pretty girl

I am one of the top students in UA my quirk is I can change my body into every element Earth, wind, water, and fire. I suppose I'm very beautiful as I've always been told and I always have people ask me out.

But one guy I want hasn't his name is Kirishima Eijro I liked him for a long time I went to Middle school with him he never noticed me and I stayed that way to him. I liked him because of his personality his sharp teeth and just every thing he does. When I was younger and my dog died he saw me crying and took me for ice cream.

I guess we talked during lunch but I moved away than puberty hit me and suddenly every one likes me I don't think Kirishima remembers me but it would be a blessing if he did.

I was walking with some of the girls and talking. "HEY Y/N Have you seen Bakugou" Kirishima stopped me in the hall."No but I can help you find him" I said."Alright" He smiled. "UARAKA IS THAT A HICKEY" I yelled. A loud boom came and there stood Bakugou.

"Found him" I smiled. "Haha good one" Kirishima laughed. Before going to Bakugou. I watched him sadly. "Y/N you went to me and Kirishima's middle school a awhile before moving right and you were friends with Kirishima Right do you still have a crush" Mina asked.

"Eh-Mina i-I yes......" I Whispered. "Then ask him out your one of the prettyest girls in school" Mina Smiled."What if he doesn't like me like that" I blushed."Come on here I'll call him over KIRISHIMA"Mina yelled causing the boy to come back over to us.

"Y/N wants to ask you something" Mina smiled."NONONO I DON'T IM SORRY I UH HAVE TO BATH MY PET FISH" I ran away as fast as i could.

Kirishima pov

"Mina how do you bath a fish"  I asked. "You don't" she shook her head."Do you remember back in middle school when you guys were friends" Mina asked. "Yeah" I responded. "Why don't you hang out with her anymore" Mina looked at me.

"Oh I didn't think she wanted to hangout with me she's so popular now and-"Kirishima you should ask her out" Mina cooned. "WHAT Y/N WOULDN'T EVER DATE ME" I blushed."She told me she Still has a crush on you" Mina giggled."Still?" I blushed. "Go now ask your love out" Mina joked.

I went in the direction Y/N ran I found her with her knees hugged to her chest and crying."Y/N are you ok" I asked. "no" she whimpered."Is this because you have a crush on me" I set next to her."Yes" She didn't make eye contact.

"I like you too I always did" I put a arm around her and pulled her closer. "...Wait You knew I had a crush on you" She said surprised. "Not until about a minute ago when Mina told me" I chuckled.
