Chapter Five.... Regret is a dish best served alone!

First version of Rhysa Perkins Taiwanese actress Annie Chen.....she is gorgeous! Yes she does look a bit like Jessica Alba...

I am switching the story from third to first person so there will be instances of the two points of view.  

"You know one thing I learnt about you this evening is that you are a first class bully!" 

How could a perfectly horrid day get any worse I thought? I was deliberately silent on the drive to my apartment. Chris seemed deep in thought when I stole a glance his way during the journey. He had removed his jacket and tie, rolled up his sleeves and opened a few top buttons of his shirt. 

What was he thinking? I wondered. He was probably cooking up some more mischief stew to round up my hellish day, I decided. Happiness was too light an emotion to describe my relief when the limo pulled into my driveway. Finally this day would end and I could fall asleep and dream until Sunday.

"Well thanks again for a pleasant evening Chris, I do hope that you have a peaceful drive to your place and have a good weekend."  The car had not even stopped properly before I was out of the door in a flash.

I  raced up the driveway to my front door. I fumbled in my purse to retrieve my keys. I quickly opened the door as the limousine started up its engine. I leaned against the door as I heard the limousine drive away. Whew I sighed as I sagged against my front door.

What a day and what a night! 

All I wanted to do was fall into bed. I put on the lights and took off my shoes and put them in the closet. 

My apartment was a ground floor two bedroom new built which was part of a three floor complex. It had an open plan design with a small entryway which opened up to a large space which was divided into four sections. A kitchen which was blocked off by a stool counter that was opposite the living area and adjacent to a dining area  with a small office area I had set up near the double doors which led out into a  medium sized garden. 

I walked down the  corridor which split the kitchen and dining area. I passed the second bedroom and bathroom on my way to my bedroom at the end of the corridor. I removed my bolero and my tights. I was about to unzip my dress but doorbell rang. 

Who could be calling at this time of the morning? 

He wouldn't I thought.


Definitely not since Chris, I heard the limousine leave. I peeped out the window and noticed that the limousine was indeed gone. 

Now I had another worry. Who could be at my door at 4 am in the morning?

As a single woman I had taken some self defence classes after a demand from my father.

I walked slowly to the door and peeped out the door viewer. 

I almost screamed!

What was Chris doing here? 

I went to the window to double check that the limousine was indeed gone. 

Why was Chris not on his way back to where he had come from? I wanted to leave him outside but probably there was a problem with the limo.

"This had better be good O'Connor!" I greeted as I opened the door.

'Actually it will be..." he smiled, "but you have to let me in first to find out." I didn't budge. 

He smiled even more broadly.

"I see you need a little more convincing." I folded my tired arms across my chest  unmoved by his duplicity.

"Okay, I need to use your phone since my mobile is dead." I raised an eyebrow where had I heard that one before?

"Why don't you go to your home and use the phone there," I didn't miss a beat.

"I can't." Chris said as I leaned against the door jam my mind wanting to explode.

"Rhysa please?" Chris  begged trying to sound like he was desperate. 

"Where's the limo?" I asked looking at him directly.

 "I sent him home." Chris admitted easily.

"Good for you." I said closing the door in his face.

I heard knocking on the door soon after.  The man was worse than a migraine during a hurricane.

I opened the door a crack , just enough to see his profile.,

"I really need to use your phone. Please?" Chris tried to look pleadingly at me but I was having none of this.

"Go home!" I said firmly. 

Chris put a foot to stop the door from closing. "Rhysa." he said pushing the door open some more. 

"I really need to use your phone.  I'm stranded."

I don't know why I was even surprised. "It seems you need a minicab. Wait out here and I'll call you one."

Chris stood in the same spot, " Okay" he said softly but firmly.

I turned around to get a 24 hour minicab service when I hear the door close. I turned around again and notice Chris standing inside holding his jacket and tie in his hands. He was smiling at me with that smirk that had irritated me all night.

I just lost it then.

"No! No! You do not just badge into my home at this hour of the morning and stand there smiling at me, knowing that you only want one thing!" I flew at him, trying to push him out with my hands against his chest, all the while screaming. "Get out of my house this minute!"

I went to him to try to open the door and push him out. However he held onto me.  He grabbed my hands. "Stop it Rhysa!"

I had lost all sense and was ready to fight.

We wrestled and he eventually picked me up and wrestled me down on the sofa.

My hands were crossed on my chest and being held by Chris' hands. He was straddling me between his legs. I could not move.

"If you are nice I will let you go!" he said giving me that smile.

"I hate you and if you think I am just going to give in to you. You are wrong!" I was being defiant.

I was trying to release myself but all my efforts were fruitless.

I was breathless and my chest was heaving from my tirade. 

I was breathing heavily looking at Chris. We stayed like that for a long while, staring into each other's eyes until Chris  slid down my body. He partially lay on me as we continued to stare each other down. I could feel his member growing rapidly against  my groin.

 I was trying to be strong but my body was reacting to the pressure being built up inside it. 

"Don't give in! Don't give in!" I told myself over and over.

Chris breathed on my neck.  The warm breath from his mouth spread over my skin like a blanket of passion. I bucked as my body slowly began to give in to the sensations going through it. Chris kissed my throat and tugged on the skin just below my ear. 

"Stop Chris. I think you need to leave." I told him as I stopped my own body from giving in.

He raised his head and looked at me. " You want me to leave now?"

I looked at him and nodded, "Yes."

Chris stood up and adjusted his clothes. His shirt had somehow become torn in our struggle.

"I will call you a cab." I told him refusing to look at him. I went to my little office area and opened a drawer in my desk as I looked for a minicab card I kept in there.

I found one and then picked up my landline. I noticed Chris standing awkwardly by the door. His shoulders were hunched and I do not know what came over me but here I was at 4 am with Chris O'Connor no less in my home ready and waiting to have sex with me. I mean maybe I was too tired or just feeling horny. I do not know but I put down the phone and the card and walked over to Chris. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

 I stepped back and took out the pins from my hair, and let my wild curly hair drop around my shoulders. Then I unzipped my dress ; it slithered to the floor leaving me naked except for a pair of frilly white laced panties with a matching bra. Chris eyes popped as he stared at me. I led him back to the sofa as I straddled him.  

My body let out a moan as his lips trailed kisses along my jawline. He licked the corner of my mouth as his hands pulled me closer to him.  When our lips joined it was like honey, sweet and sticky tying us deeper into the euphonious rhythm of our kiss . He gently prodded my  lips open as he slid his tongue inside. I moaned and slid my hands along his body. As the kiss deepened I wrapped my hands around his neck keeping us close.

 This was bliss I had never felt like such sensations go through my body so deeply. It felt like our mouths had been made for each other. 

His hands were so soft and gentle as they caressed my face. We joined hands our fingers fighting for dominance mirroring the action of our tongues. He began to kiss my neck as my hands crept under his shirt. I squeezed his nipples as his body grinded into mine as we were swept away by emotion. I dug my nails into his back as his tongue slowly trailed down my chest.  He nipped the valley between my breasts with his teeth as I released the ancient sound of lovers.

He looked into my eyes which reflected the smouldering passion and want in mine.

He then murmured as he stared straight into my soul, "I want to make love with you Rhysa?"  

It was more of a question. A permission slip to continue what we had already began. I looked into his eyes feeling the need that had been building up all night. Carefully, I unfolded myself from him and felt him shrink away. He cast his eyes away from me as I stood up. In front of him, I placed myself between his legs tenderly placing my right index finger under his chin to raise his face. He looked so filled with desire that I was propelled with a lack of inhibition as I trailed my finger around his face.

"Let's call a truce."

He smiled.

I then pushed him back to lean against the sofa as I released my breasts from their captor. They were full and ripe as they danced before his face. He took a nipple into his mouth like a hungry lion. His hands moved over my already hot skin as his hands found a new home. 

Chris looked at my breasts hungrily as he latched deeper onto my nipple with his teeth. I arched my back my nails digging into his shoulders from the feeling that flooded my body.

He licked my breasts like smooth vanilla ice cream.

"Your skin is as soft as silk." he huskily moaned as he continued to cause my body to frisson.

The touch of his mouth made me scream. 

"Ohhhh." I arched my back and pulled his hair. It felt so soft flowing through my fingers. I dug my fingers through them and pulled my fingers through its softness. His hair smelled of the ocean. It had that wild abandon scent that made me feel the wind at my back and the open sea in front of me. He thoroughly lavished my breasts with his tongue. His lips captured mine again and he totally devoured it. 

I was on fire.

"Oh yes Chris..." I moaned lost in the world of pleasure.

"Your body is exquisite........... a master piece." he whispered against my breasts.

No man had ever made me feel so sensuous or so womanly before..

"Ohh...ohhh...ohh, Chris!"

The passion was so intense that Chris ripped open his shirt exposing a firm solid chest. I wanted him so much at that moment. I glided his shirt off his firm skin and his muscles were hard beneath my hands. I rubbed my breasts down his chest and felt him stiffen. This pleased me knowing he was on fire like I was.  I took control as I run my tongue down the path where my breast had trailed.

He pushed me away momentarily.

"I need you now!" He whispered hoarsely as he stood up to remove his remaining clothes. I was not disappointed. He was firm and hard with want. I closed him with my hands.

"Ooh yes .....mmmm." he laid me back on the sofa as I continued to hold his throbbing shaft. He helped me put on a condom which he retrieved from his pants' pocket as I guided him inside of my burning moist body.

"Hmmmm...mmmm." I felt like I was going to explode. I was wet and ready and he glided  further into me like this was destiny. We stared at each other both feeling the immense emotion our union was creating. The hurricane started to churn as it strengthened into a volatile storm that moved in a fast erotic rhythm  which enveloped us.

The hurricane  intensified as it crested into a storm of volatile calm. The two of us now lay heaving against the ebbing of the storm. 

Chris collapsed onto the couch, tired and satisfied. He kissed me softly as his body still tingled from the aftershocks. He pushed my hair off my face since it had clung there in the damp atmosphere  we had created. I closed my eyes, my body replete. My body became heavy calling for sleep. I let myself be sucked into the abyss of dreams.  My breathing became levelled as I let exhaustion carry me to relaxation.

I felt glorious. I felt so warm as I was having the most salacious dream about Chris.  Kisses were being put all over my chest and I was getting hot all over. The lips suckling my breasts were hot and it felt soooo good. I was still a bit tired but this felt warm and comfortable. This dream was beyond ecstasy. I let myself flow with it as my body rode the wave of pleasure that I was having as I let Chris take me for the ride. 

Sleep assailed me again as I floated on the sea of fulfillment.

Light had come in and I knew it was late morning. I snuggled deeper under the covers, my body had a tingling feeling all over and it felt great. I  moved my hands to harden my pillow when it screamed,"Ow, that hurts!"

I sat up and reluctantly opened my eyes to find Chris O'Connor rubbing his chest in my bed. I glanced at my own self and realized that I was naked. I quickly remedied the situation by pulling the covers and in so doing revealed a very naked Chris O'Connor. Every detail about our encounter flooded back to me. It had not been a dream but the real thing and by the look of Chris he was in a ready mood to continue this fantasy.

"Trying to maim me so early Rhysie?" my bed mate said smugly. I was in too much shock to reply as the early morning events unfolded in my awakening brain.

"Good morning." he continued and leaned forward to kiss me but I pulled anyway.

"No, please ,no. " I  said shaking my head as the realisation of what had transpired in my home came to me. I had slept with Chris... not once but twice. 

What was I going to do? 

I had never done anything so rash in my life before.

I got out of bed pulling the top sheet with me. "Chris you need to leave, please go."

He looked so luscious sprawled out on my bed ."Not yet." was the bold reply. I rubbed my eyes trying to believe that I was still dreaming.

"Yes we made love and I don't want you to regret it." He was saying as he got off the bed and proceeded to come towards me.

"Regret of course I regret it!" I screamed as I scrambled to find something to wear. "Chris this should have never happened. You're a client. My boss will kill me if he finds out." I found a robe hanging in my closet. "Plus I hate you remember."

"Hate. I would sure love some more hate." I turned to face him. He was standing in all his naked glory looking at me  and from the looks of it, he was in no physical situation to leave. I gasped audibly at the sight of his erection.

"Ewww, this can't be happening, why is it happening to me?" he came to towards me. "Just leave me alone, you have caused enough damage already." 

I sidestepped him and run to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and shouted "Let's just forget this, please Chris just go." I broke down.

"Open the door Rhysa, we need to discuss this as rational adults. " He was trying to force the door open. "Open it....dammit!"

"Go away!" I reiterated louder.

"Not until you get out here so we can have a civilized conversation."

"No." I said firmly.

"Rhysa we were consenting adults who both knew that the night would end up like this. Now open the damn door so we can talk properly!" Chris was becoming more and more adamant.

"I said no.........why won't you listen to me. You've screwed with my life from the moment we met. Last night was a big colossal mistake so please just go." I was trying to make him disappear and with it last night.

"Rhysa." he was pushing against the bathroom door with his body. "Rhysa open up!"

I was too angry with myself for allowing this to happen. 

How could I have lost so much control?

 If this got out I was finished at Duvall & Associates. 

I didn't know who I hated the most right now Chris for his damn charming nature or myself for succumbing to that charm.

"Rhysa, stop being childish."

"If you break down this door I will never forgive you....... now leave!"

I turned on all the taps at full blast to block out his voice. I lay huddled on the shower floor as cold water run down my body. After a few minutes the door stopped moving and I heard nothing but the echoing sound of water running. At least the water had somewhere to run to. I had none. I would just have to live with myself knowing that I had let lust control me, something I had promised myself  that I would never do. 

When Chris had touched me I became a bundle of feelings. These feelings were new and I was lost in them. It  was like I was entranced unable to say anything but ride with them. 

I could not believe I let it go so far. It had been unbelievable  sex; so exotic, so true, so pure but it had been the most euphoric experience I had ever had and ......I got it with Chris O'Connor no less.

I had officially become another bra on his bedpost.
