I'm Taken- sorry

A/N: this chapter will be chaotic and filled of Drama, I have been doing a lot angst and we need balance, balance is key, ^^ I have an Idea for a smut chapter- lol I'm in my Omega-verse stage, this is not a Omega-verse tho.

Melissa Shields, new to UA high school, she had recently joined when she heard UA was having a special program for support course and couldn't pass up this opportunity for the world. All might was already there, so she was good for guardianship/Parental permission, and also found it comforting that Izuku went to the school as well, ever since the incident on the island, Melissa grew a liking to Izuku, that liking grew stronger and stronger everyday. Melissa was in the Class Mei Hatsume was in, then 2 becoming very close friends. "So Shield-san, will you ever just tell me who you're crushing on!! It's like so obvious you can't even hide it anymore" Mei said, working on a new invention, or as she says it, fixing one oh her "babies".

Melissa cheeks grew a dark red as she turned away in embarrassment. "It's embarrassing! I can't possibly just share my feelings like that! I can barely say his name without going crazy" Melissa was cut off by a certain blonde head. The blonde head was no other then Class A's famous Katsuki bakugou. "Yo, Hatsume, I broke them again." Katsuki said, showing Mei the broken pieces to his gauntlets. Mei jaw dropped, she had just fixed this Amor last week, this has both Mei and Melissa questioning Shota's training exercises. "Leave the pieces on the cart in the back, I'll have them ready in 2 days." Mei said, doing back to her work originally. Katsuki nodded, that was the closest thing to a thank you they was gonna get and they knew that. Katsuki left the room, leaving both of the girls to do their work.

A couple of hours later, the final bell rang, Signaling everyone to either get to the dorms or to head for extra training. Melissa walked in the hallway and saw Izuku chatting with Shoto, heading to their locker room to get ready for training. "No Midoriya, you can't convince me you're not all mights secret love child." Izuku rolled his eyes. "We don't even look alike! How would i possibly be his kid, Todoroki-kun." Izuku said, he wasn't looking where he was going and accidentally bumped into Melissa. Melissa was about to fall until Izuku caught her, using his hand to grab her arm lightly. "Sorry Sheild-san, I didn't see you there, are you ok?" Izuku asked.

Melissa was frozen, her cheeks grew red again and her blood was boiling, Izuku let go of her arm in concern. "You're burning up, do you have a fever?" He asked. Shoto also looked concern, then Melissa passed out in Izuku's arms. "Eh- I think her fever is bad." Izuku said. Shoto nodded. "You should take her to recovery girl's, I'll let Sensei know you'll be a little late." Izuku thanked Shoto and walked to recovery girls office, where Melissa was treated, that's when Izuku learned She passes out due to overwhelming emotions. Izuku was asked more questions but left them unanswered as he didn't know himself. "I don't know what happened before our encounter, I accidentally bumped into her, I asked if she was ok, she grew red, then started burning up, and boom, she passed out." Izuku explained. As a woman who has been in love, recovery girl knew exactly what was going on. She kinda felt sorry for Melissa, Izuku wasn't the one for her and Recovery girl knew that. "She will be ok, just let her rest, you go, you're late for training." Izuku bowed and took off.

Melissa woke up a few hours later, finding herself in recovery girls office, she had never seen recovery girl before, this was the first time of her being sent to her office so it wasn't a surprise Melissa was startled seeing her. Recovery sat down in front of her bed. "No need to be afraid young one, I'm recovery girl, UA's healers, you passed out and Midoriya carried you here, are you feeling alright." Melissa thought she was going to pass out again from the mention of Izuku carrying her. God she was whipped, her cheeks grew red once again. "H-he carried me?" That was painful, recovery girl was paid to heal students, not to tell them that her crush isn't single. Recovery girl nodded, not trying to be the one to break the news to her. Melissa however had thoughts going through her head, maybe she has a chance with Izuku? I mean, he carried her here, he was worried so he has to like her the same way she likes him, right?

Izuku was naturally nice, he would save any life and worry for them even if he meant risking his own, hell it would even be someone he doesn't like, he'll still do the same, of course Izuku isn't the type to hold grudges, he forgives easily, he is understanding and would never hurt someone's feelings. However he is dense when it comes to something like this, he isn't aware of Melissa's feelings, sure they had their moment on the island but they really didn't have anything else in common other then the fact they were born quirkless and knows All might. There wasn't really a connection between them, poor Melissa doesn't realize that, Melissa grew courage, she gonna to confess this week, she just needs time.

A few days later, Izuku got a note in his locker, asking him to meet under the blossom tree near the training grounds were UA allows their students to have lunch. Izuku went to Katsuki, I mean that is his boyfriend, and asked if he send the note. Katsuki grew red with anger, you can almost see his the steam coming out of his ear, kinda like a cartoon character but if I said that I'm pretty sure you people will Doxx me for saying "Anime is an Cartoon" when I didn't say it. Izuku noticed this and held his hand. "Kacchan, Maybe this person doesn't know that we're dating." Izuku said. Katsuki calmed a bit, pulling Izuku closer to him. "We're public, who the fuck doesn't know?" Izuku thought for a moment, but then sighed. "I think I know who may have sent it, but you have to promise you won't hurt this person, she means well." Katsuki  sighed, not wanting to make Izuku upset. "Fine, but this person better not try any shit." Izuku smiled, assured of what will happen.

Izuku and Katsuki walked up to the tree to see, as expected, Melissa up there waiting for Izuku, not knowing he's with Katsuki. Melissa was surprised to also see Katsuki, but hide her slight disappointment with a smile. "Hey Midoriya" Melissa said, Izuku waved, then he held up the letter. "I'm sorry Melissa, I can't return your feelings, I'm taken." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his head. That's when Katsuki grabbed Izuku by his shirt and kisses him, shocking Melissa. Melissa was both upset and relieved, she was upset at herself that she got in the way of someone's relationship but relieved that it didn't cause any major problems. "Can we still be friends?" She said, Izuku nodded. "Of course"

AND BOOM! I'm running out of ideas, I'm about to bring Omega verse here-
1262 words
