Cosplay Day Hooray

"Alright! Time to decide our next cosplay day!" Tamaki decided, oblivious to what just happened.

So they arranged themselves like so. Tamaki, Kyoya, and Haruhi sat on one couch in that order. Honey sat on Yuki's lap, holding Usa-chan, with Mori beside them, Hikaru sitting next to Mori and Kauru sitting on the armrest next to Hikaru.

"Any ideas, ladies and gentlemen?"

"What about cake day?" Honey said excitedly, raising a hand as Yuki smiled fondly at his childishness and Mori watched Yuki's smile subconsciously.

"Hm.... No I don't think so...." Tamaki said thoughtfully. "Maybe another time. Next!"

"Prankster day!" The twins synchronized.

"That's a scary thought," commented Haruhi.

"Yes, agreed," nodded Tamaki. "Any ideas, Haruhi?"

"Nope," she shrugged.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know!" Cheered Yuki, beaming. "Good Vs. Evil day! Everyone can dress up as angels or devils!"

"That might intrigue the ladies," Kyoya muttered thoughtfully. "And very possibly the men as well."

"All in favor for Good Vs. Evil day?" Asked Tamaki, raising a hand as everyone followed. "Right! Tomorrow is G Vs. E day! We'll have Mrs. Hitachiin prepare the uniforms. Alright! Dismissed!"

Honey jumped off Yuki and grabbed her hand.

"Can I have a hug before you go Yu-chan?" Asked the small Lolito. Yuki grinned and scooped up the boy, hugging him and swinging him around as he laughed.

"You're so adorable!" She said, giving one last squeeze before setting him carefully on his feet.

"Yay! You give good hugs, Yu-chan!" Honey cheered.

"Why thank you my small friend," bowed the red haired girl.

"Can Takashi have a hug too?"

This made Yuki stumble a bit before straightening, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

"Er... I'm not sure Mori wants a hug from me, Honey...." She began, laughing a bit.

"Come on Takashi!" Said Honey, ignoring the flustered Yuki as he pulled the tall blackette forward by his sleeve.

"Mitskuni...." Started Mori, though he couldn't think of what to say.

"Come on Yuki, please!" Asked the short blonde loudly.

"Oh come on Yuki," said Hikaru, appearing at her left.

"It's just a hug," added Kauro.

Finally, swallowing her nervousness, Yuki stepped forward and wrapped her arms around a stunned, slightly blushing Mori.

She does give great hugs, he thought as something in his chest fluttered and he returned the hug awkwardly.

Discretely, Kyoya snapped a picture.

The twins 'awe'd, grinning mischievously.

Haruhi smiled knowingly at the sight of Mori's pink cheeks.

Honey hugged Usa-chan and smiled satisfactorily.

And Tamaki decided to pay attention.

"MORI-SEMPAI WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY NEW DAUGHTER?!" The tall blonde screamed, looking affronted and dramatic as the two jumped away from each other as quickly as possible.

"I........" Began Yuki, looking embarrassed. "I'm just gonna....." She didn't finish, just dashed from the room as quickly as her wheeled shoes would allow as a certain tall, dark host stared after her, feeling strangely lonely in the room full of people.
