Liam sick part one and two- for larrybeiberdreams

So that actual request was 'Liam fakes sick and then actually gets sick but the others don't believe him' but I had no idea how to word it so... Thanks to wattpad user Larrybeiberdreams  for the requests you've been sending in, I love them!

It all started with the realisation that I would do anything to get out of the concert tonight. I know, I know, it sounds horrible and I'm probably the worst band member in all of history but there's been a small headache lurking at the back of my skull all day and I know that the crowd and the music will set it into a full blown migraine. Then I'll be out of action for a good 24 hours which I can't exactly afford at the moment. It's either one concert or a whole day of scheduled interviews and meetings. Maybe I was being a bit dramatic but trust me, there was no way in hell I'm missing an entire day. I knew how it went, miss one day and you were totally out of the loop. 

Then I had to figure out just how I was going to get out of the concert. I couldn't just rock on up to management and declare that I have a headache and expect them to let me out of this. Louis had performed with full on food poisoning once and the small ache in my head didn't add up to anywhere near what Lou went through. It would be a hundred times worse if I performed tonight though. All those lights, the noise. . .I didn't even want to think about it.

The only way out I could think of was to really exaggerate the problem. Make my headache seem as if it was already in migraine territory. It meant lying to the lads, and I hated that, but if I didn't lie now I wouldn't be lying tomorrow when I couldn't even open my eyes.

We were on our way back to the hotel room now, strolling down the halls towards it. I figured I would lay it on thick earlier so that it was more believable later, I'd been a little mopey today anyway so it was just a little, well big, step further.

Harry leaped five feet into the air with a startled gasp as Niall purposely stepped on the back of his shoe, the joyous smirk on his face not leaving anything a secret. He burst out laughing as Harry whipped around to face him, trying to glare, but the playful sparkle in his eyes and the twitching at the corners of his lips gave him away.
"Whatcha gonna do about it Hazza?" Niall winked and pushed past me, rushing ahead while cackling maniacally. Harry shot off after him as I grabbed the wall to keep myself from falling over. Louis was watching the, with an amused smirk but he didn't chase after them.

I closed my eyes as if dizzy and pulled myself closer to wall, leaning my head against it and closing my eyes.
"You alright, Mate?" Louis asked, halting in his footsteps.
"Yeah, I think so. I'll be okay in a second," I replied quietly.

Louis placed a warm hand on my shoulder. "what's wrong?" 

"I'm just a little dizzy," I answered. My lips felt dry and my tongue might as well have been swollen to twice its size as I lied through my teeth. I had never been the best liar but I was gonna give it my best.
"That's not normal Payno," Louis muttered, laying an anchoring hand on my shoulder.
"It's just this headache, I'll live. Let's just- woah-"
I cut off as I teetered slightly, grabbing tightly onto Louis shoulder as if I was falling. It was a good touch.

"Geez Li. . ." Louis  gasped as he quickly snaked an arm under my shoulder and yanked me gently upright. "How about we get you back to the room and you can sleep it off before the concert? And we'll get some drugs into you too." 

He helped me all the way down the hall to our room where he put me down on the couch as if I was some delicate piece of china. I had never felt more guilty in my life, but also, it was working. So far, so good.

Niall and Harry were in the kitchen helping themselves to something to eat and they started asking questions the second we came in.
"What's up, Liam?" Niall asked through a mouthful of whatever they had found in the cupboards.
"He has a headache," Louis explained, "he almost fell over back there after you guys ran off."

He grabbed a sheet of Tylenol from one of the draws and biffed it over my way before grabbing one of the water bottles out of the fridge.
Then he passed me the bottle and I obediently swallowed two tablets.
"Are you gonna be sweet for the concert?" Harry questioned worriedly.
"I hope so," I replied, squinting a little. It wasn't hard to lie about my head hurting, it wasn't exactly feeling fabulous right now. Thankfully it was nothing to be concerned about yet.

"You need a hand getting to your room or are you okay?" Louis asked kindly.
"I'm okay," I answered and slowly got to my feet, stumbling a little. I stared at my feet as I shuffled to the bedroom Niall and I are sharing, feeling everyone's eyes on me. They didn't know did they? No, how could they?

I pretended to be asleep later on when Niall came to wake me up. He shook my shoulder gently and I opened my eyes to connect with his. "We've got to leave in twenty minutes, how are you feeling?"
"Not great," I mumbled, blinking slowly as I winced.
"Any better than before though?"
"No," I breathed.
"Really? Damn." He frowned, "you up to doing the concert?"
"Of course I am."

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up slowly, as if unsteady on my feet.
Niall went over and switched the light on and I let out a sound, it was more of surprise than anything else and drew away. Niall hurriedly switched it back off and we stood in silence for a second while our eyes adjusted.
"That bad?"
I nodded my head before remembering and swaying a little, so that I seemed dizzy. Niall steadied me carefully. He glanced over my face, my well rested and healthy coloured face and then he pressed his hand onto my forehead. I cursed my luck, there was no fever and that was probably what was going to give me away. I'd had plenty of migraines before, the lads all knew that they came with fevers.

I tried to fight back the embarrassed blush but it scorched over my cheeks anyway.
Niall raised an angry eyebrow.
"You're not sick at all are you," he stated. It wasn't even a question. He knew.

I stayed silent and he took this as his answer. He huffed angrily. "I should've known," he blurted. "Get changed."

All the lads were pissed. They barely spoke to me at all during the drive and the sound check, which as expected had already made my headache pick up some speed. When we finally took the stage an hour or so later no one even dared to look at me. I knew they would have to interact with me on stage, make it look like nothing was wrong but the tension was going to be there throughout and probably for the entirety of the next couple of days too.

The crowd screamed as we ran on, one after the other and my head rattled. It was happening and now there was no way to stop it. No one would take me seriously if I said I have a headache now, not after today. Fuck me.

By the time we were finished I was in agony. The screams and shouts had really done it this time, just like I knew they would. The pain was intense, throbbing and flaring through my skull like lightning. It was making me feel sick to my stomach and as we said our goodbyes and left I was swallowing down my lunch. It hurt like hell.

Still no one spoke to me.
Back at the hotel the walk to the room was far less casual and happy than earlier. I was lagging behind and the others were ahead, shooting glares back at me every now and then as they spoke to each other is hushed voices. It was like being bullied at kindergarten.

We all sat down to watch some TV before we crashed and nobody looked exactly happy with me. Harry kept shooting me glances, checking to see if I reacted, Louis had a permanent scowl on his face and Niall just looked disappointed.

It was awkward and it had never been awkward between us. Ever.
I decided I didn't like it.

"I'm going to bed," I mumbled as I got to my feet, my head protesting violently. Sparks flew behind my eyes making everything spin around me and my gut churned uncomfortably. The real nausea was settling in now, I knew my lunch wouldn't be staying much longer.

"Good," Louis spat, not even looking at me. I guess I deserved it.

I stood silent for a moment before dragging myself towards the bedroom, struggling to blink away the spots in my vision. My head was screaming like a banshee.

I stopped halfway to try and clear the light headed feeling.

"What are you trying to do Liam? Do you honestly expect us to fall for the same thing twice?" Niall shook his head with a puzzled look, as if trying to comprehend how stupid I was.

"Uh-I- no. . .s-sorry" I stuttered, not even able to form a sentence let alone speak the words.
Louis turned and looked at me finally. "Why are you stuttering like that? It's dumb."
I just grunted and carried on, looking forward to sleep. I would've taken some pills but they never helped with this kind of thing unfortunately.

It took a while for me to fall asleep. I buried my head under the duvet to block out all the light but it was hot and I couldn't get comfortable with my stomach rolling around like it was. My head wouldn't quit and when I finally fell asleep it was restless.

I woke up early the next morning feeling like I was dying. The pain hadn't dulled even the slightest, it was still there, messing up my stomach and balance as well. Niall was sound asleep in the other bed still and I suspected the other boys were too considering it was only five am. This was exactly why I didn't want to the concert. I'm going to be completely incapable today and nobody's going to believe me,  so this thing is just going to progress until my body gives in. 

They would have to believe me then, at least.

I waited under the covers until Niall started moving around and then I pulled the warmth away, letting the light in. Let's just say it did not make the situation any better. It more or less made me want to gauge my own eyeballs out.

Niall caught my eye as he slipped into a pair of jeans and then he walked out without a word. So that was how it was going to be.

I forced myself up and struggled to ignore everything that made me feel like I was about to drop dead or vomit all over the floor as I got changed into a pair of sweats and a grey t-shirt. I went to the bathroom next and stood in front of the mirror in horror. I looked like I'd come back from the dead. I usually don't see when people look pale or whatever but holy shit I look like I haven't seen the sun in centuries. My eyes are dull and lifeless and the dark bags around them don't do anything to help. I looked like absolute shit with limbs.
I stood in front of the loo for ten minutes or so to make sure I wasn't about to barf my guts up and then dragged myself out the the living room where the rest of the guys were sitting around eating their breakfast.

"Well if it isn't Mr- woah." Louis' eyes widened as they landed on me.
"Did you get any sleep last night Liam?" Harry asked with a frown.
"Does it look like it?" I whispered. I really hadn't. I probably finally fell unconscious around four and then I was awake again at five.
"Sleep or no sleep, we've got an interview in half an hour so look tidy would you?" Louis looked at me blankly. I didn't bother replying. Instead I just lowered myself into the couch and closed my eyes to stop the spinning.

"I have a migraine, please just leave me alone," I muttered.
Niall scoffed, "I think I smell bullshit."

So half an hour later I was in a car on the way to the first interview feeling like I was about to blow any second. My head was only getting worse and I couldn't slow it down. I was screwed.


"Liam! Li!" Someone nudged my shoulder roughly and I blinked myself out of the half unconscious state I had been in and turned to the interviewer, feeling embarrassed.
"Huh? What?"
"I just asked how yesterday's concert was," she repeated with a forced smile, I could see the irritation hidden behind her inhumanely white teeth.
"Oh, s-sorry, it was g-good," I replied awkwardly, the heavy lighting on the small stage making things spin even faster.
My stomach fluttered suddenly and I was on my feet in an instant, swaying harshly but still standing.
"Where're the restrooms?" I gasped, my breathing ragged.
The woman pointed and I rushed off, almost falling flat on my face on multiple occasions. 

I whipped open the door and staggered into a cubicle, flipping up the lid in record speed. Within seconds I was puking up everything I had eaten yesterday and this morning's coffee. And holy shit it hurt like you wouldn't believe.

I wasn't aware of anything else but the blinding pain soaring through my head as I continued to vomit non-stop into the bowl, my stomach didn't seem to be giving up any time soon. I was barely getting a second to breathe and when I did they were pretty much sobs.

All I knew was that I couldn't hold myself up anymore and then the spinning slowly faded into nothing.

Harry's POV:

Liam had been gone for just over ten minutes now and I was starting to get worried. He hadn't looked well all morning but I had figured, like Niall and Louis, that he was faking again like yesterday. It was hard to believe him after he pulled a stunt like that but now, something just didn't feel right. I glanced over and Niall and Louis but they both seemed to be completely focused on the interview, not a care in the world.

"Excuse me a second, I'm just going to dash to the restrooms." I smiled and hurried away, ignoring the stares I got from the boys. They could believe what they wanted to.

I rushed into the restrooms and called Liam's name until I saw the legs sticking out from the first cubicle. Shit.
I rushed over and there he was, one of my best friends passed out next to a toilet full of puke. Oh god, I'm such a bad friend. I crouched down beside him and poked his freakishly pale face a few times.
He stirred and then blinked slowly, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes.
"Harry?" He croaked in confusion before shooting upright with a shriek and heaving violently into the toilet.
"Yeah mate, it's me." I rubbed his sweaty back, "I'm so sorry."
I felt like crying.

He finished up, there were tears running down his face. "Don't be Hazza, it's my f-fault. I should've told you guys y-yesterday," he whispered.
"It wasn't s-so bad yesterday. That's w-why I wanted to get out of the concert. I knew I-it was going to turn into this," he explained. That made sense. Sane, healthy, Liam would never try to get out of a concert. None of us had even asked him why he did it.

"It's alright Li, don't worry about it," I assured him. I flushed the toilet and got to my feet, carefully pulling Liam up with me. He looked completely drained. He would've collasped back onto the floor if I hadn't managed to hold him up.
"S-sorry. . . " he slurred.
"It's alright," I replied.

We slowly headed back out where the interview was just finishing up. Niall and Louis saw Liam on my shoulder looking downright pitiful and thankfully in that moment they realised that he wasn't faking this time.
"We have to go," I murmured urgently.
"What's going on? What happened?" Louis exclaimed.
"He was passed out in the bathroom," I answered.
Lou's mouth dropped open, "shit."
"I feel horrible now," Niall whined.

"Let's just get him away from here and he can rest and this'll all be over."


Niall's POV
Harry explained why Liam had lied to us yesterday on the way back to the hotel as Liam had fallen asleep the minute he had sat down. I understood why he did it I just don't get why he didn't let us on in it, we could've helped against management and then he wouldn't be suffering. He should've just told us.

It was obvious he was miserable now. He looked ten times worse than he did this morning with pasty skin and big bags under his glossy, bloodshot eye.. I felt like shit for not realising it earlier.

Louis volunteered to wake him up when we finally rolled to a stop just outside the hotel and we all watched as he gently shook his shoulder, whispering quiet words to him. He groaned and his eyes flickered open slowly, the rest of his body remaining slumped over the seat.

"Holy fuck," he whined, flinching as if hit between the ribs, "it hurts so bad, Lou".
Louis tried to smile reassuringly, his eyes glinting sympathetically. "I know Li," he hushed him, "we're back at the hotel now so you can get some rest."

Liam exhaled deeply and licked his lips before swinging open the door and getting out, standing shakily on the pavement. Thankfully there weren't any paps around. He gripped the side of the van tightly and stiffly gestured for the rest of us to file out, waiting to close the door. I slipped through the gap after the others and watched Liam's face as he yanked the door shut. He didn't even blink.

"Let's go," he muttered as he took a small step away from the van, leaving him without anything to lean on or use as an anchor. He pretended it didn't influence him and carried on walking, stumbling over his own feet and teetering dangerously before catching himself at the last minute. I had never seen him this bad before.

We were all just standing there watching when suddenly he doubled over and puked all over the ground, producing awful retching sounds to go with it.

I acted first and rushed over to hold him up, wrapping my arms around him from behind so that he wouldn't fall or pass out in his own vomit. Soon the others managed to snap out of their little trances and we were all huddled around him, whispering and cooing tentatively.

When he finally finished he looked completely exhausted. He looked like he'd just dug himself out of a grave. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand with a wet cough. "S-sorry, I got dizzy," he mumbled apologetically, his bottom lip quivering.
"It's alright Li, it's not as if you can help it," I smiled and hooked an arm under his shoulder to assist him in getting back to bed.
"Yeah, don't worry about it," Harry added.

Liam opened his mouth to say something but decided against it and instead let out a low moan, "I think my head is going to explode."
Louis raised a brow, "you look like your head is about to explode."
Harry elbowed him in the gut. "Don't say that," he said playfully, earning a tired grin from Liam.

I started walking and Liam leaned in me lightly, obviously trying not to put all his weight on me. Harry and Louis followed closely behind, ready if he happened to fall backwards or anything.

It was a long trip because we had to stop so many times, but when we go back to the room I immediately got out a drink bottle for everyone. I tossed one each to the lads and waved the other in front of Liam, whose face twisted up.
I rolled my eyes, "drink up, we don't need you getting dehydrated and passing out again."

Liam's POV

I took the bottle from him shakily and swallowed a few small sips, aware that unless this migraine spontaneously disappeared in the next half hour it would probably be coming back up and it would not be the slightest bit pleasant.

I don't think I had ever felt worse than this in my life. I had said earlier and I'm going to repeat it now, I swear my head is going to explode. My pain behind my eyes is like a shot firing over and over again and the nauseous feeling in my stomach doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. Plus, my balance is completely screwed and every time I move my head, or even look in a different direction, everything spins like a carnival ride.

At least the lads believed me now, all it took was a faint and a toilet full of chunks.

"Do you want the bed or the couch? If you want to stay out here we can put a movie on or whatever," Harry asked, staring at me expectantly.
"Bed," I muttered, my own voice sounding as loud as a bomb going off.
He held out an arm with a cheeky wink, "okay then, grab on."
I rolled my eyes before vowing to not do it again, it hurt. I must've spaced out for a second because he started waving his arm around to get my attention.

"You alright?"
"Yeah, sorry," I whispered.

Niall held up a finger and then there was a bit of rustling from the kitchen before he brought over some painkillers.

"They're not going to work Ni," I stated wearily.
"And why the hell not?" He sassed with a raised eyebrow.
"They never have before."
He grinned and took a couple of pills out of the bottle, "there's a first for everything."
"I'll throw up," I said blankly, knowing full well that I would.
He waved a hand dismissively, "bullshit, they're tiny, you'll be fine."
I shrugged, knowing that I was about to prove him wrong, and took them from him, eyeing my trembling hands and willing them to just stop.

"Are you sure Li?" Louis questioned worriedly, being the only one who had taken my words seriously.
"You might want to get a bucket," I uttered as I tossed the pills in and swallowed them down with a sip of water. He leaped to his feet and rushed away to find something.

"You're so dramatic when you're ill Liam," Niall tutted. I just blinked slowly. Harry got up and started pulling all the curtains closed so that the light couldn't get in. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I grinned with tight lips as my stomach began fighting with the drugs in my system, "thanks." 
"No problem," Harry smiled back happily, looking pleased with himself for being able to help.

Louis came back into the main room with a trash can in one hand, "I couldn't find a bucket." He pulled a face and put the bin by my feet, "so you get a bin instead."

"He's not going to need it," Niall scoffed playfully.
"You wanna bet?" Louis grinned.
"How much?"
Louis smirked confidently, "50 pounds says he's going to throw up."
"50 pounds says he won't." Niall turned up his nose.

"50 pounds says you guys are both idiots." Harry rolled his eyes, "Liam?"
"You win," I moaned, my stomach starting to whirl sickeningly. My head throbbed in perfect synchronisation. Fuck my life.

I gagged suddenly and almost threw myself off the couch in fright, my heart thudding fast. I blinked furiously to get rid of the blackness that was creeping in and managed catch a glimpse of the trash can sitting just to my left. I tried to aim over it as I heaved and hot acid scorched up my throat. It burned like crazy.

"Oh god, what are we supposed to do?" Louis shrieked and I let out a cry as the pitchy sound penetrated my skull.
"First off, shut your gob," Niall ordered quietly, trying to bring down the volume as I coughed.
"Are you done?" Harry asked. I thought about it for approximately five seconds and although I desperately wanted to say yes my stomach had other plans and I was back to retching over the bin.

"Now I'm done," I croaked, feeling as light as a feather and as heavy as an elephant at the same time somehow. The pain in my head was indescribable now.

"You're going to the bedroom," Niall announced, " do you need a minute or are we good to go?"

"G-good," I blurted, not even able to form a sentence. Niall gripped me by my arm and dragged me gently to our room. He lead me inside and put me on the bed where I instinctively curled up under the covers and groaned.

"Just go to sleep, there's a fifty percent chance this'll all be over when you wake up." He smiled sympathetically at my pitiful state.

I closed my eyes and just as I was drifting off all I heard was, "Niall, where's my fifty pounds?!"
