Sister's Friend-Harry Styles(Edited)


You are friends with Gemma Styles. She used to babysit you when you were younger. As you grew up you and her became the best of friends. Yes, you have met Harry several times. Sometimes Gemma would have to babysit Harry while she was babysitting you because their mother had loads of work to do a lot.

You and Harry were really good friends to. Sometimes you guys would hang out, but it's been tough since he became famous. Gemma knew you had a crush on Harry. She easily saw it in the way you looked at Harry. She would tell you that Harry had a huge crush on you and still does, but you always doubted because of all the girlfriends' Harry has had. Most models and well you were just on ordinary friends with a celebrity everyone wanted. Every time he would break up with a girl he came to you because he knew you would understand and he was too embarrassed to go to Gemma.

Your POV:

Right now Harry and I finally met up again for the first time in months. He had a tour so it was hard. We were sat at a little cafe in downtown London just talking about everything that has been going on in our lives. He was telling me all about the tour and all the places he went. He told me that he would take me to those places someday and all I could do is nod your head because how true could that be. I was just happy to see him after so many months. Yes, we did talk consistently but it wasn't the same as being face to face. Cheesy I know.

"So then Kacey grabbed the water b- Y/N are you listening?" Just like that, I was pulled out of my trance.
"Oh yeah sorry about that. I was thinking about all the places you have visited." That was the best lie that I could come up with.
"Okay whatever, but let's go now it's getting late and Gemma is very protective over you," he said letting a chuckle leave is pink lips.
"Shut up. I like that she is protective like my mother. It keeps me safe." I really did love Gemma's overprotectiveness that she had over me.

We picked up our trash and threw it away, said bye to the owners since we do come here often, and headed out the door. As we were walking back home which is about 20 minutes walk, but it was fun to walk to the cafe, we heard a girl scream "It's Harry Styles" at the top of her lungs. I don't really understand how a girl can recognize Harry in this darkness. There wasn't paparazzi which was good, but it was worse that we were getting chased by 10 different girls. Thank goodness I wore my tennis shoes or else it would be a pain to run in heels.

Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me into a tight alleyway. Everything happened so fast because now I was holding on to Harry as my face was buried into his chest. He had his arms around me to hide my face so if the girls came they wouldn't notice me because everyone ships us together but we didn't want rumors to fly around.
As the girls past, we finally were able to calm down. I pulled my face out of Harry's chest and looked up to see him already looking at me. It was silent between us. The only sounds were our breathing and the cars hustling around us. Everything just seemed different this time. Without me processing anything Harry was leaning down and I knew what was happening. Our lips touched and it was different from any first kisses I've ever had with any guy. It was sweet passionate, but yet it had a kick to it. Our lips moved in sync. I pulled away suddenly and my eyes widened.

"Um I'm sorry, I-I should g-go," I said as I got of Harry's grip.
"No, Y/N let me walk you home."
"No it's fine." And with that, I left Harry standing there confused the same way I was confused. I loved Harry deeply and the second he kisses me I chicken out. Why would I do that?

-3 weeks later-

It's been a few weeks since I last saw Harry. I talked to Gemma about it and she understood everything. I wasn't okay at all. I messed up. I made a mistake of running from him. Leaving him standing alone. Gemma told me he wasn't okay at all. She said that he thinks he made a mistake. That he thinks that I don't like him that same way he does, but how wrong he was about that. I wanted to give Harry space, but space is probably what he doesn't need but it's what I need.

I came home from work at 6:30 as it started getting dark. I showered and changed into a hoodie and yoga pants. It was cold today too. I was about to make dinner when my phone started to ring. I answered it to be met by a screaming Gemma.
"Y/N I can't find Harry. I went to his house to see if he was okay, but his door was opened and there were broken bottles everywhere. You need to find him. Please, you are the only other person that knows him the best. Please find me."
"Okay, Gemma. Calm down I will go find him. Please don't worry."
"Thank you so much Y/N. You are the best. Love you."
"You're welcome and love you too, bye."
I quickly hung up because I knew exactly where he would be. The park. The first park I met him while Gemma was babysitting us both. I went upstairs to grab a blanket because it was freezing and I didn't know if Harry had a coat on or not. After I grabbed my shoes and car keys, I set off to go to find Harry.

After a little bit, I made it to the park and already I saw Harry sitting on a bench just staring into the night sky. He looked as if he only had a sleeved shirt on. I got out of the car and walked towards him. Putting the blanket over him, he quickly looked back as his eyes widened.
"Please tell me that you are actually here Y/N. Please tell me I'm not seeing things again." My heart skipped a beat as I heard him. Why was he imaging me?

"Come on Harry. I'll take you home. I'll take care of you."
I helped Harry up and held on to him tight so he wouldn't fall. I could tell he was a little drunk. I took him in the car and drove to his house.

When I arrived I took in my surroundings. The house was covered in broken bottles and holes in the wall. I took him up to his room and sat him on his bed as I went to get the first aid kit to clean his bruised, bloody, knuckles. I came back with the kit and started to clean his wounds. He hissed and tried to move his hand but I gripped it tighter.
After I finished cleaning his wounds I went downstairs to make him some tea and soup. When I came back he was in the exact same spot where I left him, back up against the headboard of his bed and feet straight in front of him with a blanket over his shoulders. He didn't look like the Harry I loved. He looked pale, his eyes red, and bags under his eye. I didn't know that what I did could do this to him. I put the tray of food in front of him, but it was no use. He wasn't eating. I sighed and began feeding him. After his soup, he sipped on his tea, while I went downstairs and cleaned up the broken glass. I was going to call a carpenter to fix the holes in the wall.
When I went upstairs Harry was done with his tea so I sent him to take a shower because he reeled of alcohol. I cleaned up his room but when I went to his desk I found I piece of paper with the words "I Love You Y/N." I stared at the paper for what felt like an eternity until a muscle set of arms wrapped around me.

"I love you Y/N so much. I need you. I want you to be mine. I thought that Taylor, Camille, and Kendall would make me forget about my love for you but it didn't."
I turned around and hugged Harry with all my strength. I knew I was crying but I wasn't ashamed.
"I love you too Harry. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'm sorry for running away, I just didn't know what to do."
"You don't have to apologize Y/N. It wasn't your fault. It never was. Now come on. Lets go to sleep." He grabbed my arm and led me to his bed. We got under the covers and made our selfs comfortable. It was good to feel Harry's body against mine. To feel his body keep me safe. I loved him and he loved me and I knew that what we had was Endgame.

A/N: so this came to me from a dream I had. Weird I know but most imagines come to me by dream. I'm just an imagine machine. :)
And I had to add Endgame to the end because AVENGERS: ENDGAME IS COMING. Who's excited???
