Chapter 8

Sirius takes me into the dinning room where there are a couple books sitting on the table. We sit down and he starts to explain to me the basics of magic. Sirius tells me about all of the different types of magic like transfiguration, charms, potions, and more. Some of the names sound vaguely familiar from when he was explaining to me more about the school that the wizards go to around here.

"Where do you want to start?" Sirius asks me.

"Uh, maybe charms." I say that seemed to be one of the simpler subjects to me.

"Here" Sirius pulls a book out of the pile and hands it to me. "I am not the best at explanations and theory and stuff so it would probable be best for you to read the introduction to charms that is in the book and then I can help you with the practical stuff.

I open up the book and do my best to start reading but like always I have trouble focusing and my dyslexia causes the worlds to swim around on the page and make it damn near impossible for me to decipher it. After a minute of staring at the at the page I give up. I explain to Sirius my issue with reading hoping I don't just sound like a lazy kid that doesn't like reading that I have had teachers think in the past.

Sirius is far more understanding than I could have hoped for. "Does this happen for text or is it easier if I make the text bigger or something?"

"It can help sometimes but not really. I have a problem with all English words but I am able to read Greek with less difficulty." I shrug used to this by now.

"I can do a translating spell to turn it to Greek." Sirius suggests.

"Really?" I say hopeful. That doesn't always fix my focus issue but it would help a lot. "That would be great. Thank you."

Sirius cast a spell as I stare in fascination as the words on the page turn greek. "This should translate most of the text in the book but not necessarily the spells because spells because they require a specific pronunciation that doesn't always translate. That would matter much since it is easier to learn spells from a person rather than a book to begin with in my opinion so I can just tell them to you. Once you learn so of the basic charms, I can try teaching you the translating spell so you don't need me for it."

"Thanks," I say enthusiastically. This will be a big help for me. If I can learnt spell, I can use it when I come back home as well.

"How do you know how to read greek any way?" He asks me.

"I learned at camp." I answer. The truth is, as a greek demigod it came naturally but I couldn't tell him that.

"Wow. Your camp has greek lessons and fighting, strange."

"Yeah. Ha ha." I nervously chuckle and turn to the book hoping to avoid continuing this conversation.

The translating really helps me and we start working on learning some spells. I learn how to light my wand up for light and how to lift things up, although I had a lot of trouble controlling that one. Sirius told me that because I was already twenty, it would be a lot easier for me to pick up on some spells that if I had started learning at eleven like most people do because my magic had developed more. He told me that the older you get, the easier it is to be able to control your magic which is why wizards don't get there wands till they are eleven.

After a lot of practice we stop for the day but Sirius promises me that we can continue tomorrow. I can't wait to share may progress with Annabeth.

We sit down for dinner. I took this as an opportunity to try to learn more about my grandfather. I needed to know more about what him if I was going to make sure that he wasn't a threat to my family. "You said earlier that he was defeated many years ago and went into hiding. How did he come back? It is okay if you don't want to talk about it I just want to know more. Tonk's reaction make me makes me think he was a lot worse than I first thought." I ask him.

He shifts in his seat for a moment before he begins to tell me more about Voldemort's rise to power. "As you know Voldemort's real name is Tom Riddle but he changed his name because he was ashamed of his muggle heritage. He created a group of followers named Death Eaters who are purebloods who hate muggles and want to rid them from society. My family, the blacks, were one of the ones who supported him." He says this in disgust.

I listen to his story intently, I am determined not to let my mind wander and get distracted because I know that this information is important.

"The Death water started to terrorize people killing muggles and anyone who stood in their way. They were at the height of their power when they fell. Voldemort tried to kill a child but the spell backfired and hit him instead. After to that Voldemort disappeared and Harry Potter became the savior of the Wizarding world."

"Harry Potter?"

Sirius nods, "That's the name of the kid he tried to kill. H-he is my godson." With that he looks down sadly.

"Is he okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah he is safe right now but I am just worried about him because he had a rough year at school last and I can't talk to him to see how he is handling it."

"What happened last year?" I ask him, hoping that I am not being too intrusive.

Sirius starts to tell me about a magic tournament that happened and I am fascinated. I may have faced a drakon during the battle of Manhattan but I don't think I would be able to put fly a dragon on a broom. When Sirius tell me about him seeing his friend die at my grandfather hand I feel kind of guilty.

I can tell how much he cares about his godson from the way he talks about him and I am really grateful that he has been so kind to me despite all of the bad things that my grandfather did to his godson.

I can emphasize with losing friends when I was that young and I don't want anyone else to have to go through it. My mind briefly flashes to thinking of Beckendorf but I manage to keep myself from straying to far into my memories. I find that can be dangerous sometimes. I am thankful that I never had to deal with demigod press. That would be a nightmare.

"What made Voldemort try to kill Harry?" I blurt put before wincing at how insensitive the question is.

Thankfully, Sirius is not offended by my question and answers, "there was a prophecy." Shit. Nothing good can cosmetic from a prophecy.

"It is not know about to the public so you can't say anything about it." I nod my head in agreement. "James and lily, Harry's parents were pregnant at the time it came out and the prophecy indicated that their child would be the one to defeat Voldemort. That made them a target so they went into hiding. There was a spell that hides a location. It should have kept them safe but I-I made a mistake." His eyes are filled with regret and he sounds like he is one the verge of tears, "it is my fault they died. I told them to switch the secret keeper to the bastard Pettigrew instead of me and he betrayed them. He told Voldemort where they were and he went after them and James and Lily" he choked up.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"No it's find, you should probably know about this." Sirius continues, "James and Lily were killed by him but thankfully Harry was able to survive. Everyone thought that I was the one that betrayed them because it was kept a secret the Peter was the person that was able to share the secret. I went after him in a rage and he faked his own death and in the process blew up a whole street of muggles. It was blamed on me and that is what sent me away to prison."

"How did he manage to fake his death?" I ask him.

"He is an unregistered Animagus like me. He turned into a rat and snuck away, leaving only a toe behind."

"Oh" I wasn't sure quite how to respond to that. "I'm sorry."

"Its find I just wish I managed to kill the bastard. I will get him eventually." He says in a harsh tone.

An awkward pause follows before I interrupt to try and change the subject, "Did you say you weren't able to talk to Harry? Does the magical world not have some magical phone thing that you use?" I ask.

"People usually communicate through letters that are sent by owl but Dumbledore has forbidden everyone from writing to Harry so that we don't risk leading the death eaters to him."

Sending letters seems to be really slow an inconvenient. Although we demigods couldn't use phones, we were at least able to use IMs to communicate. "What do you do if there is a message that you have to get across quickly?"

"You can use the fireplaces to talk to people though the flames and not just floo travel. It is not the most comfortable though. In emergencies, wizards who have a Patronus can use them to send a message and they are pretty fast. It was used a lot during the war?"

"What is a Patronus?" I ask him.

"It is an advance spell that produces an animal that can repel Dementors." Sirius reads the confusion on my face and before I can even asks he answers my questions "Horrible horrible monsters that feed off of unhappiness and make you relive your worst memories. If they get close enough, they will 'kiss' you and suck your soul out. They guard the prisons." With that he shudders and a dark expression flirts across his face. I recognize it from when we relive our memories from the war. All of us demigods are familiar with it.

"I am kind of disappointed that there is not a fancy wizard telephone that you guys use for instant communication." I tell Sirius. I really mean it too, it would have been really helpful if there was a magical phone that I could use because demigods couldn't use mortal phones without attracting monsters. Although, with my demigod luck, it would probable attract monsters as well. At least we could use IMs to talk. Speaking of, I should probably go call my mom.

I say good night to Sirius and headed up to the bathroom. I just hope my mom will not be mad for me not calling yesterday to reassure her that everything was fine. She must have been pretty freaked out when I disappeared from the living room suddenly.

"Oh fleecy do me a solid, show me Sally Jackson in New York." I say as I toss a golden drachma into the mist. "Mom!" She appears in front of me through the Iris message. I guess it is not really an Iris message though since fleecy connects most of them.

"Percy! It is so good to see you." She says with visible relief coming over her face. I feel bad for causing her so much stress all of the time. "How are you?"

"I am doing well." I answer, "you were right and I do have magic. Check it out, I even got a wand too." I eagerly pull out my wand to show her and cast the light spell after a couple tries for me to remember the proper motion.

I know that this isn't necessarily the best news, my life would probably be a lot easier if I didn't have magic, but it would also be a lot easier if a wasn't a demigod and that would mean no Annabeth. Besides, magic was still pretty awesome, you can't expect me not to get excited.

"That's great Percy. It does offer an explanation for something things. I wonder if the mist covers up magic as well."

"I don't think it does, they mentioned something about not being able to practice magic in front of muggles and if they had the mist the shouldn't be a problem."

"Hmm." My mom pauses to think, "I wonder if it is possible that the mist might have covered up some of your accidentally magic from when you were younger because I can think of a time when other people were around but saw something different. That is why I always assumed it was part of your demigod abilities, but I haven't seen you do it since."

"What did I do?"

"You threw a tantrum after I wouldn't let you have a second cookie and then summoned a cookie to you."

"Huh. You're right I have never been able to do that with my demigod abilities, I wish though. Maybe the mist is the reason why the wizards never noticed me before. Apparently eleven is the age that magical children go to school. Even if you don't have a magical family, you are supposed to get a letter I think." I feel very proud of my Annabeth level deductive skills right now.

"Maybe, unfortunately you might never get an answer about that if they don't know about the mist."

"Yeah, someone at camp might know, Annabeth said she would talk to them..." I say trailing off, "How's Estelle doing?"

"She is doing really well." My mom brightens. "She has made some new friends at day-care.

"That's great" I grin, "I will try and call sometime earlier in the evening soon so that I can say hi." The message begins flashing, I have run out of time and need to add another coin.

I grab a coin that I set on the bathroom counter earlier and move to toss it in but my mom stops me, "Its okay. You only have so many drachma so you should save them for later, but you have to promise to call me soon and update me."

"Okay, I promise. Let's talk soon. Say hi to Paul and Estelle for me." The message disappears as soon as I finish talking.

I head off to bed hoping that I would have the same luck as last night and got a good night sleep but I had a feeling that I wouldn't be as fortunate.
