Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Afia (third)



She had been wanting to talk to him since she woke up and when she had seen him at her locker all the anger she had pushed down had risen like a volcano. He had taken her to the gymnasium, and before he could say anything she yelled at him, "You have to be fucking kidding me right," She paused so she could control her rage, "How could you just get up and call the deal off?"

Still not saying anything he handed her the roses and she stared at them for a while before taking them when she took them he finally said something, "I am so sorry Afia."

"Benjamin, I really want to beat you with these roses." She said clinching the roses tightly.

"I know and I deserve it." He said looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

"I need more than roses I need an explanation." She said looking up at him.

"You will get one I promise but we don't have enough time, I just wanted to tell you that I am so sorry for leaving the library and backing out of the deal, I don't know what was my problem I guess I just panicked but it won't happen again." He said stepping closer to her.

"I don't know Benjamin my trust for you is gone." She said not able to handle his intense stare anymore.

He put his index finger underneath her chin and turned her face towards him and he gave her the most intense stare she had ever seen, he looked at her for a moment before saying, "Let me earn it back."

Heart pumping too fast for her to think she nodded her head. He took her breath away by giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. He swept her up into a hug wrapping his arms around her shoulders, she froze for moment before wrapping her arms around his waist. He said in her hair, "I am so sorry Afia."

Wrapped up in his cologne she said, "I know you are."

He stiffened for a moment and he said, "What are you doing here?" She had never heard Ben in that tone of voice before. She released herself from his arms and there was Ryan with his arms crossed and his arms crossed.

Not wanting to acknowledge the tension in the room she said, "Hey Ryan, what are you doing here?"

It was like Afia was invisible because he completely ignored her and said, "Are you fucking serious Ben?"

Ben tugged her next to him and a confused Afia looked at an angry Ben and an angry Ryan.

"What are you talking about?" Ben said glaring at Ryan.

"You see you think that I am an idiot, don't you? Man, I knew you could be low but using an innocent girl for a fake relationship is pretty fucking low." Ryan said shocking the hell out of the both. Before Ben could step forward she grabbed his arm.

"What are you talking about Ryan?" She frowned.

"Oh, don't cover up for him Afia, he needs to start to owning up to his shit." Ryan said not taking his eyes off Ben. Afia stepped in front of Ben because holding his arm was just not going to do it.

"That makes two of us then." Ben damn neared growled. What the hell was going on it was like she stepped into the Twilight Zone, these guys are supposedly best friends.

"There is no fake relationship Ryan." She said lying flawlessly.

"Oh, really now let's see, Ben has not even looked at a girl since Muffy left him for his brother, And Elijah is coming into town in a week and you have been seeing each other less than a week and now he is meeting your parents and now you guys are talking about a deal, what was the deal Afia." He said finally looking at her, his eyes softening slightly.

"None of your damn business." Ben said.

She had to do something and she had to do something quickly so she said, "No, no, Ben it's fine, I mean I can't believe you didn't tell him earlier." She said glancing up at Ben who was looking at her, "Ben said one week ago, that if he got a C for his semester grade that he would take me out on our first date but I said that he would have to meet my parents, so yesterday which is what you heard, Ben called the deal off because he did not want to meet my parents." She lied.

It got silent and Afia was uncomfortable,

"I don't believe you." Ryan said clenching his jaw. Afia could see her ticket flying away and she would be damned if she let it go so she did something that she would never normally do. She nodded her head and she turned around to face Ben and he had a curious gaze on his face so she stood on her tippy toes and she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips to his, he was shock for a moment before finally cooperating and wrapping his arms around her waist. If he wasn't her holding her waist she would have probably melted, his lips put her imagination to shame. She pulled away and her eyes fluttered open and met his, his eyes had turned another shade of blue, the shade of an ocean before a storm comes. She took her arms from his neck and he took his arms from around her waist.

She turned around and cleared her throat before saying, "The bell is about to ring."

Ryan stood there with a hard look before walking away. When the door shut, she sighed before turning around to meet Ben's hot stare.

"That was a close one." Afia said letting out a dry laugh.

"Yeah it was." He said licking his lips causing her to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. In one step, he was in front of her and his breath was fanning her face. "Do you forgive me?" He said staring at her his eyes never turning back to its regular shade of blue.

"I would have to think about it." She said not realizing that she dropped her roses.

"I guess I will just have to earn it then." He said and then the bell rung putting a stop to the conversation, he kissed her on the forehead lips lingering for a minute before leaving. She was left there with more questions then she had come with.
