Chapter 5

Sirius transforms from Padfoot back into his human form while Dumbledore was using his wand to gently lay Percy on the ground. "He should wake up in a minute." Dumbledore says to Sirius. "What did you think of them?"

"I believe that they have not had contact with Voldemort before. Their reactions seemed genuine and I couldn't detect any signs or traces of magic around."

"Agreed. There was no trace of magic in the area. I checked when I put the wards up for them. I am very hopeful that we got to young Perseus before Voldemort could. He seems like a nice man with a lot of potential. I hope that you will be able to help introduce him to the Wizarding World, this might be a rather jarring adjustment to make." Dumbledore smiled, "I know that because of his grandfather, people will be reluctant to trust him. I hope that after meeting him at his home and his family will help you be able to trust him. I would like to entrust you to care for him and help begin his training."

"Alright." Sirius agreed with a yawn, "he doesn't seem that bad - besides I can understand what it is like to have a shitty evil family. I got nothing else to do so I would be happy to help him. I don't think I will be able to help him get his wand though."

"Yes. I will try to arrange someone to take Percy to Diagon alley. I worry that others might not be so understanding of Percy so I would like to keep his presence quite for now. Will that be alright?" Dumbledore asks Sirius.

"It's not like I talk to anyone anyway." Sirius chuckles.

"I will be on my way then, I will be back to talk with you and Percy tomorrow." With that, Dumbledore plashed away with Fawkes, leaving Sirius to look after Percy.


The spinning sensation overtakes me and and I feel myself fading out of consciousness before finally blacking out. When I came to I was lying on the ground there was a large scruffy man with shoulder length black hair and wand in his hand leaning over me.

"Good, you're awake." The man says to me, "Sorry about that, the first time using a portkey is always the worst, especially such a long distance."

"Oh" I say, still very groggy. "So... where am I?" I ask him.

"12 Grimmauld place. It is my garbage family's house."

"That's... nice I guess. So why are we here and who are you?" I say still not quite sure what to make of the guy.

"My name is Sirius Black." The man introduces himself to me. "Dumbledore asked me to look after you, he has some things to take care off. By the way, I don't know if you would have heard about it all the way back in America but I got falsely accused of a crime a while back but please don't panic I am totally harmless." He grins widely at me.

"It's cool." I say to him as I slowly sit up trying to get my head to stop spinning. "Don't worry, I have some experience with false accusations before so there's no judgement."

Sirius looks at me strangely, "What were you accused of?"

"Blowing some shit up"

"Same" he exclaims as he left out a surprised laugh. "I never though I would have this much in common with Voldemort's grandson."

"Voldemort?" I ask him. He explains to me that that is the silly name that my biological evil grandfather (the second one) came up with to call himself. "Does the he actually think that that name is going to intimidate anyone?"

"Most of the Wizarding World near pisses their pants every time they hear it so he was pretty successful."

"Really?" I jump to my feet and then instantly regret it and I get overwhelmed with nausea and dizziness.

"Bad idea kid. You should take it slow, you had one of the worst reactions I have ever seen."
"I'm not a kid." I groan, "I never want to do that again. I almost would rather fly."

"You really hate flying huh?"

"Yeah. My mom's parents actually died in a plane crash so we try to avoid flights as much as possible."

"I am sorry about that. Thankfully, there is not planes in the wizarding world. There are some other forms of magical transportation and you tend to get used to it easily. We do have brooms though."

"I think I am going to pass on the brooms too." I didn't want to push my luck with zeus. I was just thankful that I got to fly on blackjack.

I look around the dark room that I am now standing in. The windows are draped in long grimy curtains, large patterned cushioned sofas sit in the middle of the room and antique looking lights covered in a layer of dust are a fixed to the wall flanked by peeling wallpaper.

"Nice place" I say as I look around.

"I just moved back in recently. Before that it has been abandoned for a number of years. The stupid house elf has just been wallowing in his own filth out of spite." Sirius replies to me.

"What's a house elf?" I ask.

"Your lucky that you don't know. Disgusting creature." He spites out. I don't think I want to know anything else about it.

"So where am I staying?" I ask him. It has been a long day and I am hoping to a least get a couple of hours of sleep before dealing with anymore of this magic stuff.

Sirius gives me a quick tour of the place and shows me the bedroom that I will be using. Since it is only me and Sirius staying here right now I got my own bathroom. Sirius said that he has a friend that stays here sometimes but he is away right now.

After Sirius left me, the first thing that I did was go into the bathroom and turn on the shower to create a mist for an Iris message and call Annabeth.


"Hey Percy" Annabeth, looking as beautiful as ever, turns her gaze up from a messy desk covered in papers that I couldn't make heads or tails of.

"How are you doing?" I ask her.

"I am doing good." She smiles, "I love it here. Every thing is so interesting and I am learning a lot. I miss you though."

"I am glad you're having a good time. I miss you to." I give a slight smile, still thinking about how to share the news with her."

"Is something wrong Percy?" Annabeth asks me in a concerned voice.

"It is not a big deal." I say, "but something unexpected happened and it might be a little longer than we thought before I can come to visit you."

Annabeth narrows her captivating stormy gray eyes suspiciously, "Unexpected?" She questions. Some fury rises into her voice as she continues, "Don't tell me some god sent you are a stupid quest again. Where are you anyways?" She looks around at the unfamiliar background I am standing in.

"Don't worry, it is not a god." I try to reassure her, "It actually has to do with my mothers side of my family." I recap the eventful evening that I had for her as she listens to my story intently. "I am sorry that I didn't contact you earlier. Are you mad at me for leaving?" I watch her face closely, nervous to see her reaction.

"Of course not Percy. I think you made the right decision. I could never get mad at you for trying to protect your family." She smiles at me and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you. I love you wise girl."

"I love you too seaweed brain. I am just sorry that I can't be of any help to you while you are over there. I have not heard of wizards before but I will try to reach out to Lou Ellen in the Hectate cabin, she might know something that could help you."

"I can always count on you." I say with a grin.

"What would you do without me?" Annabeth lightly teases me before her tone shifts to be more serious, "Please just do your best to stay safe. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I will be careful." I promise her. "Not that there will be any problems anyways since I always stay out of trouble." I joke trying to lighten the mood. Annabeth grins, familiar with my antics and impeccable sense of humor. We talk for a bit more about her internship before we run out of time and have to end the call.

After saying goodbye, I take a quick shower before heading to bed with a smile on my face.
