Angry-Liam Payne(Edited)


"Are you that f**king stupid Y/N. Do you not understand anything."

"No Liam I don't understand."

"You don't understand that they are just rumors?!"

"Yeah, I don't understand because the picture shows you were all over her!"

"Geez y/n, I told you so many times to stop believing in these liars. They just want attention. They want you mad and right now they have succeeded," as Liam continues the argument he starts to get closer to you and louder. You didn't know that it would lead to this. It was you and Liam's first major fight every since you guys have been dating for 2, almost 3 years, and to say you were scared was an understatement.

"You know y/n sometimes I wonder if my life would be better without you."

"I hate you right now Liam, and if you want a life without me than fine."

"YOU ARE SUCH A W***E," Liam yelled as he punched the wall near your head. By now you were in tears, not just you but Liam. He was fuming.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE," you yelled back with even more power than him.

Without saying anything he grabbed his things and left. You shut the door as hard as you can and slid down the door crying, immediately regretting everything you said to him. Now all you have is a broken heart that has broken by the one man you wanted to spend your life with.

-1 month later-

It's been a month since you have seen or talked to Liam and all you can say is it has been miserable. All you have been doing is going to work with a fake smile and coming back home with a nonexistent one. It's been torture.

From what you've seen on tv, interviews, and paparazzi Liam has been doing great. He's out almost every night having the time of his life. He found a new girlfriend that most of the fans seem to like better than you considering she is a supermodel. Altogether he seemed happier with her than he has been with you.

You are currently on your couch binge-watching season 3 of Stranger Things. Dustin and Susie sure seem like a sweet couple. I wish I was in a relationship.

*Knock Knock*

That must be the pizza I order. You can never go wrong with pizza.

*Knock Knock*

"Just hang on a second," you yelled as you search for your wallet.

You opened the door to not find the pizza guy, but Liam with tears streaming down his bright red cheeks.

"Liam what are y-," as you spoke you were interrupted by Liam closing the door and his lips on yours. The lips that you have been craving for the past month. You didn't want to stop but you knew you had to. You pushed him away then spoke

"What are you doing. You have a girlfriend."

"She's not."

"You said she was. Everybody knows you guys are."

"It's all fake y/n. Every single detail. I just did it because of management. They didn't want me to be the only ones out of the boys without a girlfriend. I don't love her, I only ever loved you. I still do. Please give me another chance. I never meant anything I said to you. I was angry at the moment. I was just angry at all the rumors. I just want us to be-"

You cut him short by attaching your lips to his. Everything seemed right in the moment. The sparks you felt when you kissed him and him only were there. You stopped to breathe and rested your forehead against his. 

"I know. I'm sorry I ever believed them. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. All I want to know is do you want to be my girlfriend again."

"Yes I will, but what about management."

"Already told them."

"I love you Liam Payne."

"I love you more y/n l/n." 

A/N: I know this is a short one. I just wanted to put one out there. I need more ideas. Remember requests are always opened. 
