Revenge is my success

A/N: GUESS WHO DECIDED TO STAY!!! Yes me, see. I saw this MHA one-shot with 91 chapters, and if you know me, you know I gotta compete with it!!! 😕 which it be like 10% better than what I write too tho. Anyways. I want to do more chapters, I have so many idea and I refuse to have it all go to waste. I do need to do some hard editing though, anyways this chapter relates to the Manga. So if you haven't read the manga yet I suggest going into the next chapter. Please do.


Izuku was face to face with Tomura Shigarki who likes a lot like All for one. The white hair, the disgusting look on his face. Why was he so happy anyways? Was this all a game to him? So many fallen heroes just because he wanted to get to Izuku. Izuku thought he was going to be sick but remembered what the 6th user told him about controlling his heart. He almost lost it in the first war when Katsuki got stabbed nearly losing his quirk in the process. He doesn't want to repeat that. Izuku focused his attention all on Shigarki, the expansion of his arms, the side of his face. It all just screams All for one. Was Shigarki even in there anymore? Could Izuku possibly save him? Damn it! He was so mad.

Katsuki had came up with this plan to defeat the League or Army once and for all but it was all ruined when Izuku was dragged into the wrong portal. Instead of Izuku immediately going face to face with Shigarki, he was met with a creepy grin of Himiko Toga frantically begging Izuku to become her boyfriend. Izuku of course was flabbergasted and admittedly stayed longer than what he should had however this could have all been avoided if danger senses never failed to signify Toga as a threat. But He was there now and Ochaco is taking care of that situation.

Shigarki just started laughing. Why was he laughing, that ugly grin of evil, his hands is filled with so much blood yet he has the nerve to laugh. Izuku was surprised Katsuki didn't erase that stupid smug look on his face. Katsuki would have beat the crap out of him chanting how he was nothing but a lowlife villain. Katsuki would have—

Now that Izuku thinks about it. Where is Katsuki? Izuku turned to the side and saw the reason why Shigarki was laughing. There he was Katsuki Bakugou...Laying Dead on the ground.

Izuku just stared as black whip and smoke scream made its way around Izuku. "You killed him..." Izuku groaned out, anger now taking its place in his heart despite the 6th user telling him so. "Kacchan..." Izuku's face was not visible as Shigarki grin faded away, now aware of how dangerous the little brat can be. Izuku was quick, too quick. All might during his prime ages could not even match his speed. In a blink of an eye Izuku had both of Shigarki's legs tied up with black whip and was hanging upside down.

Shigarki was dismayed expecting Izuku to break down and have the easy success. That was most definitely not the case. Instead the bloodlust that's radiating off of Izuku was more deadly than Stain's during the Hostu Attack. "The hell! What the fuck are you doing you brat! This ain't how this is suppose to go! What happened to the brat that let his emotions get in the way—"


Shigarki's body now lay lifeless on the ground. No one was expecting this, The hero who had claimed to want to save Shigarki from the horrid life he was forced into kill him because of the death of his childhood best friend.

"What did you do?"

Izuku turned around to see All might appalled, hesitantly he walked over to see Shigarki's state. "This...this wasn't the plan" All might barely whispered out. Izuku was still in his raging state, not aware of his own outburst quite yet. "Kacchan's gone...and it's because of him!" Izuku started. "So many died because of him!"

"I should have never allowed this...I'm sorry, I put this great burden on you." All might looked down and kneeled next to Shigarki. "I'm so sorry master, I failed you." All might started to tear up. Izuku on the other hand, placed his foot on Shigarki's head. "Why would you pity such a monster!"

"You're the monster now!" All might yelled unintentionally. All might regretted saying it as soon as he did however Izuku didn't know that. Izuku was heartbroken, he felt betrayed. "You're siding with a villain?" All might didn't dear answer, feeling as if he already fucked yo enough today. "Kacchan is dead on the floor and the only thing you're caring about is that fucking monster! He did all of this! He murdered many! He took down many heroes! HE TOOK KACCHAN AWAY FROM ME!" Izuku yelled out.

All might just kept quiet, not wanting to aggravate the young boy more than what he already is. Izuku just backed away slowly nodding as tears flowed down his eyes. "This is my mentor, the great all might. I see now. You don't care about this war or what he has done do you? You only care about pleasing your dead master because you failed her once. So you at least wanted to give her grandson another chance. WELL LOOK HOW'THAT TURNT OUT!" Izuku rage was heard through the whole area, however everyone was too busy to help.

"You disgust me." That was the last thing Izuku said before walking away from All might was looking down in shame. In that moment Neito Monoma came into the battle field to contain Izuku. "Midoriya!" He yelled using best Jeanist quirk to hold Izuku in place. "Come on man...I don't want to do this to you." Neito struggled to hold him in place. "Monoma. Respectfully let me go, or you'll be next." Izuku said. Neito did not let go, afraid of what the boy has to plan. "I can't!"

"LET ME GO DAMN IT! I HAVE TO KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! LOOK WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO OUR FRIENDS! HOME! FAMILY!" Izuku cried out. Neito felt sorry, Izuku lost the most during this war, his mother watching the scene was all he had left and it shows. Not a lot of people survived this...Katsuki being a hero who didn't either. "I get it Midoriya! You're hurting right now! It's ok! Grieve with emotions not with rage!" Neito tugged harder. "You do not get to tell me how to grieve" Izuku was able to break out of the thread grabbing Neito by the arm.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't need you stopping me from what needs to be done" Izuku said punching Neito in the face using 40%. Neito was knocked on the ground. Izuku was than stopped by best jeanist himself. "Kid. You gotta stop this. You're losing your mind." He said physically grabbing the younger boy. Now Aizawa was using his quirk on Izuku from the distance. So Izuku had no quirk at all at his side. "We are all insane in our own ways, heroes kill too. How much people Hawks killed? How about you beat jeanist? How much people did you kill too?" Jeanist was shocked.

It's true yeah, he had killed people, the hero Commission had forced them too for the greater good. But jeanist was never expected a kid to know this. "That's controversial information." Jeanist started. "Midoriya we have all lost much things in life, you will heal from this, you will-"

"I WILL NOT ALLOW ANOTHER FAKE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Izuku kicks Jeanist away. Aizawa must have blinked cause now he was able to use his quirks. However, something expected happened.

"Hello Izuku..."

All for one

Something in Izuku snapped even more. He slowly walked up to All for one as he just stood there, seeing the scene. "I see you have turnt on them, seeing how fake they truly are." He started. "Join me and Tomura and the 3 of us will-" All for one sees All might kneeling to Shigarki's dead body. All for one free shocked. Shigarki had must of his power, he was powerful more powerful than All for one had ever been. But he's dead. "All might..." All for one was about to walk to him until he was grabbed.

"You told me once that your fight wasn't with him anymore. It was with me. I killed Tomura Shigarki and I don't regret it." Izuku said gripping All for ones hand even more. "I'm tired. You did it All for one. You made me into a monster. And you...

You're my prey"

All for one broke away from Izuku's grip and started to run away, terrified of this side of the boy. Izuku was about to go after him until jeanist grabbed him again. "Please! You don't have to do this Izuku...I'm working on it I promise! I will bring-"

"Shut up." Izuku was about to break away until Mirio also came and held Izuku down. "Midoriya! You have to calm down! Your anger is gonna get you killed!" Mirio said holding him to the best of his ability. "I have nothing to lose. If I die he's dying with me."

Izuku started all his quirks at the same time, lunging both jeanist and Mirio off of him and quickly catching up to All for one, tackling him to the ground. "You know, they say that evil always loses. They say that the angel will alway come back and defeat the evil once and for all." All for one started to tremble. "But you know what All for one? I don't see you as evil, right now I see you as a bug, a worthless bug and I can easily squish." All for one started to kick back however Izuku started punching.

*kicks* *punches* *elbows* *stomp*

Izuku was now looking at All for one as the blood from All for one started to soak the ground. Fortunately, All for one was still alive but barely, he was trying to crawl away. "You know what I hate you about villains?" All for one was still trying to crawl away as Izuku was slowly walking matching his pace. "You acted all high and mighty but as soon as I killed your little successor, you became a little coward." Izuku grabbed the knife that was in his pocket earlier from his shirt battle with Toga. "You are not a true villain" Izuku was about to stabbed All for one until someone grabbed his arm. "LET GO-


Katsuki was standing this gripping Izuku's arm with the knife in it. He's been alive for about 2 minutes now and jeanist explained to him everything. "Give me the knife Izuku" Izuku started to tear up again. "Kacchan..." Katsuki held him close not wanting to let go. "It's ok now, you don't have to worry, it's over it's all going to be ok"

Izuku gripped Katsuki's shirt, hiding away. "I don't regret it." Izuku said. Katsuki smiled and lairs his head on Izuku's. "Good. Regret would make you weak."

I'm so proud of this one omg I didn't expect so much emotion though. I hope you guys like it.
1929 words
