Airport, 8:14 pm.

Y/n exited the plane and collected her luggage, M/n trailing behind her excitedly.
"Y/n, isn't this place beautiful?" She squealed.
"No mom, it's the airport." Her daughter said after a few seconds.

M/n drove Y/n to their new house, which was in the middle of no where. The house was large and looked kind of old, but had a modern twist to it.

Y/n entered the already furnished house and ran up to a room, instantly claiming it because of the f/c colours.
Sweet fairy lights were strung up against the wall with a window and so the room was dimly lit. The bed wasn't too big, it was a double and was right up against the wall facing a mirror and a wardrobe that was yet to be filled with Y/n's expensive clothes.

She began to unpack the many blankets and pillows she brought from home. One of the pillows had a picture of her own little Pomeranian who was currently at her aunt's house not far from her own.

Y/n lazily slipped on her cupcake pjs and flopped onto the f/c bed, the white fluffy blanket at the end of it warming her up. She curled up in the pile of stuffed animals and slept in an instant, her snores like thunder echoing a bit (Sorry if you don't snore lMao).

Wednesday, December 10th,  6:15 am.
Y/n literally rolled out of bed and slipped on her uniform which she found quite cute.

Where she use to live, she didn't wear uniforms so wearing one was weird.

She ran downstairs and got lost a few times, quickly ate her breakfast and then said goodbye "Bye mom, see you later!" She yelled up the stairs before running out and getting slapped in the face by the ice cold wind.

Snow fell to the ground next to her as she walked, the snow was only ankle deep so It wasn't that hard to get through. Y/n kept her head down so that the snow wouldn't go in her eyes. Bad choice. She bumped into someone and almost fell.

The person caught her wrist before she fell and pulled her up into their chest. "Oh, hi!" They said cheerfully.

Y/n looked up to see a bubbly Male with chocolate brown hair and eyes to match, he also wore a bright red scarf that covered his chin and jaw.

"I'm sorry! I-I wasn't paying attention!" Y/n stuttered, the Male only chuckling softly in response.
"It's okay; It's partially my fault!" He giggled.

His eyes of chocolate sparkled a bit when he looked Y/n up and down in secret. All of his bad emotions were swept away and he was instantly happy. Happier than normal.

"Do you go to Valdez Academy? (sorry I couldn't come up with a decent name— after all, this is mE. I have 0 creativity aHAH) You have the uniform the girls wear!"

"Oh, uh...yes I do. I transferred today..." She coughed and brushed the soft snow off of her school jumper.

"Oh! In that case, let's walk together."

Valdez Academy, 8:12 am.

Y/n entered the school alone as the bubbly boy had to go a different way into school.

She instantly felt uncomfortable as people were staring at her.

"Oh, wow! She's drop dead gorgeous!"

"I know, look at her hair! It looks so soft. I wonder what hair products she uses!"

"She won't last a week! She'll catch the attention of the student council."

"Aww, no fair! I wish that I was pretty so that the student council could notice me."

Y/n sighed. She was indeed an extremely beautiful girl and caught everyone's attention all of the time. Even in the shittest and most crappiest lighting, she looked like a runway model.

As she walked down the corridor, her h/l hair flowed behind her in such a way that it almost seemed slow motion, turning heads.

Meanwhile, in the classroom she was suppose to be in, everyone was sat down patiently waiting for Y/n's entrance. The people who somehow hadn't heard of Y/n and somehow hadn't seen her were very excited. Boys were waiting to see if the new girl was their potential new girlfriend and the girls who thought y/n was a boy were hoping that whoever walked through the door could be their potential Prince Charming.

"Okay students, I'd like to introduce you to Y/n Md/n L/n." The teacher announced as the most beautiful girl most people have ever laid their eyes on walked through the door.

Boys stared in awe while the girls were just as impressed and jealous. "Hello, my name is Y/n but I don't really mind what you call me. I am a little bit of a pain but I hope that you can all get to know me and be my friends!" She said with her best I-am-so-happy-to-be-here voice. Which ended up just sounding reallllyyyy sarcastic, not like anyone really cared because no one really gave a shit about school.

Heck, even the teacher was jealous of y/n. "Alright, please go sit next to Kaito in the back." The teacher smiled softly.

Y/n stood on her tip toes to see the boy at the back and oh my god when she saw him was she shocked. The boy was beautiful, everything about him shone.

(Ignore the roses lol) The boy looked up and winked. On his blazer was a pin decorated with silver and gold and on it read 'Student Council'.

Y/n fiddled with her oversized jumper and sat next to the boy at the back. He stared at her and bit his lip through out the entire class. For some reason, the teacher did not tell him off. Instead, the teacher stared at him in fear like he held something against her.


——————— 1008 words

Thanks for reading my new story! For the small amount of amazing people who read my stories, thank you so much! I'm a shit author and I really need to improve on a lot of things but it really means a lot that you stick around! I try my best to update. Thank youuuu~!
