
I was doing my normal thing when I got a call from Bakugou."Hello" I answered.*"Kirishima was being a Idiot and now he's a baby Awaiza sensei says he'll be like this for a few hours. IM NOT TAKING CARE OF HIM SO VOME GET YOUR BOYFRIEND" Bakugou hung up.

"A baby" I smiled I want to know what Kirishima would look like as a baby. I went to the location on my phone I found Momo and Uaraka holding something. "Hey guys wants that" I asked coming up to great them.

"Todoroki and Midoriya" Momo said. "Eh" I looked in there arms and saw two sleeping toddlers. "Awww" I cooned. KIRISHIMA GET BACK HERE" Bakugou yelled running after the toddler. He ran behind me with his little legs. "Do to Kirishima's quirk he can already run as these two still have trouble walking" Uaraka said.

"Kirishima do you know me" I smiled getting done to his level. "Momma" He said."Yeah why not I'm Momma" I picked him up."Milky" He pointed to my breast. "E-EH NO NO NO" I blushed. Kirishima's little frame shook as tears fell from his eyes.

"Eh I mean where getting McDonald's" I stuttered. The two girls looked at me laughing."YAY" He cheard his tiny teath showing. "Alright see yah" I smiled walking off. With a happy red shark child. We made it to a McDonald's I got him a happy meal with chicken nuggets.

"Hey you look rlly young to have kids is that your brother beautiful" A guy walked over to us."Sorta I just watching him for a while I smiled a Kiri."Oh babysitting" The guy Chuckled."Yeah" I said."So whats the boy's name" The dude asked. "Kirishima Eijiro" I answered. "And whats a pretty lady's name like yours" He asked.

"I have a boyfriend" I said as the dude put a arm around me. Kirishima looked up from his meal and looked like he was about to murder. "BAD MAN" He bit the guy."OW HOW SHARP ARE THESE KIDS TEATH OW" he threw Kirishima but I used my Quirk and got him before he could get hurt.

"HOW DARE YOU THROW A CHILD" I yelled. He got kicked out as I took Kiri for a sweet treat for protecting me. After I got him ice cream I went back to my place. I took pictures of Kirishima covered in Ice cream and smiling. "Im so keeping these" I kissed his nose.

I turned on a cartoon and chilled with Kiri. Soon I heard quiet snoores. "Night Kirishima" I smiled as I took him to my room with me and fell asleep with him in my arms.

"Hey babe wake up" I heard Kirishima voice but back to normal."Aww your not a toddler" I said disipointed."No I guess it wears off" He smiled. "Im sticky and I have a taste of blood McDonald's and ice cream and my mouth he laughed.

"Take a shower and wash your mouth than" I laughed. "but I want milk" He joked."Go wash your self PREV" I laughed. He chuckled as he left to get cleaned up.
