Niall sick- for Maddy_is_me

Harry's: POV

When I woke up I made the quick decision to pull a harmless sick act.

It was nothing new for me, and I didn't think of it as anything too bad. I had been doing it every now and then ever since I was a kid, grabbing a day off school when I could. I never got sick, maybe once every few years, so I never got any breaks and sometimes it was nice to just have a day off.

Since the band started I'd barely been ill once, and only taken a couple of unscheduled days off. As long as I didn't do it too often everything was fine.

Today we were supposed to drive for four hours just for a quick half hour interview, and then drive all the way back. I didn't really agree with long car rides, it wasn't that I got car sick, it was more along the lines of the fact that Liam did. Every time. And because I had the strongest gut I always had to deal with it.

I wasn't in the mood to hold his hair back and keep his bucket steady. It was gross, and I could not be bothered in the slightest.

I tugged on my phone lazily until the charger fell out and then unlocked it.

Li, can you bring some panadol to my room please?

I sent the text through and rested my phone on my chest while I waited for a reply.

Yeah, just a sec

Was the text I got back a few seconds later.

I shot him a quick thanks and put my phone under my pillow. I rolled over and buried my head under the duvet. I tried to breathe heavily to make my bare skin warmer before Liam came in because I wouldn't be surprised if he felt for a temperature.

 If I hadn't known that he would be the only one up I would've texted Louis, I knew he wouldn't feel for temperature.

Not too long later I heard the door slowly opening, creaking quietly as it did so.

"Haz?" Liam whispered and I heard him moving closer. I didn't make any move to stick my head out or anything though.

"Are you awake?"

Now I just whimpered slightly and as a last thought rubbed my knuckles over my eyes, hoping to make them watery.

"I've got the pills you asked for mate, and some water. Mind me asking what for?" Liam asked softly as he put the glass down on my bedside table, judging on what I could hear.

I ever so slowly pushed the duvet back down to my chest, scrunching my face up as I did so.

"My head really hurts," I whispered quietly, squinting a little.

"So bad that you couldn't get your own panadol?" The words might've seemed accusing coming out of anyone else's mouth but Liam was just beginning to sound worried.

"Tried," I breathed, blinking languidly, "got dizzy."

"Shit, really? That's rough." Liam frowned. "Okay, get these down quickly then. Hopefully you'll feel better before the interview, you probably won't be able to come if you're passing out everywhere Styles, and we need you there to entertain us on the car ride up. Not to mention, I need you to hold my hair back."

 Liam cringed as he anticipated the events later to come.

They wouldn't be coming at all if I could help it.

"You might have to hold my hair back," I murmured. As I had thought he would, Liam came closer and touched my forehead.

"You're a little warm actually," Liam concluded, "we're gonna have to get rid of that, or just not tell our favourite Irish man. You know he won't let you leave the house if you have a fever."

 Liam handed me the pills and I sat up slightly so that I wouldn't choke and die when I tried to swallow them.

Niall was a bit protective of us lads. He was always really sweet and understanding when any of us got sick and he took it upon himself to make sure we didn't move an inch until we were feeling better.

If I really didn't want to go anywhere today, Niall was the one to target.

"I'll leave you to it then, try and get some sleep. I'll come and wake you up half an hour before we have to leave so you can get ready."

 Liam smiled and left, leaving me in silence.

I waited fifteen minutes or so before getting out of bed and creeping towards the door. I rubbed my eyes harshly with the heel of my hand and opened the door as quietly as I could, all too aware of it's tendency to creak.

Thankfully it didn't this time and I slipped out into the hall. I shuffled along the wall to Niall's room and ducked inside quickly, not wanting to be questioned out in the hallway.

He was nothing but a mountain of blankets in the middle of his bed.

I stumbled forward, in case he was peaking through a gap and watching me or something. I practically fell onto the bed and instantly squirmed under the covers and curled up next to Niall's warm body. 

He cried out in shock and pulled away. 

I groaned, "stop, you're warm."

"Harry? What are you doing?" he asked upon recognising my voice. He sounded a little rough but that was understandable considering he'd just woken up.

"Shhh, I'm d-dizzy," I stuttered purposefully.

"Why did you walk all the way over to my room then? Are you okay?"

"Was c-cold. Mmmm, Ni, I think I've g-got a m-migraine," I whined, squeezing my eyes shut and tensing my whole body.

He suddenly coughed, muffling it into his hand. He cleared his throat.

With his other hand he felt my skin for fever, his finger tips feeling like little ice blocks.

I tucked my face down into his shoulder, "your fingers are freezing Ni."

"Sorry," Niall muttered. He wriggled uncomfortably.

"I'm going to quickly go to the bathroom alright, H? When I get back we'll take a nap."

 I could hear a strain in his voice. He must've been really busting.

I stayed quiet as he hurriedly made his way to the connected bathroom. He closed the door and I rolled over onto my back.


Niall's POV:

I could feel my face turning bright red as I struggled to keep the uncontrollable coughs contained. I'd spent the night with my face buried in my pillow to at least try muffle the awful sounds. My chest was aching and my throat was raw and now Harry was in my bed with a migraine.

What a great start to the day.

And, just to make it even better, we had to spend eight hours total in a car today.

I coughed once into my fist, desperately needing to relieve the tightness in my chest. One cough led to multiple and soon I had to hold onto the vanity to keep myself upright as I coughed over and over.

I filled up a glass of water tiredly and gulped the lot of it down. The cool liquid felt amazing running down my throat and I felt a little better. I flushed the toilet, when in reality I hadn't even gone, and moved back into the bedroom.

I got back into the bed and Harry immediately curled back into me just in time for Liam to peek his head through the door.

 He grinned as he hung through the doorway, "hey Ni, just letting you know that we're leaving in an hour and a half."

"About that." I cleared my throat awkwardly as my voice cracked, "have you seen Haz this morning?"

Liam grimaced, "he texted me this morning and a got some pills into him, he had a fever earlier I reckon too. How do you know about it?"

I tugged the covers back, revealing the ball of limbs tangled under my arm.

"Oh." Liam smiled, "I probably should've known. Is he asleep?"

"No. . ." Harry complained.

"Oi, what's going on? Why wasn't I invited?" 

Louis joined Liam in the doorway, pushing past to be part of the chat.

"Harry made his way in here," Liam explained.

 Louis strode into the room and peered down at Harry sympathetically, "you right, H? Heard you weren't feeling too hot."

"Shhhh. . ." came the muffled response.

"Right, sorry mate," Louis whispered.


Harry's POV:

Now I was getting suspicious.

The boys had left ten minutes or so ago, leaving Niall to keep me warm for another half hour. He kept fidgeting and uttering quick coughs into his pillows. I wasn't too sure but he felt warm too, and not the kind of warm you get by breathing heavily under your blankets.

Apparently I'd picked the wrong day. 

I couldn't carry on faking when Niall was actually sick by the looks of it. I was too guilty already, if I keep going I'll just start feeling worse about it.
I couldn't just miraculously make a full recovery though, I doubted it would be very believable.

Before I could think about what to do Niall coughed, rolling over quickly to get away from me as he continued in a painful sounding fit.
"Sorry H- sorry," he wheezed in between.

I thumped his back a few times, hoping to clear his chest a little. It must've worked because he calmed down a moment later, relaxing back into the mattress with a sigh.

"Sorry about that, I'm not sure what that was," he apologised again with a shake of his head.

I should probably go tell Louis and Liam that Niall's sick. Ugh, I'd really made this all difficult.

"Gonna go grab a drink," I murmured and sat upright, slowly swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.
"You sure?" Niall croaked.
 I smiled at him with tight lips and stood up, "I got it." 

I squinted a little and walked straight out the door, wobbling a bit.

"Harry, you alright?" Louis gripped my shoulder, "I was just coming to get you guys up. Are you doing better? You look like you are."

"A bit," I said quietly, " haven't slept, Niall's coughing a lot."

 Louis grunted playfully, "He is? Don't tell me we have two of you sickos to deal with."

"I'm getting better," I protested, "but listen."

Sure enough Niall was back to hacking up a lung behind the closed door.

"Geez." Louis frowned. "I'm gonna go talk to Li about postponing today's plans, this isn't fair on you guys," he said, "do you wanna go back to your room? Are you alright to get there on your own?"

 I huffed and shuffled off down the hall, "course I am."

"I have to ask H, don't want you fainting or some shit like that!" Louis called after me playfully.

We didn't end up going out that day, or the next. It wasn't until Thursday we actually started the drive up.

I 'got better' until I was normal as fast as I could without raising suspicion on that first day so that we could all look after Niall. He stopped trying to hide it after I was feeling better and we all got him anything he needed for two days. It wasn't so bad. I spent most of the first cuddled into his side, which wasn't terrible at all and the second I stayed in the room with him again.

The horrid cough did start easing thankfully and we managed to make the interview two days late. But, better late than never right?

This is seriously shit, I'm really sorry! It's really late and I'm tired, and I have so much studying to do, I'm so sorry guys. Please try to accept this shittily written, super short, crappy sickfic, I promise the next one will be one hundred times better.
