Hide and seek

A/N: this will be Angst. Childhood Trauama. Pedophilia warning. This will be a long chapter. I was originally gonna make this a series but I'm too lazy for that. Izuku quirk here is Telekinesis and Fire Manipulation.

Always keep an eye on your children. Always talk to your children. No matter how busy you are or how annoying they may occur to you. Make sure your children is happy, make sure they're safe. Protect them. There are 3 rules for situations such as these.

Rule number 1, never be too busy for your children. Inko and Mitsuki Were working women. They left every morning at 8am and came back late nights of the hour 7pm, maybe later depending on what shift they take. They both work at a hospital specifically for heroes, so their home pretty late on most occasions.

Rule number 2, make sure the person you allow to watch your kids are trustworthy. DJ a background check even if you know the person. Inko and Mitsuki had left Izuku And Katsuki with Katsuki's father Masaru. Mitsuki trusted Masaru with Katsuki, that was her husband after all, Inko who didn't have time to look for a proper babysitter, asked Masaru to also watch Izuku between those hours. Masaru of course said yes, doing a favor for a good friend.

And finally Rule number 3, always check if your kid is ok. Izuku And Katsuki would often act like their normal selves in front of Inko and Mitsuki. Nothing to worry about right? Just 2 kids being kids. Living life with no care in the world. Just as children do. All steps have been followed.

Expect it wasn't. All rules have been broken. You can't blame the mothers for not knowing these rules. How could they? No body actually sat down with them to go over the rules. Only one is to blame. The story begins with innocent children and a game of hide and seek.

Inko was running late for work that morning so she had no time to make breakfast for Izuku like normally. Izuku (5 years old) had just gotten up excited to see his best friend since birth for the 3rd time this week. Inko saw the excitement in Izuku's eyes as he struggled a bit to put his shoes on. Inko kneeled down the help the young boy. "Izuku, mommy is going to leave you with Masaru for now on. Is that ok?" Inko asked, wanting to have Izuku's opinion. Izuku smiled and looked up at Inko. "I get to see Kacchan everyday?!!" The boy yelled excitedly.

Inko chuckled, expecting this sort of response. "Yes Izuku, you get to see Katsuki everyday." Inko said towing the boys shoes. Izuku screamed in pure joy as he got up and quickly grabbed his coat, and used his quirk to get his All light figure that was on the top self. Inko had reminded Izuku that using his quirk in the house was only ok if it was necessary. Izuku bowed and apologized to his mother. So well mannered for a 5 year old. Izuku and Inko finally left their house, Inko locking the door behind her.

Not needing to take her car or other transportation, the 2 walked over to the Bakugou's residence where Mitsuki was outside waiting for the 2 of them. Izuku greeted his Aunty as he usually will and ran inside barely remembering to take off his shoes when he saw Katsuki sitting on the couch with the same All might action figure as him. Masaru came in shortly after Izuku successful took his shoes off. Inko bowed to Masaru. "Are you sure you're ok taking care of Izuku while I'm gone?" Inko asked not wanting to put any unwanted responsibilities on Masaru.

Masaru chuckled and ruffled Izuku's hair. "I don't mind watching Izuku. He's a good kid and I know he won't give me any trouble." He said smiling at the boy. Izuku smiled back happily as Katsuki went over to Izuku and grabbed his hand. Katsuki dragged Izuku to the couch where they both started playing with this All might figures. "Well they seem to be ok together, you 2 are going to be even more late to work." Masaru said. Inko looked at the time and nearly bolted out the door running to her car. Mitsuki kissed her husband goodbye and left the 3 alone in the house.

Masaru walked up to the 2 boys. "Izuku, have you had breakfast yet?" Masaru asked. Izuku looked up and shook his head. "Mommy was running late today." Izuku said defending his mother. Masaru nodded and went to the kitchen, making breakfast for both Izuku And Katsuki.

Meanwhile Izuku And Katsuki were sitting on the floor, playing heroes as usual. "Kacchan?" Izuku asked. Katsuki attention was brought to the green haired child. "Do you think I'll control my quirks one day just as well as you?" Katsuki held both of Izuku's hands. "Of course! Together we'll be the best number 1 hero duo the world has ever seen!" Katsuki yelled up. Izuku's eyes started to sparkle under that response. He really admired Katsuki. How he was always so perfect at everything. Katsuki also admired Izuku, how smart he was, how he always smiles through every situation no matter how bad it was.

A few minutes later Masaru had gave Izuku And Katsuki their plates of fish waffles and a bowl of rice porridge. Izuku wasn't a fan of rice porridge but didn't want to upset Masaru, so he endured it and started eating it. Masaru was quick the notice the displeasure look on Izuku's face. "Izuku? Do you not like rice porridge?" Masaru asking, feeling bad that he didn't consider that Izuku may not like the meal. Izuku shook his head in shame, "I'm sorry, I don't like rice porridge. I just wanted to make you happy and eat it..." Izuku sniffled sadly.

Masaru kneeled down to Izuku and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Izuku, you don't have to force yourself, you being here today makes me so happy already." Izuku wiped his tears and looked up at Masaru. Masaru went back to the kitchen and grabbed some toast for Izuku. Izuku happily accepted the toast, eating it with his meal. A few minutes later the boys were done with their food and Masaru was cleaning the dishes. As Masaru was cleaning the dishes Izuku And Katsuki was in the living room watching videos of All might on the T.V.

Masaru was now done washing the dishes and went into the living room. The atmosphere grew dark, cold, however the boys was in their own little world, oblivious to it all. Masaru cleared his throat as he began to speak. "How about we play a game to pass the time." Masaru suggested. Izuku And Katsuki jumped up for that. Excited to play a nice game with Masaru, because to every kid, any adult playing the game makes the game 10x more fun. Katsuki was first to speak up. "What game!?" The boy yelled out excitedly.

Masaru smiled. "Hide and seek." He said, however his smile slowly faded. "But it's secret, only the 3 of us can ever know what happens in this game, ok? No telling anyone, not even your mothers, ok?" Masaru asked. The 2 boys not thinking anything of it nodded eagerly excited to play the game. Masaru offered to be "it" since no kid ever wants to be it.

At first Izuku And Katsuki wanted to hide in the same area but Katsuki got this idea to hide in different areas, Izuku decided to hide in the bathroom, more specifically the shower area, while Katsuki hide in the closet of his own room. As Masaru hit 20 he started searching for the 2 boys, Masaru knew Katsuki and Izuku like the back of his hand, he knew they were capable of hiding in places only the 2 of them could ever reached, however he also knew they didn't want to get in trouble and make a mess.

Masaru slowly walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Izuku who was unaware of this new game, started giggling when he heard Masaru come closer and closer. With a smile Izuku jumped from the tub. "You found me!" Izuku beamed. Masaru looked at Izuku, with hungry eyes. Izuku knew since he was found first, he was going to be gifted a consequence. "Aww man does that mean I get a punishment?" Izuku asked huffing.

Masaru started to undo his own pants, letting his cock fly out exposing it to Izuku. Izuku was confused. "Uncle Masaru? Are we going to shower?" Izuku asked. That was the only conclusion he has gotten from this. Why was this man he looked up to as an uncle, standing in front of him with his area all exposed. "Izuku, since you lost, you're gonna have to do something for me, can you grab it." Masaru said. Izuku was confused but didn't dare to ask any questions, he lost the game so this was his punishment.

Izuku did as told. One thing led to another. Grab. Lick. Suck. As if it was a lily pop. "Am I doing it right uncle? This is a weird game." Izuku asked wanting to make Masaru happy. Masaru placed a hand on Izuku's head making him deepthroat his cock. "Yeah...very good Izuku, You're going so good." Masaru said. A few minutes later they were finished. Izuku still confused held onto Masaru's hand as they went to find Katsuki.

At the end Katsuki was found. But because he was the winner, he didn't get a punishment. However next round came and unfortunately Katsuki was found. His punishment was a bit different. Just like Izuku, Katsuki was confused but didn't question it. They were young, they didn't know what they were doing. So when Masaru said. Sit. Move a bit. Faster. More pressure. Katsuki did it without realizing, without questioning.

That was their daily routine, everyday Inko and Mitsuki would go to work while Masaru watched the kids. Been like that for years, but as the 2 gotten older, they realized this game wasn't something to be proud of. It was something to fear, to run from. To hide from. Don't get caught. Protect one another. You can't fight back. You can't tell. And Masaru somehow convinced the 2 that no matter what, help was never gonna arrive, that this game was something that was apart of them. That they his.

Izuku And Katsuki are now 12 years old on their first year of middle school. They are both well aware of what is going on, Inko who found it comforting for Izuku to be at the Bakugou's, have told Izuku to go straight to thier house after school until she was going to pick them up. Izuku wanted to protest, he wanted to tell her everything. But he couldn't. Because if he did, there was a chance that only Izuku was going to be saved. Leaving Katsuki there, all by himself to deal with that. He would never allow that.

Masaru wasn't a dumb man. He wasn't going to do anything to Katsuki without Izuku or with Mitsuki inside the house. So he waited. He was a very patient man.

Every morning Izuku puts on a fake smile waving his mother bye as he walks to school with Katsuki. Katsuki and Izuku have gotten closer through out the years. They're dating, they have been for a few weeks now, but if you ask them, they'll say that there wasn't a time where they weren't. They only have each other, just the 2 of them.

Katsuki and Izuku walked in the house and took off their shoes. Masaru wasn't there yet, assuming he went to the store. The 2 of them took this as an opportunity to hide. Like always Katsuki and Izuku decided to hide in different areas. "I hope he doesn't find you today." Izuku said holding Katsuki's hand. Katsuki kissed the top of Izuku's head. "I don't want him to find you at all."'Katsuki said letting go of Izuku. The 2 of them split hiding in areas they prayed Masaru wouldn't find them in.

When Masaru gotten home he knew the game started. Right away he took off his shoes and started looking for the 2. This was an everyday thing, not a day was skipped of this. If Izuku didn't come on the weekends Masaru would threaten to do worse with Katsuki, so on the weekends he would ask Inko if can stay over at Katsuki's. Of course Inko said yes, knowing the 2 of them were more than friends.

Mitsuki on the other hand liked working weekend shifts, so most of the weekends she does. Leaving only the 3 of them home alone. Masaru looked where Izuku was hiding and found him first today. Unfortunately, there was no escape for this. And it happened. Nothing new. Just this time, the commands weren't told to him. He knew what to do. Doesn't matter if he liked it or not, he had to do it.

Masaru left bruises on Izuku's body, he often did this now, since the 2 boys were old enough to shower and dress themsleves, Inko and Mitsuki would never find out. They played 3 more rounds and Katsuki and Izuku were both found first 2 times. After the game like always, Masaru started to cook dinner, as if what he did, didn't happen. It didn't matter. The 2 were used to this and just sat on the couch holding each other, that's the only thing they could have done. Just hold each other and make sure they're ok.

"Kacchan, are you feeling ok?" Izuku asked rubbing Katsuki's shoulder which has a bruise on it. Katsuki applying ointment to Izuku's side, sighed. "Just like how you're feeling Izuku. Like complete shit."Katsuki said placing the ointment down. Izuku was speechless, but it was true. They both know this makes them feel like complete shit, they know knowing through this every day it hurts. It fucking hurts. Pretending all of this. Fucking. Hurts.

Izuku nuzzled into Katsuki's neck as an attempt to hide away from the world. "Do you think someone will say something one day?" Izuku asked, holding onto Katsuki's shirt. Katsuki held in closer and looked to make sure Masaru wasn't listening. "I hope so." He whispered, making sure only Izuku heard what he said.

Japan is a weird place and sometimes things happen, good and bad. So when All might's face came on from their UA letters the 2 of them were happy and excited. Yes, that's right, 2 years later they took the entrance exam and passed with flying colors. Now they were going to be future heroes. A new chapter to their story. Hope. Well...kinda hope when they figured out they needed a physical form to attend UA.

So now Izuku And Katsuki had to go to the doctors. Masaru offered to take them, however Inko and Mitsuki insisted. They were both so happy for their children and at least wanted to take them to get a physical since they have been working more than usual. Izuku And Katsuki didn't think much of it. It's just a check up. They check you height, weight, blood pressure and your heart rate. They may ask a couple of questions but that's it. Just a normal check up.

Inko and Mitsuki both sat in the first seat of the car. Chatting about how this appointment is going to go. The 2 of them would take slight glances at Katsuki and Izuku expecting them to be just as excited as them however, their reactions kept neutral. Inko and Mitsuki thought nothing of it while Izuku And Katsuki was looking face down in their phones. Texting each other since the conversation they were talking about. Couldn't be said out loud

Nerd <3: what are we going to do?

Me: it's only a physical, we don't even have to take our clothes off

Nerd <3: I'm just scared, Kacchan.

Me: don't be Izuku. We're in this together, we're gonna be ok.

Nerd <3: but what if they do ask about it. What if the doctors find something out?

Me: than we stay silent no matter what. We're fucking dead if they ever find out. Our life's will be over.

Nerd <3: I know that. That's why I'm determined just as much to you to keep this a secret.

Me: yeah, but we need this form. Without it we can't go to UA. It's just one exam. One little physical exam. Than we can be heroes together.

Nerd <3: if they would have ever find out about it all, do you think they'll be mad at all.

Me: if they find out. Let's hide, together this time. Ok?

Nerd <3: hold my hand.

Me: always.

Katsuki held out his hand and Izuku went and grabbed it. Izuku calmed down a bit, letting his anxiety whist away in the presents of Katsuki's comforting presences. "We're going to be ok Izuku, remember we're in this together." Katsuki whispered, having the need to reminded them that they're both not alone. They both smiled, now thinking about the fact that they passed the exams and that they were 2 more steps away until going into UA.

Inko parked the car at their locals hospital. Since Izuku And Katsuki We're now becoming heroes in training, Inko took it upon herself to assign the both of them in the hospital both herself and Mitsuki work in. That so they get good care instead of other hospitals who might be lazy on the job or outright rude. The 2 of them was excited, not only were they going to their dream school, but they were gonna to be in a hospital that other pro heroes go to.

Inko and Kitsuki would tell stories on how heroes like Mirko and Hawks would often be there just to visit other heroes like Snipe or Midnight. On special occasions even higher heroes like Endeavor and All might himself goes there to be healed. The 2 of them were happy. They had walked into the hospital to be meant by a receptionist with blonde hair and purple eyes.

She recognized the 2 lady's and greeted them with a kind wave and excited smile. "Hey girls, what are you 2 doing here, I thought ya shifts was over until tomorrow?" The lady said looking up at Inko and Mitsuki. Mitsuki smiled placing a hand on Katsuki's shoulders. At first Katsuki flinched, but Mitsuki didn't think anything of it. "Our sons got into UA, we're here for a physical." Inko said. Gently holding Izuku's arm. Izuku also flinched, which caught Inko's attention right away.

"Are you ok honey?" Inko asked, still weirded out by the odd reaction. Izuku smiled and nodded. "Sorry I thought a bug crawled on me." Izuku said as calmly as ever. Too calm. Both Inko and Mitsuki saw the look in both Katsuki's and Izuku's eye.

Something was definitely going on.

Putting a pin in their thoughts, a doctor with red hair and green eyes had called the last names of both Izuku and Katsuki to go into this office. Just like how they predicted, the doctors checked their weights, heights, blood pressure and asked a couple of questions. Inko and Mitsuki left the room for the questions. Obviously they wanted to stay, but they're teenage boys, these questions are going to be things they don't understand.

The doctor first looked at Izuku. "Mr. Midoriya, have you had any illnesses the last couple of days?" The doctor asked. Izuku shook his head no. "I took a look at your chart and it seems as your blood pressure has been a bit higher than your last check up. Have you had blood pressure problems?" Izuku once again shook his head no. "I'm not a diabetic." Izuku said mixing the confusion. The doctor was now confused. "Neither of you 2 are diabetics?" He said. Both Katsuki and Izuku gave shook their heads.

The doctor sighed. "Ok then, have you 2 been sexually active?" That question. Have they? Well no, at least not with each other. But, was it really being sexually active of what they were doing. More of a forced play. Something neither of them can control.

The doctor was waiting for an answer but noticed the 2 just looking down holding each others hands. "I can't go further with the questions until you 2 answer this one. If you 2 are sexually active with each other, it's not my job to tell your parents." The doctor said. Izuku And Katsuki both kept silent. The doctor didn't get it at first, but than asked a question that killing him in his head.

"Were the 2 of you forcefully active by someone else?"

Izuku And Katsuki both tensed up. Giving it away right then and there. The doctor sighed and moved on with the questions. Izuku and Katsuki both was relieved when the doctor didn't bring up the sexually active question again. However, they needed a CAT scan, which required them to take off their clothes.

While Izuku And Katsuki were in the CAT scan the doctor went into the waiting area with Mitsuki and Inko. The doctor sat down with a file and opened it. "I have to ask you 2 some questions regarding your sons." The doctor said. Mitsuki and Inko with nodded, already knowing it's something bad. "As the 2 of them were getting their CAT scans, we noticed some heavy bruising around their bodies and...trauma around their leg area." The doctor explained.

Both Inko and Mitsuki was about to ask something until the doctor answered before they could even speak. "By their reaction of my questions. They are not sexually active with each other." Inko and Mitsuki both grew shocked. "Is there anyone at home or their school that might be closer to the 2 than normal?" Inko and Mitsuki both looked in horrid as they came to a realization that their children had been touched forcefully and they had no idea. Inko started to tear up as Mitsuki held her hand tight, doing her best to contain her tears for the 2 of them.

"I-in school they seem very happy, and we have might their teachers, they showed no signs of doing such things, other students and parents can tell you the same." Mitsuki said. The doctor wrote something down in his book and than looked up to the mothers. "How about at home? Is there a baby sitter you usually keep them with?" Inko and Mitsuki froze. "My...husband watches them...he has been for 7 years now." Mitsuki sobbed out, she could no longer contain her tears, now knowing there's a possibility that her husband had been touching both her son and her best friends son.

The doctor was a little shook himself, he has known Inko and Mitsuki as co-workers for years and not once have he seen them like this. "My advice is to place cameras around the place. Everywhere, from the bathroom to his bedroom. Don't let your kids know either. There's a reason they're keeping this a secret." The doctor said. Mitsuki nodded while Inko is wiping her tears.

Izuku And Katsuki finally got out of the CAT scan and was sent back to the doctors office for the results. However it was only the 2 of them but that didn't stop them from using this phones to text each other. They're were scared that the doctors may be listening to their conversation.
My Kacchan: Izuku It's going to be ok. It was only a CAT scan, those can't detect who did it.

Me: but that doesn't change the fact the doctors know! They work with mom and Aunty Kacchan! We're dead!

My Kacchan: even so, Masaru won't find out. He won't separate us. He won't kill you and he won't send me off to boarding school. I promise

Me: stop making empty promises you don't know you can keep Kacchan. Just hold my hand. Please.

My Kacchan: I'm sorry, I'm stuck here too. I just wanted to at least make you feel ok. You don't have to go through this you know.

Me: than you'll be alone. I don't want you to be alone in this. Every time he finds me first. I'm happy that it's not you. I wouldn't know what to do if you were in pain alone...

My Kacchan: Thank you Izuku, Because of you I don't have to worry about being alone.
The doctor came back in and gave the 2 boys their physical forms. "Well than, that's all for today, good luck at UA high you 2." The doctor said opening his door for the 2. They were glad he didn't bring up their unexplained injuries.

Inko and Mitsuki kept pikers faces on. They weren't gonna tell their children they knew. The car ride home was quiet. Too quiet, at first Izuku and Katsuki thought the doctor might have said something until Mitsuki spoke first. "I'm so proud of you boys for getting this far. I can't believe you 2 are going to be at UA high!!" Mitsuki said excitedly. Inko clapped in agreement.

The 2 of them felt better. That night they decided to text each other once again.
Nerd <3: you can sleep well?

Me: yes Nerd I locked my door just like every night

Nerd <3: just making sure, never forget to do that

Me: just Tomorrow bring soft clothes...

Nerd <3: oh right...there's no school tomorrow is there?

Me: no, we have the day off tomorrow.

Nerd <3: ...alright

Me: you don't need to come Izuku

Nerd <3: I'm coming. Not letting him to that to you alone.

Me: it's getting late, we should get sleep.

Nerd <3: Good night Kacchan, I love you.

Me: I love you too Izuku
The 2 of them went to sleep. Meanwhile in the Bakugou residence Mitsuki and Masaru was really distant. Masaru didn't know why, but Mitsuki wouldn't even kiss him or anything. "Is there something wrong dear? You haven't been yourself since you walked through the door." Masaru said trying to place a hand on Mitsuki's shoulder. Mitsuki moved away not wanting to be touched by the disgusting person that's sitting in front of her right now. "I'm fine, just a long day at work. Sleep." Mitsuki said.

Masaru sighed. Assuming this was one of Mitsuki's attitude problems and decided to leave it alone for the night. Masaru laid down first, going to sleep almost instantly. Mitsuki on the other hand took this opportunity to place cameras everywhere, since she couldn't get into Katsuki's room because of the locked door, she places the camera under his door and to the side so no one would step on it. When Mitsuki was done with all of that she went to her side of the bed and texted Inko.
Me: I placed all the cameras everywhere.

Inko-san: I hope this is not true, I really hope he isn't doing such things to our babies Suki-chan...

Me: I hope so too...when he held Katsuki, he swore to protect him. To be the father he needed in his life...

Inko-san: he was so kind to Izuku, he was an amazing father to Katsuki. I really hope this whole thing is just a huge misunderstanding.

Me: I much rather the 2 of them come out and say they're sexually active in extreme levels than this...anything but this.

Inko-san: there's so many things going through my head Suki...like I'm so hurt right now and so confused to how he could do this...I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Me: I know...I won't either...we'll get to the bottom of this Inko.

Inko-san: Thank you Suki, try to get some sleep. Goodnight

Me: you too. Goodnight.

Mitsuki put her phone on the charger and turned around, back facing Masaru. She couldn't stand the sight of him right now. She couldn't stand him even being in the same bed. How dare he. Even if it wasn't true. How dare he touch not only Katsuki but Izuku as well. They trusted him. Inko thought of Masaru as cover up father to him. Now it may turn out Masaru isn't even a father to Katsuki.

Mitsuki started to tear up, silently sobbing herself to sleep. Her husband, who she was married to for 19 years do this to her family, to her best friends family. Their own flesh in blood. To who felt like flesh and blood. It was sickening. Saying she had prayed that night is an understatement. But she had hoped it wasn't true, she had hoped this was just some misunderstanding that Izuku And Katsuki plotted that they'll sure get punished for if it turned out that way.

That night everyone except Masaru slept uneasy. Izuku and Katsuki always had constant night terrors about Masaru. They really want to tell them. But if they did. Masaru had threaten both their life's. And knowing Masaru, no one will ever suspect a wife husband who personally wouldn't even kill a fly. Masaru had everyone wrapped onto his finger, he was "it". The mothers didn't know it but everyone was playing the game. Everyone was playing hide and seek. And everyone except for Masaru was losing, Izuku and Katsuki had known they lost and accepted their defeat, but Inko and Mitsuki had no idea.

In the morning, Izuku got up and saw his mother all dressed in her uniform. Izuku smiled at his mother. "Good morning mom, another king shift?" Izuku had asked going to pick out his clothes for today. Inko smiled softly, seeing her son smile through this pain is something she never liked to see, but his smile was so comforting, she just needed to show him that hers can be too.

"Yeah, apparently 3 heroes was badly injured during a Yakuza attack on the banks down in Tokyo, I'll tell you all about it when I get home." Inko said. Izuku came out rushing happily excited. "You should get their autographs for me too!!! I can't wait to meet other people heroes at UA I'm so excited mom I'm following my dream!!" Izuku screamed all around the house. Inko laughed at that, seeing his happy Izuku right now. She wish it would always stay like this, but she knows...

They know....

Meanwhile with the Bakugou's. Mitsuki was drinking Coffee at the dinning table while Katsuki was waiting for his food. Masaru was cooking like always. "Old man hurry up I'm hungry!" He yelled. Masaru sighed, used to the yelling in the morning. "I'm coming Katsuki, just a few more minutes please." He said softly. Mitsuki room Another sip of her Coffee, not understanding how this man could ever do something so evil. Katsuki rolled his eyes and chugged his water that was on the table. "And why the hell did you get me water?! Can't I have coffee like a decent human being?!" Katsuki shouted.

Mitsuki was too much in her mindset to care what Katsuki was yelling about. She was distracted by the possibilities of her husband being this Assaulter and her son may be on of his victims. Was there more children he ruined? Was this an everyday thing? Oh god how long ago did this start? Why would they keep this a secret? Was there something else to this? Why would he-

"Dear?" Masaru interrupted Mitsukims thoughts. "Are you ok? You have been quiet all morning." He said placing her plate in front of her. Mitsuki sighed and held her head. "I didn't get much sleep last night." She said placing down her cup of coffee and staring at her food. Katsuki seem to notice this odd behavior. "The fuck? Did you break yourself watching that stupid Titanic movie again?" Katsuki asked. Mitsuki just stared at him. She didn't say anything, didn't react. She just stared at him like he was a ghost she wasn't suppose to see.

Katsuki tilted his head. "The fuck? I got something on his teeth or-" Mitsuki spoke up. "What's that on your shoulder?" Mitsuki said. Both Katsuki and Masaru froze. "A burn. Fucking Izuku went all out on training. Doesn't know when to hold back when he fucking needs to." Katsuki said out of anger, hinted to Masaru. Mitsuki knew it was a lie, when Katsuki was talking about Izuku, he always has this blush on his cheeks, but it wasn't there this time. Meaning. Katsuki was lying.

There was a knock at the door which broke the high tension. Thank fucking god. Mitsuki got up and got the door ti he greeted by Inko and Izuku who was smiling. "Good morning Aunty!" Izuku said walking into the house and taking off his shoes. Inko also walked in talking off her shoes as well. Izuku ran into the kitchen to see Katsuki and Masaru. "Morning Kacchan! Morning Uncle Masaru!!" Izuku said excitedly. "Good morning Izuku, You're just in time for breakfast, take your seat please." Masaru said nicely. Izuku happily sat down next to Katsuki who was also waiting for his food.

"Should have aten at home, the old man is taking too damn long with the food." Katsuki yelled out. Izuku pouted. "Kacchan That's mean! Uncle Masaru is trying his best. It's not like you're doing anything to help him!" Izuku shouted back, silencing Katsuki. Mitsuki and Inko watched from the doorway. Izuku And Katsuki are really good actors, however there eyes told their whole story. The mothers were ashamed it took them so long to figure it out, they were ashamed of how they found out. And they were determined to put an end to this once and for all.

"It's time for us to go. Love you boys, don't make a mess" Mitsuki said walking out of the house. Inko waves following after Mitsuki. Izuku And Katsuki both let their smiles fade. "They're acting weird." Katsuki said. Izuku nodded agreeing with them. "Ever since this morning, mom had this face of pity." Izuku said playing with his food. Masaru also sat down. "Question you 2." Masaru asked sternly. The 2 of them both looked at Masaru. "What happened at the doctors yesterday?"

Fuck....this was it.

"They asked up questions but we didn't answer to it. Than we took CAT scans but we told them our injuries was from training!" Izuku said defending both himself and Katsuki. "We didn't say anything, we didn't even bring you up, they don't even know something is up, and they didn't tell mom or Aunty!" Katsuki added on. Masaru raised an eye brow. "You 2 know that Mitsuki hasn't even hugged me since Yesterday? She obviously knows something is up!" Masaru yelled banging his hands on the table scaring both Izuku And Katsuki.

"I'm not afraid to Kill you Izuku. I'm not afraid to send you off away Katsuki. I will get rid of both of you if they ever found out!" Masaru started. "You 2 are mine! No one is taking that away from me! I remind you everyday. You 2 may be dating each other but that doesn't mean I don't have you 2 to myself." Masaru finished. Both Izuku And Katsuki was holding hands under the table to comfort each other. "You 2 are nothing without me. You got it?" Marasu asked.

The 2 of them remind quiet. Masaru banged his hands on the table again. "I SAID DO YOU GOT IT!" Masaru yelled out scaring both Izuku And Katsuki once again. "Yes sir!" The 2 of them yelled out in fear. Masaru calmed himself down, satisfied with the response he had gotten. "Good. Now finish your food." He said walking about into the living room. The 2 of them sat in silence and ate their food slowly. They were horrified of Masaru. He was capable of so much evil yet no one knew.

Izuku And Katsuki gave up hope that Mitsuki and Inko will find out one day. This has been going on for 7 years and yet it's been the same thing everyday. A few minutes later they were done with their food. An hour. They had an hour before they needed to hide again. Izuku And Katsuki sat on the other couch while Masaru watched them carefully. "So? You 2 will be going to UA high?" Masaru asked.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, we got accepted last week. You were there." Katsuki said. Katsuki knew when to hold his tongue when they were alone. Masaru didn't like Katsuki's attitude so much and Katsuki knew that. "Don't get cocky with me Katsuki. I only asked a question." Masaru said. Katsuki kept silent. "Do you know what class you'll be in. "Class A...we don't know our home room teacher yet though, probably an underground hero." Izuku said softy not wanting to rant on and on about heroes in front of...Him.

The hour felt so long yet so short at the same time. The 2 of them got up as soon as they heard the timer and started to hide. Since Masaru was feeling generous, he gave to the count to 100. Izuku and Katsuki hid separately like always. This time Katsuki held under their parents bed, while Izuku hid in a closet next to one of the cameras. He didn't notice it though. Izuku started to tear up as always. Horrified. He kept whispering "please don't find him first" all over and over again. Katsuki did the same thing.


Masaru went and started looking for them. "Izuku~ Katsuki~ where are you my little sluts." Masaru would often search like this. Saying such words as he goes. "You 2 are so good at hiding, I hope I find you first Izuku, You're so submissive, Your face when you cry is such a turn on it's so fucking sexy." Masaru started. "But than again, Katsuki being dominated is also a turn now, you portray yourself as this strong, fearless heroic persona yet I can hold you down with my own 2 hands." Masaru kept going on with his words.

Until he found Izuku...

Izuku accepted it. It happened everyday. This was life. It's going to be ok. Just don't scream. Don't scream. Don't let Katsuki hear. DON'T SCREAM!....he screamed and he sobbed. He couldn't help it. He can never help it. It was painful, everyday it's even more painful. It's just he doesn't bleed as much as he did anymore. He was happy about that but at the same time. He didn't want this happening at all. Katsuki heard. He started to tear up. He found Izuku first. Fuck! Katsuki wanted it to be himself. He didn't want Izuku involved in this at all! So why...why does he keep coming back.

17 more rounds of this game and Katsuki was found 10 times while Izuku was only found 7. Masaru over did it. Both Katsuki and Izuku exhausted, bruised, disgusted. They both showered and got in Katsuki's bed. Izuku borrowing Katsuki's clothing. "Kacchan..." Izuku said. Katsuki weakly hm in response. "We can't keep going on like this...it's too much, everything is too much." Izuku said. Katsuki slowly got up with the help of Izuku. "Let's hide..." Katsuki said. Izuku shook his head. "He'll find us..." Katsuki got out of bed, Izuku following him. "Not here, let's hide away from here...Away from it all."

Masaru was in the shower so he was oblivious to what the 2 of them were planning. Izuku and Katsuki both sneaked passed the bathroom, putting their shoes on. Katsuki has a bag with him, full of clothes, health products and money. They both left the house running to Inko's to get Izuku stuff. After that they just ran and ran. They didn't know where they were going. They didn't know what was going to happen from there on now. But they couldn't go back. It was too painful, too much to bear. They didn't deserve this. They were always good children, they always did the right thing, they always believed in the greater good and yet they been through so much. Bad things happen to the best of people.

Izuku And Katsuki decided it was best to be near UA, so they rented a small cabin near it. It wasn't as small as they thought though. It had a bathroom, living room, kitchen and one bed room in it. It even had a porch only for only for 50,000¥ a month (about $400). They could afford that, especially Katsuki who had his own bank account and remote job. Izuku was grateful to have Katsuki by his side. Even though they didn't know what to do from this forward on, they were together, that's all he had cared about. They both were together.

Katsuki had paid more than what they needed, so they were good to live in the cabin for 4 months. (You do the math). Izuku had offered to cook, it's the least he can do for Katsuki, Katsuki was in no place to run much less cook. He was in far too much pain for that. They both are but they needed to eat, they were exhausted and needed some type of nutrition to at least make sure they didn't pass out and worry their neighbors who weren't far from them. Izuku made spicy curry and spicy tuna rolls. Izuku wasn't a fan of spicy but hell he enjoyed a good plate of Spicy tuna rolls.

They both sat down and started to eat their lunch. They were grateful to get away. To be free. They know this round Masaru will never find them. They purposely left their phones and any tracking device, luckily the Cabin provided computes and a telephone just in case phone calls were needed. Seriously how the hell was this place only 50,000¥ a month. Izuku smiled as he looked at Katsuki. "I always imagined us moving in together, me cooking for you after both of had long days as pro heroes." Izuku said while eating. Katsuki couldn't help but smile as well. "I imagined that too, I always imagined a life with you, since we were brats."

They both laughed and continued eating, they were fine together. They both built each other up. Nothing can break them down. Nothing can tear them apart and they'll be damned if they ever let they scum bag sorry excuse of a man and father get in the way of what they have! They're in love with each other. Izuku And Katsuki could die 3 times over and they'll always end up together. No matter what this fucked up life brings them. Hell Satan can try himself but that's not gonna happen. Because Izuku And Katsuki will always be Izuku And Katsuki and nothing...NOTHING will it could ever change that.

Meanwhile with Inko and Mitsuki. They all gathered around police offers which the doctors had called for this case. Both Inko and Mitsuki We're broken. Sobbing down the floor. They couldn't believe it. They didn't want too. But this was happening. They needed to do something about this. They need to fucking destroy that bastard. They will. The rage of a mother. The anger that's going through both Mitsuki and Inko's veins is deadly and everyone can feel it. How dare he. How dare that fucking asshole touch our children like that. His own son and his son's boyfriend. He had no shame. No fucking shame in this god for saken world.

Inko was the first the speak up. "Please arrest him. Take him away! Don't ever let him touch our boys again!" She yelled out. Mitsuki also got up. "Let me fuck him up first. He fucks with my heart. My son and my best friends son. I'm gonna kill that motherfucker! THAT DISGUSTING WHORE!" Mitsuki yelled out. No one dared to calm her down. Inko was feeling the same rage. She needed to see him. She needed to have a word. She needed to be a to protect her son. For the first time ever she wanted to kick someone's ass. And we as readers are all for it.

Inko and Mitsuki ran to Inko's car and drove to the Bakugou household with the cops right behind them. Inko was driving so fast you wouldn't even recognize her. They were silent throughout that whole car ride. They nothing to say except how much they failed as mothers. The cops made it there first, Mitsuki already giving them their address as soon as they found out everything. Inko didn't bother properly parking the car before shutting it off and bolted out the car, same with Mitsuki. They both ran inside the house to see Masaru in hand cuffs.

"Dear I'm so glad you're here. They're saying some nonsense about" Masaru was cut off by Mitsuki slapping him. "Don't call me dear, don't call me anything. You lost that right WHEN YOU PUT YOUR DIRTY FUCKING DICK IN OUR SONS!" Mitsuki yelled out. "How long..." Inko asked. Masaru looked defeated. He finally lost this round. "Since you first brought Izuku to me..." Inko lost it. All she saw my red. Her only child, the only family she had left in this world and he ruined just because he wanted satisfaction. The cops didn't prepare for what was coming next. Neither did Mitsuki.

Inko took one of the policeman guns and attempted to shoot Masaru. The policemen quickly held Inko dons fighting her for the gun. "HOW DARE YOU! I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU WITH MY PRIDE AND JOY AND YOU FUCKING DO THIS! YOU RUINED HIM! YOU TOOM EVERYTHING FROM MY BABY! FROM YOUR OWN SON! YOU FUCKING MONSTER! DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Inko yelled out. The only one that wasn't trying to stop Inko was Mitsuki.

Mitsuki Just looked at Masaru. "You fucking cheated on me with 2 children of our own. I really loved you. And I fucking still do. But I don't you fucking dead for what you did. I want you fucking out of my life and out of Katsuki's life forever. Any chance you got at being a father is fucking over Masaru. We're over. This. All of this. Is fucking over. You lost it. And now I can see you lost your fucking mind." Mitsuki said. Mitsuki punched Masaru in the face. "That's for Izuku." Than she kicked him in the stomach causing him to cough up blood. "And that's for You're Son."

Inko finally dropped the gun and let the police take Masaru away. Inko looked down. "I'm sorry I reacted like that." Inko said. Mitsuki placed a hand on Inko's shoulder. "Don't be, he fucking deserves it for what he has done to them. I hope he fucking rots." Mitsuki said. Inko started to sob again. How could they let this happen? Was they really they busy to not know when they known children was getting hurt like this? Does this mean Izuku And Katsuki are now mad at them? Was they gonna blame them? Was they already mad at them?

So many thoughts. None of them being easy on either head. Inko and Mitsuki both calmed themselves and took keep breathes. "Where are they?" Inko said. That's when it hit the both of them

Izuku And Katsuki are not in the house.

Inko and Mitsuki tore down the house to find them but couldn't. They couldn't track their phones because it was left on Katsuki's bed. Fuck!? Where were they?! Did they run away?! Are they hurt?! Did Masaru kill them?! Mitsuki and Inko sobbed out with place they looked and neither Izuku or Katsuki was found. Inko and Mitsuki was able to call the police and file a missing people report since the 2 of them were involved in Masaru's arrest, the needed time he questioned they needed to be checked.

One week later.

The police had no leads on either Izuku or Katsuki and their mothers was hysterical. They didn't even know if they were alive or not. Even if they were dead, They wanted to see their children, even if it was dead bodies. There wasn't a day they went by that they weren't crying their eyes out. Their only sons, gone. They begged and prayed for them to be alive. The police are yet to call back.

Meanwhile Katsuki and Izuku were living their best life's together in their cabin. No more games, no more hurting, just the 2 of them together. They didn't need to worry about anything right now. They mailed out their UA forms so now they're officially going to UA. Unfortunately though, they couldn't go back to school in fear of Masaru finding them. Until one day, the 2 of them was watching the news.

"Here you have it folks, Local arrested happened just a week ago, they say this man is facing 80 to life in feral prison for apparently molesting 2 young boys from the age of only 5. These 2 boys are now 12 and missing. The man name was Masaru Bakugou. And the 2 victims are name Katsuki Bakugou And Izuku Midoriya. If you have any information about them please contact 800-989-2727 or the police."

He's gone...he's finally gone.

Izuku And Katsuki both got up shock, tears of joy threaten to pour out. "It's over Kacchan! He's finally away!" Izuku yelled out. Katsuki lifted up Izuku in pure joy than kissing him. They both share one long kiss. The kiss felt like it lasted forever but lonely lasting a couple of seconds. They finally pulled away smiling at each other. "I'm so fucking happy right now." Katsuki said. Izuku chuckling. "I'll go call the number and tell them everything." Izuku said. Katsuki nodded.

Damn it there goes 20,000¥ down the fucking drain. Couldn't have arrested him sooner! Katsuki hugged realizing he lost so much money for no reason (I feel like that everyday buddy you'll get use to it). Izuku called the number only he to let by an unfamiliar lady on the line. "Hello? Who is this?." The lady asked. Izuku sighed before speaking. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, im with Katsuki Bakugou at Sakura-Lou Cabins...we saw the news.." Izuku said. The lady at first didn't believe it but any chance they got at finding them they will take. "I'll be sending the police over there right now. When they knock please answer all questions honestly." The lady said. Izuku gave her his word and they hung up.

"What they said?" Katsuki asked. "The police will be here soon. I suggest we start packing, we'll get a refund and just pay for the week." Izuku said. Katsuki nodded going into the bed room packing both his and Izuku's stuff. Izuku waiting for the knock, he was nervous. What if they wanted to arrest them for running away? Nah you can't arrest someone from wanting to run away from your abuser could you? That would be foul. Katsuki was fine packing and left all the bags on top of the coffee table waiting for the police to arrive.

A few minutes later a knock was at the door. Izuku got up and went open the door to be meet by 2 police officers. Izuku bowed and allowed them in. They sat on the opposite of Izuku And Katsuki. The police saw photos so they knew right away it was them. The police didn't need to ask the main question on why they ran away because they knew why. "Mr. Midoriya, Mr. Bakugou, I want you assure you that neither of you are in trouble here, we are just gonna ask some questions." The police started.

And that they did. Katsuki explain first. "I was the second one found. When I was 5 I didn't think anything of it. It hurt but he would always pain is much of having fun, again I was 5 I didn't know these things. So I went along with it, I never told my mom, he wouldn't touch me unless Izuku was there with me. And he definitely wouldn't touch us if my mom or his mom was around. At the age of 9 I started to realize what we were going was wrong, I comforted him but then the threat came in. He threaten to send me away where I would never see Izuku, mom or Aunty again. I was scared, I was still scared...last week was my limit, we were in pain, so I figured if he liked his and seek so damn much, we would hide in a place where he would find us." Katsuki explained his side did the story.

Than Izuku started "I was the first victim, just like Kacchan I was 5 and just went along with things, I was very playful as a child and I saw his doing as a fun game...I always had a high pain tolerance so pain wasn't something I worried too often about, however when Kacchan explained it to me that the things we were doing were wrong, I also comforted him, I threaten to tell both my mom and Aunty and he didn't like that, so his threat for me was to kill me, I wasn't scared of death but leaving mom alone...I was scared of that. Mom is all I have and I'm all she has. And I didn't want Kacchan to be alone with no one. I always had to option to just stay at home alone but...I didn't want to, I rather suffer with Kacchan and to not alone you know. Why would I let him go through that by himself when we could do it together." Izuku explained his side of the story.

The police officers had this recorded and sent to the police station. They had more than enough proof to keep Masaru in jail for the life time. Izuku And Katsuki held hands. "Do we get to go back home? He's not there is he?" Izuku asked making sure. The police officer shook his head. "He's not there anymore and he will never hurt you 2 again. Come on, I'll drive you both home." The police men reassured. The 4 of them went to the police car and started driving back to the Bakugou's house where where Inko was also staying for a bit.

Inko and Mitsuki was called ahead of time letting them know that they were found and safe. As soon as they heard a knock on their door it flew open exposing both Mitsuki and Inko in tears, they didn't waste no time going
to hug their sons and cry. They all just cried. So much emotion, so much happening that week. They had no idea how to cope with it. It was a lot and they really just needed this right now. The police officers left them in peace not wanting to interrupt their family moment.

They finally let go letting their sons breathe. Inko and Mitsuki sat down both of the couch. They didn't know what to say. Inko however spoke first. "I'm so sorry...both of you, as mothers we should have known something was going on, I completely understand if you're mad at us." Inko was cut off by Izuku. "Mom this wasn't your fault. This wasn't your fault either Aunty. It just happened...this was something we was scared, it started so young and we listened to his every command." Izuku said. "His first command was to shut up about this, so as the good brats we were, we did just that, but than the threats came in so we were force to keep shut." Katsuki finished.

Mitsuki wiped her tears yet again. "He's out forever, no more with him, I promise that, he's fucking out of our lifes. All of our life's. That man isn't your father. He's a fucking disgusting bastard who needs to be locked up. You are the best thing that ever happened to me Katsuki. And for now on I only see you. I'm going to be your mother and your father and I swear I'll protect you from that shit head til the day I die. He will never interfere in your life again." Mitsuki said. "I promise that for you to Izuku, im so sorry, that man I married is now gone and is replaced by that monster I don't even recognize anymore."

Inko hugged Mitsuki. She felt broken, betrayed, played. The amount of emotion she was feeling right now is crazy. The 4 of them all hugged. This was a new chapter of their life's. All of this was finally over. No more pain. No more suffering. Of course it was heart breaking, but they'll get through it. They always bounce back.

The first day of UA came along and Izuku and Katsuki made a much of friends, each day at UA was a reminder that they are on the track of becoming pro heroes. Between being taught by All might himself and freely hanging out with heroes that will guide them in their journey is everything the 2 have ever wanted. They were so happy. Izuku And Katsuki of course had a bumping ride with the USJ, sports festival, stain incident, kidnapping situation, ect. But they got through it together. They were always together even when they're apart.

Izuku And Katsuki of course had their own set of friends, for example Izuku has the Dekusquad and Katsuki has the Bakusquad. But most of the time the 2 squad Collabbed and all hung out together. It was nice and this moment felt like it lasted forever. It wasn't to until they were now graduating from UA and becoming pro heroes. They first work at Endeavors Agency both having fire type quirks they were perfect for it. Than they made their way on the hero ranking list. Slowly they became popular, having their own merch and everything. Sooner or later they both opened up an Agency that the 2 of them ran.

They had many sidekicks, their old classmates being some of them. They were glad that they were getting popular. However, Masaru would attempt to give letters time to time but Mitsuki would rip them up and throw them away, somtimes Katsuki or Izuku would burn them just because they can. He was out of their life's and they wanted to keep it that way. Not too long after they opened their own Agency they were on the top 10 hero ranking list. Being now more popular they had many things named after them. Their names were heard around the world, them being more popular than all might himself would us unfortunately deceased at this time period rest in peace All might.

Than Izuku And Katsuki both made to number 1 as number 1 hero duo in the whole world. They were powerful apart but together they were unstoppable. Villains will fear them and crime rate was maintained to 10% in Japan because of those 2 alone. They saved so many people over the years even when they were just teenagers, they have saved over millions of people. Izuku And Katsuki do this for the safety of others, to make sure what happened to them never happened to anyone else again. They learned from their trauma and made it into something that would forever stick with them. They didn't see it as a bad thing, they saw as a lesson.

Now let's go over the rules again, this time for the heroes...there's only 1 rule this time. This rule is for Izuku And Katsuki....

...Never trust a game of Hide in Seek.

longest chapter ever it took me days to complete this one not gonna lie.
10,052 words yup you saw that correctly, my longest fic yet, 10 thousands fucking words bro. I'm so tired omg. Ok that's it
