Some believe in God and some don't,

I believe this because god gave me a dad and a mom.

These two small words have so much impact on our lives,

But the amount of love we give them back is so little thin as a knife.

Mom taught me how to walk,

Dad brought me toffees, cake and whatnot.

But when they get old, we don't help her with her walk,

Dad wants us to mend his broken spectacles but we are so busy with our talk.

I once asked dad for a game I loved,

He didn't have money so he refused saying he didn't have money enough.

I got upset and didn't eat food that night,

He took me to the market unable to bear my crying sight.

I was so happy then and said you are the best dad,

He smiled and said eat first then play the game no need to be sad.

Now that we grew up and are financially stable,

We buy a lot of things but dad still buys never.

I ask dad why don't you buy anything it's not that we can't afford,

I never understood why he is always like this,

And says I am happy to see you buy things.

He would always say you will understand when you get old too,

That child's happiness is all dad looks for whether he is rich or not!

And he will reach me only on my one call,

But dad never told us he broke the fixed deposit for my game when I was small!

Mom will work hard from day to night,

Never gets a holiday never at rest always gives her best.

Doing all chorus but is called a housewife,

Can't count the numerous wounds she had from the knife!

She sometimes shows emotions and sometimes is strict,

Her work is flawless and her reflexes are quick!

Mom loves me, supports me, and befriends me all the time,

She will get angry sometimes scolding us until we cry.

But what I didn't understand at that moment,

That mom was trying to make me strong to fight this cruel world later.

I want to be like my parents when I grew up,

But it's not easy because their traits are hard to pick up.

You don't know what treasure you have with you,

Until you lose them forever you would then know the truth.

People fall in love with many and define love,

But the first ever true love you experience is of mom and dad!
