the first day

as you walk out on to the pitch all the boys look at you 

JG; who is she cause she's well fit 

MM; I don't know but I totally agree 

PF; *just staring at you 

JG,MM; uhh Phil you ok mate 

PF; y y uhh yeah why 

MM; you were totally just staring at that girl 

GS: Ahh y/n darling how have you been its been so long since i last saw you you look amazing by the way 

y/n : aww thank you dad you don't look to bad tour self all dressed up in your suit its been a long time since last saw you in one. Also why are those 3 lads gawking at me 

GS; oh your on about jack , Phil and mason ill introduce you to them let me just call the team over 

GS; lads come gather round for a few minuets I have someone for you to meet. This is my daughter y/n she will be at the training ground a lot as she will be training with you guys cause she will be moving in here . Phil can you please take y/n on a tour around the whole place then show her her room and the rest on the lads can now go back to training please and thank you.
