Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning, surprised to have had a pleasant and refreshing night sleep. I must have been pretty gusted after everything that happened yesterday.

I am honestly surprised that I took this news so well. I know that I am used to some crazy stuff by now but a secret society of Wizards is pretty surprising. It gets more cool the more I think about it bet my evil grandfather kind of puts a damper on all of the fun.

I wonder if the magic is anything like the kids in the Hectate cabin or piper does. That would be pretty cool but I hope that I don't have to meet Hectate, she kind of freaks me out a little. I don't think I every saw anyone back at camp using wands however so it is probably a whole different thing.

Being in England is cool I guess. Annabeth has talked a lot about some of the architecture in the castles and something called Big Ben. I wonder if I will get to see it or if the wizards live in a completely different place. Since we just appeared in the room I didn't get to see what the outside of the building that I am staying in looks, the whole thin is a little strange but I suppose that's magic for you.

I wonder if Annabeth could visit me some time and we cool go on a tour of all of the cool buildings in London. I know that she would be really excited. I wonder if there are monsters in the magical world.

I can't tell them that I am a demigod since I am pretty sure that the wizards here don't know about gods. Thankful my trusty riptide which is sitting in my pocket right now is disguised in pen form. I don't think carrying a shiny sword around is going to help my impression with them. Even if it was in sword form the mist should make it look like a baseball bat or something but that is still not great and I am not even sure the mist works on them. I wonder if they have a magical version of the mist that keeps their society a secret.

They already seemed a little wary of me but I suppose that that is understandable considering my grandfather. I wonder what he did to be a criminal. From the way that they talk about him it seems like it is pretty bad. I will asks Sirius about it later, it seems like that is something important to know.

I shrug on a camp half blood t-shirt and some sweatpants before heading down stairs. I hope there is breakfast around here. The house seem pretty desolate so I wonder if they will even have grocery or anything. Worst comes to worst, I have some food in my bag for emergencies but I would rather save that if possible.

Sirius is already sitting in the kitchen eating some toast when I arrive. "Good morning," he says to me, "did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I just woke up and I was really tired last night so I got to sleep pretty easily. Do you have any food for me?" I ask him.

He gestures to a plate sitting on the counter with some toast, eggs, and fruit sitting on it, "I had Kreature make you a plate earlier."

In the back of my mind, I remember him saying something about creatures yesterday, but I am too hungry to care right now. I thank Sirius as I grab my plate and sit down next to him at the table.

I was scarfing down my food when Sirius interrupts me to ask about my shirt. I should have guessed that this would happen, the bright orange shirt stands out and Camp Half-blood is a rather unusual name itself. Thankful, Camp Half-blood is an actual camp and only people that go there know that it is actual training Greek demigods, although, sometime there are Roman demigods that join at camp now.

"It is the name of my camp that I spend my summers at." I tell him.

"Aren't you a little old for summer camp?" Sirius asks me.

I laugh, "Yeah, I just to go as a camper when I was younger but now I work as a counselor." Technically I was a counselor for most of my time at camp since I was the only kid in my cabin for most of my stay, I was automatically made the head counselor but I ignore that little detail since I was a camper as well so I am not really lying.

"So what do you do as a counselor?"

"Well during the day I mostly teach self defense and stuff and then also organize activities with the other counselors." I thought that was a pretty benign answer to his question. I tried to keep it as vague as possible since I know that lava rock walls are not a normal camp activity and might raise a few questions. I really do teach self defense even though it is mostly sword fighting so I wasn't lying there and I did not think that self defense was that unusual of an activity but Sirius seemed to be surprised by my answer.

"You teach self defense?"

"Yeah. Why are you so surprised, I didn't think I looked that weak." I reply to him.

He laughs before responding, "It is not that I think you are weak or anything, I just was surprised that they have self defense at a summer camp that's all."

"I don't think it is that uncommon" I shrug, hoping that I don't sound to suspicious, "but I haven't been to many other camps so I wouldn't know."

"I guess I don't really know much about muggle camps or anything so I shouldn't be surprised. What sorts of stuff do you teach in self defense class?" He asks.

"Um" I say, not really sure how to respond. I guess it is fine to tell him because it seems like he doesn't really know much about 'muggles' as the wizards say so he wouldn't know that it is unusual. Besides, learning sword fighting for fun is not that strange, there is even a sport based around it. The difference is that at camp we train so that we can't defend our lives because at demigods there are monsters after us but that probably isn't the first conclusion that people will jump to.

I start to tell him about the different kinds of training that we do at camp. I am pretty passionate about it and I think I started rambling a bit. I really enjoy teaching the younger campers sword fighting and it gives me a purpose. Being around the newer campers can be kind of awkward sometimes because they have heard a bunch of stories about my quest that often get blown out of proportion.

I finished up giving Sirius the basic overview of the training at camp and he seemed pretty impressed. I agreed to show him some moves and teach him a little sometime later before I finished scarfing down my breakfast.

As we were cleaning up the table after our meal, Sirius starts talking again, "So...Camp Half-blood, that's an interesting name. Is there any particular reason for it?"

"Not that I know of." I lie to him. I felt bad, I knew that the camp was named half blood because as demigods, we are half mortal half god but I can't tell him that and I wasn't able to think of a good excuse in time. I am sure that Annabeth would have been able to come up with something. She is so smart.

"Cool" he says, seemingly with relief. "You should probably know though that in the wizarding world half blood has a specific meaning." Sirius goes on to explain about a bunch of idiots think people have mud in the blood, I wasn't the best student in school but even I know that that is stupid.

If I am being honest, I did space out for part of it but I think I got the just that the Wizarding world is pretty ducked up and prejudiced and shock of all shocks, my shitty grandfather was in the middle of it.

Sirius continues with is crash course on Wizarding politics, "since neither of your parents have magic you would be considered a muggle born, but since your grandfather does have magic and you are the son of a squib it might changes some things. Not that that matters any but you might be considered a half blood." Sirius, you have no idea I think.

"It might be best to avoid wearing that shirt in public it could cause a lot of questions. Besides, you should probably wear proper robes when you go outside to fit it." He gestured to the long black robes that he was wearing. Dumbledore was wearing something g similar, it must be common attire in the magic world.

"Let's go see if I have any old robes that you could borrow." Sirius leads me upstairs and to a closet that seemed disproportionately large inside. He looks at me for a second before tossing a couple robes he pulls out of the back of the closet at me. "These should work for you." He says "there is a charm of them that causes them to fit to the person wearing them's size, within reason of course. Why don't you try one on."

It takes me a second to figure out the large piece of cloth but I manage to and pull the robe over my outfit. I am sure that Annabeth would have been proud of me. That robe was a little short on the sleeves but after I put it on it stretches to fit my the way that Sirius's does.

"Cool. Thank you." The robes some what remind me of the togas worn in the senate at new Rome. I go toss the other robes that Sirius gave me on my bed and then meet him downstairs.

"Could you tell me more about what the Wizarding world is like?" I ask Sirius. I am hoping to try and figure this place out quickly so I don't make a fool out of myself later for not knowing something really obvious.

Sirius begins to tell me about Hogwarts, a school of magic, where the man that came yesterday to my mom's apartment is the Headmaster of. Since I don't have the best history with schools, I am pretty glad that I am too old for it. Who knows what kind of disaster I could cause with magic.

Our conversation is interrupted by Dumbledee appearing in the middle of the room in a flash of flames. Magic is pretty awesome, I think Leo would like it.

"Hello young Percy" Bumble says to me, "I hope you have settled in well."

"Yes sir" I say, trying to be as polite as possible. Anyone that can just appear in flames without a single hair in his long beard looking out of place does not see like someone that I want to piss of. He kind of remains me of Chiron.

"I am sure you will be happy to hear that I have found someone to take you to Diagon alley to get your wand since Sirius is currently unable to leave the premises. She should be arriving any moment now."

I am excited to get my wand. I am still not a hundred percent convinced that I am a wizard but my mom and the Gandalf like wizard seem to think I do so I should trust him.

"Who is it?" Sirius asks, interrupting my train of thought.

"Auror Tonks. I spoke with her early today and explained to her the situation. She has agree to keep his heritage a secret and reserve judgement for after meeting him."

Great. It seems like people might already hate me because of my grandfather. That's to be expected I suppose. It is pretty understandable to be wary of me considering everything that I have heard bout him so far and I know that is not the worst of what he has done.

I heard someone stumbling in the other room and then a Yelp.

"Tonks is that you?" Sirius called out while walking towards the sound.

"Yeah it's me. Nice to see you again cousin." I walk into the room to see a pink haired women greeting Sirius.

"Your cousins?" I ask Sirius

"Tonks here is sort of my cousin. We have a pretty weird family." He tells me. I can emphasize with him. I have a lot of relatives and I general refer to most demigods as cousins to simplify things even the our family tree is a lot more complicated than that.

"You must be Percy." The women eyes me suspiciously.

"Yep that's me." I say with a big and hopefully innocent looking smile. She didn't seem impressed.

"We should get moving, I don't have a lot of time. I am on my lunch break right now and it ends in thirty minutes." Tonks tells me, seeming very uninterested. I wonder how she was conceived to be here.

"Before you leave Percy, we have some important things to go over." Dumbledore says to me.


"We don't want Voldemort to know that you are here so it would be best not to draw any attention to yourself. If Voldemort is suspicious of you for appearing out of nowhere than he might try to research your background and find out about your family.

For now it would be best if you avoid speaking to anyone your lack of knowledge about the magical world is suspicious for someone your age because most muggleborn wizards and witches find out about the Wizarding world and get the first wand when they are eleven. You should tell Olivander, the person you will be getting your wand from, that you are getting a replacement for a broken wand to avoid suspicion."

"Got it." I wonder how they find out about the muggleborns and why I wasn't detected by their system is I truly am a wizard. Maybe it is because the mist is effecting me because of my demigod side and accidentally covered the magic as well. Whatever, maybe Annabeth will have some ideas.

Tonks began to explain something called a flu to me that we would apparently be taking to get to the alley where I could get my wand. I just hope it is better than that portkey that I had to take to get here.
