pt 5

its the next morning and you have just woke up to a knocking on your door so you go and openit and you see Phil standing there.

y/n : good morning phil how areyou 

Phil: good morning princess im good thank you how are you 

y/n : im good just tired do you want to come in 

PHIL : im ok thank you i have training anyway are you coming down to watch

i say yes and head downstairs with Phil all the boys are on the pitch and warming up while my dad is on a phone call all the boys  come running up to me and Phil and ask why were down here so late we both look at each other and say we over slept i bet you did shouts mason shut up mason why are you so dirty minded anyway as i was saying lads i slept in and Phil came and waited for me to get dressed. Which was so sweet of him but anyway enough of me what are you guys doing in training today well the gaffa said we are just doing shooting and drills and maybe a mini match Dec says well that sounds fun speaking of my dad here he comes good morning y/n how was your first night it was good than you dad good to hear now would you be able to get Phil and jessie ready for there interview it will bein 20 minuets so you will need to hurry and go over the questions as well. Of course i will dad come  Phil and jessie lets go get u lot sorted for the interview.

* you go to the interview room and get Phil and jessie mic'd up *

ok dumb and dumber lets go over some questions that i w ill ask you ok yes y/n they both say good ok so the first question will be how old were you when you first started playing football Phil answered 4 and jessie answered ...... * you asked them all the other questions and they answered them * once the interview was done it was time for lunch y/n Phil said hi Phil you ok yeah i was just wondering if you would like to come for some lunch with me and the lads as its lunch time of course i will Phil just let me put all my paper work away and ill meet you at the front desk in 10 mins is that alright yeah that's fine ill message you in 10 ok bye Phil bye y/n. your not sure why it feels awkward between you and Phil you don't remember anything happening last night or this morning so you decide you will speak to him later  after practice and see what he says. You go and put your paper work away and start to head down stairs when your phone pings its Phil .

* your messages with Phil * 

Phil x : hey princess were at the front desk waiting for you xxx

y/n : hey ill be down in 30 second just putting my shoes back on xx

Phil x : ok dont rush we still have 1 hour of lunch left princess xxx

y/n: ok thank you see u in a few secs xxx

* end of messages * 

you get down stairs and Jordan mason Declan Kieran jessie Trent Phil and jack were waiting for you hey guys im here omg finally dec shouts as he comes running ut o you oo someone's missed me uh yeah duh its been like 3 hours dec mate its been fifteen minuets all of the lads laugh at him are we all ready to go then phil says with a little bit of jelousy in him you walk up to him and hold his hand and wisper to him im yours and only yours . that makes phil smile and giggle a little bit what you laugfhing at mate kieran turns round and says nothing nothing it doesnt matter it takes you guys 5 minuets to drive to the food place as its onky round the corner you all go in to the restraunt and eat once your all done you head back to sgp and you ask phil if you can speak to him phil says of course and you guys go and sit on a enpty field . 

ok so phil i noticed how it was a little awkward for us this morning why was that because nothing has happened between us right yeah no nothing has happened between us its just i have a secret that only jack knows what your secret phil ok so y/n i really like you and i was wondering if you would be my girlfriend omg of couse i will im so glad you told me how you feel cause i feel the same way 

a/n hey guys i just wanted to say a quick hello and i hope ypur enjoying the story so far i you would like please vote and leave a comment xxxxxxx also thats for all your support with everything x
