Chapter Two... Punishment or Pleasure?

Rhysa's 'date' dress.

I am switching the story from third to first person so there will be instances of the two points of view.  

"Ms Perkins!" I froze, "My office now!"

I slowly turned around still clutching my belongings against my body as some sort of armour, my boss Mr. Leonard Frenkin stood a few feet away from me. His face was deadly. I slowly followed my boss,  to his office. Mr. Frenkin was tall and lean and walked stiff backed with a determined purpose in front of me. I felt like a prisoner walking to my execution. The shy smiles I received from my colleagues who seemed to have had witnessed everything were of little comfort. I had barely closed the door behind me before the volcano exploded.

"This must be the most humiliating experience of all my years in this business." Mr. Frenkin bellowed. As he paced, he glared at me menacingly like a tiger surveying its prey. His words were enunciated carefully and made me feel like I was back in Kindergarten.

"You arrive late, miss an important appointment with one of our biggest clients;" He sat behind his heavy oak desk with his hands flat on the surface. "make Chris O'Connor no less wait for you and to top it all off, you insult the man when you do arrive!"

My boss stood up as if to punctuate his point. I started to tremble because Mr. Frenkin's huge bellowing voice sounded like thunder during a lightning storm. It was sharp and could sneak up on a person even if you were prepared for it.

"Well young lady, what do you have to say for yourself?" he took a deep breath and I was unsure whether I should speak or just sink into the floor.

"Well?" he repeated this time less patiently.

"Sir, I am so sorry but I locked my keys in my apartment and the traffic was a mess because of a diversion----" He was looking none the bit moved by my babbling. I stopped talking since his look suggested that my grave was already being dug.

"Alexander Graham Bell invented phones for a reason," he paused "to communicate especially for situations like this." He stressed slowly.

"Yes sir but my mobile was dead!" I frantically added.

"Dead mmm, what an apt description," I gulped "if you screw this Ms. Perkins you will be dead in this business like your mobile."

I was speechless, Mr. Frenkin had never spoken to me like this. He was pretty mad but I could not blame him since Chris O'Connor was a hot commodity. His impending business with us would definitely lend more credence to our work as efficient building development consultants in the England.

"I demand competence from all my staff including executives. If we don't set up a high bar, how can the juniors learn and progress." He stood up and started to pace. "I had to tell your 8:45 am appointment....." He looked at his watch and then at me, "Mr. O'Connor....... in case you forgot, some reason why you were unable to be present at 8:45 am." I gulped, Mr Frenkin had a way of making me feel worse than I already was feeling. I feel for his children if they dare disobey him.

"I will make it up to you I swear. I will call him right now and apologize. I will do anything." I added eagerly.

"You bet you will," he picked up some files from his desk. " Now leave my office and fix this now!"

I left my boss' office so frazzled that I rushed to my own office and just slid to the floor against the door. I needed time to reboot, recharge, just some time to get a hold of the situation.

Ten minutes later after drinking a nice cup of camomile tea  made by Nadia, one of my junior colleagues and a short meditation at my desk, I felt more revived and confident.

I needed to arrange a subsequent appointment with Chris O'Connor and apologise big time. Nadia had informed me that bets were already being placed that O'Connor would eat me alive. I mean they had fact on their side since everyone knew that Chris O'Connor was brutal in business. He had transformed his family company into a global brand in a few years. He was known to be focused and straightlaced.

I called O'Connor Finance with my heart beating a hundred times a minute.

"Good morning O'Connor Finance, how may I direct your call?" answered a sweet marmalade sounding voice.

"Good morning, my name is Rhysa Perkins, I am from Duvall and Associates, is it possible to speak to Mr O'Connor?" I asked.

"Please hold while I transfer to his personal assistant." the sweet voice informed me as some classical melody filled my earpiece.

I was on hold for five minutes before sweet marmalade voice came back on, " Sorry for the delay but Mr. O'Connor is in an important business meeting, do you want to leave a message."

"Yes, could you tell him that Rhysa Perkins called and I am willing to reschedule another appointment at his convenience." I said knowing he might just ignore me.

" I will deliver the message to Mr. O'Connor, goodbye." I held the receiver in my hand, what now... wait?

I did wait but after no return phone call three hours later, I blew my pride out of the window and called again. There was still no success and my career was hanging on the balance since Mr Frenkin called for an update every hour and my 'nothing new to report' answer was not being taken kindly.

By five o'clock in the afternoon, it was clear that Chris O'Connor would not receive or return my calls. I was dead for sure. The man appears to hold grudges and who was I to make him wait and then insult him. I would need to go over to his office and apologise in person since this deal was crucial.

I was just about to leave my office when my  phone rang loudly. I ran to answer it.

"O'Connor has graciously decided to meet you tonight, for dinner since he has been busy all day and tomorrow is the weekend."

"Tonight?" I queried Mr. Frenkin's information.

"Yes, he will be available for a business dinner." I could not have had a worse feeling in my gut. "So prepare the presentation and make sure you don't mess up this time."

"But sir---" I tried to say.

"No buts. In spite of everything you're the best although I am surely rethinking this stance now." Frenkin was firm and direct.

"Sir I ---" I tried to input again dismally.

"Ms. Perkins," he said resolutely.

"Thanks for the second chance," I mumbled in defeat as I sat down in my chair.

"Don't thank me yet. Make that appointment, close the deal and then I will get my thanks Ms. Perkins. Have a good evening." My boss signed off.

A text came to my mobile phone :

Meet me tonight at Hélène Darroze at The Connaught at 7 pm. Don't be late! CO

I was flabbergasted did Chris  O'Connor just text me?

I was unsure what to respond but I had to keep it professional.

I responded: Fine. See you then.

Tonight was my sister's 21st birthday party. She had come from her work study in France to celebrate this day with the family. The party was super essential. My parents would be highly disappointed that I put work before family. What was I going to do?

However I needed this dinner with O'Connor after the fiasco this morning. I hoped that he would want an early dinner although those business types insisted on late dinners either way I was going to have to cut it close. I formulated a plan. I would have dinner  with O'Connor then proceed to Ciane's party by 9.30 pm. It was Friday so I could dance my stress away all night.

After rushing home, I had to clean the mess in my bedroom before I could start my dinner preparations.I had called my parents to tell them that I would be late since I had an unavoidable business appointment ; my mother had been utterly emphatic after hearing my comedy of errors.

 I had decided that the outfit I had chosen for my sister's party would not be appropriate for a business dinner with Chris O'Connor. After a hellish day at the office where the new bet was that O'Connor would make mince meat with me tonight, my motivation was low.

I rummaged through my closet and stumbled upon a red sleeveless peplum dress, I had bought it on my last trip to Italy. Its sweetheart neckline was sedate and it tapered in at the waist with a thin gold belt with ruffles flowing down on the right side. The pencil skirt stopped just above knee length. It would have to perform double duty as a party dress tonight. I had never gotten an opportunity to wear it and tonight it would be perfect. I paired it with red mid arm sleeve bolero jacket which gave it a business feel and a pair of gold high heeled pumps. I would remove the jacket after the dinner and I was ready to party! After a miserable day at the office I needed to unwind.

I was lightly powdering my face when the doorbell rang. It couldn't be the Kaddocks because they were on their way to paradise.  The clock showed that it was already 6.30 pm. I ignored the bell since I did not want to late again.  The person on the other side of my door had other ideas and rang the doorbell again. I peeped through the hole to see a well dressed man in a chauffeur's uniform.

"Good evening, Ms. Perkins," the young man greeted removing his cap "Mr. O'Connor has sent me to drive you to the restaurant."

I couldn't be more stunned. A chauffeur? Well, well, well. I guess Chris O'Connor had forgiven me for this morning. That was relief at least the dinner would be pleasant. I had nothing to worry about anymore.

"One moment please." I said as the man stepped away from the door and returned to the street where a stately looking Bentley was parked.

I slipped on my matching coat and purse and made sure that my keys were inside my purse this time before leaving my apartment.

A day full of surprises indeed, O'Connor really travelled in class. The ride was very pleasant and as I was being escorted to the table in the far side of the restaurant, I was feeling more confident. The table was almost secluded from the rest of the place by a huge border of potted ferns and palms.

Chris O'Connor surely used his fame well. I took a deep breath as I approached the table where my client was already seated. As I rounded the potted palm, I came up to him. A slight twitch of his left eyebrow and a huge handsome smile greeted me. The man was lethally gorgeous and should come with a warning label.

"Good evening, I am Rhysa Perkins," I started the ball rolling by extending my hand.

Chris O'Connor stood up and took my outstretched hand, " Thank you for coming tonight, Ms Perkins."

I smiled, "Pleased to meet you Mr. O'Connor."

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Perkins and please call me Chris." He pulled out my chair and helped me to sit. His mother taught him some manners I thought; maybe he was not so bad after all.

"Would you like something to drink Miss Perkins?" Chris asked still showing his sparkling white teeth and that gorgeous smile.

"Water, thank you and you can call me Rhysa." I responded.

I noticed that he was alone, no PA, no bodyguard. To an outsider it looked like we were on a date. I squashed the thought. There was no way it was, it was just a business dinner and so far Chris was being a gentleman. Maybe he was on the social pedestal for a reason.

"You look stunning and this pleases me immensely when a woman tries her best to dress up  for my benefit?" his pedestal crashed to the ground with a loud bang, I thought as I glared at him.
