Chapter One....It all goes wrong!

Author's note: This story is dedicated to my Korean/ Taiwanese actors so the cast may or may not be known to you!

I have added my non Kor cast as well.....

Enjoy please leave your comments thanks!

I am currently editing the point of view  from third person to first person since I think it reads better..... so bear with me while this is done. No need to point it out since I KNOW it has a mix!!!

Yes there are spelling errors and grammatical readers beware!

This is my work so FULL copyright in order © Vanicao 2015

Readers should be 16+ as there are elements of sexual content. 

Without further ado... Chris and Rhysa's story:

"Where are my black boots?!" I shouted exasperatedly looking around my bedroom frantically.. 

I had been searching for my lucky boots for the last quarter hour. My otherwise tidy bedroom now looked liked a garbage disposal site. There were drawers open with clothes hanging out of them. My peach cotton sheets on the bed were almost invisible under the litter of clothes. Not to mention the closet I was currently on my knees in front of was a complete disaster.

I would need to devote an entire day to fix my room but I was late. Very late for a very important meeting but how could I get to it if I didn't have my lucky boots? I stood up facing defeat ready to choose a pair of black pumps when I remembered that my shoes were in the bathroom behind the door. 

Why were they there again?

"Because I polished them last night so I would not have to do it this morning.... ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I retrieved the boots and pulled them on hurriedly. It was already 8:00 am and my appointment was scheduled for 8:45 am. My boss would surely put my neck through the guillotine if I missed meeting with this client. I had a 20-minute drive to the office so I prayed that the traffic was light.

I grabbed my bag and dashed to the front door.

On my way out, I decided to get a final check of myself. I rather liked my outfit and hoped it would send a professional and competent message to this client. My white shirt and black calf length skirt with a short fitted black jacket, highlighted my figure. I was big busted and had been the brunt of jokes from jealous girls all through secondary school. Back then I had not known the importance of having a full chest and the impact it had on the opposite sex.

Anyway, I hoped that my outfit would camouflage my full bust since I was dressed for work. I was by no means slim or model thin but my shape was definitely enhanced by my confident walk and self-assured dressing. 

I had curves and I was proud of it!

A glance to my head in the hallway mirror revealed something much worse. 

My hair was uncombed. My unruly wavy hair was all over the place.

'What next?" I groaned.

 My hair was like the weather, it did whatever it wanted whenever it felt like it. 

How was I going to tame my thick auburn mass of curls? I quickly opened my bag and got some spritz and moisturizer, then I twirled it and trapped it with a clasp. Let the weather prevail I thought! No sooner had I clasped it than some tendrils started to escape around my ears . At least it no longer looked very frizzy. 

This meeting  was my first major assignment since I had been promoted to chief development officer at Duvall & Associates and I was now directly involved in all the portfolio assignments the company was currently involved in. My successful snagging of the Lieberman Design contract had increased the company's competitiveness in this industry. I had to prove to everyone that I was up for the job and that my new position was made for me.

So far I was failing terribly.

 First, my otherwise trustee alarm clock had failed to wake me up since it had not been reset after the electrical power outage the afternoon before.

Second, I woke up terrible late because I went to bed at 1:30am because I was fine tuning my presentation for this business meeting.

Third I was tired since I had opted to dash to my parents' home yesterday, to help finalise my sister's 21st birthday celebration which was taking place tonight.

 I sent up a quick prayer and let it be. 

Outside I rummaged through my bag for my car keys and after 3 more futile attempts gave in to the fact that I was destined to be late for my appointment. I loved my car, a red Audi RS 5 Cabriolet. It had been the first thing I had bought when I had received my one year bonus from the company. I resolved to the fact that I would have to take a taxi to work since my keys were in my home probably in the bowl on the kitchen counter where I had put them last night. 

I dug into my purse for my mobile phone. I would call the office and inform them that I was running late. I touched the screen and nothing came on. I tried several times but my phone was of no use. I had forgotten to charge it yesterday ... the stupid power outage!

I would use my house phone to call the office. I glanced at my watch it was already 8:30. I searched for my house keys but they were not in my bag. Oh no I had left them in the house as well! Today was officially the worst day of my life! 

Why was everything going wrong?

I rushed over to my neighbours' house.

My apartment was a heaven sent. It was located in the quiet suburban area of Westchester. Crime was very low and community watches were vigilant since over 70% of the homeowners were retirees. My neighbour Brent Kaddock was vice president of the community watch group.

Brent and Betty Kaddock were 75 and 73 year old great grandparents respectively who were now enjoying retirement and looking out lovingly for their neighbour. They were friends of my grandparents and had so willingly taken over this role since I had moved into my apartment 3 years ago.

"Good morning, beautiful Rhysa." Brent Kaddock greeted as he opened the door. "Betty, Rhysa is here; we can show her the plans for the trip!" Brent moved into the house anticipating me to follow.

"Good morning Brent, Betty..." I said as bright as I could muster, "I locked my keys in my apartment and I need to get in since" I checked my watch, "I have an appointment in 5 minutes." No I would not panic I would not panic. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself.

"Oh Rhysa dear, what a catastrophe!" Betty said getting me a glass of water." Sit my dear, calm down, it's going to be alright." Betty was a typical grandma type. She had the full figure, white hair and patient personality. She had been a knockout in her younger years and it seemed she had worn her looks out well.

I was too frazzled to relax.

"I need to leave, I am in a hurry," I tried to stress, to reinforce the urgency of me being late for work. "Mr. Frenkin will surely fire me for this."

"Oh no dear you are the best executive that company has, it would be suicide to fire you." Brent added as a former marketing manager for a large multinational firm. He and his wife had been stationed all over the world and were pleased now to be settled in Westchester enjoying retirement.

"Please I need my keys, you don't understand the client I have the appointment with is Chris O'Connor?" I put my head in my hands.

Betty was calmly rubbing my back.

"O'Connor?" Brent was shaking his head, "O'Connor the former cricketer?"

"Yes!" I stood up ready to admit that today was just going to be labelled as the worst day in history in my life.

"Rhysa don't forget we will be leaving on our trip later today... now don't worry my son Giles will look in on you." They let me use their phone to call the office and gave me the spare keys they had for my place.

"Betty....... I will be fine," I said to them as I waved from the taxi now taking me to face my doom. "The two of you just enjoy your trip to St. Lucia."

The Kaddocks were the best.

I walked into the office building at exactly 9:15 am. I was thirty minutes late. The traffic had been backed up because of a damaged pipe and so the otherwise short 20 minute commute became a full detour. I paused by the receptionist counter, to greet Joy who knew everything and gave me valuable insight in the going ons of the company.

""Oh no Rhysa.........the boss has been bellowing your name for the past hour." Joy carefully supplied her face alit with concern. "You had better come up with a good one!"

"Thanks for the heads up!" I said sensing the distress my lateness had caused.

Joy looked me over and decided that I had just been through one ordeal already and undoubtedly walking into another one. "Tell me later girlfriend and remember to put on a bullet proof vest!" she called out as the elevator door closed.

I wanted to scream, how I could be so late and worse yet everyone knew it. I prepared myself mentally as the elevator took me up to the 5th floor. As the bell dinged to signal that I had arrived, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and exited.

I bumped into someone as I stepped out of the elevator and stumbled backward. This was not going well. My files now were scattered all over the floor because of some clumsy knucklehead who was not watching where he was going. I bent to  pick up my stuff with the aid of my rescuer or should I say attacker.

"I am so sorry, miss," the voice of my attacker said, "but you just rushed out so quickly!"

"Me!" I fumed as I put my files in order.

 "You had better watch where you are going next time!" I said sternly. "This is an elevator...people come out of these things."

I further stressed while looking for my bag. "It is proper etiquette to allow persons to get off before you get on, to avoid situations like these." I continued already annoyed.

A helpful hand picked up my bag off the floor and handed it to me. My patience flew further out of the window as I pulled it out of the hands of the person who had caused it to fall in the first place.

"Don't touch my bag you klutz!" I shouted angrily.

I quickly dusted myself off. Then I recollected myself before taking note of the person speaking to me. I stood up straight and stared in utter embarrassment. I blushed from the roots of my hair to my rose pink coloured toenails.

"I am truly sorry miss," a now stony voice repeated. "thanks for the advice."

I stood there in shock as Chris O'Connor  and his party stepped into the elevator. His piercing blue eyes bore angrily into me as the doors slowly closed.

Oh no! My mind was racing, I hoped that no one from the office saw or heard the discussion I just had with Chris O'Connor.
