the first day pt 3

you was decorating your room and the boys had just finished training your room looked really nice it was the theme of teal and purple your two favorite colors. Then when you had just finished decorating  you heard a knock at the door as it was only the England team and the crew that stayed there you left your door open.

y/n: who is it ? 

Phil : its me Phil

y/n : oh hi Phil come in the doors open 

Phil : woah you did a really good job and to say it only took you three hours as well I would hire you to do mine 

Y/n : awh thank you Phil i really appreciate that and ofcorce  i would come and do yours 

*Phils phone rings and he answers it *

DR : Hello phil where did you get off to we have all been looking for you 

Phil ; oh hey im in the hotel area ill come meet you all now 

y/n; who was that 

Phil ;no one im going down stairs to meet with the boys are you coming 

y/n of Corse i am 

* you and Phil go down stairs to the training pitch and you see an extra person you wonder whop it is and when you go over the person turns around it was Declan rice your best friend who your mum took you away from when you was eleven - your now 22.

y/n ; omg now was Dec is that you 

Dec ; omg y/n what the hell are you doing here

* you run up to him and he picks you up you wrap your legs around his torso and he spins you around*

* Phil stands there feeling a little bit jealous and he knows he is going to have to shoot his shot soon other wise Declan would take you *

jack; do you guys know each other 

y/n , dec ; uh yeah we have been best friends since we were 11but y/n mum took her away because apparently we were getting too close   

phil ; hey y/n can i please speak to you a moment if that's ok 

y/n ; of course thats ok 

* you and phil both walk around the big field on the other side of the building *

phil; uh y/n so i have something i want to tell you...  so i know that i have only known you for a day but i really like you and i was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me tonight 

y/n ; ofcorse i will phil and i like you too dont worry 

Phil ; ok ill meet you out side of our rooms at 7:00 

*that was only 1 hour 15 minuets away so you said ok and went to start gettingready phil had tolf you to wearthe fancyest dress you had with you .


hello evrone sorry this is another short one im not feeling too good st the moment but tomorrows will belonger xxxxxx
