Chapter 45

Kara takes a breath, as she is about to reveal something that could shatter everything, everything Kara has gained recently, and what she holds so dear. Kara is finally going to reveal her secret to Lena. Kara is terrified at what the consequences of this could be. Lena could break up with her for a start. Lena could be angry with her, upset, feel betrayed. But Kara knows the worst possible thing Lena could do, as a result of this, is remove Lori from her life. That would destroy Kara, worse than anything any villain could do. Kara absolutely loves Lori, it's indescribable. Kara would die for Lori, without a second thought, so the idea that she could never see her again is terrifying. It has already been 3 days since they all returned from Midvale, and Kara hasn't had a chance to see either Lori or Lena since then. Lena has texted Kara a few times and told her that she has been completely consumed with work, and also trying to find out more about how Lex was able to pull of his heist from her National City storage facility. Kara has tried to suggest that she could just take Lori for the afternoon or something, while she could work from home, but Lena has informed her that Lori has been spending the past few days with Lillian, which she is happy about, as it's allowing Lillian and Lori to bond. Honestly, these past few days have really not been great for Kara, she misses Lori, and Lena, terribly. So the prospect that she could never see Lori again is just unimaginable. Lori doesn't know what she would do with herself. That is why this moment is so important. Eventually though, Kara releases her breath, readies herself to let it all out.

"Lena, I'm Supergirl." Kara says, simply, and takes her glasses off, allowing Lena to clearly see that she is the girl of steal.

There is a moment silence in the room after Kara says this, and Kara is just waiting for what the response might be.

"Oh my god!" A voice says, with a gasp, "All this time? You have been Supergirl? And you have hidden it behind a pair of glasses. I'm a billionaire genius tech wizz, with multiple degrees, and one of the smartest people on Earth, and somehow I, Lena Luthor, was fooled by some glasses! This is a revelation! I'm going to have to reassess how I look at my entire life now! What if my driver is secretly moonlight as some mastermind villain, and I just don't know about it because when he does, he wears a pair of glasses! This is world shattering!"

Kara now grows a big frown and a pout on her face.

"ALEX! That's not funny!" Kara says.

Alex now breaks out into laughter.

"Seriously, Alex, stop it!" Kara says, grabbing a pillow from her bed and throwing it at her sister.

Alex successfully pats the pillow out of the way.

"I'm sorry Kara, but it is funny. I think it's funny just how much you are overthinking all of this. I mean, you are literally rehearsing revealing your secret to Lena with me! You have to see how ridiculous this all this!" Alex says, with a wide smile.

Kara now grows a bit of a pout on her face for a few moments.

"I know this all is a little silly, Alex, of course I do. But this is important to me!" Kara says, "Telling Lena, it's stressing me out! I don't want to mess it up! I don't know what Lena's reaction is going to be to this. I can't control her reaction. What I can control is how I tell her that I'm Supergirl, and prepare myself to respond to any reaction that she might have. I...... I don't want to lose Lena.... and Lori...... I care about them..... so much...... and I know you love Lori too...... You wouldn't want to never see that little girl again, would you?"

After Kara says that, Alex grows a bit of a look of realisation on her face, before it settles down into a more serious look.

"You're right. I don't want that to happen, not only because I care for that little bundle of joy, but also because I see how much you care for Lena and Lori, and if this helps, even a little bit, then I'm willing to do that." Alex says.

"So..... you're going to take this seriously now?" Kara asks.

"I mean..... it's still a bit silly..... but if you think this will help you, in any way.... then yeah..... I'll try and take it seriously. I've never been a good actor though." Alex says.

"That's okay." Kara says, with a nod of her head, "And, thank you, Alex. This means a lot to me."

"You're welcome." Alex nods back, "Now, shall we go again?"

"Yes, okay." Kara says, and composes herself once more, just to get herself in the right headspace, thinking about the moment when she will tell Lena she is Supergirl, standing right in front of her, and all the nerves that come with it.

For the next 30 minutes of Alex and Kara's sister night, on Wednesday night, Kara continues to practice with Alex in regards to revealing her secret to Lena. Kara is practicing this, but in all honesty she doesn't know when she will actually be able to reveal her secret to Lena, as the L-Corp CEO has been so busy the past few days, Kara hasn't even been able to stop by and have a quick lunch or anything. Then at the same time, Kara hasn't heard a peep from Lori, as she has been with Lillian the whole time, so all in all, Kara really misses both Lena and Lori, and hopes that not seeing them doesn't last too much longer. However, Kara knows that if her secret reveal does go bad, then she might be not seeing Lena and Lori on a more permanent basis, and that's not something Kara even wants to consider. The thought of it makes her shudder, and her heart hurt.

Eventually, after a while, Alex and Kara settle down on Kara's couch in her living room, and begin eating their Chinese takeout which they have just had delivered, which includes extra potstickers, of course. From practicing the reveal with Alex for almost an hour, Kara is actually pretty emotionally exhausted. Kara knows that if Lena were to call her right now, and ask her to come over, she just wouldn't have the emotional capacity to reveal her secret to Lena currently. Thankfully, Kara very much doubts that Lena is going to call her to come over at 8 in the evening on a Wednesday night.

"So, you still don't know when you are going to tell Lena?" Alex asks, as she and Kara continue to eat their dinner on Kara's couch.

"No. Not really." Kara says, with a bit of a sigh, "Like I said, Lena's been busy, and we haven't had a chance to see each other, even briefly, since we got back to National City from Midvale."

"I see..... I guess she is a bit busy with.... looking into the Lex stuff." Alex says.

"Yeah, she is, apparently. She's also been having Lillian look after Lori these past few days, so it's not like I could just pop into L-Corp to go see Lori, even if Lena were busy either. I've offered to take Lori for an afternoon, but Lena has explained she's with Lillian, so that has been a no go." Kara says.

"Yeah..... I could see how that would suck...." Alex says.

"Speaking of Lex Luthor, has the DEO managed to track anything down? Anything that could help locate him, or see if he's buying any resources to make kryptonite?" Kara asks.

Alex sighs at Kara asking her that, because she really doesn't have any good news.

"No. We haven't got anything, which is pretty infuriating." Alex says, "There was an occasion yesterday, where we had found out about some dark web sale for alien weapons, and the deal was supposed to go down last night, here in National City. We thought that was a good lead and could have been Lex trying to pawn off some of the weapons and tech he stole from Lena to give himself some cash flow, however, when we sent agents to the bust, we soon found out that it was all a scam. The people selling the weapons were just some dumb kids who thought they could scam these alien hating people out of a few bucks. The weapons weren't even real, just some fake stuff the kids had made."

"Oh.... what happened to the kids, and the alien hating people then?" Kara asks.

"We arrested everyone, including the kids. We are charging all of them, although I doubt the kids, who were around 15 – 17, will get much prison time, if any. They might get a bunch of community service and be banned from the internet or something, seeing as the weapons were fake, and they never intended to sell real ones. As for the alien haters, they are going to be charged much more severely, just because illegal sales of weapons, which they had the intention to buy, is a federal crime. They'll all likely get 10 – 20 years in prison for that. Then on top of that, they are also being charged with illegal possession of unregistered firearms, which they had on them when the DEO arrested them. So, none of those alien haters are probably going to be seeing the light of day for the next 20 – 30 years. In all honesty, the kids are lucky we did show up and arrest all of them. From the weaponry the alien haters were carrying, I think it's possible they would have just killed the kids, and took the weapons from them." Alex explains.

"Well.... obviously it's good that you got those people off the streets..... as they sound dangerous, and/or stupid. But.... not what you were hoping for?" Kara replies.

"No. Very much not what we were hoping for." Alex says, "But the looks of things, Lex very much has gone to ground. We are not the only agency that is trying to track him. The FBI and CIA are attempting to track him down too. And, those agencies both don't tend to like sharing with other government agencies, but J'onn knows some people, and by the sounds of things they have got absolute squat too. So far the only thing of note that has happened is a bunch of guards were questioned and arrested at the prison Lex was held in, for helping him to escape, and covering up that he had escaped the prison in the first place."

"Why is the CIA involved? I understand how this would fall under FBI and CIA derestriction, but not the CIA. They are supposed to be focused on threats abroad, not at home." Kara comments.

"That's true." Alex nods, "However, the CIA are worried that seeing as Lex Luthor has a history of selling weapons, under the table, to foreign countries, including some countries we don't have a good relationship with, while he was CEO and Chairman of Luthor Corp, the CIA think it's a strong possibility that he might try and do the same with some of the technology he acquired from the robbery of L-Corp, which I can't help but agree with."

"Wait..... the CIA know that Lex was the one behind breaking into L-Corp? Has Lena been helping them or something?" Kara asks.

"No. We decided to share that information with the CIA and FBI. We told them we strongly believed that Lex Luthor had gotten his hands on some alien weapons and technology, or dangerous weapons intended to harm aliens. We didn't reveal where we thought he stole them from, despite how much the FBI and CIA tried to press us on the matter. We knew telling them about where Lex got them from would have been a lot for Lena, and she would have likely been pulled in for questioning and made a prime suspect for helping Lex. We, I, didn't want to put Lena through that." Alex says, "So, the FBI and CIA are just going to have to take our word for it. They are not the only government agencies that don't like sharing information with the others."

"Thank you for doing that, Alex." Kara says, "I know you had your suspicions about Lena at first, and you don't now, but it means a lot to me that you backed her up like that, and protected her from all of that."

"That's okay Kara. I trust Lena, so I didn't want to have her go through that, which would likely have then also fallen back on Lori. I didn't want any of that." Alex says.

Kara just nods her head at Alex saying that, and the two sisters just continue to eat the rest of their Chinese food together, mostly in comfortable silence. Eventually though, just as Kara is eating the last few potstickers, Alex looks at her sister with a sympathetic look on her face.

"How are you feeling, Kara?" Alex asks, "What is going through that head of yours?"

"What do you mean?" Kara asks.

Alex sighs at her sister saying that.

"You know what I mean." Alex says, "We just practiced for a good hour, you revealing your secret to Lena. I know you must have who knows what emotions going through your brain right now. Talk to me."

Kara now just remains silent for a few moments as she looks at her sister, before eventually sighing herself.

"I..... I honestly don't really know what I'm feeling right now, to be honest. I feel.... nervous..... scared.... terrified even. But at the same time..... I do feel a bit of a sense of relief at the idea of finally getting this Supergirl secret off my chest, even if, like I said, I'm terrified about it all going wrong." Kara says, "The thought of....... the thought of Lena knowing I'm Supergirl and then not wanting anything to do with me, because she feels betrayed, or something else, really scares me, so much. I can literally feel my heart beating really fast just thinking about it. It makes me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack."

"Okay.... just..... take some breaths, Kara." Alex says, in a soft voice.

Kara does exactly as her sister tells her, taking in some calming breaths to stop herself from getting too worked up.

"That's good, Kara." Alex says, "I don't know what to say to you though. I wish I could say to you, I'm sure that Lena won't have a negative reaction, but I can't promise that. I have no idea what is going to happen. All I know, is I don't think you keeping your secret from Lena for this long is a totally unreasonable thing for you to do. I would understand it being an unreasonable thing for you to do if you were friends for years, and spent time with Lena as Supergirl and Kara independently, and you didn't tell Lena, but that is not the case here. You and Lena have not even been on a second date yet, even if maybe you two are emotionally closer, because of Lori. But, the reactional part of my brain is thinking that Lena shouldn't have a negative reaction. However, we have to add emotions into the mix, and when you add emotions, things just become unpredictable."

Kara now remains quiet, with a bite of a nervous look on her face.

"Either way. No matter what happens Kara, I will always be here for you. If the worst-case scenario does happen, then I will be here for you Kara. We will get through it together, okay? But I really hope it doesn't come to that. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right?" Alex says.

"Right..... okay..." Kara says, with a nod of her head, after a few moments silence, in a bit of a shaky voice, "Thank you, Alex."

"Of course, Kara." Alex replies.

Alex now takes her sister in for a hug, which ends up lasting for a few moments. Their sister night then goes on from here.


It is now the following day, Thursday, and presently Kara is at CatCo, and is honestly really struggling to focus. Kara's mind is just fixated on Lena. The longer Kara is unable to actually tell Lena her secret, the more stressed out and unfocused Kara is getting. Literally for the last hour Kara has been mindlessly researching various things on her computer at CatCo, trying to come up with some sort of topic that she can write her next article about. Usually this would take Kara no time at all, but her mind keeps drifting to Lena, and everything that comes with that.

Just after 11AM, with Kara having basically wasted the last hour and a half trying to find some sort of article to write, the blonde is finally pulled out of her unfocused state by her phone ringing. Kara quickly looks at her phone, and that is when she sees that Lena is the one calling her. Upon seeing this, Kara's heart literally jumps in her chest. Kara can feel all the adrenaline flooding through her body. So, Kara takes a few moments to compose herself, and on the fourth ring, Kara finally answers the phone.

"Lena?" Kara answers, and soon smacks herself over the head, thinking a normal greeting would have just been 'hello'.

"Hello, Kara." Lena says, "I know I've been a bit bad with staying in contact these last few days, and arranging when we can see each other again, but, I've just been really busy with everything. I hope we can arrange to see each other maybe this weekend?"

"Oh.... uhh.... okay...." Kara says, in a bit of a disappointed voice, not liking that she will have to wait that long to see Lena and Lori again, "Is..... is that what you are calling for?"

"No....." Lena says, "I'm actually calling because I think it's finally time I tell Supergirl everything. I'm sure her cousin has already told her everything I told him, but there have been some new developments that I have discovered that I think she needs to know about. So, I was hoping you could arrange a meeting between me and her?"

Kara now literally feels her face flush red at Lena asking her this, because she absolutely hates this, as this puts her in such an awful position. Kara can't tell Lena, no she can't do that because she is Supergirl, because she doesn't want to tell Lena all of that over the phone. Then at the same time Kara doesn't really want to just agree to the meeting because she hates the idea of having to pretend to not be Kara in front of Lena. It gives Kara an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"I uhh....... I can do that, Lee...... But..... I think before you meet Supergirl, we really need to talk about that thing I mentioned." Kara says.

"Right... Yes. You wanted to talk with me about something." Lena says, "I really don't mean to be rude, Kara, but can it just wait until the weekend? I still have so much to do here, and Supergirl needs to know these things I just found out about Lex."

"I uhhmmm..... Well...." Kara stammers.

"Please, Kara." Lena says.

Kara sighs, away from the phone, at Lena saying that.

"Okay.... Supergirl can probably meet you at L-Corp in an hour. I'll let you know." Kara says.

"Thank you, Kara!" Lena replies, "I owe you, big time, and I promise I will make this up to you, and we will talk about whatever you wanted to talk to me about this weekend."

"Okay Lena, but I think that it's...." Kara begins.

"Oh shoot. I have to go, Kara, one of my board members is requesting to see me. Thanks again though." Lena says, and then ends the phone call, preventing Kara from saying anything else to Lena.

Now that the phone call has ended, Kara just looks down at her phone, with the call having been abruptly ended by Lena, before she could say anything else. Kara hates this, so very much. Kara hates all of this.

"For Rao's sake." Kara mutters, a bit angrily.


It is now about an hour later, and over the last hour Kara has told Lena that Supergirl will be able to meet her at L-Corp, on Lena's office balcony, at 12, midday, just like Kara suggested she would be able to. Other than telling Lena that, Kara has just really been spending the last hour preparing herself to emotionally and mentally deal with all of this. Kara knows that the last thing she needs to happen right now is for her to mess up as Supergirl and then for Lena to realise that she is Supergirl from Supergirl being like Kara. Obviously Kara could just tell Lena that she is Kara, while she is standing there as Supergirl, but she doesn't like that idea. Kara wants to tell Lena, as Kara, that she is Supergirl. Kara doesn't want to put it in Lena's head that Supergirl is who she is, and Kara is her secret, as it's the other way around. Kara Danvers is who Kara is, Supergirl is just what Kara can do.

It has now just gone 12, and Kara takes one last deep breath, trying to control all the emotions she is feeling. Despite the fact Kara has spent most of the past hour preparing herself, it really hasn't helped very much, she still feels all types of different emotions left and right, and a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. However, Kara knows she has to go to L-Corp now, as finding out this new information Lena has discovered about Lex Luthor is important, and if she arrives too late, then that will certainly upset Lena. So, Kara heads on her way to L-Corp, and a few moments later, she lands on Lena's office balcony.

Once Kara lands on the balcony she sees that Lena is sitting at her office desk, with her back to her. Lena must have heard her land, or had some sensors go off or something though, as moments later the brunette turns around, and looks directly at Supergirl, standing on the balcony. Kara then watches, and waits, as Lena opens the door to the balcony, propping it open, before stepping outside to join Supergirl.

"Hello, Supergirl, thank you for coming." Lena says, with a slight nod of her head.

"Le..... Miss Luthor." Kara nods back, almost making a mistake and calling Lena Lena, instead of Miss Luthor.

"Okay, well, I will just get straight to the point." Lena says.

Kara nods her head again.

Lena now opens her mouth to speak, but Kara soon turns her head as she hears a sound coming from inside Lena's office. A moment later, Kara spots Lori walking out of her playroom and into Lena's office. Kara and Lori's eyes soon connect.

Kara watches Lori carefully, with the moment where she and Lori are looking at one another seeming to go on forever, even though it was probably only for a second.

Eventually Lori suddenly goes running through Lena's office, and soon comes out onto the balcony, where she jumps up at Kara, causing the blonde to catch the 3-year-old in her arms, as has become a habit between Kara and Lori.

"Kara." Lori says, with a smile on her face, now snuggling further into Kara's shoulder, as the blonde holds her in her arms.

"Lori that's not......" Lena begins, before her eyes go wide with realisation.


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