Lets stop this-Niall Horan(Edited)

Your POV:

Me and Niall had been doing great for 4 years of your relationship. Some small fights here and there but nothing destructive. We met at a library, as I was studying for my next Organic Chemistry test and Niall for his physics test. We both were sharing a table when he all of a sudden said "Organic Chemistry huh," and then we both started taking for an hour before exchanging numbers.

   He is a real romantic guy, with getting flowers for me randomly and taking me on dates to the park or the lake we both had deemed as our hangout spot. He is the longest and definitely the best boyfriend I've ever had. But right now we were fighting and it wasn't any ordinary childish fight.

"I spend so much on you and all I get is a thank you. You know how much it costs to be with you," he screamed at me as I just stood there shaking with anger.

"I never said you have to buy me things all the time and take me on dates all the time. I didn't ask you to spend so much on me, and I do a lot more than say thank you," I retorted back at him with the same force like him. This was definitely going to end bad.

"You seem like you did," he scoffed, "should have listened to everyone else about you."


"You know what let's stop this," he said calmly.

"What?" I whispered like I didn't understand what just came out of his voice.

"You heard me. Let's stop this."

"Really Niall, you're throwing away 4 years of our relationship because I've been working my a** off to save enough money so we could get a house together."

"Yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying, so you can leave now."

"No," I said standing your ground.

"I said leave," he said a little more stern.


"I SAID GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT. LEAVE Y/N!" I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth.

"FINE," I said grabbing my purse and phone that I had brought with me to his apartment and slamming the door to point where the walls shook.

Niall POV:

I walked to my bedroom slamming the door and sliding down it. You've really done it now Niall Horan.

Why did I do that?

Then I couldn't hold back the tears that had built up and just let it go. I let everything go. My Y/n that I just let go. I thought we were doing good. We had everything a relationship needed, but I guess it wasn't enough. I guess my trying wasn't enough. Y/n was the girl I wanted to spend my life with as our kids ran around our backyard playing tag, but I let it go. Looking back to the past four years, they were my greatest. I loved spending money on Y/n even though she didn't want it I did it. It wasn't a problem. I was loaded, but my anger wasn't under control and now it ended me alone. There are so many people in the world and I'm the only one alone now.

Suddenly I felt cold. I felt so cold, but it wasn't enough to get me to stop crying. The pain I felt wasn't just an I just broke up pain, it was the pain of losing your soulmate. I'm left with a broken heart.

-one year later-

This past year has been hard for me. Losing Y/n still affects me to where I cry myself to sleep every day. She was my greatest accomplishment, but now she was my greatest loss.

I wonder what she's doing right now? Probably living her life now that she isn't burdened by me.
For me, though I'm at a club right now, dragged by my friends because they say I haven't been out for so long that it's bumming them out.

"Niall get up and come to the dance floor," Louis said as he and his girlfriend were dancing up against each other.

"Nah, I think I'm going to get another beer," I quickly turned to the others, "hey lads you want anything."

"We're fine Niall," Harry said as he went back to talking to Zayn and the latest news on his wife and daughter he had. He's the only one out of us who have settled down and he's the youngest. Couldn't have been me and Y/n.

I walked my way through the drunk and high people and made my way to the bar.

"One beer here," I said the bartender that was making a drink for someone.

"Coming right up boss," yeah that's right boss. Bought a bar in New York, now I'm one of the richest in New York.

"Whiskey here," I familiar feminine voice said next to me. I looked to my right and saw her.


She looked up at me with the same shocked face as me,
"Niall, what are you doing here?"

"I own this place and I could ask you the same."

"Got dragged here then ditched."

"Maddie," I asked referring to her friend that always stood us up when we would go out the club together by her request.

"Yeah," she said chuckling a bit. Definitely tipsy. Y/n could definitely hold her alcohol.

"Um so I'll get going," she said as the bartender gave both of our drinks.

"Umm, can I talk to you for a second?" I really hope she says yes.

"Um let's talk upstairs in VIP?"

"Okay," I said leading her up and showing my guard my ID. I didn't really have to, but it's a habit for me too, and wanted to make sure my guards know what's up.

Once me and Y/n were seated I asked her about her life since the events.

"It's been fine. You know with all the doctoring stuff that I've been doing as the head of the oncology field."

"You got that promotion, cool. Happy for you."

"Thank you." I don't think I can handle it anymore.

"I miss you and I want you back," I blurted out.

She looked a bit taken back before answering with,
"Niall you know we can't do this."


"Because you're too self-centered to see what's in reality." Ouch.

"Y/n, please. We were doing so well for 4 years. Please give me another chance." I begged to the point I was kneeling in front of her.

"I have to go," she quickly replied before running downstairs with me hit on her tail.

"Y/n. Y/n!" I shouted as she got out of the club and into a cab.

I have to get her back.

A/n: so what y'all think. Y'all want a part 2 or should I leave it to your imagination. Also go read my book "Broken Soul." Just started it. Love ya,

