May is drunk

"Come on May,only a few hours,please" ,Coulson pleads. May crossed her arm,he tried since 10 minutes to persuade her to came to the party,her birthdayparty to be exact and May answerd just like the last 10 minutes: "No". "Mayyyyyy" ,suddelny he grinned and gave her an dogface, she moaned "Fine,but not more than 1 hour." ,she said and Phil smiled happily.

-at the party-

"May,you cant't drink so much!" ,coulson half yelled over the sounds from the party. "W-why not?" ,Melinda said laughing and put the glass up to her mouth,just before the liquid entered her mouth he knocked the glass out of her hand and kissed her.She stiffed and quickly broke away from Coulson. "Coulson,what the hell?!?!" ,she yelled. He looked at her questioningly and she said: " I wasn't drunk,I played it, I thought that would make you happy that I would have something like fun." Coulson looked at her stunned and asked equally stunned, "That was just played?! I kissed you, I kissed you because I didn't dare to do it if you remember it." he took a deep breath and said, "Melinda.... I never dared to tell you but....." he took another deep breath and continued: "I love you Melinda,since we first met." May looked at him stunned, slowly leaning forward and pulling him into a gentle kiss.This time it was Phil who stiffed but then he happily returned the kiss.

"I love you too...", melinda said in a short break to take a breath and then pulled him back into a kiss.
