I am breathing....

But is it actual one?

I will tell you what is real...

Acting fine but breaking inside!

I want to run like princess in fairy tales...

But there is no jungle of happiness and no prince over there!

Everything is vain making me suffocate...

That's a real pain hard to describe!

The thoughts, the accusations are burning me so deep...

That my emotions and action are different instead!

I feel so warm when its cold outside!

I feel so cold when its warm outside!

What's the difference in a fake and real smile?

One is with no emotion and one is with tears inside!

What you want is not what you get...

Why is there unfairness with everything we set!

Please break this paining chain ahead...

Let me be free and reach the endless hope ahead!

Cause there is no turning back within miles...

I want to be free like a flying kite!
