My boss-Louis Tomlinson

Read authors note at the end!!!!!!


Y/n had been working under Louis Tomlinson, born millionaire and fashion mogul known for his classy streetwear. Everyone would try to get their hands on his latest pieces even if they had to stay up 24 hours straight or camp out in the New York shop for days.

Y/n was one of his many assistants, mainly focused on his business deals and trips. She wouldn't say that she had seen Louis much, but every two weeks she would report to him on new business deals needing to be finished and trips needing to be planned. Louis would only answer with yes, no, maybe, okay. Even if the question weren't any of those answers, he would still say it. Maybe he didn't like talking, but Y/n knew it wasn't that as he would give presentations of his fashion growth at many runway shows.

There would be pictures of him plastered with a girl or two by his side. Even if he was an intellect with a mind of gold, he was a normal thirty-year-old man with needs and looking for a wife. Yes, a wife. He is thirty now and should be looking for a wife if he ever wants an heir for his company.

Most people know he hasn't dated ever since he started the company which has been eight years now. Sometimes the media will pick up a couple of photos through a time period of him with the same girl, but over and over again he says it was set up or just a fling. People can't have just a fling with a beautiful and intelligent businesswoman, you thought.

Right now, Y/n was working on Louis's next trip, to Dubai when she was called by an intern that Louis was calling her. She started panicking because he could be asking about the trip and she still hasn't finished everything. Louis was someone known to be somewhat impatient to his employees and Louis was yet to be impatient with her. Maybe today is the day, she thought.

Nodding at the intern, who she thought was model-like, before standing up making sure her hair and outfit were perfect and crisp. Nobody liked crinkled clothes, especially a fashion company. She headed straight down the hallway towards his office, with her file with the Dubai trip information just in case he needed it. Making sure her outfit was yet again perfect, she knocked. Not getting a response she knocked a bit louder, pressing her ear to the door to hear if there was any response.

"Just wait a second," she heard his rough voice call out. Hearing hushed whispers and the sound of metal, he finally called her in.

"You can come in now."

Y/n turned the knob, entering the room to find one of the most highly paid model in the world, with her legs crossed as she sat on the chair opposite of Louis's, with her hair a bit disheveled and her breathing heavy. Louis looked the same, but a bit more composed. Y/n had an idea of what had just happened behind the door before she came in, but she didn't want to think about it. So she pushed those thoughts out of her head and smiled her famous bright smile at them.

"Miss.Davis, it is lovely to meet you again," Y/n said putting her hand out for Miss.Davis or Colette to shake. Colette returned the smile, shaking Y/N's hand.

"Hello, nice to meet you again too. You were one of the assistant's in the Seoul show right?" Y/n couldn't help, but fangirl inside as one of her favorite model recognize her.

"Yep, that's me. And you were lovely at the show," Y/n complemented trying not to hug the day lights out of Colette.

"Well it was nice to see you again and you too Louis. I better go as I have some meetings later today," Colette said getting up from the chair, smiling both at Y/n and Louis before leaving. Louis replying with an okay.

"Mr.Tomlinson," Y/n said staying up, not wanting to sit on the chair, Colette might have just contaminated. "You wanted to see me."

"Yes, I did," Louis said sitting back down on his chair.

"If it's about the Dubai trip, I'm sorry sir but I haven't finished all the plans yet," Y/n hurriedly spoke, flinching a bit at Louis's facial expression.

"No, it's not about the trip, but I do expect those by the end of this week," Y/n nodded.

"But I wanted to ask you was if you could accompany me at the gala the company will be hosting in a month." Y/N's mouth dry for two reasons. First this was the first time Louis had spoken directly to her this whole entire time she worked with him. The second reason was because he had asked her and not his usually assistants or women we would go with. Y/n wasn't ugly at all, but compared to the other women he has been with, she was below average.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't think I can. I could ask your regulars for you."

"No, not them. I want you to come with me."

"Why," she inquired wanting to get out of the room as quickly and safely as she could.

"The reason does not matter. What matters is that you need to be with me for it," he firmly stated

"But, I don't wa-" he cut Y/n off quiet quickly

"It is not a matter of not wanting to attend with me. You will go and as your employer you must listen or else I can make things very difficult," he voice lowering as he wanted his "threat" to be taken seriously.

Y/n quickly nodded making Louis grin a bit.
"Good now go finish the plans for Dubai. And before you leave just know that I will have a dress sent to you with a tailor if needed," he said, Y/n nodding, before she walked quiet quickly and not gracefully towards his office door, closing it behind her. Y/n let out a breath, thinking of what she could have been doing the night of the Gala in a month, instead of fearing for embarrassment and ultimately Fear.


It was now the morning of the gala when Y/n heard a harsh couple of knocks on her apartment door. Putting a pillow over her face to block out the noise cause all she wanted to do was sleep some more, especially after the chaotic month of the Dubai show and the fitting for her gala dress which took a whole week. Y/n didn't even think it was necessary for that many people getting a right fitting for her dress and especially the amount of time it took. She loves fashion, but hates shopping for herself ironically. So yeah the month was chaotic to say the least.

"Y/n! Dear are you in there," the familiar voices tailor yelled from the other door. Y/n took the pillow off of her voice, grunting while she sat up in her cute queen sized bed. She checked the time on her phone seeing it was 7:30 in the morning. Are they out of their minds she thought especially waking up at this time. And who bangs on a door and yells in the middle of a hallway at this time.

"I'm coming, Minghao," she said smiling her feet in her slippers going to open the door. She was met with Minghao's smile before his eyes scanned her morning self, grimacing a bit.

"Why do you look like that," he bluntly stated annoying Y/n even more.

"Well in reality people wake up a mess and not sleeping beauty," she opened the door wider for Minghao to step in.

"Well my wife does," Minghao bluntly said comparing Y/n to his wife.

"That's how you see Min," though she is extremely pretty, Y/n thought but she wasn't going to say it. It'll grow is already huge ego.

"Anyways why are you here at 7:30 in the morning. I thought you guys were coming in the afternoon."

"Initially, yeah that was the plan, but things changed and they sent me to get you up and ready."

"Why," she whined like the little kid she was, at heart at least.

"Umm I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that you're going to the huge well known gala with a international fashion mongol. Ring a bell," Minghao asked tapping her head. Y/n glared at him, rubbing her head a bit cause it seems like Minghao doesn't know his own strength.

"No, not really," y/n said playing dumb just to tick him off.

"It's not the time to play around," Minghao firmed up, asserting his dominance so Y/n knows he's not playing around. She just raised her hand in surrender, telling him she'll listen.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Go freshen up now, then we're going out to get some jewelry for you," Minghao said pushing Y/n towards her bedroom door.

"But I already have jewelry," she emphasized trying to get Minghao from not pushing her.

"Yeah, but not enough for the dress," he said accentuating the pronunciations more than he should have. Minghao seemed a bit more excited for tonight than Y/n did, even if she had a whole month to prepare.


Y/n stood in front of the mirror, all dolled up for Louis. She didn't know what she felt, but it didn't feel good especially in the dress. She wasn't a shy girl, but in this dress she did and maybe even more since the reason she was in it was cause of her boss.

Minghao stood behind her and so did the tailor looking to see if there were any flaws. Even Y/n started looking for flaws, not wanting to look off when she is meant to go to a gala filled with all the wealthy moguls of the world. Fashion or not.

"The dress looks amazing Ms.Y/l/n. You truly have the body of Venus herself," the tailor complimented, getting off of his knees. If anybody saw Y/n they indeed would think of her as a goddess, but not to her, no.

"She really does doesn't she," Minghao said licking his lips, looking Y/n from top to bottom.

"You have a wife you perv," Y/n exclaimed looking at him in disgust.

"She would agree with me for a matter of fact."

"Then tell her to say it to me, not you." The bickering between the two carried on before the tailor had to inform them that the limo for Y/n had arrived and leaving him himself. Quickly, Minghao grabbed Y/n's purse stuffing her essentials in it before shoving it in her hands ushering her out of the apartment. They rode the elevator in silence, Minghao definitely felt the nervousness seeping out of Y/n's bones. Maybe it was an exaggeration, but the tapping of her heel told otherwise.

The limousine was right in front of the building catching the attention of a few. Y/n anxiety was at high right at the moment. Her hands couldn't stop shaking and her mind could stop running. Minghao was trying to calm her, but it wasn't helping. Nothing was helping her because as Louis stepped out of the limo she felt sick. Sick in the way of feeling anxious.

Louis had came to face her and Minghao, and maybe she was wrong to think this of her boss, but he looked irresistible. She wanted him forever and not just tonight. Snap out of it Y/n. Minghao and him had shook hands taking about tonight with Louis thanking Minghao for his help with her. Minghao quickly wanting to leave Y/n and Louis to there night at the gala and get to his wife said his farewells before getting to his car.

Y/n's breath hitched once Louis's eyes grazed over her dress clad body. No, the dress wasn't provocative, it was more classy. The green dress stood out on her sun kissed skin, the front a v-neck until her upper stomach, the back open, and the straps thin but seen. Overall, Louis thought it was the best dress he had ever seen on a women and that made Louis question if he should make her his just tonight or forever.

Louis has fallen for Y/n's looks and her being altogether. She was a well put together women professionally with her wits and charm and even out of work she was even better although Louis hasn't known her very much outside of work related matters. But maybe tonight was a change of time.


Y/n was currently stuck to Louis's side, greeting business partner's she has appointed deals with. Louis's grip on her waist never fell, but tightened when specifically a man complimented her or gotten a bit to close to her. She tried to get a drink from the bar or even go talk to people she had known but Louis didn't allow that. Obviously he had allowed her to use the bathroom, but she had to come to him immediately. Y/n thought it was a bit extreme, but Louis didn't.

Louis didn't want prying eyes all over her. He did love the attention she was getting because he wanted people to know she was as beautiful as the goddess Venus, but most importantly he wanted to know she was with him, at least for tonight. What ever the future may hold, well he won't ever know.

"Mr.Tomlinson congratulations on the deal," another fashion icon said shaking Louis's hand before looking at Y/n.

"And what do we have here." Y/n now officially hates this day.

"Nothing of importance to you Rogers," Louis sneered at him, tightening his grip on Y/n's waist he pulled her closer to him. Louis knew what Rogers did to women and it wasn't something good.

"Well come on Louis. Let the little lady talk," Rogers said trying to reach for her arm. Louis quickly pulled Y/n behind him before trying to punch him, but a hand held him backs

"Don't do it," she said in a whisper.

"Yeah don't do it boy," Rogers teasingly told Louis wanting to rile him up even more.

"I suggest you shut up, before does something you won't like." Y/n wanted to punch this Rogers man, but she refrained not wanting to create a scene. She pulled Louis away from the glaring Rogers taking him towards the bar, but Louis had other plans as he took control and led Y/n to the exit of the building.

"Are we leaving now?" She whispered to Louis.

"Yes, but we'll be going to my penthouse," he told her calling for the driver to pick them both up. As they wait Y/n protested to not go to his place and to drop her off at her apartment, but he didn't listen. No, he was just staring in front of him not saying anything to her.

The limo had arrived the driver stepping out, holding the back door open for the two of them to enter.

The ride was silent, apart from their breaths mingling together in the air. Y/n wanted to say to Louis to take her home, but what use was it when in the end she would be at his penthouse.


She sat on his couch, in the living room, her posture tensed and her heels still on. Louis had told her to relax before going to his bedroom to most likely change, but how could she relax when it was her first time in her boss's house. How could anyone?

Louis had finished changing now wearing an Adidas sweatpants and a Calvin Klein gray t-shirt. He had expected Y/n to be watching something or even looking for something to eat considering they had left before the buffet, but to his displeasure she was sitting like a statue. Her legs crossed and her head facing her lap.

"Are you hungry," he asked going into the kitchen, looking for anything to whisk up. Upon hearing the question she turned to Louis, before saying yes. She was starving in fact, but she wouldn't say that cause how embarrassing would that be.

"Could heat up some fried rice, haven't got anytime anymore to cook."

"You cook?" Seriously Y/n, why would you ask your boss if he could cook. What the heck is wrong with you?

"Yes I do love. Cook a lot actually. Could show you sometime," he said as he expected her to come over sometime. Why would she even? Jesus Louis, she wasn't even suppose to come over.

Louis stood near the stove, heating the fried rice, but his mind wasn't with the food. No, instead it was on Y/n. She stood their still in the green dress, looking too suffocating on her, but no matter what her being looked luxurious. He wanted to do things to her and for her than any person can do for one, but he couldn't. He was still her boss and he couldn't fire her cause if he did then he would never see her again.

Y/n was busy looking through her phone, wanting to look busy so she didn't have to talk to Louis, when she smelt something that didn't smell like fried rice she looked up. Louis stood in front of the stove, not facing the stove, but facing her. He stood staring at her as if she were his favorite television show.

"Is everything okay, Louis," she asked him, snapping him out of his staring dream. He looked a bit embarrassed, something that she hadn't seen before. He quickly turned back towards the food shaking his head.

"Yeah, everything 's alright. The food is almost finished heating up. You should change out of that dress, seems irritating."

"No, I'm fine."

"'s alright. Just go into my room, there should be some sweats and a shirt short enough for you to wear," he said pointing to the direction of his room. Y/n insisted that it was alright, but he threnthed to fire her. Obviously, Y/n knew it was a joke, but nonetheless she stood up and went into his room.


Shortly after she went into his room, Louis had finished the food adding a bit of his own to it. He set up two dishes of the rice, getting two bottles of water knowing that tonight he shouldn't drink and knowing she doesn't drink late into the night. He had noticed every instance when an employee of his would ask her to go to bar after work hours, but she never did responding with "I don't drink late" every single time.

He had just sat down, waiting for her to come out, when he heard her footsteps. He stood up wanting to be polite like a gentlemen, but that idea went out of the window when he had seen her. She was just wearing some old gray pants of his, rolled up quiet a bit, which surprised him cause he wasn't very tall himself. Her upper body adorned a white and black patterned shirt that Louis had long forgotten about, but with her wearing it he would remember definitely. Someone would think as she looked normal, just a girl wearing house clothes, but Louis saw her as something other than normal. She yelled innocence and Louis liked that, a lot.

"Smells good," she said breaking his staring yet again.

"Oh yeah, I added some of my own taste to it. Hope you like it." She nodded, taking a spoonful of the rice and shoving it in her mouth. And to say it was amazing was an understatement. She moaned at the feeling own the warm, mild spice flavor. It had to be the best fried rice she has ever tasted.

" incredible Louis. If you weren't in the fashion industry I think cooking would suit you well."

"Thought that too for awhile until fashion became my number one." He laughed a little at her as she quickly finished her food. She looked like a kid getting their first taste of sweets, absolutely adorable.

"I'm sorry, it's just that it was really good," she said once her plate was empty.

"No need to apologize. Actually appreciate that you liked it a lot." Once he had finished they talked a bit more before Y/n stood up taking his plate.

"No Y/n I'll do it," he took the plate back and hers walking to sink, washing the dishes.

"Louis you should let me do it," she pouted crossing her arms together hating the fact that she can't help him at all.

"It's fine Y/n."

"I just feel useless right now. Not helping you with anything."

"What would help if you just stood their staying your pretty self." Once that had left his mouth, Y/n froze and so did Louis. He shouldn't have said it like that but he did and maybe it was the right time now.

"Excuse me," she asked confused with the face of innocent.

"I like you," he bluntly told her wanting to get it done. Y/n looked like she was about to faint. Her boss liked her, the one boss she has liked for so long and the one man she was liked truly her whole life.

" me?"


"Like, like me like me?"

"As I said Y/n," he took a steps toward her, getting right in front of her, "I do and I am not expecting an answer I'm just releasing a burden that has been on my shoulders for quiet some time."

She looked up at him stunned. There was no way not to give him an answer when in fact she did like him too. She just couldn't leave knowing she left him unanswered and leave with her feelings untold. "I want to give you an answer."

This time Louis was the one stunned as he hadn't expected her to answer him, just nod at his notion and move on. Their heartbeats now ran erratic were beating too loud where they were scared that the other could here. Y/n had opened her mouth a couple of times, but due to her inability to form a humane sentence, she closed her mouth and went back to a silent state.

"I-I like you too. But I'm scared of what might happen in the future. You are my boss after all and I love having you as my boss, but things can change quickly. A lot can happen in a couple hours, we don't even know what a second later holds and I'm just," she babbled, hoping Louis could get her point.

What she was afraid of honestly was just being a fling like every other woman Louis had been with. Knowing that she liked her boss, where she did great work was too much for her sometimes.

"If one of your concerns is me leaving you as a fling, it won't happen. I'll stay with you and you won't be a fling to me like the others."

Looking up at him, she gulped. His eyes were stern yet soft. There was a fire brewing with in them, like that when he had found something he needed for his designs. It wasn't that he had the intention to hurt her anyways, so why not give it a try, right?

"How would I know you'd stay true to your words?" She hesitated in asking.

With one subtle move, Louis pulled her closer. He tilted his head and leaned closer to her until Y/n could feel his breath. It was the first time ever in her life to feel this comfortable having someone being this close with her. When her cheeks warmed from his touch, her heart beat faster than before, because she knew what was coming.

It seemed that he had successfully casted a spell on her for Y/n copied his action. She felt is his lips on hers and how they made her dizzy with desire.

They were plump as the heat made them, and as his grazed her lips, warmth spread through her veins like wildfire and sparked the fireworks in her chest.

The kiss was short, but it left her breathless and blushing. The kiss was as exciting as the first snow fall of winter and she liked the feeling.

"It was to seal the deal," Louis said when their lips left each other.

At this rate, Y/n's cheeks already felt like boiling. But that seemed to amuse his because a chuckle just escaped his lips. The lips of her boss she has just kissed. Just by the thought she became flustered again.

"You're cute when you blush," he smiled and Y/n has to quickly run her hands to her cheeks and change the subject.

"It's a deal then, boss."

A/n: after a whole month on not posting an imagine for this book, I've finally come back with one. Word count is 4000+ and that is the longest one I've made. Also included Minghao from seventeen in this as a fashion designer because he is a fashion god.
I've another imagine in the making and hopefully this weekend I can post it because I'll be finished with all my tests for the first quarter of school. Okay hope you all enjoyed read this and give some feed back on it so I can know if you enjoy it or not. Love ya,


PS: I have a new book of Seventeen(Kpop band) imagines I get from tumblr. Obviously give credit, but I hope you check it out because there are some really amazing imagines in it with amazing authors credited.
