
Daniel Kurama:

Club: Student Council, cooking club
Self Defence: very weak.
Bio: Very nice, probably the nicest guy in school. Many girls are attracted to him because of his sweet looks.

Kaito Kurobami

Club: Student Council, Drama club.
Self defence: Strong, but not quite as strong as Ryo.
Bio: Flirty, attracts a lot of attention and is one of the most popular guys in school.

Ryo Ito

Club: Student Council, disciplinary committee, martial arts club
Self defence: Very Strong
Bio: A quiet guy, very rich and famous. At school, he tends to stay away from people and he stays away from them.

Kai Ito

Club: Student Council, Occult Club.
Self defence: ???
Bio: Not much is known about Kai, people just know that he's insane and Ryo Ito's younger brother.

Alex Kurama

Club: Student Council
Self defence: Strong
Bio: Student council president. He is Daniel Kurama's older twin brother. He is more popular than him and is better than him in every way. Because of his accomplishments and he is the eldest son of the Kurama company, he is favourited and never fails to beat his brother in anything.

Dimitri Saiko

Club: Student Council, President.
Self defence: ?
Bio: Never seen around school. A lot of rumours spread about this guy.


Here are just a few things you might wanna know if you're new to an XReader story~! x

Y/n= Your name
Md/n = Middle Name (I rarely use this, and if you don't have one just ignore it!)
L/n= Last name
M/n= Mother's name
D/n= Dad's name
F/c= Favourite colour
H/c= Hair colour
E/c= Eye colour
H/l= Hair length
S/c= Skin colour
F/F= Favourite food

And so on! If I do choose to add a new _/_, I will put im brackets what it means next to it. Also, please don't expect a lot of updates because I have a lot of school work.
