Bad Advise

Kirishima pov

I had been waiting to talk to Y/N but I didn't know how. She's very different from all the other girls. She likes to wear guy clothes her ownly friends are guys including myself. She's a prevert sometimes but she does it in a cute way.

We were all chilling at Mina's little party I watched Y/N from a far she was smiling and laughing."Dude just talk to her" Denki said from behind me."Eh- What would I even say" I asked. "Try a pick up line she loves those" He suggested.

"How do you know" I asked "Its a game we play who can say the cringyest line"and he laughed a bit."Fine" I golped and walked to her. "Y/N" I Smiled. She turned at look at me.

"Kirishima your talking to me FINILLY?" She smiled. "Is your Dad a drug dealer Cus your...Dope" my face was red mostly from embarrassment.

"I don't know my dad Kirishima? Did Denki put you up to this" she asked with a confused face. "Eh" I just stood there my heart felt like it was beating so fast it would explode.

Denki came up behind me and whispered in Y/N ear. Her face went from confused to a evil smirk. "Kirishima what's the Biggest planet on Earth?" She asked.

"...." I thought for a second what does she mean on Earth. "It's Youranus" She said trying not to laugh. "Eh-"My face felt hot she's such a cute Pervert. "Denki said you like me well let's play 7 Minutes in heaven and see if it's true" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to a closet

Let's just say things got heated.
