds.." Richie said with a frown, a small hand gently grabbed his wrist causing a large amount of pain but he hid it as best as he could. Eddie pulled Richie to the sidewalk before stopping to look at him.

"Okay.. so um.. I told your dad that I saw you forcing yourself to throw up.. and I said that maybe he should make sure you haven't got injuries anywhere else just encase..." Eddie said in a slight mumble but Richie definitely caught what he said as Eddie noticed his eyes widening with every word.

"EDDIE!" Richie shouted, it was all he could say. He couldn't think of anything else.

"I'm sorry rich I just-"

"Eddie please don't ever do that again! I know you're trying to help but I'm okay I promise! You saying that just makes things worse because my dad thought I told you something." Richie spoke out his voice going at 100 miles an hour.

"What did he think you told me?..." Eddie asked curiously but was ignored and instead Richie was walking again so Eddie ran to catch up.

Before they knew it they were climbing down the ladder to the club house after a long awkward silence between the two.

"Holy shit why is it so warm down here?" Richie asked as he reached the floor.

"We started a fire to keep us warm" Beverly states with a smile.

"You realise how dangerous that is?!" Eddie shouts with a concerned look imprinted on his face.

"Not my idea, I told them they were absolute idiots" Stan replied.

Both Richie and Eddie let out a small laugh at that before taking off their jackets. Or In Richie's case he slid the jacket half way down his arm before realising that when Eddie crabbed his arm the cuts had been reopened and there was currently blood all over his jumper. Then he decided it would be best to keep it on.

Eddie eyed Richie suspiciously "Rich aren't you going to take off your jacket? You said yourself it's boiling."

"Uhh, no. I suddenly feel freezing, so sorry Eds as much as you want to steal my jacket it's not happening" Richie replies with a small, fake smirk before sitting as far from the fire as possible

And after that fake ass smirk Eddie could tell he was hiding something more, something worse than forcing himself to throw up after eating, and yet again he was going to have to find out himself.


I feel like these aren't getting any better so I'm sorry like seriously I'm gonna try I'm just having some writers block.
