Take a bullet for me

Season oneeeee have funnnn

"And I know you'd follow him to the grave, so." Garret said, making a face, pointing his gun at Phil and pulled the trigger. Coulson closed his eyes and waited to feel the pain of a bullet but the pain didn't come. He opened his eyes again and saw May lying on the floor, he was surprised at first but then he realized that May caught the bullet, May had sacrificed her life for him. That made him mad, he wasn't mad at may but at garret, how could he. Somehow, Phil didn't know how ,Phil and his team managed to take out Garret and his men. Coulson dropped to the floor next to May. "Melinda?" he asked with panic in his voice. May's eyes slowly opened, she breathed shallow and fast. "Why did you do that?" "Because..." she coughed and blood ran out of her mouth, he wiped it away. "Because I... love you..." she answered. Coulson was shocked for a moment and that was the moment they had left because just as he was about to answer May's eyes closed and her head fell to the side. "Melinda?!" , no answer he got scared. "Lin?!" ,silence. He quickly picked her up and brought her to Simmons.

later that day

Simmons came out of the infirmary and turned to coulson "she's stable and should wake up soon, you can go to her if you like" she said. He just nodded and went inside. Melinda was still asleep and he sat down next to her, taking her hand in his and rubbing his thumb over her hand. She began to move and slowly opened her eyes. May tried to speak but couldn't get a sound out. "wait .here drink" he handed her a glass of water and she drank it in small sips then said quietly "i'm sorry...that i cheated on you and i know that the fact that i love you is nothing.. .." she was interrupted by phil's lips on hers and she returned the kiss. After what felt like forever they pulled apart for air. "Don't you ever do that again okay?" he said "okay" "promise?" "I can't promise that..." she answered and kissed him again "just try it" he whispered into the kiss.

Skye was about to enter the room to go to May or her mum as she secretly called May when she saw May and Coulson kissing, she grinned, pulled her phone out of her pocket, took a quick picture of the two and ran to jemma to show her that her parents had finally found each other.
