Part 8

you all go and sit on the coach you sit next to phil once everyone is on the coach your dad goes ans tands at the front of the coach and made a sppeech that went like this good evening lads and y/n im so exited for the game tomorrow night as i know we are going to smash them the lads all cheer your dad sits down in his seat andthe coach drives off you have always had anxiety about being on the roads thats why you drive yourself everywhere Phil noyiced you looked a bit hey princess you ok yeah im fine, no your not i can tell your not comehere he says as he goves you a hug. 

*time skip to when you arrive at Wembley*you all get off the coach and your dad tells everyone what rooms your in you and Phil are obviously in the same room so you both go to the room and unpack Phil goes down stairs to train with the lads and when he gets back its time for dinner so you all get changed and head down stairs where there is a nice table where your sat in-between Dec and Phil after you all finish eating you all head to be as it was late and you all needed to be up early in the morning at the game was at 1:00 in the afternoon but the lads needed to train and you needed to finish the game sheets today was also the day you surprise Phil with wearing his top but you decide not to put it on till a few mins before the game. 

you finish up your last game sheets and the lads all come in from training and jump up from behind you and scare you * OMFG* i swear down i will kill each and everyone 0of you well thats not nice considering im your best friend and hes your boyfriend * he points to phil * ok well i do apologies you nearly made me mess up your game sheets now that wouldn't have been funny would it sorry miss y/n all thre lads sat sarcastically oh fuck off the lot of you apart from phil he needs to stay here *all the lads leave * sp phil i have a surprise for you but you arnt allowed to see until before the game so im going to go and let you get ready and ill see you before you go on to the pitch dont forget meet me on the sideline 10 mins before you guys all go on so theres no fans there. 

A/N: hey guys i just want to say thank you for all the support this is only a small one because i want to fit the surprise and match all into one part sorry for any inconvinience also if you would like please comment and vote 

- e xxxx
