Chapter 21


Chapter 21

Afia P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since Ben and I had sex and since we made it official. I was dating Benjamin Waters, if you would have told me six months ago, that I would be dating him, I would have laughed in your face and said 'How is that possible he is too busy fucking his ex.' And if you would have told me eight months ago, I would have said, 'Yeah right, he barely notices me.' 

I stopped by my locker not caring if I was late to class or not. I opened my locker and took my wallet out and took out a dollar for a Sprite, I needed caffeine and even though it is not coffee it was just going to have to do, I have been more then tired lately, before I could manage it but now I could barely open my eyes.

"So, is it true?" Ryan voice said, he sounded pissed.

"What are you talking about?" I said stifling a yawn.

"About you and Ben, so tell me did you leave me for a guy who is still in love with his ex." He said clenching his fist.

"Everyone knew Ryan it is not that much of a secret." I said doing my best to focus on him.

"So was that your plan the whole time, to use me to make him jealous." He said clenching his jaw.

"I have never used you Ryan now if you would excuse me I have to get a drink and head to class we are pretty late." I said attempting to move around him but he held my arm.

"I am not done talking." He hissed.

"Yes, you are." I hissed back and snatched my arm from his grasp.

"This is not over." He said from behind me. I walked to the vending machines and pushed for Sprite and I grabbed my drink and headed to class.


"See there you go dozing off again." Ben said pointing out. I picked my head up from his shoulder and opened my eyes.

"Sorry I have just been so tired lately." I said yawning.

"Have you not been sleeping?" He said pushing one of my curls out of my face.

"Yes, but it doesn't feel like enough though." I said pushing away my tray.


"Are we interrupting the lovebirds." Ashley grinned sitting her tray down Omar and Donte following her.

"You're so funny." I said fake laughing.

"I know." She stuck her tongue out.

"Hey Afia I just wanted to apologize-" Donte started but I cut him off,

"I forgot about that a long time ago." I said rubbing my eyes and smiling at him.

"So, are we cool?" He said holding out his fist.

"Yes, we are cool." I said bumping his fist with mine.

"Now moving on, Afia you look like were hit by a truck." Ashley said frowning.

"I am fine." I said yawning for the fifth time since I arrived at lunch.

"Says a liar." She laughed.

"Why don't you eat something." Ben said pushing the tray closer to me.

I stared at the tray and looked at him and said, "I guess so."

I took a bite of the pizza and swallowed and looked at Ben.

"Happy?" I said looking at him.

"Very." He said kissing my temple.

Donte made the sound of a whip which caused Omar to laugh and Ashley to hit him on the shoulder,

"What babe?" Omar said still laughing.

"Did you make the whip sound?" Ben groaned.

"What?" Donte said innocently.

"I am not whipped." Ben said narrowing his eyes.

"What's wrong with being whipped." I said frowning.

Ben turned to me and quickly smiled and said, "Nothing baby."

Then all three of them made the whipping sound which caused Ben to groan. I giggled and kissed his cheek, "You are whipped." I said patting him on the back and finishing my pizza.

"You are supposed to be on my side." He said flicking my shoulder.

"But you can't fight the truth," I said shrugging, "It's cute though." I laughed.

We finished eating lunch and we made our way to class. I had started to feel a queasy feeling in my stomach and flashes of the pizza and all its greasy glory made me even more nauseous.

"Hey Ashley did you want to come to the restroom." I said as the guys went ahead too deep into their conversation to even notice us.

"Sure." Before she could fully say the word, I pulled her to the restroom and rushed into a stall and emptying the contents from lunch out.

"Do you need for me to go Ben." Ashley said sounding worried.

"No, I am fine." I said before throwing up some more. When I knew that I was done I exited out of the stall.

"Are you sure?" She said rubbing my back.

"Yes Ash." I said swashing some water around my mouth before spitting it out.

"Do you think you have the stomach virus?"

"I probably do." I said letting out a shaky breath.



"Ben, you need to concentrate." Afia said laughing.

"How can I concentrate?" I said pulling her into my lap and moving her hair out of the way and kissing her neck.

"It's easy, now you need to concentrate on what to say to the reporters after you sign the paper." She said slapping my chest and picking up the notebook next to me.

"We have been doing this for two hours now." I groaned wrapping my arms around her hips.

"I know but just one-" She was saying but the door cut her off.

"Benjamin, could you please keep it down the wedding planner is downstairs." Muffy hissed.

The past two weeks has been good between Afia and I but with the families, has been complete hell, when my family found out that we were dating 'again' they damn near had a heart attack and Muffy has been making our lives a living hell since she found out. When her family found out her father was about to kick her out and he was adamant that Ryan was right for her.

"We will try to keep it down." I muttered.

"That's all we ask and Afia you look different, did you gain weight?" Muffy said narrowing her eyes.

"Excuse me?" Afia said frowning.

"You can leave now." I snapped.

She gave me a smile and shut the door,

"How long is it until she leaves." Afia groaned getting up from my lap and putting her hair in a bun.

"Twenty more days." I said watching her.

"Feels like forever." She mumbled and sat next to me.

"It will go by quickly." I said kissing her temple.

"You are just saying that because you want to make me happy."

"Yeah, I am, now let's get back to work." I laughed tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.


Afia P.O.V.

Ashley was standing with me in the medicine aisle and I was terrified, more than terrified really.

"It is going to be ok." Ashley said consoling me.

"No, it isn't, I am supposed to go off to college and I don't know how to do that if I have a child on my hip." I said not taking my eyes off the different pregnancy tests.

How could I have been so irresponsible; how could I have not known that we had not used a condom.

"We don't even truly know." She said rubbing my back.

"Ashley I have not missed a period since I was thirteen." I said biting my nail.

"Well let's just get a test and go from there."

I nodded and looked at the different tests, I have never thought that I would be down this aisle even if I were older, kids were never in my book I hated them, I always thought that cried too much and wanted way too much. Afia Adebowale did not do kids.

I finally decided on five pregnancy tests and took it to checkout, and purchased it and went quickly to their bathroom.

Not wanting to talk I went into the stall and read the directions it was quiet until Ashley said,

"You are going to be fine Afia, everything is going to be fine."

Unsure reeked in her statement and I wanted to shove them back in her mouth, I knew it my gut said so and my gut has never been wrong. I placed each of the pregnancy tests on the floor and flushed the toilet, picking up the tests I exited the stall.

"I have to wait five minutes for each." I said placing the tests on the sink and washing my hands.

"Dear god that sounds like forever." Ashley sighed.

Ashley and I stayed in that bathroom for thirty minutes, I made sure to put myself a safe distance away from the tests, not wanting to find out even though, one of them only took five minutes to reveal the results.

"Afia we have been standing here for thirty minutes and the tests were done five minutes ago." Ashley groaned.

I stared at her with eyes filled with tears and said, "I am terrified to go over there and see the tests confirm what I already know Ashley."

"It is going to ok-"

"No, it is not Ashley, we have less than two weeks to graduate and when we do graduate, you are going to go off to college, and I will be raising a child, while you are having the time of your life I will be changing dirty diapers. You will get to enjoy your twenties, while I must mature for a child." I said closing my eyes and letting the tears fall.

"Let's check them." She said quietly pulling me over to the sink.

When she gasped, I already knew that my gut was proven right again, I finally looked at the tests and saw that they were all positive. Ashley hugged me from behind and I covered my face with my hands and I sobbed,

"Why does this have to happen to me."

"You are going to be fine." She whispered.

"How am I supposed to tell my parents, my father already hates me. More importantly how in the hell am I going to tell Ben he is already stressed about signing his college letter on national television, he is going to damn near die from this."

"You have options."
"No I don't, I refused to kill this child, and I won't have the heart to give it away."

"Afia you have to tell Ben, Ben is going to be fine he might be shocked at first but he will step up to the plate he has no choice.

I looked in the mirror and looked at her, and said,

"This stays between us."
