you are my reason

this part takes place in season 1

  May was close to tears when coulson yelled at her, it was as if her world was collapsing. Phil was her reason to live,and now that he didn't want to know anything more about her,her reason was no longer there. She took a piece of paper and began to write a farewell letter,then she opened a drawer and pulled out a small box,in it was a small beautiful pistol and a bullet,Coulson had given it to her for her birthday.  Melinda put the letter for him on his bed, went out into the snow leaning against a stone, pressed the barrel of the pistol on her chest, exactly where her heart was and pressed off. The pistol fell to the ground and melinda took her last breath.  Coulson got off the jet and went to his quarters,he was tired and just wanted to sleep,he could also apologize to may tomorrow. When he came to his bed he saw a piece of paper lying there, phil picked up the note and began to read.

Phil,                                                                                                                                                                                              I'm sorry I lied to you, but I would do it again to protect you. I have always noticed immediately when you need me to protect yourself was my reason to live, and now that you hate me I have no reason to live anymore. I hope that you will find your happiness and that we may meet again if you stay in Tahiti for more than a few days.                                                                                                            May 

   The letter fell out of Coulson's hand and he ran to the team." AC! is everything okay?!" asked skye. "You have to search the grounds!!" coulson shouted in response. "After whom?" asked simmons, "To May!" he shouted. 10 minutes later phil found her lying in the snow, she was pale and her top was soaked in blood. Coulson quickly lifted May up and brought her to simmons.

     "You don't understand that!" ,an agent dies!we need the G.H. !" cried coulson into the phone,peggy carter at the other end of the line sighed (I know she's dead but no matter) "which agent?" she asked and coulson quickly replied: "Melinda May.". Carter almost screamed, she was may's s.o. and always saw her like a daughter. "Bring Melinda here!" shouted carter and hung up.

     3 days later May slowly opened her eyes, she felt a hand pressing hers and looked to the side,there sat phil,every hardness had disappeared from his eyes. "P-p-phil" she said in a rough voice. "Melinda... thank God..." phil said relieved. "I.. I'm sorry," may said quietly.   "You did the right thing, you just protected me, I forgive you," coulson said comfortingly. Melinda nodded slowly, coulson put his arms around may and held her tightly to himself.    Phil gently kissed her on the head and whispered, "What would I do without you?" "die," melinda replied simply, he laughed softly. "I...I love you..." she whispered. "I love you too," coulson whispered back. Shortly thereafter, both had fallen asleep.                                                                                                                                                           
