Harry- for moonlight_harry_

"Louis!" Liam called out sharply, his arms shot out as if he could stop the inevitable with the sheer power of his mind.

"Watch out!"

It was too late of course, Louis was far too close to the elderly lady in the purple dress to avoid her and carry on his path.

"Shit!" Louis swore in shock. His instincts took over and he yanked the wheelchair to the side, narrowly missing the woman's skinny hips. Harry's knees smacked loudly into a tall potted plant and everyone paused in anticipation as it teetered dangerously before settling flat again.

Louis apologised to the woman breathlessly and she hurried away as quickly as her frail legs could take her, not sparing him as much as a glance. She was probably frightened he'd try to take her out again.

Liam and Niall had caught up, "that was way too close."

"She crept up on me!" Louis protested in his own defense. Nonetheless, Liam took over hold of the wheelchair handles. Niall bent down in front of Harry and clicked his fingers a few inches away from his friend's closed eyes.

"I don't know how he slept through that, you'd think it would've hurt," Niall said. He smiled, "he must be pretty dosed up."

Liam pursed his lips as he started pushing the chair down the hall toward the glowing exit sign, wondering just how 'dosed up' Harry was going to be. He might've broken his leg but they were on tour and Liam was sure that it wasn't going to be enough to pause anything. Harry would most likely still have to participate in the schedule of concerts and interviews with the rest of the lads. They were flying out to Japan in two weeks, there would definitely be no getting out of that one.

It took a band effort to get Harry into the awaiting van. He was total dead weight, moaning and grumbling all the way but not actually helping them out with his heavy limbs. The rock encasing his left leg to just below his knee was no help either. It wasn't even properly casted yet as the doctors wanted to wait for the swelling to go down more.

"Aw man. . ." Harry slurred to himself quietly as the took off in the direction of the hotel they were staying in.

"What H? Everything okay?" Niall peered over at him questioningly. He was sitting right next to Harry while Liam and Louis sat behind them.

Harry pulled a very unimpressed face and whined loudly. "Meh leg's itchy," he complained, eyes already near closing again. "I feel kind of weird. . ."

"You are weird," Louis said without skipping a beat.

Harry pulled the finger at him with a growl and then promptly fell back asleep, as if someone had simply clicked their fingers.


Thankfully they had enough manpower between the three of them plus a bodyguard to get Harry up into their hotel room. They'd been given a pair of crutches but Harry was too groggy to even comprehend them, he wanted nothing to do with them.

Their bodyguard picked him up and carried him in the end, and he fell straight back to sleep. Liam was worrying, surely the pain medication he'd been given to take home wouldn't be this strong? Harry wouldn't last if he was falling asleep every five minutes.

After a short elevator ride they were dropped off outside their room. Liam and Louis propped Harry up and dragged him inside while Niall cleared a safe path. They were four young guys, the room was undoubtedly a bit of a mess.

The lads stood surrounding Harry as he slept on top of his bed, not knowing what to do next.

"Only this idiot would break his leg in the middle of tour." Louis shook his head and rolled his eyes fondly.

"Right after I told him to watch his step." Liam combed his hair away from his forehead with his fingers, " the clumsy dork."

Niall sighed. He tugged Harry's single shoe off and threw it into the corner of the room. "I can't be the only hungry one here?"

"Definitely not, I'm starved," Liam agreed. He dumped Harry's crutches against the wall and grinned, "let's go put something together."

"I'm in," Louis smacked his lips.
They left Harry on his own to sleep off the rest of his pain medication.

A couple of hours later Harry woke up with his leg shooting throbbing pain all the way up to his hip. His head had cleared a fair amount compared to earlier, he could think straight now but all he could think about was how much his leg hurt.
He wanted to slap himself. He couldn't believe he'd broken his leg. How was he supposed to enjoy tour now?

Gingerly he sat up and carefully swung his legs over the side of the bed, catching a glimpse of the crutches. They were a bit of a stretch away. Maybe he should just text someone to come help him out. Yeah, that was a much better idea.

He patted his pockets for his phone and unfortunately came up empty, and he couldn't see it anywhere in the room either. He groaned and let his head hand. He was going to have to yell.

"Liam! Ni, Louis!" He called, his voice tired. Shouting killed him, he'd been less than energetic when he'd woken but now he was ready to just go back to sleep. However, he knew his leg would bug him too much to drift off. He needed to take something before he even attempted or he'd just be wasting his time.

"You're awake, how's the leg?" Niall poked his head into the room with a cheery smile.
"Sore, like really frickin sore," Harry replied, grimacing as he rocked back on the bed.
"It's been long enough if you want to take something for the pai-"

"Please. . ." Harry moaned, nodding fervently. He went to stand and Niall rushed forward to help, "I can get it, you don't need to move."
"I've got to piss." Harry closed his eyes, suddenly feeling a little dizzy.
Niall nodded in understanding, "fair enough. Here."

Harry uncertainly took the crutches. He already knew they were a bad idea. He was going to struggle a lot with the things and everyone would give him shit about it.
"I'll see if Li will help me figure out your meds, just come meet us when you're finished," Niall said. He grabbed Harry's shoulder, "are you okay?"
"Yeah," Harry muttered, closing his eyes. He was swaying until he rested against the crutches, "think those drugs are still trying to knock me out."
Niall nodded and headed out, leaving Harry to figure out the crutches on his own.
By the time he made it to the bathroom he hated the stupid things. They were sharp, painful, annoying. In the bathroom he chucked them on the floor, lip curling in distaste.

He peed, blearily washed his hands, and then headed out to see Niall and Liam. Louis was there too, lounging across the massive white sofa off to one corner of the room. The first thing he did was laugh at Harry's dishevelled appearance and his awkwardness with the crutches, "you look a mess lad!"
"Oi, lay off," Liam shoved Louis with a roll of his eyes, noticing that Harry definitely wasn't in the mood.

Niall drew closer with a couple of pills and a half full glass of water as Harry lowered himself carefully into the other couch. His toes curled in pain.
"Aw, I'm really feeling for ya H," Niall said apologetically. Harry swallowed his medication quickly and groaned in agreement, "me too."

"Are you hungry? We kept some bacon for you if you want it?" Liam offered. He opened the fridge and frowned.
Louis smiled sheepishly, "sorry, I ate it. But there's plenty of other food!"

Niall sat down beside Harry and smirked at Louis, "since you ate it you should be cooking our crippled friend something else."
Harry screwed up his face," no thanks."
There wasn't a lot that was worse than Louis' dreadful cooking. Give the man a recipe and an oven and you'd end up with a fire and a bowl of something completely unidentifiable.
Liam snorted at the upset look that cross Louis' face, "have some faith!" Louis exclaimed. He stood and stomped into the kitchen in determination, "how about toast? I can make toast! Hm, French toast! Liam, how do you make French toast?"

"Normal toast sounds good Lou," Harry said with a yawn. It seemed the safest option and honestly he still felt a bit off, the thought of anything sweet, like French toast with the ton of maple syrup Louis would likely pour over the top, made his tastebuds squeal and hide away.
"Okay, I can do that!" Louis nodded happily. He sang to himself as he explored the kitchen.

Harry yawned widely again and sagged further into the couch, his eyelids already being weighted back down. If he didn't keep up a constant effort he wasn't going to be awake long enough to have anything to eat anyway. He winced as he shifted to lean up against Niall but it was super comfortable once he'd settled.

Once Louis had finished Harry snacked on his mildly charred toast for twenty minutes while listening in on the other lads conversation, taking minuscule bites from the edges until he reached the middle. He found himself nodding off halfway through the second piece so he gave up on it and snuggled into Niall to go back to sleep. His meds had kicked in so his leg wasn't much of an issue anymore.

Although Harry was in Niall's lap, it was Louis who noticed the tightening of Harry's fists while he slept. He would moan quietly and squirm, and Louis could swear he'd grown a shade paler since he'd fallen asleep.
"Hey, is Haz alright Ni?" He frowned, curious.
Niall raised an eyebrow at the sudden change in topic and glanced down at Harry. "Yeah. Still asleep, he's moving a bit so he'll probably wake up soon."
"Hm," Louis hummed, pursing his lips. Something didn't feel right to him.
"What Lou?" Liam asked, sensing the doubt. He glanced over at Harry but didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
"It's probably nothing, I just thought that he-"

Harry woke up with a jolt, causing Louis' words to stop still at the back of his mouth.
"Hey sleepyhead, how'd you sleep?" Niall bounced his knees a little as he smiled down at Harry. Groaning at the movement Harry pushed himself up with his arms, totally in his own world. He was too preoccupied with the fact that he was one hundred percent about to throw up to notice that anyone was actually speaking to him.
His stomach lurched and so did he, almost flinging himself right off the couch. Then he vomited, right there on the floor in front of his friends. His eyes and nose stung, and inside his mouth tasted revolting.

"I knew something was up. . ." Louis murmured sympathetically as he lunged over to help Harry hold himself up. His leg was getting in the way and he'd only just woken, he was still half asleep. Plus the medication he was on was a strong enough painkiller to make him a bit dopey.

Niall was in shock, "I definitely didn't expect that."
Harry hiccuped and cleared his throat, "my tummy hurts," he slurred, sounding like a little kid.

"He must be reacting to those pills he's on," Liam said.
Harry clamped a hand over his mouth warningly, causing the rest of the band to leap into action before he added to the puddle on the floor. Liam ran off to find a bowl large enough, Niall grabbed a towel that wasn't white from the bathroom while Louis leisurely strolled off and grabbed some toothpaste. He thought he was being thoughtful, but he got the evils from Liam when he got back, "we don't need toothpaste! You could've helped me find a bowl!"

Harry groggily reached out and took the toothpaste out of the Louis' hand before squeezing some into his mouth with a groan. Louis stuck his tongue out at Liam, "Harry likes my toothpaste."
Liam rolled his eyes and adjusted his grip on the bowl he was holding in front on Harry's face. Harry spat the toothpaste into it, now expanded with saliva.
Liam but his lip worriedly as Harry pushed the bowl away and looked at him. His eyes wouldn't focus, they were glossy and totally all over the show.

"Feeling faint at all Hazza?" He questioned slowly as he put the bowl on the floor. Niall chucked the towel over the sick and went to refill Harry's glass of water.
"L'il dizzy," Harry stuttered, closing his eyes.
"You leg?" Louis asked. He prodded it, but not hard. There was reaction out of Harry apart from a loose thumbs up,"all good!"
Then he fell asleep and he was back to snoring away as if nothing had even happening. Liam stared at him in disbelief.

"Well, that was interesting. What are we supposed to do now? We could go get some different meds for his leg," Niall suggested, putting the glass down on the table.
"But this is one of the better ones, and I don't think his legs bothering him hardly at all." Louis poked it again and looked up at us, "see?"
"Ugh, I don't even know." Liam sighed. "If he stays like this he's not going to be able to do anything. We can't make him perform or sit in front of a camera when he can hardly keep his eyes open. And I doubt that'll be the only time he's sick if he keep taking them."

"It's just three days isn't it?" Louis asked.
"Three days and he'll get a proper cast and be on normal medication, if any. We can keep him alive for three days on this stuff, at least he won't be in any pain." Louis nodded.
Suddenly Harry opened his eyes again. He peered around at us for a moment, vomited, and then went back to sleep all in the time span of ninety seconds tops.
"See, it'll be easy," Louis said, grinning in amusement, even Liam couldn't help but smile, Harry was acting so strangely that it was funny. It wouldn't have been if he was upset or anything but acting as he was it felt like a situation that they could laugh at.
"And we'll get a few days off," Niall shrugged. He could definitely do with a couple of sleep-ins.
"Yay," Harry mumbled.

"Three days. . ." Liam sighed, "poor Harry."
"Poor you." Louis grinned, "Niall and I have already nominated you to clean up the puke."

So, you might've noticed that my book is about twenty chapter shorter than it was, but it's all good, I just shoved the two pieces together and removed my ilangel one story. If you're looking for that it's been given its own book which you should be able to find on my profile.
Anyway, so now have room for all your wonderful requests!

I hope you liked this, and even I'm sensing a part two, but I'm sorry I'm not gonna do anymore part twos any more. Maybe I'll come back to it at the end and just add more. That's an idea actually, maybe once I reach the 200 mark you guys could just request a chapter I've already written and I could just lengthen it, like double it! That's be cool!
