An Aventures goals

A/N: my first Fantasy AU, we needed this, I definitely needed this, I wanted this, we just all love a good Bakudeku Fantasy AU. The pictures I'm using is all on Pinterest btw, I love Hsiang Pinterest, Pinterest is my life, lol one day imma go back to all my stories and fix my mistakes but for now, suffer with my typos and grammar errors. Welp, your insomniac psycho writer is now gonna write this story. WARNING!!! ABUSE!!!

Inko lifted Izuku by the hair, causing him to look up at her. "You will not come back here. Until you are married!" Inko said. Izuku was in pain, Inko had already giving him a busted lip and black eye. Inko let Izuku go. "But mother! I can't possibly find someone to marry so quick! I'll be out there for ages...please reconsider" Izuku begged. Inko looked away. "You're now upon that age and many of the young boys here have wives, some on their second wife, you have none, a disappointment to my name and a disappointment to this village! Leave." Inko said. Izuku slowly walked out the house, leaving his life behind and most likely never come back. He knows he couldn't find a wife, he wasn't into woman. He knows this is goodbye forever. He will never set foot in his village again.

Before Izuku left the village he went to visit the local witch, his best friend Ochaco Uraraka. Ochaco would always help Izuku with any cuts or bruises Inko would give him. Izuku knocked on Ochaco's door to be greeted by her lover instead. Himiko Toga. Himiko Toga is a vampire, she used to be evil but love changed her for the better. Izuku bowed. "Hello Himiko, is Ochaco home?" He asked. Himiko nodded leading the way to Ochaco. Ochaco was shocked to see Izuku all beaten up, you would think she would be used to this by now. Ochaco gave Izuku a potion. The potion healed him right away. "Ochaco I have news, you may not like" Izuku said. Ochaco was all ears, "mother kicked me out and I'm forced to leave the village...forever" Izuku said. That made Ochaco gasp. "Forever! But that means I won't ever see you again..." She said. Izuku hugged Ochaco, this is goodbye.

It was painfully but Izuku waved goodbye one last time to Ochaco before walking off into the path that leads out the village. Unfortunately he had no type of transportation at all, so getting around will be tough for him. Izuku is now walking into the forest, the forest trees were pure and the fruit was fresh, so food wasn't an issue, the water was also clean too. Night was coming, it was usually dangerous to be in the forest at night but he had no choice, he couldn't go home, he had to sleep under the trees, hoping that tomorrow he was still alive. The night went by smoothly, Izuku woke up with no problems at all, he was alive and not hurt. Izuku started walking again, taking a fruit for energy.

It's been a day I'm half since Izuku left home, he would be lying if he said he didn't miss it. It only missed Ochaco and Himiko, those 2 were his closet friends. His mother was always so harsh on him, ever since his father left to battle in a war he lost in. Dying to protect the village only to die in vain. As pathetic as that sounded he did die a hero, at least to Izuku. Memories of his father filled his head as he walked up the hills, his father Hisashi Midoriya was the bravest man Izuku ever might, he was kind, loyal and smart, and to Izuku he was everything. He taught Izuku how use a sword and fight for himself and what he believes is right. Unfortunately, the news that he died hit him harder then a knife to the heart.

Inko was ferocious, Hisashi died in such a stupidly way, the village made fun of him for it. Having such a disgraceful husband as well as a dead beat son was disappointing. Inko took all her anger on Izuku, ever punch, kick, slap. The pure hate he gives Izuku. Izuku never really thought of Inko as a mother, more like a forced caretaker. Izuku was walking on the hills until he got tired again. He sat under a tree to rest for a bit, taking in how fresh the air is up here. It was so peaceful, getting away from the toxicity of his village, getting away from his abusive mother, maybe he needed this. A new life, a new beginning. Izuku stood back up, ready to go back on his path. He was about to go until he felt a sharp pain around his neck.

"Who are you? And why are you on my mountains." A voice said. Izuku turned around to see a Multi-colored hair boy. "I-I am Izuku Midoriya, I come from the broken Village of the east, forced out of my village" he said. "I didn't mean to trespass, I was just passing through." The boy put his blade down. "Forgive my rudeness, I am Shoto Todoroki, Prince of the farther North, it's rare I see people here, you wasn't recognizable so I acted." Shoto said. Izuku bowed, now knowing that he's talking to a Royal. "Please forgive me your highness, I'm the one that came uninvited, I understand your sudden attack" Izuku said. Shoto chuckled. "No need to be formal near me, I'm not into the whole higher rank system, if I'm being honest, we're all human." Shoto said. Izuku nodded. Shoto offered to guide Izuku out of the forest. Izuku took that offer.

Shoto and Izuku finally reached their destination. "This is where we part ways, I hope to see you again soon Izuku" shoto said. Izuku nodded. "I hope the same Shoto." And with that Izuku continued to walk. Izuku was tired. It has been 3 days since he left his village, he had forgotten to eat, eating wasn't really an issue with Izuku, his mother used to starve him for days. You can say he's trained to go days without food. Izuku was walking until he couldn't anymore. He gave up and passed out right then and there. No body was there. Just his body. Unfortunately for Izuku, a hungry dragon was there. The dragon was ready to prey on Izuku. Izuku was still passed out, unaware of what is happening. When the dragon was about to eat Izuku, another dragon came for his rescue.

The dragon that was about to eat Izuku ran away in fear. The dragon then turned into a human, exposing his red hair and red eyes. "What's a village boy doing all the way out here? He looks like he's from the broken village, the way he dresses, so dark and edgy" the dragon said. Another person came out, he has blond hair and red eyes. "Don't know, but it isn't safe here, Eijiro go back turn back into a dragon, I'm taking him back with us" he said picking Izuku up. Eijiro did as told and went into dragon mode. "Yes Katsuki!" Eijiro said. Katsuki rolled his eyes. Eijiro was flying them to a castle, more pacifically, the kingdom of the dragons. Katsuki carried Izuku to his room and set him down on his bed. Eijiro follows them. "So? What's your plan for the human?" Eijiro said. Katsuki shrugged. "I don't know" Katsuki said,

Izuku started to wake up, he didn't know where he was. He quickly got up and panicked. Katsuki saw him panicking and quickly introduced himself. "I'm Katsuki bakugou, prince of the dragons" Katsuki said. Izuku bowed. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, I used to be a villager at the broken village but forced to leave by my mother." Izuku said. Katsuki found that interesting. The broken village was so toxic, a lot of people stood away from there, yet he's so, nice? Katsuki didn't know a word for it. "Hi! I'm Eijiro Kirishima and I'm a dragon" Eijiro said. Izuku waved and bowed. Katsuki went up to Izuku. "The broken Village, was attacked by the Broken kingdom. I'm surprised you survived long enough to leave" Katsuki said. Izuku chuckled nervously. " mom was pretty abusive, my father was a victim. The king didn't like his people very much." Izuku said. Katsuki felt bad. The broken Kingdom wasn't a pleasant place and the people there are awful.

Katsuki sat in his chair. "You will stay here until you're ready for your next Journey, you don't have a home and it is not safe to wonder here alone." Katsuki said. Izuku bowed again. "Thank you so much!" He said. Katsuki nodded. "I'll get the maids to give you some clothes, you can use my bath if you would like, food will be ready for you once you are out" Katsuki said. Izuku went over to Katsuki's bath and used it. Katsuki left the room giving Izuku some privacy once again Eijiro following him. "You're being generous today." Eijiro said. Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I can't help but pity the boy, the broken kingdom is filled up with no good people, he had to deal with that his whole life, I say that's worth being a little nice too." Katsuki said. In all reality he knew that's not why he was so nice to Izuku.

When time went on Izuku and Katsuki had gotten closer, they were always by each other side. Katsuki would show Izuku around and Izuku would show Katsuki sound trick he learned from his kingdom. They were happy together. One day Izuku was in the gardens, looking up as the sun was beaming. Katsuki can and sat besides him. "Hello Kacchan, wonderful day we're having, don't you think?" Izuku said. Katsuki chuckled, Kacchan was a nickname Izuku gave Katsuki a while back. Katsuki also looked up. "It is wonderful, I'm glad I get to experience it with you, say Deku I have a question." Katsuki said. Izuku looked at Katsuki, wondering what the question could possibly be. Katsuki got up and kneeled down one knee, surprising Izuku. "Izuku Midoriya, since the day I might you, I always felt a way I couldn't comprehend, but not I can see that the feeling is love, I am in love with you and one day when I'm king, I want you to be my queen. Would you marry me?" Katsuki said. Izuku smiled. Taking Katsuki's hand and nodded happily. "I felt the same way, I love you too Katsuki." Izuku said. They kisses. I guess Inko wish came true, Izuku did get married, just not to a girl.

1812 words
I didn't sleep lol, no sleep gang
