lost Kirishima

I was taking a stroll around my block when I saw my class mate Kirishima looking around worried."Kirishima Are you alright" I asked going up to him."Huh Y-Y/N what are you doing here" He blushed."Your infront of my house" I pointed to my home. "Oh I didn't know Im sorry" He said. "It's okay are you lost" i smiled. "Yeah I went for a jog and well I took a new rout and now I have no clue were I am" He srached the back of his neck.

"Come inside it's getting late" I looked at the sun that was going down."It's fine rlly" He said."Come inside pls it's going to get cold and you are lost I'll cook and you can stay the night if that's alright with you" I Laughed.

"Yeah that's fine thanks Y/N your rlly kind" He blushed. I smiled and led him inside he looked around my home."Do you live alone" He asked. "well yeah sorta My perants are gone so I'm alone" I shrugged. "We're are that" He asked."6 ft under" I spoke my voice hollow.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Kirishima stuttered."it's fine Kiri but what would you like to eat" I smiled again."Oh uhh whatever is alright" he laughed."Do you like Beaf?" I suggested seeing some in my fridge.

"I LOVE BEAF" He smiled like a puppy."Haha good cus that's what I'm making" I laughed. I began to cook as Kirishima watched in awe."are you alright" I asked glancing up from my cooking."Yes your just rlly Beati-cool he stumbled on his words.

"I'm Beati-cool that actually sounds nice" I giggled."well your Beati-cool too" I smiled. His cheeks went red. I finished cooking and made us both our food I set a plate down for Kirishima and one for me at the table.

Kirishima took his set across from me. Kiri took a bit of my food and his face melted of pleasure."YOUR SO GREAT A COOKING" his mouth watered. "Kirishima you bit the chopsticks" I said worried. "COUGH COUGH" he began to chock on the chopsticks.

"KIRI" I hit his back as hard as I could. "COUGH" he spit up the chopsticks. "Im sorry Kiri I didn't know your teeth were that sharp" I apologised."What why are you sorry it's my fault but your food is amazing.

" On sec I had a friend get me these I never had to use it" I went to the kitchen and got a fork and a spoon."Huh whats that" He asked Confused."This is what they use in Amarica I think you'll be fine with these.

I gave them to him he tried to use them like a chopstick. "Nonono like this" I showed him how they were held and how he should eat with them. He understood and began to eat it seems it became easy to eat like that the medal of the silverware didn't break so easy.

"Thank you that made it alot easy to eat your great food" Kiri smiled. "Glad to help" I beamed at him."Y/N can I tell you something" Kiri sounded nervous."Sure what is it" I asked worried. "I wasn't lost I knew you lived here and I just wanted to be with you your very beautiful and smart funny and so loving I wanted to ask you out but I didn't know how I like you alot and if you kick me out th- I cut him off by kissing him gently on his lips.

"Kirishima I feel the same" I smiled. His face was red and he was parilzed."Does this mean your my girlfriend" He stuttered."Hmmhmm" I nodded. "Awesome" he said. "Want to watch a movie" I asked. He nodded I took him to the living room and put on a action comedy.

I snuggled up to him as we watched the movie he rapped his arms around my waist and smiled.
