Hey! everywhere is a fuss going on...

People are dying all of a sudden and some getting born!

How can this sudden change be so easy for anyone?

I am still going through the scene in my head I first met on!

It went like....

I was going through the mist and the falls,

When I heard people crying and weeping on somebody's mourn.

I went on going through my way as it was not my family case,

Don't know I was moving or running from the chase!

As I stepped out the gate, I looked back and saw them still crying...

Thinking why it didn't touch me at all, am I heartless or heartbreak.

Then heard another shout from nearby this time....

Turned and saw someone crushed by a car in front of the mall!

Everyone gushed to the injured but I still remain rooted at my place...

Of course, as it was not my family case!

I reached my home in time not stopping at any place anyhow,

But home seemed empty as nobody was there only walls watching my face,

Somebody tapped on the door calling my name...

I opened the door to see a red-faced neighbour,

He shouted my name crying, hollowing and whatnot so ever.

"I tried reaching you but you never picked up the call!"

"Why is everyone so hyped about today, what's the matter?"

"Your family member got crushed by a car in front of the mall...

I tried reaching you again but you never picked up the call"

Thinking about my silent phone, I felt pain somewhere in my chest,

Flashbacks of the mourn and accident dance in my head!

Now I understand their crying and weeping...

Why can't somebody move on so easy?

I wish I had rushed to that car sudden and quick,

Call it selfish, but this time my family is at brick.
