"We don't talk about him."
They all said in unison.

"But isn't he a part of the council?" Y/n questioned and cocked her head to the side.

"Stop with the questions." The brunette with glasses rolled his eyes and pushed the glasses further up his nose with his middle finger. Y/n thought that he was giving her the finger but she was just being stupid.

"Yeah, questions are so annoying. Just stay quiet little bitch." Ryo sighed and rolled his red and blue eyes.

"LITTLE BITCH?" Y/n yelled and marched over to Ryo, only for him to tower over her.

"I like you, little bitch. You aren't like the other girls..." he paused for a moment then continued, "all of the others are so BORING and wouldn't dare stand up for themselves in my presence but do! I love that about you, little bitch." He chuckled and said 'little bitch' slower so that y/n could definitely hear him.

She raised her S/t (skin tone) fist and was ready to punch him until Kai, the boy with black hair and eyes of blood, grabbed her wrist. "No." He bent down and whispered in Y/n's ear, his warm breath hitting her upper neck and jaw.

She stepped back. "What are all of your names?"

Brunette with glasses and brown eyes stepped forward.
"Alex Kurama, older twin brother of Daniel Kurama."

Next the boy with the adorable red scarf stepped forward with a wide, pure grin.
"Daniel Kurama! Younger twin brother of you guessed it, Alex Kurama!" He giggled

The edgy boy with red eyes and black hair stepped forward next with a blank stare. "Kai of Ryo."

Red and blue eyed dude stepped forward and smirked. "Ryo Ito, coolest guy in school and little Kai Ito's older brother."

Kaito stepped forward, but y/n already knew him. "Kaito Kurobami. But you already knew that, gorgeous." He chuckled and winked. (I'm doing this so I can get to atleast 800 words without actually putting too much effort in loL)

Y/n giggled in response and she wasn't gonna lie, she was blushing.

The other males send glares towards Kaito. But they weren't death glares. Wait until the future chapters for that.

"Soooo...WHO is that?" She pointed at the picture of the male covering his face with his hand again.

Alex sighed. "We should tell her now or else she will ask us all of the time, and that would be annoying."

"Alright then." Kaito glanced at the photo. "His name is Dimitri, Dimitri Saiko."

"Saiko sounds familiar. Wait..." she thought for a minute or so, "SAIKO! That company sells like a fuck ton of good phones and laptops and earphones an-" Y/n was cut off by Ryo.
"Alright, Alright! We get it!" He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, got any more irrelevant questions little bitch?" Ryo sat down on one of the smaller leather office chairs painted white.

"Yes, actually. Where is this 'Dimitri Saiko' guy?"


More silence.

And even more silence.

Not even their breathing was heard.


You get the p— "He's on Holiday." Kai spoke up, straight up interrupting the author.

"Right." Ryo nodded slowly and went along with whatever was coming out of Kai's mouth.

"Business trip." Alex added.
I mean, he wasn't wrong. It was a sort of business. Something only the council knew.

The bell rang.

"Oh, you better be off. We have a meeting during second period
so tah tah!" Kaito waved with his gloved hand.

Y/n picked up her f/c designer handbag and walked out after saying her goodbyes.

"Good thing Daniel didn't say anything. He always messes up somehow and says the wrong thing." Ryo snored after y/n left.

Daniel just stared at the floor and whispered "I'm still here..."  he sniffed.

"Hm? Did you say something?" Alex chuckled at the poor boy.

"No sir." Daniel looked up and shook his head.

"Good, because you don't say anything without orders."

???'s POV.
"Sir, a young female with H/c hair, E/c eyes has joined the school." The butler went on about obvious details and very disturbing and very personal information on Y/n.

"Oh, really?" The white haired male snatched the picture of the gorgeous girl from his butler's hand. "That's her. She's beautiful."

"Yes sir, I agree." The old butler smiled at his master.

"Oh? What was that?" He raised a gun to the butler's head.

"Sir, please don't shoot."

"Makes me want to shoot you even more when you beg." He smirked and pulled the trigger, a few maids coming to take the body away.

"Tanaka? Tell Mr Valdez and my father that I will be returning to Valdez Academy." He turned to a shook butler in the corner of his room.

"Yes, mr Saiko." The butler left the room.

"Oh, n/n (Nick name) I missed you so much when you left. Now you are back...I hope you don't leave when I come back again. That'd be a shame."

"And don't forget,
that you're all mine..."



Uh, that was weird to write lol. Thanks for reading my crappy chapter! Have a good night/morning.


873 words
