Harry sick- for offical_reignQ

I was laying in bed, unable to sleep and staring up at the ceiling when the realisation hit me.

I'd been acting weird all day, and I had to be really off for me to notice.

I'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed, grumpy and agitated from the get go and every little thing just seemed to piss the hell out of me. I forgot to eat breakfast, and then lunch as well, and when the boys and I went out to get a drive through dinner I didn't find the smell of fried food as pleasant as I usually would. If anything it just put me off. I didn't eat much then, and I wasn't hungry now either.

I was dead tired, pretty much just a zombie really. I dozed off for a few moments at the two hour promo event we'd done earlier in the day and then again in the car on the way home.

I couldn't believe that it had taken me this long to click, but I was definitely getting sick.

Not a doubt.

Even as a kid it was always the same routine, with the tiredness and the snappiness, I should've come to the conclusion a hell of a lot earlier.

The clock on my bedside table read 1:34 in bold, red numbers, lighting up the otherwise pitch black room with a crimson ray. I'd gone to bed at 9:30, telling the lads that I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. They'd been a little annoyed but they believed me, they had noticed my high temper throughout the day. 

We had a Harry Potter marathon planned, don't judge, you've all done it, but I think they carried on when I left.

I strained my ears and sure enough I could hear the low buzz of the TV and I was pretty sure I could hear crunching too.

After just laying there for some time more, I'm not sure how long,  gazing blankly at the ceiling and listening to the crunching from the other side of the house, I let out a long sign.

I rolled over and winced at the sudden pain in my skull. It had probably just been increasing slowly as I laid there but because of the stillness I couldn't feel it, well, not until I rolled over that is.

The pain was a mix between achy and throbbing and it kind of made me want to just chop my head right off.

Guillotine style.

I groaned, irritated and getting slightly mad. Mostly at myself, why did my body feel the need to make me sick right at this time? The irritation came from not being able to sleep no matter how hard I tried.

We had a live morning show interview, in barely six hours. Seven thirty in the morning. We had to be there before then though, so I was going to have to get up in five hours. 

The rest of the day was empty though, so we could catch up on the sleep we were all missing out on. I would need it especially, judging by how rough I was feeling.

After another half an hour of tossing around I decided that I wasn't going to get anywhere unless I took something to stop the thumping in my head, or just something to help me sleep. Both would be good.

I sighed and got out of bed. The minute I was on my feet I just wanted to sit back down.
 Instead I started for the kitchen where the medicine cabinet was.

I paused outside the lounge, knowing there would probably be questions.

I didn't wait too long, I just wanted to get back to bed. Nothing else mattered all that much.

I pushed the door open and the moment I stepped into the room three pairs of glowing eyes landed on me.

"Joining the party ay, Hazza? Come sit next to me!" 

Niall patted the small empty space next to him.

I shook my head in an almost pathetic manner as I shuffled past the TV, "not feeling well, I'm just going to find some medicine I can take."

 Louis looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "this couldn't have anything to do with the interview in four hours?"

I pulled a face in confusion, my hand resting on the door knob, "huh?"

"You've been in a shitty mood all day. I know you're tired mate, so are we, but we can't get out of this interview for that reason alone," Louis said, eyes trained on the TV.

"What? You're speaking in riddles, just hurry up so I can go back to bed," I snapped, sheltering my poor throbbing eyes from the TV lights.

"What I'm saying is, we can't let you fake your way out of this. If we all have to do it then so do you," Louis explained with an easy grin. He was finding it all amusing by the looks of it, there wasn't a trace of anger on his face. 

My face on the other hand, was a different story.

"Why would I fake feeling ill? I'm not a twelve year old trying to get out of school Louis" I growled, swinging the door open violently.

"You're kinda acting like you are H, you're literally mid-tantrum right now," Liam pointed out.

 I let out an indignant grunt and stomped away, slamming the door behind me. The bang caused an avalanche to crash down on my skull and all of a sudden I felt like crying.

I felt shitty already and judging from experience it was only going to get worse as the hours passed. I didn't get sick very often, I hadn't had anything but a pathetic strain on a cold in over three years, but when I did, it could hit me pretty hard.

And nobody believed me even the slightest. Niall hadn't said anything, but I figured his silence meant he agreed with the others. I had no way to tell how I was going to be feeling in the morning but I did know that unless I looked like I had just survived falling off a five story building nobody was going to believe me and I was going to be sitting in that studio whether I liked it or not.

I popped out a few pain relievers and swallowed them down with a few sips of water before realising that if I wanted to get back to my room I would have to go back through the living room, which I didn't exactly want to do.

After a few seconds of thought I decided that the couch in the other, smaller, lounge would have to do.

I sat down onto it heavily as my head pulsed. I could feel it behind my eyes. It was colder suddenly and I felt goosebumps spring up onto my bare arms. The only blankets were kept up the hall so I was just going to have to deal with the cold for the time being. I gently laid down, tucking my knees into my chest to try collect some warmth. I cuddled a pillow into my front and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to just simply slip away.

It didn't work then, but not long later I finally fell asleep, the cold and the pain forgotten.


Niall's POV:

"What's the time Li?" I asked, remembering the interview we had to be ready for.

"Almost six," Liam replied, leaning forward in his seat. He was practically hooked to the TV.

"Shit, we should get moving!" Louis tossed the blanket off his lap and bounced onto his feet, "come on, we've gotta leave in forty minutes."

I huffed and got up too, knowing that I didn't really have a choice. At least the interview was the only thing we had going for today, then we could just come back to the house and finish our marathon, and have a nap.

"I really don't want to. . ." Liam moaned as he stretched out his arms and legs. His back cracked and he smiled.

"Get up you lazy ass." Louis rolled his eyes, "who's gonna go wake up Harry?"

"He didn't go back to his room last night, after he came out," Liam said mid-yawn.

 I frowned, "he didn't?"

"He didn't come back through here."

"Nah, he didn't," Louis said.

"I'll go find him," I volunteered, seeing as I was closest to the kitchen. I remembered what had gone down last night, when we'd all ganged up on him and told him he was faking to get out of the interview. 

He had been super grumpy all day yesterday, he really needed a long sleep to get back to his usual happy self.Hopefully he was feeling less tired this morning.

I almost wanted to let the poor guy get away with it, just so we could get the Harry we knew back.

The kitchen was empty, I even checked behind the counter in case he'd decided to bunker down there. Apparently he hadn't, as the floor was bare.

I carried on into the other lounge to see him tucked up on the couch, shivering slightly.

I jolted his shoulder gently and he stirred a little, a quiet breathy groan falling from his dry lips, "Harry, hey mate, you've gotta get up for the interview."

 His eyes darted around under his lids.

"Come on, Haz," I tried again. 

His face scrunched up and he swatted me away irritably.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, "I'll be back in a few minutes and you better be up, we're not going to be late because you can't even wake up."

I started to leave the room. Just as I was about to step around the corner I heard loud rustling and glanced over my shoulder real quick to see Harry sitting up, leaned over his knees with his elbows resting on his knee caps. One arm was resting around his middle and the other was rubbing at his eyes wearily.

 I quickly moved by gaze and left, not wanting to let him know I had ever looked. I wasn't falling for his useless act, I'm not an idiot.

I had to admit though, it was all very believable.


I had been right to think I'd only feel worse in the morning.

I might've managed to get to sleep but it didn't help at all. My head continued to throb painfully despite the pills I'd gulped down earlier and my stomach was churning uncomfortably to go with it. I wasn't too sure if it was from my head ache of it all stemmed from some kind of stomach virus and I didn't really care.

All I knew was that I felt pretty damn close to death.

That, and I was so cold I was sure my nipples had frozen off.

Niall didn't seem very impressed when he woke me up, he was mad at me.

I was torn between angry and guilty now. My emotions were all screwed up and I couldn't think straight, I didn't know if I was supposed to be mad at the lads for not believing me, or feel bad for causing problems.

"Harry! Get moving or I'll come in there and drag you out here myself, by your ankles if I have to!" Louis yelled from somewhere in the house.

All of a sudden it got awfully hot and I became aware of the sweat encasing my body and the overwhelming sense of nausea. After a slight pause I realised I was about to be sick and stumbled up off the couch and into the bathroom that was located on this side of the house. 

There were two in total, the one in the hall and the one I was staggering into. We tended to do our business in the one in the hallway and direct any guests into the other.

I didn't even have time to close the door.

One gag was all it took for my stomach to quite literally pour from my throat and into the water below. For some reason unknown to me I was shivering despite the raging heat and my breathing was a crazy mess of rapid inhales and spasming exhales as I vomited up the small dinner I'd eaten up the day before.

My head hurt, my stomach hurt, and by the time I was done so did my throat and my chest. I felt like I was about to drop dead, or in the very least pass out. The black spots littering my vision weren't very assuring.

I sat against the wall breathing heavily while the light-headed feeling passed and then flushed the toilet and stood up on violently quaking legs that I wasn't too sure would even hold my weight.

My bedroom had never felt further away.

I pulled myself together as well as I could and started the long journey to my room with the plan to get dressed.

I looked up from my feet just in time for someone to crash into me. My jelly-like legs stood no chance and I toppled right over. The ground was hard and cruel and I felt like puking again.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Louis groaned, sounding like he'd had enough of me. Was I really that annoying? Was I just a burden to everyone?
Did they even like me, or did they just keep me around for the sake of the band?

A torn sob burst from my throat and tears streamed down my face before I could do anything to stop them. I hated crying in front of people.

Louis crouched down in front of me , "why are you crying, H? Did you hurt yourself when you fell? Are you okay? Fuck, tell me how to help."

I couldn't do anything but hiccup tearfully in response.

"Where does it hurt? Help me out here."

 Louis reached out for me and I wanted to say something but I couldn't stop crying, and hiccuping.

"Payno! Ni! Come out here!" Louis called, his eyebrows creased together. The two of them were kneeling next to Louis within moments.

"What's wrong. Harry?" Liam questioned, catching a tear off my cheek softly.

"I knocked him over and he started crying, I think he's hurt himself." 

 I managed a quick shake of my head with a loud cry, it was getting even worse with all the crying and I just wanted it all to stop.

"Did you hit your head?"

Liam reached forward and ran his hands over my hair, checking for blood. 

"He's not bleed-" 

He stopped, the back of his hand on my forehead. His hand was freezing and I pulled away fast, still sobbing.

"He's fucking burning," Liam muttered, his voice tainted with urgency.

Well, that explains why I'm about as emotional as a thirteen year old girl on her first period.


Louis touched my skin and drew back in shock, a look of an extreme guilt passing over his features.

"Are you feeling sick. H?" Niall asked.

"T-told you l-last n-night," I stammered through the uncontrollable onslaught of tears. I really needed to get this under control. Hell, I couldn't even remember why I was crying in the first place.

"Shhhh, we know you did, and we're all really sorry we didn't believe you" Louis said and Niall and Liam nodded in agreement.

 Niall rubbed his hand up and down my arm soothingly and I finally managed to stop crying. The hiccuping was still happening though, once every few seconds, and I'm pretty sure my face was splotchy mess.

"Would you like a nice cold shower? You really need cooling down," Liam suggested.

I hiccuped again and this time my stomach leaped into my throat. "Feel sick," I blurted, my mouth watering.

Niall stood up, his knees clicking, "you'll feel better if we get your fever down."
I hiccuped again and slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Grab a bucket, Ni." Louis ordered.

 I stopped myself from crying again as my stomach curled over itself painfully.

 Niall darted off, returning a minute later with the bucket from under the sink, where it leaked. He had the decency to empty it and rinse it though and practically the same second it was placed underneath me I threw up.

I clawed desperately onto whoever was closest to me as the blackness scattered back across my eyes.
 Niall shook his head and moved a few metres away with his phone in his hand, "I'll go call the studio, let them know that we're not going to make it. We can't leave him here like this"

Someone's hand was in top of the one of mine that was clinging onto someone else's shirt. When I was finally done puking up my guts and gasping for breath I sagged into whoever it was, clutching head in my head as it surged.

"I'm gonna lift you up okay, hang tight."

 I barely recognised Liam's voice through the fuzziness.

I felt myself being lifted and soon I was being sprayed with mightily cold water. I screeched and kicked out, struggling to get out. It was way too cold and I didn't like it at all.

"Calm down Harry, one more minute, mate. I'm so sorry," Liam murmured.

I responded by burping up a small amount of sick onto my front. The water quickly washed it away thankfully.

The minute felt like it lasted forever but it did end at some point and after drying me really quickly Liam carried me to my room. My bed felt like heaven after my sleep on the couch that night. I did feel a little better now though, my head was way clearer.

"We're seriously sorry Hazza" Niall said, shaking his head and looking seriously disappointed in himself. He must've finished his phone call.

"S'okay," I mumbled, burying myself under the duvet to block out the light.

"Grab some rest, call out of you need absolutely anything, and I mean anything, Harry," Louis said.

"Will do, thanks. And thanks for drenching me in freezing cold water Liam."

"Are you being sarcastic, Styles?"

"Surprisingly no, I actually feel a bit better now." 

My voice quietened as I got close to sleep.

"Oh, well then you're welcome," Liam replied and I heard the smile in his voice before I blacked out completely.

I wasn't supposed to write this, I have two tests tomorrow and I should've been studying but I couldn't help it :)
Hopefully you all like it.

Quick note: I've been told I should write some hurt fics a few times but I don't really have any ideas so if you do, and you want me to write some hurt fics here, please comment your ideas!
