Chapter 9

As I watch Percy head up stairs, I get stuck in my thoughts thinking about Percy and the conversation that we just had. He did a really good job on the lessons today and he was a really eager student.

I can't imagine finding out that magic exist after growing up in the muggle world because magic has been part of my life since I was born, for better for worse. I wonder what it was like for Harry when he learned about magic. I wish I could have been there to see his face.

I was still upset at Dumbledore for sending Harry to live with the muggle but even more than that I have been thinking recently that I was still more upset at myself. I let him down and I will never be able to correct that. I want to try to make up for it but I am stuck in this house and Dumbledore will not even let me talk to him. I get that I don't want to fuck things up and make it worse. I am still pretty fucked up from Azkaban and I am worried that I will be a bad influence on him or hurt him.

I wish there was a way that I could connect with Harry with out putting him in danger just at least once to see if he is okay.

Percy was right that owls could be pretty inconvenient and doesn't do great in muggle neighborhoods because it can attract attention. I can't send Harry an owl because it could lead the death eaters to him and owls can also be intercepted. I needed some better way to contact Harry rather sending him owls when he is at school.

It is a big risk that they could be intercepted, after all, I am still a wanted fugitive and if it is discovered that Harry is talking to me, it would cause a lot of problems for me.

Thinking about what Percy said, I remembered the two way mirrors that I used to use back in school to communicate with Harry's father. Since it was never discovered, it should be a pretty safe method of communicating with Harry if I could just get the mirror to him then our communication couldn't be tracked and I would be able to see if he is okay.

Before I could figure out a safe way to get the mirrors to Harry safety, I need to find them and test them to see if they work. Remus had brought me a trunk of some of my old school stuff that I had left with him when I first moved in here. With any luck, they might still be with that.

I head upstairs to go and search through the ragged truck that I dumped in my room without unpacking. Thankfully, I am able to find both of the mirrors in my trunk without out much trouble and in pretty good condition. They both worked so all that is left is to find a safe way to deliver them to Harry.

If I can't figure something out now then I might have to wait until Harry goes back to school to contact him but I worry about him if he has to go the whole summer without people to talk to the understand what he is going through. I remember long summers in this stupid house with only my terrible family not being allowed to contact my friends. It is terrible.

I need to find a way to get the mirror to Harry without anyone noticing so that I don't endanger him more. It has to go directly to him but I am unable to apparate directly there.

I ponder this dilemma for a couple more minutes, feeling like a failure for not being able to help my godson, until I remember what Harry had told me about the summer before his second year when the garbage Malfoy's elf came to mess with him. Since nobody detected it then, maybe I could use something like that now.

Kreature could probably get the mirror to Harry without detection but knowing that disgusting creature he would probably find a way to get around my orders and mess something up.

I can't trust him. I know that he would kill me if he could. He has a blind loyalty to my mother and all of her blood purity nonsense. I had to do something about him soon otherwise he could be a risk to Harry.

As he is a house elf and I am his master, he can't go directly against my order but he can do his best to subvert the will of my order by dragging things out or other stuff. I have to be very careful and specific in my orders to prevent him from causing a problem but that is not a sustainable solution. He is a liability but I can't just get rid of him because he knows a lot and would definitely flee to go help Voldemort or something.

An example of disloyal house elves is Dobby who tried to help Harry, all be it in a very poor but with good intentions. Harry told me that he was able to trick the slime death eater Malfoy into freeing his elf.

I was so proud of him when I heard that. I true marauder if I every saw one. I wish I could have seen the look on Malfoy's face when he was tricked.

If Dobby is a free elf now and is seemingly loyal to Harry, maybe he would be wi lling to help me get the Mirror to Harry so that I could talk to him.

He was already proven to be able to get to Harry when he was in living in his Aunts house in the past and he seems to care about Harry so maybe he could be trusted.

I know that he was working at Hogwarts but I couldn't leave the house and I couldn't let Dumbledore know what I was up too. I wonder if he would respond to me if I called his name.

I shrug, feeling a little bit self conscious, but I guess it was worth a shot, "Dobby."

Nothing happens and I feel a slight bit of disappointment even though it was a long shot. Now I need to figure out another way to contact Harry. Maybe I could think of something tomorrow after a good night sleep, if I was able to sleep.

Just as I gave up, there was a pop and a small house elf appeared in front of me. "Who are you, why are you calling for Dobby." The little elf asks me suspiciously.

"It's about Harry." I say quickly, hoping to get his attention before he decides to leave.

"What about the great Harry Potter?" The elf asks, his skeptical gaze never leaving me.

"I was hoping you could help me deliver a gift to Harry without anyone noticing." The elf clearly cared about Harry and know that I need to convince him that I was on his side and do not mean any harm.

"What are you trying to give to the great Harry Potter and why don't you want anyone to know?" His tone made it obvious that I did not made any progress in making him trust me. I quickly explain to Dobby the situation and my relation to Harry.

Thankfully, I manage to convince him that I had good intentions and he agreed to help me. I write a note to Harry that explains how to use the mirrors and grab some chocolate that Remus had given me before he left on his secret mission for Dumbledore. I hope that he is okay. I wonder what he will think of Percy when he gets back.

I hand these items with one of the mirrors to Dobby so that he can deliver it to Harry. I feel bad about just giving Harry some chocolate I already had laying around but I didn't think I would have a way to get anything to Harry so soon so I didn't have any gifts prepared for him already. Maybe Dobby would be willing to deliver a package again for me in the future.

Since it is already pretty late at night, I ask Dobby to deliver the mirror without waking Harry.

I go to bed hopeful for the first time in a while because I will get to talk to my godson tomorrow.
