Perfect Family, Yeah, Right

The next day, Honey and Mori approached an extremely impressive mansion with their families.

"Lets just see this young lady you two have been associating with," Honey's mother said with a smile.

"Yu-chan is really nice Okaasan!" The small boy grinned as Mori's father rung the bell, and the group heard it ring, Beethoven.

The door swung open and the families saw all the servants, men on one side and women on the other, lined up on either side of the doorway.

"Welcome, honorable Honinozuka's and Morinozuka's," the servants said in perfect unison.

As the families entered the home and let the maids and butlers take their coats, they looked around. The white marble floor shone brilliantly, no speck of dirt inside. The baby blue walls were covered in paintings made by famous artists. Two sets of stairs on either side of the room led to an indoor balcony. Everything was perfectly neat and organized, not a particle out of place.

"Welcome!" A deep voice greeted, and the families looked to the indoor balcony, where a man and woman stood. The man had black hair and electric blue eyes, a decent build, and was probably around six to seven feet tall; he wore a black suite. The woman had long auburn hair and seafoam green eyes, a frail build, and looked to be around five and a half feet tall; she wore a beautiful white silk dress and black heels. They were walking elegantly down one set of stairs, beaming and looking like the perfect couple.

"Len Akumu," said the man as the duo stopped before their guest. Len held a hand out to the men and shook the hands of Mr. Morinozuka, Mr. Honinozuka, Mori, and Honey.

"And I'm Alena Akumu," said the woman with a graceful bow. "Welcome to our home."

"Yuki will be down in a moment, she's still getting ready," said Len with a charming smile. "Shall we go to the entertaining area?"

The group moved to a spacious area containing many love seats and a grand piano.

"When my daughter comes to join us, she might be persuaded to play for us," Alena smiled.

"I didn't know Yu-chan was good at piano," Honey said, surprised.

"Yuki has many talents that she chooses not to share with others," Len said, smiling with bitterness laced within.

"Nathaniel, would you please go see if Yuki is ready?" Alena asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

The man left.

"Now," Len said as they all settled around in the seats. "Mitskuni, Takashi, how did you come to befriend my daughter?"

"Yu-chan is in our class," Honey said cheerfully. "She's really nice and funny and eats cake with me and Usa-chan!"

"And Takashi," Alena said, smiling at Mori. "What do you think of Yuki?"

Mori hesitated slightly before saying, "She's different.... In a good way...."

"The three of us are great friends!" Honey added.

"Introducing, Miss Yuki Akumu," Nathan said, leading Yuki inside. Mori and Honey couldn't believe their eyes.

Yuki was wearing a black dress with a sweetheart neckline and a fluffy shirt that stopped at her knees. Her hair was done up in a bun, with two loose strands to frame her face. Her makeup was professionally done and far more precise than they were used to. She entered the room with a serene and calm smile on her face, her hands clasped before her. She bowed respectively.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said in a soft voice that Honey and Mori had never heard from her. She straightened and smiled charmingly.

Mori could feel his face growing hot, his lips slightly parted in shock, when he saw her.

But, when their eyes met, past the perfect gleam in her eyes, Mori saw discomfort and knew that she hadn't chose this.

But she looks really pretty....
