Chapter 57

It is now a few hours later, and over the last few hours Kara has been sitting downstairs with Lori, doing some of her work on her laptop, while Lori has just been doing some coloring. Kara has told Lori that she should do a nice drawing for Lena, to give to her when she sees better, as seeing a beautiful drawing from her daughter will really cheer her up, Kara is sure of this. Lori, for her part, has been more than happy to do this, actually thinking she is actively doing something that is helping her mommy get better. Right now though, it is just after 5 in the evening, and Lena has been asleep for a few hours now, and Kara has literally just finished all the work that she needs to do for the day. So, Kara closes her laptop, and walks over to Lori, who is still in the living room, doing her drawings, as she sits on the floor and uses the coffee table as a table to rest her drawings, instead of the carpet or anything.

"How's it going Lori?" Kara asks.

"I don't know...." Lori says, in an unsure voice.

"What's the matter?" Kara asks.

"I don't know if my drawing is good enough! I want to make the best drawing, so mommy is better! I've done a lot of them already." Lori explains.

"I'm sure whatever drawing you give to mommy will be absolutely perfect Lori, you don't have to worry about that. Can I see them?" Kara asks, as she sits on the floor next to Lori.

Lori nods her head, and the shuffles the drawings over to Kara.

Kara now begins to inspect the drawings. She sees Lori has made one drawing of Lena laying in bed asleep. One drawing with Lena in the sun, and Lori next to her. One drawing just of Lena's face. Another drawing of Lena and Lori, and then a final drawing of Lena, Lori and Kara. Kara can't help but smile at the drawing of all three of them.

"These are all great, Lori." Kara smiles, "Like I said, mommy is going to love all the drawings. You can always give all of them to her, if you want to."

"Okay....." Lori says, "Ooooo...... I have another idea!"

Lori now grabs another piece of paper, and starts drawing.

"Okay." Kara says, with a chuckle, "Well, I'm actually going to start doing our dinner now. Is there anything specific you would like?"

"CHICKEN NUGGIES!" Lori quickly says.

Kara chuckles again at Lori saying that.

"I will see what mommy has in the fridge, and freezer, and figure out what we can have for dinner. While I do that, you continue with your coloring." Kara says.

"Okay." Lori nods, not even looking at Kara, and just focusing on her coloring, with her tongue slightly sticking out of part of her mouth as she does.

Kara now stands up and smiles at just how cute Lori is. Kara thinks about how lucky she is to have a relationship with a girl as special as Lori, as she truly is an amazing little girl, who Kara is constantly astounded by, and in awe of. A girl that has a hold on Kara's heart, and Kara doubts anything will ever happen to mean that Lori doesn't have a permeant hold on her heart. After thinking this though, Kara heads into the kitchen, and that is when she has a look through Lena's fridge, and freezer, just to check what she is working with. Thankfully Kara sees that Lena actually has a pretty well stocked fridge, with a few different meats, including plain chicken breasts, some steaks, and some sausages. Then, of course, Lena has a bunch of different types of veggies as well. Kara knows, for sure, that Lena certainly makes sure that Lori is one of those kids that actually eats their 5 a day every day, wanting Lori to be as healthy as possible.

After looking through the fridge for a little bit, Kara then has a look through Lena's cupboards, just to see what other stuff she is working with. Of course, Kara knows that as Lena has chicken technically she could make chicken nuggets from scratch, just as long as Lena has something to make breadcrumbs with. This is not something that Kara is very skilled at, or has much experience doing, but she is confident that she is smart enough to figure it out, and also remember how she made chicken nuggets before, from scratch, with Alex and Lori a few weeks ago. Soon enough, Kara does find that Lena has all the ingredients needed to make some breadcrumbs, and thereby make their own chicken nuggets. After this, Kara thinks about what she should pair the chicken nuggets with. Kara knows that, in all honesty, if this was just herself she was considering, she would probably pair the chicken nuggets with some French fries, or something else not very healthy. However, Kara is hyper aware that she is looking after Lori, Lena's daughter, and wants to respect how Lena likely would prefer Lori to eat healthier foods. So, after some thought, Kara decides that she will just boil a bunch of different vegetables for them to have with the chicken nuggets that she will make.

Kara now gets everything ready to make the chicken nuggets, and vegetables, in the kitchen area, getting everything she will need for it, including both the food, and the various chicken appliances. However, before Kara begins to do this, and make their dinner, she thinks that she should probably go and check on Lena, and see how she is doing, and if she needs anything. Just like Kara said, she has been keeping her hearing partly focused on Lena's bedroom, just in case Lena needs her help or anything, but Kara has not heard a peep from Lena at all. Lena hasn't called out to her, or even thrown up again, she has simply been asleep for almost the entire time that she and Lori have left her. Kara is pretty sure that Lena might still be asleep now, and a part of her does consider letting Lena sleep, but Kara ultimately thinks it'll probably be a good idea just to wake Lena, to check how she feels, and to make sure that Lena has a few more sips of water, just to hopefully flush this bug she has out of her system.

"Lori?" Kara soon says, in a soft voice, as she walks back into the living room area, where Lori is still doing her drawings.

"Yes?" Lori replies, in a cute voice, as she turns around to look at Kara.

"I'm going to make us some chicken nuggies with some vegetables, okay?" Kara says.

Lori grows a wide smile on her face at Kara saying that.

"Thank you, Kara. Love you." Lori says, happily.

"I love you too." Kara replies, with her own smile, "Anyway, before I start making our dinner, I was going to just go upstairs and check on mommy. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"

"Yeah." Lori nods, without hesitation, "I haven't finished my drawings though...."

"That's okay. We don't need to give mommy her drawings just yet." Kara says, "Mommy is probably still feeling too ill to focus on them or anything. You can give them to her tomorrow, hopefully when she is feeling a little better. Alright?"

"Yes, okay." Lori nods, and now puts her coloring pencils down, and stands up, moving next to Kara, clearly ready to go upstairs and see Lena.

"Okay. Let's go see mommy. I think she's still sleeping, but we can gently wake her up, just to check how she is, okay?" Kara says.

"Okay." Lori nods.

"Good. Now, remember, as much as I know you will want to get close to mommy, and give her hugs and kisses and everything, you can't do that. Mommy really doesn't want you getting too close to her, and then catching whatever bug she has, as that will just make mommy feel really awful. She'll feel so guilty if you get whatever she has, from her." Kara explains.

Lori now grows another disappointed look on her face.

"When..... will I be able to hug and kiss mommy again then?" Lori asks, with a sad pout on her face.

"Hopefully in a few days." Kara says, "But don't worry, until then, you can give me all the hugs and kisses that you would give mommy, and I will give you all the hugs and kisses that mommy would normally give you too."

Lori's expression now changes from a sad pout, to a small smile, clearly happy by what Kara has just said.

"Is that on top of the hugs and kisses you would normally give me?" Lori asks, cutely.

Kara chuckles at Lori asking her such a cute question.

"Of course it is." Kara replies.

"Okay." Lori smiles, happily.

"Come on baby girl, let's go see mommy." Kara smiles.

"Yes, okay." Lori nods.

Kara and Lori now head upstairs to go see how Lena is doing, and they soon enter Lena's room, where they see that the brunette is sleeping pretty soundly. A part of Kara does hate that she is going to wake Lena up, but she knows it will be for the best, so she slowly makes her way over to Lena, making sure Lori stands a little bit behind her.

"Lena?" Kara says, in a soft voice.

Lena doesn't wake up.

"Lena?" Kara says again, in a slightly louder soft voice, while also perching on the side of Lena's bed and reaching out to touch one of Lena's hands.

Lena now slowly opens her eyes, and after a few moments of tiredness, of that little bit of confusion everyone gets when they are woken up, Lena's eyes connect with Kara. After this happens, Kara smiles down at Lena, happily. However, soon enough Lena's eyes really start to widen, and before Kara knows what is happening, Lena tries to move her body, and her head, to the side of the bed, unfortunately though, Lena isn't able to do this, as half way as she is doing this, Lena starts to throw up, puking all over the front of Kara.

"Oh Rao!" Kara yelps, in surprise, but quickly positions Lena to throw up into the bucket, instead of it being on her even more than it already is.

"Ewwwww......" Lori now says, with a widened expression on her face.

Kara really wants to laugh at Lori saying that, because the 3-year-old has really summed everything up.

"Lori, could you give mommy and me a few minutes alone, just while I help mommy, and then get changed out of these clothes, so we don't get too close to you, and get you sick?" Kara asks, in a soft voice.

"Okay." Lori says, after biting her lip for a few moments, "You're not going to be sick now, are you Kara?"

"No. I'm an alien, I can't get sick from any of this, Lori." Kara says.

"Good." Lori nods.

"You go wait in your room for a little bit. I'll come in and get you in about 5 or 10 minutes, okay?" Kara says.

"Can I go back downstairs and continue my drawings?" Lori asks.

"Sure. I just thought you might like to be closer to us." Kara says.

Lori now grows a thoughtful look on her face.

"I'll get my drawings and then do them in my room." Lori says.

"Okay." Kara nods, with a smile, "Go on then."

Lori now nods her head at Kara and leaves the bedroom. All throughout this conversation, Lena has continues to throw up into the bucket, by the side of the bed, with Kara simply holding Lena's hair back, and rubbing a soothing hand on the brunette CEO's back. Kara and Lena continue like this for a couple of minutes, with Lena eventually finishing throwing up.

"There we go. Are you feeling better now?" Kara asks.

Lena nods her head, slightly but then looks at Kara, and grows some tears in her eyes.

"Oh, Lena, what are those tears for?" Kara asks, with a worried expression on her face.

"Because..... I just did that........ I threw up on you!..... You must think..... I'm disgusting. You probably don't want to date me anymore..... as all of this is gross.... And not what you signed up for...... I wouldn't blame you for it. I am gross like this." Lena says, with some tears in her eyes.

"Oh, Lena." Kara says, "I still think you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world. Yes, you throwing up, particularly on me, is not pleasant, but I'm not judging you for it at all. And I certainly still want to date you. Nothing about this has changed my mind on that, nor will it. And I'm pretty sure that if you can throw up on me, where, by the way, I can literally feel some of your puke under my shirt going down my torso right now, but if you can do that, and I still lo....... still want to be with you.... then nothing is ever going to change that."

Lena is then silent for a few moments as she just looks at Kara.

"Do you really mean that?" Lena asks.

"Of course I do." Kara says, "I'd kiss you, on the lips, right now, but I'm pretty sure you'd hate me doing that, and also, if you were to throw up while I kiss you, then I just will take that personally."

Lena lets out a little chuckle at Kara saying that, before then groaning once more.

"Oooo.... Don't make me laugh." Lena says.

"Sorry." Kara shrugs, "But are you feeling better now."

"Yes...." Lena nods, "My stomach..... it feels.... A lot happier now..."

"Good." Kara says, "Well, I'm going to clear myself up. Do you mind if I use your bathroom, and borrow some clothes?"

"Sure." Lena nods, and now rests back on the bed.

"Thankfully it seems I took the brunt of the puke, and none went on your bed." Kara says.

Lena lets out a little groan at Kara saying that.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Kara says.

Kara now uses her super speed to speed into the bathroom, wanting to get in there as quickly as possible to make sure she doesn't get any puke on the carpet or anything. Then, once inside, Kara removes all of her clothes, and her glasses, and then gets into the shower. Kara knows that seeing as some of Lena's sick went on her torso, she will need to wash herself, so she does exactly that. Kara does all this at a brisk pace, using some of her superspeed to do so, meaning she finishes washing herself in a couple of minutes, and once she steps out of the shower, she twirls around to speed dry herself. However, after Kara finishes doing this, the blonde realises that she is now in Lena's bathroom, completely naked, with no clothes, as to get the clothes to borrow from Lena, she will have to walk into Lena's room, completely naked to do so. It's not like Kara can even put her bra and underwear back on, as some of the puke had got on both of them. Then, Kara isn't too sure about using her superspeed to quickly rush around Lena's bedroom to get some clothes, because she thinks that might make Lena feel queasy, and she certainly does not want that again. It's not like Kara has a problem with Lena seeing her naked or anything like that, it's just that Lena has never seen Kara completely naked before, and Kara doesn't want this to be the setting where that happens. Kara wants it to happen in a much more romantic way. However, after some thought, Kara realises that she can just wrap one of Lena's towels around her body to cover herself up. Kara has never really liked to do this, as in the past she has always found that when she does this, due to how careful you need to be, to make sure you don't twist the towel and cause it to fall down, Kara tends to accidentally use too much strength, and then simply rip the towel as she moves, causing it to fall down. So, Kara knows that she will just have to be really really careful not to rip the towel and expose herself to Lena.

Soon enough, Kara walks back out into Lena's bedroom, now with the towel wrapped around her. Lena, for her part, is not asleep, as Kara can see that Lena's eyes are slightly open. Kara then walks to the other side of Lena's room, where the brunette's walk in closet is.

"Is there anything you don't want me wearing?" Kara asks.

"Wear.... Whatever you like...." Lena says.

"Okay." Kara nods.

Kara now walks into Lena's walk in wardrobe, and soon begins to look through everything. Firstly, Kara picks out some underwear, and a bra, and then finds a pair of jeans which she thinks will fit her, and then a loosely fitting blouse. Kara decides on the blouse specifically because from what she can see, Lena is a couple of sizes smaller than her in the shirt/t-shirt department, so a loose one at Lena's size will probably just fit normally on Kara. Now that Kara has everything the blonde drops the towel to the ground and begins to get dressed. Little does Kara know, at this point, that despite the blonde being a few feet into Lena's wardrobe, Lena has been looking at Kara, from the bed, and when Kara dropped the towel, Lena got an amazing view of Kara's muscly back, and her nice ass. It put a happy smile on Lena's face, and instantly made her feel better, and maybe a tad lustful.

Kara puts on all the clothes, and once everything is on, Kara realises that the blouse fits just exactly as she thought it would, not too tight, but not extremely loose either. The jeans though, they are a little tight, especially in the ass department, but they aren't too tight that they will be a big issue, and from the looks of things Lena certainly doesn't have anything that will fit Kara better. However, out of all the clothes, the one thing that Kara is most aware of, is the bra that she is now wearing. Firstly, Kara is well aware that the bra itself is about a cup size too big for her, as Lena just has bigger boobs than her anyway, but the most notable thing to Kara, is just how absolutely amazing the bra feels. It feels so soft, and the straps feel almost like nothing. This is the best and most comfy bra that Kara has ever worn.

Once Kara is confident she is dressed properly, she walks back out into Lena's bedroom, where Lena simply slightly smiles at the blonde upon seeing her again.

"How do I look?" Kara asks, twirling around, slightly.

"Your ass..... looks divine." Lena says.

Kara blushes, a lot, at Lena saying that.

"I..... know the jeans are a little tight there....." Kara says.

"Hmmm..... maybe..... but I like it...." Lena says, "Honestly...... you kind of look like a typical well dressed mom."

Kara, again, blushes at Lena saying that, with her heart rate quickening at Lena referring to her as a mom, but deciding not to think too much on it.

"Thank.... you...." Kara says, awkwardly.

Kara now picks up the bucket that Lena puked in, and quickly takes it into the bathroom to empty it out, and rinse it, before returning it to Lena's bedside, just in case. After this, Kara goes back into the bathroom, and has a look at her clothes. Kara thinks about sorting them out and putting them into the wash, but after a little while, Kara thinks that the only bit of clothing that she really liked was the shirt she was wearing, which may have cost her $140 when she bought it, but Kara really doesn't think the shirt is likely salvageable, or worth the effort of trying to clean it thoroughly without ruining it. So, Kara finds a white bin bag under Lena's bathroom sink, which are clearly some spare bin liners for the bathroom bin Lena has. Kara then proceeds to put her sick stained clothes into the bag, before tying it up, and washing her hands, intending to throw the clothes away.

Now that Kara has tied everything up, she walks back into the bathroom to check on Lena again, also being well aware that she should go in and check on Lori soon, just so the 3-year-old doesn't get too worried or anxious with having to wait, alone, for so long.

"You still feeling better now?" Kara asks.

"Yeah." Lena nods.

"Good." Kara replies, "I'll bring Lori back in here, just so she can talk with you for a bit, and I'll get you to sip some water as well. After that, Lori and I will let you rest again. I'm making us both some chicken nuggets for dinner, which obviously you shouldn't eat right now, otherwise I'd offer them to you too."

"Yeah.... okay....." Lena nods.

Kara now makes a move to walk out of the bedroom, but soon stops herself, and turns back around to look at Lena.

"By the way, this bra that I'm wearing, what is it? It's a little big for me, but it's like the best, most comfortable, bra I've ever warn." Kara says.

"Let me see the strap." Lena says.

Kara now reaches under the blouse to show the strap to Lena. Upon seeing the strap Lena simply grows a wide smile on her face.

"That's one of my..... La Perla bra's....." Lena says.

"La Perla?" Kara asks, "I've never heard of that brand before."

"That's cause.... they are..... a luxury.... old.... Italian.... lingerie company." Lena explains.

Kara's eyes widen at Lena saying this.

"Wait.... Luxury?" Kara asks, "Lena..... how much did this bra cost?"

"Uhmm..... Probably.... $700?" Lena says.

"$700!" Kara exclaims, "That's almost half my monthly rent! I can't wear this, what if I ruin it!"

"It's fine. I have many more..... I think.... it's only fair.... seeing as I'm responsible for you being.... without a bra." Lena says.

"O....kay..." Kara says, nervously, "I'll just make sure to be extra careful."

"Don't worry about it." Lena says.

"Alright.... Well..... I better go check on Lori now." Kara says.

"Okay." Lena nods.

"I'll be back in a little bit." Kara says.

Lena nods her head, again, at Kara, and Kara then leaves the bedroom, heading for Lori's room. Soon enough Kara finds Lori in her room, but is a little surprised to see that Lori is laying on her bed. Kara wonders if maybe Lori has decided to have a nap or something. Kara really hopes Lori didn't just hide how she truly felt about seeing Lena sick again, and has now gone into her bedroom and started crying again.

"Lori?" Kara says, in a soft voice, with a smile.

Lori now slowly rolls over, on the bed, and turns to look at Kara, and as she does, Kara's smile from her face drops right away, and not because Lori has been crying, but because Lori now has lost all color from her face, and looks absolutely awful.

"Kara..... I don't feel so good...." Lori says.


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